Yazi Yingshan smiled coquettishly, and walked out from the shadows, followed closely by Chuan Yilang.


Li Qinghe's eyes were cold, he remembered everything about this guy killing him.

"Zuo Mo, you haven't said hello to my brother yet, it's not like you haven't met before."

Yazi Yingshan seemed to have not seen Li Qinghe's expression, and patted Zhuoxiang Yilang's shoulder affectionately.

"Long time no see, see you again, you have become a lot stronger."

When Zhuan Xiang Yilang said this, he showed great discomfort. From Li Qinghe's tone, it's not like he couldn't hear other things.

And looking at Li Qinghe's appearance, it seems that he wants to kill himself. He is not that muscular crocodile, his brain is full of muscles, and he doesn't know how to die until he dies.

Zhuo Shao Yilang is confident that he can defeat Li Qinghe, especially now that the kaixa belt is not by Li Qinghe's side.This is nothing to worry about, the strength of his former wild boar Ofienuo, I have seen it from the data, that's it.

If it wasn't for Yako Kageyama's request, he wouldn't be so polite.Yazi Yingshan promised him that as long as he agreed to this deal, she would not pursue the matter of killing his brother.

Tuanan Yilang felt that if he really wanted to confront her, it would be [-]-[-], and if Li Qinghe was added next to it, it would be [-]-[-].

That's why Zhuan Xiang Yilang didn't intend to get into a stalemate here.Otherwise, no one will look good.

"Yeah, long time no see."

Li Qinghe bit the word "see" very hard for the last time.

Yazi Yingshan saw Li Qinghe and Zhuomo Yilong's swords were tense, so he quickly separated them and said the topic.

"Shun, do you want to join Lucky Clover?"

Kageyama Yako asked.

"There is no shortage of lucky clover now. Why did you suddenly ask me this question?"

Li Qinghe said.

"Lucky Clover has no shortage of people, who said that. There will be a shortage of people soon, I think you can and are qualified to join. In this way, we are a family.

Before the potential is transformed into strength, excessive consumption of one's own potential, there is a fool who is almost worthless.Otherwise, how could he be sent to perform so many missions.And he's still alone, and I've been displeased with him for a long time. "

Yazi Yingshan was talking about the crocodile Ophelia, and Li Qinghe recognized it.

Li Qinghe also had doubts at the beginning, why the crocodile Ofienuo was always in the dark, and came out every few days to find trouble, and he often walked by the river, so there was no one who didn't get his shoes wet.

Now it seems that Lucky Clover has already planned to abandon him.

"Such a good opportunity, of course I want to join Lucky Clover."

Li Qinghe thought for a while without hesitation. This is a good opportunity to break into Orfienuo's interior, why not join in.As a Lucky Clover cadre, I am still very free.

"Since you have agreed. Then the deal between me and Zhuomo has been concluded. No matter what disputes you two had before, it will be erased now, and everything will start again. Is there a problem? Brother."

Kageyama Yako asked with a smile.

Li Qinghe shook his head, he understood the reason why Yazi Yingshan came here, and he gave himself some benefits.

On the one hand, she doesn't want to confront the lucky clover prematurely.

Li Qinghe is really no match for the current lucky four-leaf clover by himself.

Another reason is that Yako Kageyama misses her brother, and she wants to see him every day.

"Since we're reconciled, let's shake hands."

Led by Yazi Yingshan, Li Qinghe and Zhuomo Yilang gently shook hands.Neither Li Qinghe nor Zhuo Xiang Yilang were prepared to let the other party go easily.

On the surface, the two get along happily, but secretly they are ready to make each other give in.Before thinking about Yilang's murder of Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe could only rot it in his stomach and never mentioned it again.

"Brother, you have grown up a lot. Before you, this person would have been angered by mankind in vain, but now that you can deal with him mercilessly, you are already moving closer to the qualified Ophelia.

I will help you take care of your role as the cadre of Lucky Clover in a while.You have to work hard, I will not interfere with you.Don't worry, Murakami, I won't let him attack you. "

Yazi Yingshan patted Li Qinghe's head dotingly, and left here.

In her opinion, it was very worthwhile to be able to resolve the conflict between Li Qinghe and Zhuo Mo Yilang.Of course, there will still be friction between the two in the future.

Kageyama Yako can naturally see it, but she believes that her younger brother can solve it.Even if it can't be solved, isn't there still her?She is his good sister for the rest of her life, and if she is not good to him, she is good to anyone else.

Zhuo Mo Yilang also left, and Yazi Yingshan left.

After Li Qinghe dealt with Deben Kyosuke, the anger in his heart finally calmed down.

Now that Kaxia's belt is in Soka's hands, I will compete with him in acting to see who is the best actor.Who is not born to be an acting baby?

Li Qinghe returned to his home, saw the home, and as soon as he entered, he saw Gan Qiao and the actor Cao Jiaren who were at a standstill.

"Qinghe, you are back, just in time. Let me tell you some good news, Caojia can use the belt of kaxia."

As soon as he entered the door, Li Qinghe didn't even have time to change his shoes, so Truth said happily.

But, is this good news for Li Qinghe?

Li Qinghe opened his mouth and showed a bright smile.

"Wow, you can use the kaxia belt, that's amazing."

Li Qinghe seemed to be transformed into a dog at this moment, Cao Jia was at a loss.

He learned from the truth and their mouths that in addition to being able to use the kaixa belt himself, Li Qinghe could also use it.

Speaking of himself, it took away his chance.Why is he not hostile to himself at all.

"You are the famous Caojia people, the truth often mentions you here.

When you were young, you were bullied by other big brothers every day, and you were miserable, thanks to the truth that helped you again and again.

I really didn't expect that you have become so strong now, no one will bully you now.If anyone bullies you, tell me, alas, why do you look so ugly, are you sick? "

Have you ever heard of the desire to restrain and first raise?

In the second half of his sentence, Li Qinghe began to belittle Cao Jia calmly.

Truth began to see that Li Qinghe and Cao Jia were getting along happily, but she seemed to hear something was wrong.

Cao Jiaya's face turned embarrassing, and he still didn't reveal his shortcomings by cursing.

Li Qinghe's words brought his dark history back to the surface.

"See if your current clothes are second-hand clothes. Coincidentally, my family runs a laundry. Some employers, who have money, only wear clothes once, so they give them to us.

There must be some clothes that fit you. "

Li Qinghe said "really poisonous".

Truth quickly grabbed Li Qinghe and stopped him from speaking.

"Qinghe, this, you also know that he is my classmate, so I decided to keep him and fight against Ophelia. What do you think?"

After all, the house belonged to Li Qinghe, so she had to tell Li Qinghe in advance about keeping people to stay, she didn't think Li Qinghe would not agree.

Chapter 1 and Four

"Oh, it's no problem to stay here. But I remember, there seems to be no room to spare. Why don't you let him go to the storage room for a few days?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"This, this..."

Truth felt a little unkind, Cao Jia came here to help, how could he treat him like this.

However, Li Qinghe was right.Originally, there were enough rooms, even if two more people could live there, but there is a laundry shop opened here.

Those rooms are full of fully automatic washing machines and other machines, and it would take a lot of work to move them.Have a repairman come over and reinstall the wiring.

You said, let Li Qinghe live in the storage room that used to store sundries, he is the owner of the house.How can I let others live there.

Let Gan Qiao go, look at this A Qiao staring at the donkey's eyes, it is obvious that he is not happy with Cao Jia, and you still want him to make room for Cao Jia, so forget it.

After thinking for a long time, Truth had no choice but to say: "How about, Cao Jia, I live in the storage room, you can live in my room first."

"How embarrassing that is."

Cao Jiaya looked troubled, but he didn't directly refuse. It seemed that he was waiting for the truth to continue to say a few words of kindness, and lived in the truth room.

Li Qinghe said ahead of the truth.

"That's right, how dare a big man live in a girl's room. You survived being bullied so much when you were a child. It's definitely okay to live in a slightly narrow room.

Right, Soka, as a guest, you have to settle for a few days, and then you'll get used to it. "

If eyes could kill, the Caojia people would have already torn Li Qinghe's body to pieces.

You did it on purpose, you did it on purpose.What is second-hand clothes, what is being bullied every day, let me live in a room that is a little bigger than the bathroom, and let myself adapt without thinking about changing the environment?

Li Qinghe just wanted to act like a scumbag on purpose, daring to take away my kaixa belt.You still want to live in the boudoir of truth.You live in Kui Kui and go!I haven't even seen her room!

The smile on Li Qinghe's face was full of sincerity.Li Qinghe has run the Cao Jiaya people like this, his happiness comes from the bottom of his heart, don't hide it.The days to come are still long, let's settle the score bit by bit.

You see, I think of you more.As a man, you have to work hard to become a talent.

There is a saying that is good, you can provoke hypocrites, but not real villains.The villain takes revenge, he perseveres day and night.

Li Qinghe's bright smile made Cao Jiaya want to punch him out!It hit Li Qinghe's chrysanthemum face!

As soon as the words came down, Cao Jiaya's popular Yuexiong accent was swollen, but he didn't know if Li Qinghe did it on purpose, or if this person was born, I'm afraid he is a fool!

"Well, no problem, truth. I'll just live here."

Sogaya agreed.

After Li Qinghe heard it, he quickly and enthusiastically held Cao Jiaya's hand,

"As expected, he is a real man who can use the kaixa belt. Just wait, I will clean up your room first, so that you can stay tonight."

The "enthusiastic" Li Qinghe immediately opened the storage room and began to help Cao Jiaya clean up the room.

Sure enough, I was wrong.Someone who doesn't even care about kaixa must be a big fool.

Cao Jiaya said heartily.

"Damn it, why is there still consumption!"

Li Qinghe shouted on purpose.

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, Cao Jiaya unconsciously took out a tissue and wiped his hands.

"Wow, there are also cockroaches, where did they come from, they grow so big, they are so delicious after frying them, they are so beautiful..."

Li Qinghe said with a hum, he seemed a little happy in this mood.

Truth, a woman with a feminine personality, is also afraid of cockroaches and rats!

Cao Jiaya sat on the sofa, pretending not to hear, but unconsciously took out another tissue and continued to wipe his hands.

Soka Yaren said: "It turns out that everyone is fighting, I'm really sorry, I decided that I will also fight as kaixa."

Truth poured a glass of water for Sogaya and said, "Sauka, you don't need to apologize for this."

"I can't just sit back and watch those monsters go around killing people and just ignore them."

When the Caojia people said this, they were staring at the truth. As for protecting others, just listen to it, my child.Anyone can say a few words about such false words.

"Aqiao, look, this way you have a very trustworthy partner."

Truth happily said to Ganqiao.

Ganqiao sat on the sofa on the other side, lowered her head, "You can do whatever you want. But don't drag me down.

It was the same in the battle just now, you rushed over for no reason when I was about to strike the final blow.Don't do this in the future. "

What Ganqiao said was that the Cao Jiaya people robbed people of their heads.

Don't you know there is a saying in the game industry that stealing people and wild monsters is like killing an old mother?Such a metaphor may not be appropriate, but it means this.

"You, you always like to quarrel with people so much. When you see the river, they will help Cao Jia clean up the room. The most important thing now is the result."

Zhenjiao trained him to be skillful.

"No, he's absolutely right. By the way, your name is..."

The Caojia people "sincerely" accepted the criticism of the "predecessors".

"His name is Qianqiao."

Truth replied for Qianqiao.There was no other way, the arrogant Ganqiao leaned on his fist and leaned on the table.

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