After finishing speaking, Haitang grabbed her bag and hurried to Li Qinghe's house to find the truth.

Speaking of which, Haitang's ability to recognize the truth was also accidental.

During the time when Li Qinghe entered the world of Shadow Crocodile, Zhenzhen came to Kiba Yuji's home to wash the clothes, and met Haitang Naoya who couldn't get out of bed because of the quarrel with Kiba Yuji.

In the end, under Truth's commanding tone like a female man, Haitang Zhi also changed his clothes, and he found that he seemed to like Truth.It was not easy to learn the location of the laundry from Yuhua.Immediately impatient to go out.

"Wait a minute, I haven't finished."

Behind him, Yuji Kiba looked helpless, this Haitang was just like a child.

Then, at the crossroads, Truth met Naoya Haitang holding a rose while delivering clothes.

Truth remembered this person, wasn't he just the lazy guy who was lying in bed last time?Truth did not impress him very well.

"Last time, last time I really thanked you. I came here specially to thank you today."

Haitang also stammered and said, he had rehearsed several times before he came here, how can I say thank you.

Haitang also looked at the red light on the sidewalk, stopped the motorcycle, and approached the truth bit by bit with the rose.

"No need. Sorry, I'm still in a hurry."

Truth does not want to accept his roses.

"It's okay, it's just for a while, anyway, let's drink first, let's have a cup of tea, okay, come on, what's the matter, let's drink tea."

Haitang also stammered and said in a pleading tone.He has never treated Nagata Yuka like this, but has always refused Nagata Yuka.It's true that there is reincarnation in the way of heaven.

Truth looked at the time on the traffic light.Suddenly said in a serious tone.

"Attention. Turn right."

"Yes Yes."

Haitang listened to the truth without thinking.

"Run forward, ride on the motorcycle. Put the car in gear, and move forward at full speed!"

"Yes. Very happy."

At this time, the green light happens to be.Haitang gave a "shake" and rushed out.

After driving for a certain distance, I realized that I turned around and looked behind me, only to find that the truth was gone.

"Why did I obey her orders? Is this love? It's the magic of love, and the magic of love goes around in circles."

Haitang Zhi also shouted, and rushed to Li Qinghe's house.Anyway, the truth must return to the store in the end.

Li Qinghe went out today, because Na Kelulu called her, and she has already recruited ten Aofeienuo members, although they are all non-native Aufienuo members.

Li Qinghe came to the sc foundation founded by Na Kelulu.

Li Qinghe was really satisfied to be able to buy a [-]-story building in the center of Tokyo.

As for the means by which it was obtained, does that matter?


"Just call me the president from now on."

Greeted by sc foundation members, Li Qinghe entered the training ground of Orfi Enoch.

"These are the Orfienuo who joined the SC Foundation."

Nako Lulu pointed to a group of young people who were standing upright, and said.

"Well, that's pretty good. I'll divide the strength of Orfi Enoch into eight levels, and I'll tell you later. In this way, there will be a reference for their strength."

Li Qinghe walked in front of them and transformed into the unicorn Ophelia.

"In the future, you will be members of the sc foundation, and you will fight for the sc foundation until your death. Is there anyone who is not happy?"

Li Qinghe was going to jump a thorn or two, and kill the chicken to show the monkey.Among these ten people is the former snail Orfienuo.

Whether they dare to be happy or not, those who are not happy have already been dealt with by that crazy woman with a hunting gun.

As a result, the ten people said in unison, "President, there is no problem!"

After Li Qinghe inspected the group of people, he praised Xia Na Kelulu appropriately, and left contentedly.

You have to show your face to your subordinates from time to time to let them know who you are serving.In a few days, when Kobayashi Yui from Shadow Crocodile World has gained a firm foothold, let Nako Lulu go back.

It is better to rest assured that this sc foundation is in your own hands.

In the laundry shop, Cao Jiaya saw that there was only Ganqiao alone, showing his true colors.

"Some laundry for you. I'm a guest today."

Sogaya said in a slightly arrogant tone.

Ganqiao spread out the clothes in the bag, marked them, and wrote a receipt to Cao Jiaya.

"You don't seem to like me."

Sogaya said with a stiff smile on his face.

"Aren't you like this too?"

Qianqiao lowered her head, and said while filling in the information.


Cao Jiaya said.

"Do you know that what I'm most upset about is your appearance. Don't pretend to be a good person, everyone knows how it is."

After Gan Qiao filled out the receipt form, he entered the information into the computer.

"ha ha aha."

Hear the laughter of the Sokaya people.

He asked unhappily, "What are you laughing at?"

"You are so frank, I should like you."

Cao Jiaya really hates being clever in his heart, no matter in school or outside, few people dare not give him face.

"Those are not important, but you are hiding something."

Qian Qiao looked into the eyes of Cao Jiaya and asked.

"what you mean?"

Sogaya asked.

"Stop pretending to me. Your classmates will commemorate the message.

You, who didn't attend the class reunion at all, have your name on it.When you see it, your face visibly changes.

What are you hiding, what are you afraid of?Why did you tell everyone it was just a prank. "

Coincidentally, he is worthy of being a wolf-shaped Ophelia, and his perception is keen.

"To shut up!"

Cao Jiaya, who was seen through by Qianqiao, became angry.

Chapter 1 Execution of the Traitor

"What did you say?"

Ganqiao was stunned by Cao Jiaya who suddenly got angry.

"Shut up! Don't look like you see through people. You don't understand anything at all!"

Sogaya repeated what he had just said.

Qianqiao's face turned black all of a sudden, it's true that Qianqiao is a kind person, and it's true that Qianqiao has a good temper.But being good-tempered doesn't mean being bad-tempered.

When Qianqiao drops his clothes and gives you a face, you just push your nose on the face, right?

Truth just happened to come back.

"Soka-kun, you're back."

"Yeah, I took some clothes for you to wash. These are my classmates' clothes."

Cao Jiaya is worthy of being the film king, and in front of Qianqiao, he said it was his clothes, although it was actually his clothes.But when they saw the truth, they said it was the clothes of other students.

"That's the guest, welcome. If you don't mind, let's have lunch together. Qinghe called to say that he has something to do and won't be back at noon."

When it was lunch time, Truth, Cao Jia, and Gan Qiao sat at the table to eat.

During the meal, Soka saw that Qianqiao's food was different from his own.They ate curry rice, but the gan chao was cold noodles, and it was like a children's fun meal.

"Let me ask, why is he the only one like that?"

Sogaya asked.

"It's nothing, because he's cat's tongue. And he's a kid."

The truth speaks for granted.

Ganqiao looked at his children's set meal, wondering if he saw some grass-fed people among the fellow diners, and felt particularly unappetizing today.

"oh, I see."

Cao Jiaya smiled sweetly at the truth, this smile was dazzling in Qianqiao's eyes.Does this feel like a child?

"Don't be kidding. Who likes to eat this kind of thing."

Angrily, Qianqiao picked up the plate, looked at the shaking peach pudding, and seemed to have an appetite again.But the words have already been released, and it would be a pity to throw them away.I can only pull out the island flag on the food and pretend that I am not hungry.

Qianqiao put down the food and left the table.The moment Cao Jiaya lowered his head, he showed a smile of success.

After lunch, Cao Jiaya saw Gan Qiao ironing clothes.

"Yeah, you're pretty skilled."

Cao Jiaya calmly approached Ganqiao.

"Of course. You know, I heard that people who can't even iron clothes are definitely not good people."

He said provocatively.

Ironing clothes is a life skill that Ganqiao has only learned recently.

"Can I try it?"

Cao Jiaya took the electric iron from Ganqiao's hand.

Gan Qiao also wanted to see how shriveled Cao Jia Ya was, so he gave him the iron.

As a result, although the grassy and elegant people were very good when they were young, they turned out to be [-]% all-round masters when they grew up.

"Wow, you're awesome. You don't look like an outsider at all."

Truth was surprised to see the Caojia people ironing the clothes. When they got closer, they found that the Caojia people ironed the clothes very well.

"Of course, I used to work part-time at the laundromat."

When the Caojia people heard the truth and praised themselves, they showed an eggplant smile.

Seeing Cao Jiaya people ironing clothes, he also did better than himself.Gan Qiao was very depressed, how could he continue to act aggressively, pushed him away, took the electric iron and continued ironing.

"Go away, the reflexion of the arm is not hot enough."

As a result, with a clever pull, a hole was torn in the clothes.

This is very embarrassing.

In order to alleviate this embarrassment, Truth asked Qianqiao to accompany her out to deliver clothes.Ganqiao didn't want to see Cao Jiaya's smug face, so he agreed.

On a blue Honda t36.

Truth praised Soka Masato: "Saoka-san is really amazing. When he was in college, he served as the head of the fencing, tennis, and equestrian departments. He also irons clothes so well that he can do everything."

"It's me who is so bad, I don't know anything."

Gan Qiao said with a sigh.

Truth sees Ganqiao being so negative, how can this work.Truth coaxed: "That's not the case, Qiao, you also have many advantages."

Qianqiao heard that there are things in him that Cao Jiaya people don't have, come and listen. "

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