
I really thought about it for a long time, but I still didn't expect Qianqiao to say: "Well, give me a night to think about it."

"Why can you talk right away, but you have to think about it all night."

Gan Qiao hit his head on the back seat.

Truth complained in his heart, if he didn't give you such a long time to think, he would never think of your advantages!

At this time, Truth saw j on the road.

J stopped in the middle of the road and transformed into the crocodile Orfi Enoch.

Truth hurriedly braked, and happened to see the crocodile Orfienuo.

"It's him again, isn't he dead yet?"

He happened to recognize it, this is the crocodile Orfienuo who killed twice.

Gan Qiao equipped the faix belt and rushed towards the crocodile Orfienuo.

at the same time.

Because Haitang Naoya left suddenly, Kiba Yuji, who was a little worried about him, drove Nagata Yuka in a car and chased him out.

"Where did you go, that guy Haitang?"

Nagata Yuka looked around nervously for Haitang Naoya's whereabouts.

"Now he seems to be in love, but the object does not seem to be you."

Yuji Kiba asked this question. Since having his wife Chie Morishita, his EQ has really dropped.

"It's embarrassing for you to ask me, Mr. Kiba."

After hearing this, Yuka Nagata froze.How could she not understand what Kiba Yuji could see.

"I'm sorry. However, I think my younger brother Qinghe is quite suitable for you. I just don't know where he is now. He hasn't gone to work at Zhinao Group for a long time. I'm really worried about him."

Kiba Yuji immediately realized his gaffe and apologized.

And Naoya Haitang, whom Kiba Yuji was talking about before, was stopped by someone on the way to Li Qinghe's house.

Zhuo Shao Yilang still held the collection of poems, opened the collection of Goethe's poems, adjusted his glasses, and said slowly:

"Naoya Haitang, you have failed the president's expectations of you. You also lost your faiz belt and refused to continue to be a law enforcement officer. Combined punishment for several crimes, I sentence you to death!"

Think about it and point to Haitang Zhiye.

Haitang Zhi also got off the motorcycle and took off his helmet.

"Could it be, are you Orfienuo!"

"That's right, but against someone like you, I don't need to transform. If I can control all the power of Orfi Enoch, even the human form can exert considerable power."

After Haitang finished speaking, she opened the collection of poems and casually pointed to a sentence.

An energy ball floated out of the book, and the energy ball contained words from the poetry collection, and it directly smashed Haitang Naoya into the air.

Zhuo Mo Yilang belongs to the sixth-stage powerhouse, and Haitang Zhi also belongs to the third-stage miscellaneous fish. It is only in terms of vision and smell that it shows the innate advantages of the snake-shaped Ophelia.

Haitang Zhiya directly transformed into a serpentine Orpheus and rushed over.

"Ah, ha."

Haitang Zhi also punched Yue Xiong's mouth, which was easily blocked by Zhuo Mo Yilang with a collection of Goethe poems.

Haitang also increased his strength, trying to break through this collection of poems, but no matter how hard he tried, Dian Xiangyilong looked at him confidently, and the collection of poems was still not damaged in the slightest.


Haitang also wanted to take back the fist that was punched out, but felt that the fist seemed to be stuck on the thin book of poems and could not be taken back.

Zhuo Shao Yilang smiled coldly, and once again sent Haitang straight to the side with one punch.

Haitang refused to admit defeat and charged forward again.

Chapter 1: Battle on Two Lines

With a collection of poems, Tuan Xiang Yilang easily blocked all of Haitang Naoya's attacks.

Haitang didn't even want to hit that book, but no matter how he attacked, what he got was either the indestructible poetry collection, or he was dodged by him.

"It's really weak. I really miss this kind of weak Orfi Enoch. You remind me of me back then, so..."

Zhuo Mo Yilang started to attack, and the attack became more ruthless, he took back the poetry collection, and used the poetry collection instead of his own hand to slap Haitang Naoya's face.

At the end of the day, Haitang was kicked away with the last kick.

"This person is better than Hinako Sasaki who taught me."

Haitang Zhiya compared the teacher who taught him fighting skills with Zhuo Mo Yilang, and came to this conclusion.

Zhuo Mo Yilang is the only one who has done it—Offienuo, whose true knowledge is power.

Haitang Zhiya was ready to die here, but saw Kiba Yuji's car stopped in front of her, and helped him up.

"Oh, I also said that I will deal with you later. It just so happens that you are here, Yuji Kiba, it is you. Let's solve it together."

Kiba Yuji is also one of the traitors that the president Murakami Kyoji told him to solve, so let's get rid of it by the way.

It's just that Kiba Yuji's strength is not comparable to that miscellaneous fish {especially Naoya Haitang} just now.

Kiba Yuji belongs to the same original Ophelia as him, and his strength has reached the fifth stage.Although it seems to be on the same level as j, it is not a problem for j to beat Kiba Yuji.

j is an existence infinitely close to the sixth stage of Orfienoch.Although J is the weakest among the lucky four-leaf clover, he is not that weak.

Takumo Ichiro takes Kiba Yuji seriously, and beside Kiba Yuji there is Nagata Yuka, who is also a native Orfi Enoch, and her strength is worse than Kiba Yuji.

However, Yuka Nagata, who often uses the power of Orfi Enoch, is not to be underestimated. No matter how you say it, she is much stronger than Haitangzhi.

Takumo Ichiro put the collection of Goethe's poems on the ground, and watched Kiba Yuji and the others help Haitang Naoya up.

"You are also an Orfienoch traitor."

After finishing speaking, Takumo Yilang transformed into a centipede, Orfienuo.

Yuji Kiba saw that Naoya Haitang was attacked by the people from Zhinao Tuanai, he was angry, and transformed into a horse-shaped Ophelia.

Nagata Yuka saw Kiba Yuji transformed, and she transformed too.

Naoya Haitang was protected by Yuka Nagata and Yuji Kiba in tandem, and for the first time, she felt moved and wanted to cry.From this moment on, he believed in Kiba Yuji.

Yuji Kiba was the first to rush towards Takuma Kazuro.

Takumo Ichiro easily dodged Kiba Yuji's fist, slapped off Nagata Yuka's hand, and kicked away Haitang Naoya who wanted to sneak attack.

Takumo Ichiro kicked Kiba Yuji on the head, and Kiba Yuji blocked Takumo Ichiro's random kick with two fists in front of him.

Sensing the gap in strength between the two sides, Kiba Yuji summoned his own weapon - the long sword.

"Ah, ah!"

Kiba Yuji charged forward with his sword in hand.

"Is the strength so strong? But it's not enough."

While Takumo Ichiro easily dodged Kiba Yuji's sword, he threw Nagata Yuka aside, and even punched Haitang Naoya on the chin.One against three effortlessly!

After all, Zhuo Mo Yi Ling is the existence of the sixth stage.

Nagada Yuka flew up, trying to throw Zhuo Mo Yilang away, but Zhuo Mo Yilang threw him to the ground not far away.

Zhuo Shao Yilang casually grabbed the fallen Haitang and stood in front of him.

Yuji Kiba was so frightened that he hurriedly withdrew his sword, Zhuo Ruo slapped Haitang Naoya away with a slap, and kicked Yuji Kiba to the ground with one kick.

But Nagata Yuka rushed over to stop him again, and was easily pushed aside by Takumo Yilang.

Naoya Haitang, who fell to the ground in front of Zhuo Shao Yilang, circled behind him and hugged him.

Kiba Yuji, who got up from the ground, seized the opportunity and successfully slashed on Takumo Ichiro with his sword.

Takumo Yiro shook easily, shook the crabapple on his back to the side, and kicked Kiba Yuji's waist.

"I was hurt, then I'll be more serious."

Zhuo Mo Yilang opened his hands and summoned his own weapon - centipede whip.

"ia, ia."

One whip whipped the long sword in Kiba Yuji's hand away, and the second whip directly hit Kiba Yuji's face.

Kiba Yuji covered his face, and then the third whip pulled Kiba Yuji down the hillside.

Kiba Yuji rolled down the hillside into the river.

The island country has a lot of water, and there are rivers everywhere.

In fact, in the battle just now, if you were careful, you should have discovered it.Takumo Ichiro didn't hit Yuka Nagata, he beat Yuji Kiba and Naoya Haitang.

Yuji Kiba was defeated and disappeared.Three-on-one has become two-on-one, and three-on-one may not be able to win a battle, let alone two-on-one now.And Kiba Yuji is still the main force of the three of them!

Zhuo Shao Yilang held the centipede whip and looked at Haitang Zhiya.

Haitang also shouted loudly——ah!

Thinking about it, Yilong thought that he would rush forward to continue fighting, but he turned around and ran away.

After thinking about it, Yilong was going to deal with Haitang Zhiya thoroughly first.

As a result, Nagata Yuka leaped forward and stopped in front of him.

Nagata Yuka was ready to continue fighting him, and covered Haitang Zhiya to leave.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Mo Yilang stretched out his hand and said, "Nagata Yuka, please stop. You are not registered on the blacklist."


Nagata Yuka looked at Takuma in surprise.

Thinking about it, Yilang thought: "You have killed more people than me. How could you be on the blacklist? On the contrary, Murakami has noticed you."

Zhuo Mo Yilang didn't explain much, and canceled the transformation, but said lightly: "Okay, that's all for today."

After finishing speaking, Zhuo Mo Yilang picked up the collection of Goethe's poems on the ground, and patted the dust that did not exist on the book.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Seeing Zhuo Mo Yilang leave, Hai Tang also ran out.

In fact, he didn't go far, but circled a big circle and squatted aside. He was just thinking that if Jiehua couldn't run to cover himself, he must give up his life to protect Jiehua.

"I'm fine, but the worrying thing is Kiba-san, he..."

Nagata Yuka said worriedly.

"I know, let's go, let's go find him right away."

Haitang Naoya took Nagata Yuka along the river to look for Kiba Yuji who fell into the water.

On the other side, he discovered the cleverness of the crocodile Orfienuo, and directly transformed and rushed over.

Enoch the crocodile is serious this time, he has died twice already.The first time can be described as careless, and the second time is completely done by myself.

After fighting with Li Qinghe's transformed Kaixa, he had consumed a lot of physical strength and energy.But then he fought with Qianqiao and Cao Jiaya, and was killed for the second time due to exhaustion.

Now he has only one life left.

Ophelia the Crocodile is hindsight, not stupid.Fools cannot enter the lucky four-leaf clover of Orfienoch.

J didn't understand r language before, and every time Murakami talked with him, he used Y language.But not long ago, he learned r language, and when he was left with his last life, he figured everything out.The task Murakami Kyoer entrusted to him was to kill him.

You said, fighting against the holder of the kaixa again and again without taking back the belt, isn't this the way to cultivate belt users through fighting?

In this way, the belt user will gradually become stronger, and one day surpass himself.He put water on the belt user himself, but the other party had no intention of showing mercy.

Chapter 1 Falling into the Water

The crocodile Orfienuo decided not to let the water go. He directly killed the belt user, took the belt back, and handed it to Kyoko Murakami to forcefully complete the task and not stay in the island country anymore.The world is so big, with his strength, he can live well anywhere.

It's just that he realized this sooner.Islanders are very exclusive, and people are not allowed to immigrate to island countries at all.

Qian Qiao rushed over and punched the crocodile O'Fieno with several consecutive punches.

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