The crocodile Orfienuo just took two steps back, stood upright, grabbed Ganqiao's left fist with one hand, and with a light pull, Ganqiao turned around in a circle.

Gan Qiao was a little dizzy, and managed to punch two punches, but he didn't hit the crocodile Ofienuo.Instead, the crocodile Orfi Enoch took the time to slap his paws on his head.

The crocodile Orfienoch stretched out his arms, thumping his own mouth like an orangutan.

The crocodile Orfienuo grabbed Ganqiao's belt with a strong hand, lifted him up, and threw him out immediately.

Before Ganqiao could stand up, the crocodile Offi Yinuo hit Ganqiao on the back with an elbow.


Gan Qiao cried out in pain and fell to the ground again.

The crocodile Orfienoch lifted his skillfully and threw him in front of the truth like throwing a shot put.

Truth saw that Ganqiao was defeated by the crocodile Orfienuo, and thought that Soka could also transform into Kaixa, so she hurriedly called Soka Yaren.

But before the Caojiaya people arrived, Ganqiao had to continue to be beaten.

Ganqiao didn't dare to let the crocodile Orfienuo get close to the truth, so he rushed over and hugged the crocodile Orfienuo.

The crocodile Orfienuo was also polite, and slapped Qianqiao's back violently with both hands.

The crocodile Ophelia did not let go when he saw Ganqiao. With his long arms, he directly grabbed Ganqiao's back and performed a Lu Zhishen version of upside down weeping willows.

Coincidentally, she was thrown in a mess, her eyes were full of stars.

This guy, is he a brother today? Why is he so fierce?

The crocodile Orfienuo will not stop to give a clever response as before.

The crocodile Ophelia kicked Qianqiao five meters away.

Ganqiao casually grabbed the railing and stood up while leaning on it.

The crocodile Orfienuo came over and cut Ganqiao's neck with his big hand like a wrench.

Relying on the intuition of many battles, Ganqiao pulled out his faizohone, pressed 106, and started the continuous shooting mode.


The crocodile Orfienuo was attacked by the sudden light bullet and let go of his hand.

Cleverly press "279" to load the light bomb.

Gan Qiao continued to pull the trigger, firing light bullets again and again, widening the distance between himself and the crocodile Ofienuo.

When Qianqiao was about to reload the dan yao for the second time, the crocodile Ofienuo used the armguard on his arm to block the light bullets and rushed over.

The collision of the crocodile Ophelia knocked off the beam gun in Qianqiao's hand.

As soon as Qianqiao stood up, the crocodile Orfienuo had already come to him, hammering his crotch with a fist bigger than a casserole.


The screeching sound of the motorcycle brakes sounded, and Truth saw that the Sokaya people had rushed over.

Cao Jiaya saw Ganqiao being beaten up like this by the crocodile Ophelia, and inexplicably, a kind of kuai gan flashed in his heart, but since the truth asked him to help, let's fight first.

Cao Jiaya took out the Kaixa mobile phone and pressed 913 to transform.




Soka Yaren took out the Kaixa blade gun, and pressed 103 to activate the single-shot precision mode.


A light bullet hit the crocodile Orfienuo accurately.

Ganqiao turned around and saw that it was Kaixa who helped.

"What a coincidence, Cao Jialai has helped you."

Truth cried from the far side.

Qian Qiao saw that Kaxia was still confused at first whether it was Li Qinghe's transformation or Cao Jiaya's transformation.

So I didn't say anything, but when I heard the truth, saying that the Caojia people came to help me, I got angry immediately, and thought of the last time the Caojia people robbed me of my head.

"I don't need you to help me. I can do it by myself. You go."

Ganqiao said to Cao Jiaya angrily.

"This is what you said, so whatever you want, I'll see you fight."

Cao Jiaya didn't want to help Ganqiao in the first place, but once he heard Ganqiao say that, he immediately had an excuse not to help Ganqiao in the fight.

"Aqiao, what kind of childish temper are you playing at this time?"

Truth watched anxiously and stamped her feet.

But it's useless, it's so coincidental, I can only hope that he can defeat the crocodile Orfienuo.

Sogaya released his transformation, sat on his motorcycle, and watched Qianqiao and the crocodile Ofienuo fight there.

The crocodile Orfienuo was worried at first that he would be attacked by two belt-shapers again.As a result, they have internal conflicts, so don't blame yourself.

Without the help of Cao Jiaya, the crocodile Ofienuo was completely repressed.

Qianqiao was grabbed by the head of the crocodile Ophelia and dragged for a long distance.

The crocodile Orfienuo was about to make a fuss, and summoned his own door machete.

Qianqiao will not sit still.

Gan Qiao put on a fa glove on his left hand, in view of the experience that he was blocked by the crocodile Orfi Enoch last time when he used the crimson electric drill big move.So Qianqiao decided to change his big move this time.


With the red photon blood flooding the fist.

"Huge impact!"

Gan Qiao punched it up.

And the crocodile Orfienuo is also accumulating energy, and his door panel sword has accumulated a layer of dazzling blue energy.

"Burst Slash!"

Qianqiao's huge impact collided with the burst slash of the crocodile Ofienuo.

The big moves of the two sides did not stalemate for two seconds, the energy of the crocodile Ofienuo's door panel sword overwhelmed Ganqiao's huge impact, and he slashed on Ganqiao's body.

Gan Qiao let out a scream, and the belt came off her body. Gan Qiao was forcibly released from her transformation, and was beaten into the nearby river.

"Good job!"

After Zhenzhen picked up the faiz belt, he looked anxiously at Qianqiao who fell into the water.

And the crocodile Ofienuo looked at the truth, this time he was going to take back his belt and prepare for the job.

"Truth, don't be afraid, I will protect you firmly with my hands."

Cao Jiaya stood in front of Qianqiao holding the Kaixa mobile phone.

The crocodile Orfienuo looked at the kaixa transformer in front of him, thinking that he had fought a battle just now, and he was not in a good state at the moment, so he was not sure if he could defeat kaixa.

He had already been killed by Kaixa twice, and when he saw Kaixa's belt, he instinctively panicked.Then wait until they place an order next time and get the belt back.

The crocodile Orfienuo made a decision, turned around and left here. Anyway, the task of measuring the belt data today has been completed.Murakami and the others couldn't say anything.Just like Murakami Koji said, I can't die, if I die, what will my little Chuck do.

Because of his worries, J didn't dare to let go of the fight. He lost two lives, and he no longer had the confidence he had before.Die again, but really die.

"Good job!"

After seeing the crocodile Orfienuo leaving, Truth and Sogaya went to the nearby river to find Ganqiao who fell into the water.

Cao Jiaya didn't want to go, he even hoped to be light and drowned in the river directly.

But in order to make a good impression on the truth, he still pretended to go, anyway, just take a look.Even if he saw Qianqiao, he would pretend not to see it, and would not tell the truth.

As a result, he did not find the man who fell into the water, but the truth was discovered.

"Good job, good job. How are you!"

Chapter 1 Ten Contradictions

Truth ran to the drowning man excitedly, and pulled the drowning man ashore from the river together with the Caojia people.

As a result, the person who fell into the water was pulled up, only to find that the person was not skillful, but had similar hair and body shape.The person who fell into the water was Yuji Kiba, one of her customers who had sent clothes before

"Ah, it's not a coincidence."

Truth couldn't bear to see Kiba Yuji lying here, so he drove Kiba Yuji back home for treatment.

"Truth, you go back first, don't worry, I will continue to look for Aqiao here."

But Sogaya left here on his own motorcycle after seeing the truth take Kiba Yuji away.As for looking for cleverness, just kidding, it would be best for him to die here.

Coincidentally, on the other side, Yuka Nagata and Naoya Haitang, who were looking for Yuji Kiba who fell into the water, also saw the person who fell into the water with keen eyes.

"Mr. Kiba"

Yuka Nagata and Haitang hurried over and pulled the fallen "Yuji Kiba" ashore.

It turned out that the rescued person was not Haitang Zhiya, but Qianqiao.

Qianqiao and Nagata Yuhua met each other.When Nagata Yuka was picking up her clothes, she had seen Qianqiao with Truth.

"Mr. Haitang, I seem to know this person. He is an employee of a nearby laundromat. I don't know what happened here. He was injured so badly.

I'll take him home first, and Mr. Kiba's search will be hard on you. "

"This is what it should be. I will definitely bring Mr. Kiba back."

Haitang Zhiya said in a rare serious tone.

Changtian Yuhua and Haitang Zhi also helped Ganqiao into the car, and Changtian Yuhua took Qianqiao home first.

As a result, when Yuka Nagata's car passed an abandoned factory, a tire blew out and it was impossible to move on.

The location of this abandoned factory is a bit remote, and no car passed by for half a day.

Reluctantly, Nagata Yuka saw Qianqiao groaning in pain, so she had to help him into the factory first.

Sister Nagata Yuka opened Ganqiao's shirt and looked at the bruises and wounds all over his body.Quickly wet the handkerchief with tap water and apply the wound to Ganqiao.

Gan Qiao opened his eyes in a daze, he knew that he was not dead, this is not where he lived, he wanted to see who saved him.

Ganqiao saw an angelic woman, wiping her sweat and protecting him.

"who are you"

"You are seriously injured now, but you don't have to worry, you're fine, go to sleep at ease. I will definitely find a way to help you, I will."

Nagata Yuka put her hand on Qianqiao's forehead.

"Don't worry, sleep well, I will always be by your side."

Coincidentally, he believed what this angelic woman said, and he believed that this woman would not harm him.Gan Qiao fell asleep, fell asleep, the body will not move around, and if the body does not move around, the injuries on the body will not hurt.

Ganqiao didn't know that, just now when Jiehua rescued him, he hesitated.

Thinking of what Sartady said to her.

"You hate humans deeply, and share that hatred with Yuuji if you can."

But she also thought of Kiba Yuji's love for human beings, and she promised that she would follow in Kiba Yuji's footsteps.

"I will definitely change and become willing to love humans."

Nagata Yuka made a decision.

And Yuji Kiba, who was brought home by the truth, was hot and hot, and the truth used a wet towel to apply to his forehead again and again.

After two or three hours, the Sogaya came back.

"I've searched all around the river, but I still haven't found Aqiao. But don't worry, there may be someone who has already rescued Aqiao."

Cao Jiaya comforts the truth, without the skill, he is the only knight guarding the truth.As for someone rescuing Aqiao who fell into the water, the chances are too small.

What the people of Caojiaya most hope to see is the news that they drowned by accident in tomorrow's news.

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