"Soka, just now a customer urged me to return the clothes. I was wondering what to do, and it's just in time for you to come back.

I originally wanted you to go, but I'm afraid you don't know the way, these few places are a bit remote.Let me go, you help me take care of this person, I'll be back later. "

Truth entrusts Sogaya with the responsibility of taking care of Kiba Yuji.

Cao Jiaya patted Yuexiong's mouth,

"No problem, you can go at ease, and leave this person to me."

Truth took the washed clothes and left with confidence.

But Sokaya looked at Yuji Kiba lying on his bed with a cold expression on his face.

Good guy, this bed is not big, you sleep on my bed, where can I sleep tonight, maybe I sleep on the sofa

The wet towel on Kiba Yuji's head was already scorching hot, and Sokaya didn't even look at it.

"water, water"

Yuji Kiba was very thirsty and barely opened his eyes.

The wet towel on Kiba Yuji's head dried up and fell to the floor.

You occupy my bed and want me to serve you like a master

"There's water there, pour it yourself."

Cao Jiaya pointed to the kettle in the living room and said.

"Please, pour me a glass."

Kiba Yuji swallowed, his lips dry.

Sokaya got up and went to the living room, and poured a glass of cold water for Kiba Yuji.


Before Kiba Yuji could thank him, Sogaya poured the water in the water glass on Kiba Yuji's face.

"If you want to drink water in the future, pour it yourself."

Sogaya said impatiently.

"Is that you?"

Li Qinghe took off his shoes when he entered the door, because the door was not closed, Li Qinghe didn't unlock it either.

Li Qinghe didn't see anyone when he came in. He thought it was Truth who forgot to lock the door, but he heard a voice from the storage room.

It turns out that the Caojia people are here.As a result, he happened to be seen pouring a glass of water on the face of the person lying on his bed.

Wait a minute, could it be Qianqiao who was lying on the Cao Jiaya's bed?

Li Qinghe took a closer look, only to realize that it was his elder brother Yuji Kiba whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Ever since they ran away from home because of Morishita Chie, and met Kiba Yuji at the Intellectual Brain Group, the two have never seen each other again.

Li Qinghe has never known where Kiba Yuji lives now, and he has nowhere to look for it.Unexpectedly, I saw my brother today.

That's right, that's his brother Kiba Yuji.

Kiba Yuji, who was lying in a daze on the bed, heard the long-awaited voice.It's my younger brother's voice, did I have an auditory hallucination?

Kiba Yuji looked at the voice, yes, it was his younger brother, Kiba Kiyokawa.

"Brother, why are you here?"

Kiba Yuji said with difficulty.

"Brother, let me pour you a glass of water."

Li Qinghe hurriedly went to the living room to pour a glass of water for Kiba Yuji, and a person passing by Sogaya gave him a cold look.

Li Qinghe helped Kiba Yuji up, and fed him water.

"Brother, this is my home."

Li Qinghe said.

"Your family put me down. Where have you been these few months? Since you went."

Kiba Yuji drank a glass of water, and his mouth was dry.Just as he was about to say something, Yue Xiong's mouth hurt so much that he couldn't speak.

"Brother, don't talk, lie down and rest."

After Kiba Yuji found his younger brother, the worries in his heart were all gone, and he fell asleep with peace of mind.Now he only has his younger brother as a family member. If something happens to his younger brother, he will have no face to see his parents after his death. .

Seeing his brother Yuji Kiba fell asleep, Li Qinghe turned black and looked at Sogaya.

Cao Jiaya knew that Li Qinghe had seen his incident of pouring cold water on Muchang Yongzhi.

Chapter 111 Prelude to the Battle with the Movie King

Li Qinghe dragged Cao Jiaya to the living room, and before leaving, he quietly closed the door.

"Sorry, I didn't know that was your brother."

Cao Jiaya hurriedly apologized, wanting to restore her image in Li Qinghe's mind.

If this hadn't happened, Li Qinghe still wanted to continue pretending to be with Cao Jiaya.

"You mean, if it's not my brother, but a stranger. You can do it."

Li Qinghe said coldly.

"No, you should know what I mean."

"I do not know."

Li Qinghe was ready for a showdown.

"Is anyone there? I'm here to get the clothes."

This voice saved the two who were about to quarrel.

Li Qinghe went out to meet the guests, but Cao Jiaya didn't want to see Li Qinghe right now, so he went out, he thought, if he finds a chance to kill Li Qinghe and let it go.How dare you turn against yourself, don't you see what you are without the kaixa belt.

Cao Jiayaren thought, kill you.If Gan Qiao is driven away, there will be only one man beside the truth, and the truth will only belong to him.This house is naturally an addition.

When Li Qinghe found the clothes the customer wanted and returned to his room to take care of Kiba Yuji.

Kiba Yuji has already left, leaving a note before leaving, which is Kiba Yuji's current address.

Kiba Yuji worries about Haitang Naoya's safety.He didn't know if Naoya Haitang and Yuka Nagata were safe.

Kiba Yuji pretended to be asleep just now, because he didn't want Li Qinghe and his "friend" to fall out.Since he can live in Li Qinghe's house, he must have a good relationship with Li Qinghe.

Kiba Yuji went out to take a taxi, and he was going back to his home to see if Naoya Haitang and Yuka Nagata were at home.

Li Qinghe was worried that Yongzhi would go out like this, he was seriously injured.Li Qinghe looked for Kiba Yuji along the road, but met the truth that sent the clothes back.

Truth heard that Li Qinghe was looking for relatives, so he hurriedly let Li Qinghe get into the car and the two walked along the road to look for them.

There is a saying that if you care about it, you will be chaotic. Li Qinghe didn't even think about it. They searched so far and found no one. It is very likely that Yuji Kiba had already taken a taxi and left.

After searching like this, I came to the abandoned factory.

Li Qinghe first went to the factory to have a look, and Zhenzhen went to wander outside the factory, and she realized that she and Li Qinghe might have gone far.How could a seriously injured person run so far.

When Li Qinghe approached the factory, he saw a few youths riding three rotten motorcycles, honking their horns and circling a girl.

There was a man lying behind the girl, with Li Qinghe's eyesight, it was skillful to see that man.

"This is our territory, where did the two of you come from?"

"This is our home."

This group of will-o'-the-wisp teenagers held toothpicks in their mouths, there were men and women.The woman's lips are pictured with black lipstick. I don't know if there is still black lipstick.

"You come here casually, but it is very troublesome for us."

"It's better to use you to pay the venue fee. Hahaha."

This group of tortoise youths, riding motorcycles and honking their horns, kept talking obscenities.

"You, you, don't do this, please don't do this"

Yuhua squatted on the ground with her head in her arms and begged. Yuhua hated harsh sounds the most.That kind of voice will make her lose her mind.

"What's wrong with you stopping to learn, learn to be a tortoise boy."

Li Qinghe hated this group of teenagers extremely.It's seventeen or eighteen, it's time to be sensible, I don't ask you to share the burden for the family, but don't cause trouble.

These tortoise fire show years, it's hard not to know that when the tortoise fire goes off, parents raise it for nothing

The motorcycle turned its head up, and the king of eyes smiled.Once the car is overturned, the cloth is covered, and relatives and friends wait for the food to be served.The firecrackers sounded, the suona blew, and the front was lifted and the back was chased.As soon as the coffin was lifted, the soil was buried.The whole family cried.As soon as the string is pulled and the song sounds, the deceased is already lying in the coffin.The master is among the people, but he misses in the underworld, lying in the mortuary Huangquan Road is sparsely populated, there is always a car god who sees the high and low. Today the road is still there, and the old driver is nowhere to be seen.

He was talking about these disobedient tortoise boys.

"Yoyo, I thought it was some hero who came and wanted to be a hero to save the beauty. Then let's crush that girl to death. Hahaha."

One of the leaders noticed Li Qinghe behind him and said arrogantly, he took the lead to press down on Nagata Yuka.

It's really a deadly person, you can't stop it.

When the motorcycle was about to hit Yuka Nagata.

Nagata Yuka put down her hands covering her ears, and transformed into a crane-shaped Ophelia.

"You monster killed her."

When Nagata Yuka heard someone calling her a monster, she shed tears of pain, spread her wings, and shot through the tortoise.

These people were all reduced to ashes, and those motorcycles all exploded.

Nagata Yuka canceled the transformation after finishing the Kamefire boy.Qianqiao behind her has also woken up and saw what happened.

Crap, motorcycles buzzing in your ears, pigs wake up too

"you you"

Ganqiao didn't know what to say.

"Me, I just want to live as a human being."

The tears in Nagata Yuka's eyes are still there.

After Nagata Yuka finished speaking, she ran out crying.Before going out, he remembered Li Qinghe's face.This man is a good man.

But Naoya Haitang, who couldn't find Yuji Kiba, came to this abandoned factory to meet Yuka Nagata by phone.

As a result, as soon as he got off the motorcycle at the factory, he was met by Zhuo Mo Yilang and continued to be hunted down.

After fighting for a few rounds, as expected, he was trying to beat Haitang Zhiya.

Haitang also knew clearly that she was not the opponent of Chuan Xiang Yilang, so she transformed into a serpentine Ophelia, turned around and ran away.

And Yuka Nagata, who ran out crying, happened to meet Naoya Haitang who was hunted down.

Yuka Nagata transformed into a crane-shaped Ophelia again, and Enoch stopped Takumo Ichiro.

Zhuo Mo Yilang had shown mercy to Nagata Yuka last time.Because he didn't kill any of the traitors this time, when he returned to the bar, he was laughed at by Yako Kageyama.

Zhuo Mo Yilang was so angry that he had to kill a traitor this time. According to intelligence, he came to the abandoned factory and found Naoya Haitang.

"Don't stop me, or I will fight with you."

But Nagata Yuka naturally couldn't listen to it, and rushed towards Takumo Yilang while flying.

Takumo Ichiro grabbed Nagata Yuka and threw her to the factory wall.This time he didn't hold back, Nagada Yuka lay on the ground for a long time and couldn't get up.

But after such a delay, he looked at Haitang Naoya for a while, and ran away from his eyes again.

At this time, Zhuo Xiangyilang heard the sound of a motorcycle, and it was Cao Jiaya who came on the motorcycle.

Truth heard the movement outside the factory and saw the serpentine Orpheus being hunted down, so she quickly called Sogaya.

Dealing with the Kaixa belt is not his task.So, Takuma Ichiro left before Soka Ichiro came.

"Ah Qiao, you're fine."

Seeing the truth, Li Qinghe helped Li Qinghe out of the factory.

Seeing a crane-shaped Orfienoch on the ground, Truth went to the car and took out the faiz belt.

"Oh, you can't fight with this injury."

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