Truth noticed the wounds on Qian Qiao's body.

"It's okay."

Ganqiao pushed Li Qinghe away, he was not used to being supported, he saw the crane-shaped Ophelia who fell to the ground.Isn't it the woman who saved him?

Being clever and not doing it doesn't mean that Cao Jiaya people don't do it.

Chapter 112 Beat My Teammates, Protect My Benefactor!

Cao Jiaya took out the Kaixa mobile phone, typed 913 and pressed the enter key, then inserted it into the belt and transformed into a Kaixa knight.

Sogaya grabbed Nagata Yuka and punched her in the face.

Nagata Yuka was unable to fight back because of her heavy injuries, so she could only let Sogaya attack.

Ganqiao watched the battle of the Sogaya people in a plate, heard the screams of Nagata Yuka, and thought of what Yuka said to herself

"It's okay, sleep peacefully, I will find a way to help you, I will."

"Me, I just want to live as a human being."

The picture of Nagata Yuka rescuing him came to his mind.

"Give me faiz."

Qianqiao stretched out his hand and got the belt from Truth.After thinking about it skillfully, I understood what I was going to do.

Truth saw that the crane-shaped Aofei Enuo had no strength to resist, so she gave him faiz at ease, and thoughtfully helped Qianqiao buckle the belt equipment on Qianqiao's waist.

After skillfully typing 555 and pressing the enter key, insert it on the belt.




Gan Qiao summoned his motocross bike and pulled out Faiz's beam saber on the handlebar.Walked straight towards Nagata Yuka.

Cao Jiaya also saw Ganqiao approaching, and thought that Ganqiao was trying to steal the head.This Orfi Enoch has absolutely no fighting power, but the head is not given yet.

If you give it, the truth will be watching over there. This Orfienoch was the one who fell to the ground first.If you don't give it, the conflict between yourself and Qianqiao may deepen, but the conflict between the two cannot be adjusted.

Before Cao Jiaya could figure out what to do, the clever beam saber fell on the back of Cao Jiaya.

Cao Jiaya was stunned, what kind of operation is this, is he attacking his teammates in order to grab people?

Coincidentally, except for Li Qinghe's accident, Truth looked stunned at this attack on my teammates and protecting my benefactor.

"Qiao, what are you doing?"

The clever answer is to beat up the Sogaya once again.The beam saber pierced the face of Soga Ya people incomparably.

Before Sokaya could react, the clever lightsaber hit Soka one after another.

The Sogaya was forced to step aside.

"Ah Qiao, what are you doing?"

Cao Jiaya didn't understand why Qianqiao suddenly attacked him.

But Cao Jiaya didn't think too much about it, and I've been annoyed at seeing you for a long time.Sokaya pushed the energy card into the kaixa blade gun, transforming into lightsaber form.

The two charged at each other, lightsabers crossed.But Cao Jiaya's basic fencing skills are relatively good, and Ganqiao still has injuries on his body.

After the yellow lightsaber of the Cao Jiaya suppressed Qianqiao's red lightsaber, he gave Qianqiao a sword.

Gan Qiao swiftly swung the next sword, but Cao Jiaya lowered his head and dodged it.

After Cao Jiaya got up, before Ganqiao attacked, he stabbed Ganqiao again with his sword.

Before Kaixa could retract the lightsaber, he grabbed the yellow lightsaber with one hand and gave Soka a sword.

Soka immediately retaliated and kicked Ganqiao away.

Gan Qiao hurriedly let go, fortunately, the hand was not stabbed too badly by the lightsaber.

Cao Jia held the sword in his backhand, and slashed at Qianqiao with his head covered and his face covered.

With a straight and straight sword, Gan Qiao stabbed Sooka who was jumping up first.

The Cao Jiaya was picked up and flew aside. When he fell to the ground, he aimed at Qianqiao through the muzzle of the beam saber handle and shot him.

Qianqiao was shot and fell to the ground.

Truth hurried over to help Qiao.

"You get out of the way."

Fortunately, Li Qinghe put a hand behind Truth and hugged Truth, otherwise Truth would definitely be scratched when pushed so hard.

Truth turned her head and saw that it was Li Qinghe who was holding her.

"Thank you, but you can let go now."

Truth has stood its ground.

Li Qinghe didn't say anything, and just walked away.

And the battle between Qianqiao and Cao Jiaya is still going on.

The place where Qianqiao fell to the ground was closer to the truth, and the place where Sogaya fell to the ground was closer to Nagata Yuka.

Cao Jiaya was going to get rid of Nagata Yuka first.

Sogaya aimed his lightsaber at Yuka Nagata.

Qianqiao saw it, got up quickly and was about to rush over.

Cao Jiaya thought that Ganqiao was coming to grab the head again, so he pointed the muzzle of the gun on the handle of Kaixa at Ganqiao.


Cleverly pulled the faiz-specific off-road motorcycle in front of him to him, activated the batterode mode, and the tire shield on the back of the robot form blocked the light bullets.

sb555vautovajin will be called by the faiz locomotive from now on, when it receives an unknown attack, it activates the robot combat form, the green codes in the eye sockets appear, and it begins to intelligently identify the attack target.

After forcing Ganqiao to the side, Sogaya couldn't wait to get rid of Nagata Yuka.

"Let's start with you and make a break."

And the battle robot, which was attacked continuously, took Sogaya as the target of attack.

The battle robot strode forward and knocked Sogaya away with a punch.When Sogaya turned around, he received three combined punches from the combat robot, left and right, left and right, and left and right.

With the last Chaotian Fist, Cao Jiaya was sent flying into the distance.

"You go quickly."

Seeing Sogaya being stopped by the battle robot, Ganqiao took the opportunity to help Nagada Yuka who had fallen to the ground.

The nifty battle droids are ready to go on the offensive to defeat the Sogayas once and for all.

But the Caojiaya people also have their own locomotive 913vsidebasshar later called kiaxa locomotive Kaixa dedicated sidecar locomotive, weighing 425kg.

It can transform into a large robot and launch a powerful missile attack.Although kaixa needs to be operated purely manually, it has the function of sensing the owner's danger and automatically arriving. The transformation form of the kaixa locomotive refers to the war king black iron beast.

Cao Jiaya jumped onto the driving position of the large-scale robot, and flew the dry skill into the high wall with one paw.

The two sides have been fighting for a long time, and there is already a distance from the initial battle site, because there is a corner wall blocking it, so the truth cannot see here.

Since the truth can't be seen, the Caojiaya people are naturally attacking with deadly hands.

Soka Masato first knocked the obstructive Ganqiao away, and pointed the claws of the large robot at Yuka Nagata.

But the clever battle robot, the pusher on the leg allows it to fly into the sky.

The battle robot launched a firepower pouring mode at the large carrying robot, and the endless stream of projectiles shot at the Sogaya.

Sogaya lowered his head to block a tire above his head, and quickly drove the robot around a sharp turn. The claws of the large carrying robot caught Faiz's battle robot.

Qianqiao jumped out from the crack in the wall and escorted Nagata Yuka away from the fighting place.

Nagata Yuka glanced at Qianqiao before leaving, and staggered away.

Li Qinghe and Zhenzhen also saw how he cleverly lifted up the crane-shaped Ophelia.

Seeing that Nagata Yuka left safely, Ganqiao shook his right hand. He wanted to continue fighting with Sogaya, and he was already upset to see him. This time, the one-off fight is good enough.

The truth came over, and she wanted to stop the meaningless battle between Qianqiao and Cao Jiaya.

Qianqiao saw Cao Jiaya approaching with a large airborne robot, pushing the truth aside.

Sogaya drove the large robot and threw the Ganqiao Faiz battle robot on top of him.

Afterwards, the Sokaya's robot opened six missile launch ports, all aiming at Qianqiao.


The six missiles disintegrated in the air and turned into hundreds of small missiles. Thanks to the mobile Pegasus, they flew over Qianqiao in time and landed on Qianqiao's body.

Otherwise, with so many missiles going down, even if you do not die, you will have to shed a layer of skin.

Chapter 113 The Lovelorn Begonia

"Just tell me what you're thinking, anyway, I don't care about anything."

Sokaya jumped off the large airborne robot and grabbed Ganqiao.

Although Qianqiao didn't face the missile rain directly, he was also seriously injured.

It's a coincidence that the old wounds are not healed, and new wounds are added.

Ganqiao didn't say a word, and didn't reply to Cao Jiaya.I don’t know if it’s because I’m too weak to say it, or if I really don’t want to say it.

Cao Jiaya got angry and lifted Gan Qiao and threw it aside.

The faiz belt on Ganqiao's body disintegrated automatically.


Truth hurried up and protected Qianqiao.

"Truth, get out of the way. You just saw that he is protecting Orfienuo, and he is no longer fit to use faiz anymore. To protect you, I alone is enough."

Cao Jiaya was going to continue to use it, but now that Gan Qiao had already lifted his transformation, he still didn't let it go.

Li Qinghe picked up the faiz belt from the ground and buckled it around his waist.

Press "555" and press enter.




After Li Qinghe transformed into kaixa, he transformed into faiz again.

"Qinghe, Qinghe, you, what are you doing?"

Truth heard the sound of Faiz's transformation, turned around and saw Li Qinghe's transformation.

Li Qinghe clenched his fists, and looked at Kaixa, who had transformed into a Cao Jiaya.

"Let's settle my brother's matter first, and then talk about the clever things."

Li Qinghe stood in front of Qianqiao.

Gan Qiao was also stunned by Li Qinghe's transformation into faiz, co-authoring that he can not only transform into kaixa, but also into faiz.

"That incident was purely a misunderstanding. You listen to my explanation"

Cao Jiaya saw that Li Qinghe had transformed into a faiz, he had already fought Ganqiao, and he didn't want to fight Li Qinghe anymore.If possible, it is best to negotiate peace.

"If an apology is useful, why do you need a prison?"

Li Qinghe punched Cao Jiaya in the mouth of Yuexiong, knocking Cao Jiaya back a few steps.

"Then let's end it with a fight."

The Cao Jiaya people didn't think that Li Qinghe could be so powerful when using fazi for the first time.

Gan Qiao saw Li Qinghe transform into a body to stop Cao Jiaya, and fell asleep as soon as he relaxed.

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