Cao Jiaya took out his beam saber and swiped at Li Qinghe's face.

Li Qinghe tilted his head, dodged the sword, took the opportunity to get close to the Cao Jiaya, and grabbed his sword hand.

Cao Jiaya pointed the muzzle of the beam saber at Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe forgot that Kaixa and Faiz have different beam sabers. Kaixa's beam saber is a gun and sword, while the clever ones are separate, each is its own.


Li Qinghe was shot several times and retreated several meters.

Cao Jiaya continued to stab Li Qinghe with his sword.

Li Qinghe rolled over twice, picked up the handlebar of the faiz motorcycle that fell on the ground before Qianqiao, and inserted the energy chip into the handlebar.

Li Qinghe held up his beam saber and fought back and forth with the Cao Jiaya people.

I have to say that the difference between using faiz and using kaixa is too big.

Li Qinghe is not in the injured state of Qianqiao, so naturally Cao Jiaya will not easily find a flaw.On the contrary, Cao Jiaya's state has declined at the moment.

Li Qinghe danced the sword with one hand, pulled out the faizphone with the other, and pressed "106".

You are not the only one with a beam gun.

At such a short distance, how could the Caojia people dodge, all twelve bullets hit.

The Caojia people swung their swords to block the light bullets. Do you think you are a sword god, and the speed of swinging the sword can be faster than the speed of the light bullets?

Li Qinghe emptied the light bullet, put away the faizphone, and kicked the blade gun in Cao Jiaya's hand aside.

Li Qinghe took out the faiz gloves and put them on.

"exceeded change."

Red photon blood flooded the glove of his right hand.

The Caojia people also put on their own kaixa gloves.

"exceeded change."

"Huge shock"

"Huge impact."

Li Qinghe's glove hit Cao Jiaya's waist, and Cao Jiaya's glove hit Li Qinghe's left fist.


After the loud noise, Sogaya was knocked off the kaixa belt, and the transformation was canceled.

As for Li Qinghe, he canceled his transformation on his own. This time, he taught the savages a lesson, and he really felt at ease.Just now, when Soka Masato beat Nagata Yuka, he really felt bad for Yuka.

This time, Li Qinghe can be regarded as a new and old grudge, let's count it together, first teach the Cao Jiaya a lesson, not only you can transform into a knight.You are not special, even if I use other belts, I can still deal with you.

These days, the Caojia people are watching from their own homes, and they are getting more and more presumptuous day by day.The owner of this house is Li Qinghe, not Truth, let alone Cao Jiaya.

Li Qinghe called a car, took Ganqiao back to his residence, and sent Cao Jiaya to the hospital.Li Qinghe wanted to clean himself up at home these days, and asked Cao Jiaya to stay in the hospital for a few days.

This time, both Gan Qiao and Cao Jiaya were seriously injured, but in comparison, Cao Jiaya was more seriously injured.

This is not to say that Li Qinghe didn't have any injuries on his body.

He received the huge impact of Kaixa hard with his left fist, and his left hand was broken in many places, and he had to go to the hospital for a while.

Ofe Enoch's physical recovery speed is good, but passive recovery is not as fast as active treatment.This world is so dangerous, if you don't get better soon, you will be in trouble if you encounter danger.

If the battle between Li Qinghe and the Caojiaya was really inked for a while longer, with the nature of the Caojiaya, he must have pretended to be injured, and then lifted the transformation by himself, and finally attracted the truth to come over and pretend to be pitiful.

Li Qinghe still can't understand Cao Jiaya's actor, actor, his ability to put on a show is quite good.

This is the real reason why Li Qinghe decided to make a quick decision.

When Li Qinghe returned home for dinner, he found an embarrassing thing.My tmeow eats with my left hand

Even though Li Qinghe is right-handed when doing other things, he is left-handed only when eating.

But the truth is to feed Qianqiao to eat.

Li Qinghe had no choice but to eat with his clumsy right hand, and left after eating half full.

Li Qinghe went to the SCP Foundation to find Na Ke Lulu and asked her to feed him.

People, when you can enjoy it, you must enjoy it.

Less than a week had passed since the days of cleanliness, and the Cao Jiaya had the cheek to move in again.

During his hospitalization, a very interesting thing happened. Haitang Zhi also came to Li Qinghe's house to court the truth.

As a result, Truth was taking care of the injured Ganqiao, feeling upset, he got angry at Haitang, and rejected him mercilessly.

Afterwards, Haitang left in a daze.

After Haitang Zhiya broke up in love, he ran to his former university every day, which was the place where he used to play music. He wanted to use music to "heal" or paralyze himself.

But, that was before.Before he became Orfienuo, his left hand was crushed by a wheel due to an accidental traffic accident. Since then, Haitang has only been able to stay away from the road of music. .

For Haitang Naoya's lovelorn, Nagata Yuka is happy to hear it, because she has always been secretly in love with Haitang Naoya.Now that Haitang has also lost his love, then he has a chance.

But the attack by the Intellectual Brain Group did not end. Nagata Yuka was worried about Haitang Naoya, so he followed him to the school every day to avoid accidents with him. This was also explained by Kiba Yuji.

Chapter 114

"The weather is exceptionally sunny today, and it's a good day for singing. Bababababababababababa la la la."

Haitang Zhi also hugged the tambourine and entered his former university, Quanshan Conservatory of Music, at a pace that his relatives did not recognize.

"Haitang, don't disturb our study if you don't study, we are not useless people like you."

Fujiwara Takumi is Haitang Naoya's former classmate, and he is about to go to physical education class.

Haitang Naoya used to be the most outstanding guitarist in their class. His talent has been recognized. Most people in the school think that with his talent, he will definitely surpass his teacher Furukawa Motohisa on the road of music in the future.Haitang Zhiye won many honors during school and attracted much attention as a talented young man.

As students in the same class as Naoya Haitang, while enjoying the envy of other classes, their own talents are also overshadowed by Naoya Haitang.As long as their talent does not surpass Naoya Haitang, the people around will only see the outstanding Haitang and not notice them.

Fujiwara Takumi is one of them. He admits that Naoya Haitang is stronger than him, but he is also talented in music, but why no one appreciates him, and everyone goes to Naoya Haitang.

Takumi Fujiwara is not the only one who has this kind of thinking. Jealousy is the original sin of human beings, and it is a sin that people are born with.

Haitang Zhiya has lost his musical talent since his hand was run over by a car, and he was dropped out of Quanshan Conservatory of Music.

Haitang has always been in the school, dancing and singing at the same time, attracting a large number of juniors who just came this year.They gathered around Haitang Naoya's crazy performance.

Now that Hai Tang Zhi has been abolished, he can no longer threaten anyone, and no one is like him before.

So, when his former classmates saw him, they didn't think about how to help him, but how to trample and humiliate him. Seeing the former genius become like this, what they thought was to continue to step on him.

Perhaps, some people can't bear it.But everyone around is doing the same, it's already good if they don't follow up and insult Haitang Zhi.

Hearing that Fujiwara Takumi said that he was a useless person, Hai Tang did not refute it. After becoming Orpheus, although his broken hand has healed, his heart for music has been covered with a layer of veil. He doesn't think he can play the way he used to feel.

Because Fujiwara Takumi was in a hurry to go to class, he cursed a few words and left.

Haitang Zhi also beat the gongs and drums, pushed open the door and broke into the previous classroom.

"Listen everyone, today is the day of the festival, stop playing the third-rate guitar and dance with my grandfather's taiko drum. Stand up, three, four."

Haitang raised the two drum hammers and shouted loudly.

At this moment, teacher Furukawa Motohisa is listening to the music of the students, testing how talented they are in music.

"Haitang, the teacher is in class."

Shimagawa Toshiro, who was playing the guitar for the teacher, said angrily.

Furukawa Motoku frowned, seeing Naoya Haitang making trouble, but he did not get angry, but patiently persuaded Haitang.

Haitang Naoya respected Furukawa Motohisa who taught him music, and quit the classroom.

After class, Haitang was surrounded by students who had just started class.

Toshiro Shimagawa pushed Haitang Naoya to the ground, and the others also pushed Haitang.

"By the way, if you hadn't come to make trouble today, I would have forgotten your name."

Shimagawa Toshiro patted Haitang Naoya's face.

"Although you used to be a bit weird, but because you were a genius before, no one cared about you. Now you are like a scum."

Another classmate rubbed Naoya Haitang's head.

Naoya Haitang grabbed Toshiro Shimagawa to him,

"You kid, you used to only flatter me, but now you're getting louder. But all of this ends here for today.

Or, I'll let you listen to some nice music.That is your scream. "

A non-mainstream boy with orange hair stopped his motorcycle and saw Naoya Haitang with a little madness.

Anyway, Haitang Zhi is also a romantic figure who has been in this university for a while, except for the new elementary school girl who doesn't know him, most of the others know Haitang.

The boy with orange hair is named Kazuhiko Kuroda.He loves music and he loves the guitar.What the heck did he love the guitar? It was crazy, and he broke up with his family over the music.

Kazuhiko's parents hope that he will inherit his father's car wash shop, but Kazuhiko is determined to dedicate his life to the guitar and to the great music career.

"Enough is enough."

Motoku Furukawa, a teacher with a serious face, came over.

"People who are related to music are not allowed to use violence. This is common sense, and you are the same. I don't understand your mood. But your behavior just now needs to be reflected on."

As soon as Furukawa Motoku came over, he taught the other students a lesson, and the last sentence was to Haitang Naoya.

The other students bowed their heads in shame.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trouble the teacher."

Hai Tang Zhi also said to Furukawa Motohisa.For this teacher who also loves music, Haitang has always maintained respect.

The teacher Furukawa Motoku listened to Haitang Naoya's assurance and left satisfied.

Haitang was also wandering around the campus, and walked over after hearing the sound of the guitar that was still pleasant to the ear.

It was discovered that Toshiro Shimagawa, who shot himself before, talked about it.

Haitang also came up playfully, jumping and jumping around Toshiro Shimagawa, muttering, "Hey, you idiots. You idiots who look down on me, I'm going to send you to Xitian."

He was frightened by Haitang Zhiye.Toshiro Shimagawa broke a string on his guitar.

Toshiro Shimagawa muttered, "It's broken, it's broken." After taking a look at Naoya Haitang, it turned into ashes.

Haitang Zhi was also taken aback by his death, and her actions to scare him stopped abruptly.By chance, Nagata Yuka found here and saw the process of Toshiro Shimagawa's death.

"Mr. Begonia."

Haitang Zhiya turned her head and saw Nagata Yuka.He saw Nagata Yuka looking at the ashes of Toshiro Shimagawa, and quickly explained.

He didn't know why he was so flustered.When he came to school this time, he thought in his heart to solve those classmates who underestimated him because of his disappearing musical talent.

"No, it's not me, I haven't done anything yet."

"How is this going"

Nagata Yuka asked, she believed in Haitang Naoya, and he said that if he didn't kill him, he didn't.

"Here, here. There must be Orfienoch like us in this school."

Haitang also looked around. Judging from the time of Toshiro Shimagawa's second death, that Orfi Enoch did it not long ago.

In the past few days, Cao Jiaya has recovered from such serious injuries, and it is natural that he can do it skillfully.

However, the wounds in the body recovered, but the wounds in the heart could not be healed anyway.He found that he couldn't do anything with Orfi Enoch, as the Sogayas said.He may no longer be a qualified faiz. .

Coincidentally, because of Nagata Yuka's words, he hesitated in his heart. He didn't know what kind of attitude he should use to treat Orfienuo who had a human heart.They shouldn't be wiped out so violently by themselves.

Just like people have good people and bad people, those Orfi Enoch and the others don't want to harm human beings, they just want to live.They are not wrong, is it their own fault?

Chapter 115 Get out of the confusion

Coincidentally, he locked himself in the room all day long and couldn't come out.Qianqiao didn't plan to touch the faiz belt again before he figured out this problem, he felt that he was not worthy of using faiz.

Facing such negative Ganqiao, Truth comforted him more than once, but Truth didn't know the real reason for Ganqiao's negativity, so naturally he had nowhere to start.

In order to make Ganqiao happy, Truth told her that her dream is to be a hairdresser, and every time Ganqiao is unhappy, she would cut his hair.

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