"Who is it, so wicked?"

Ganqiao heard the cry of truth, and went out to see several pieces of clean clothes that had been put out to dry, with a piece of mud thrown on them.

Truth had to take back the dirty clothes, wash them again, and hang them out to dry.

As soon as I went out, I found that the rest of the clothes on the hangers outside were all dirty.

"Ah, you bastard, don't let me catch you."

Angrily, Truth put away all the dirty clothes, washed them, and hung them outside.This time, she, coincidentally, and Li Qinghe each hid in a corner, waiting for the villain to show up.

The hard work paid off, and not long after the clothes were out to dry, a sneaky person picked up mud and threw them on the clothes on the hanger.

Li Qinghe took big strides and caught the "culprit" in two or three steps.

"What are you doing, let go of me, idiot, let me go, help, help."

What Li Qinghe caught was a girl, not very old, maybe thirteen or fourteen, the girl was wearing a green hat.But the dirty mud in her hands also proved that she threw the mud just now.

The little girl patted Li Qinghe, but Li Qinghe didn't relax his grip on the small backpack on the girl's back, and grabbed her over.

The girl beat Li Qinghe with the writing board behind her back. Li Qinghe was not the dead Keitaro Kikuchi, he couldn't even beat a little girl.If you do something wrong, you will be punished.

Li Qinghe grabbed the writing board and folded it into two halves, carrying the girl into the store.

Li Qinghe pulled her into the store,

"Is this girl the culprit for staining the laundry?"

Truth looked at the listless little girl lying on the table.

"Well, I'm surprised too. Such a cute girl would do such a thing."

Li Qinghe said.

"They are really cute, yes. But I shouldn't have to listen to the laundromat complaining to me."

The girl took off her hat, turned her head to look at Li Qinghe and said.

"Although you're just a girl, it's pretty nice if you don't talk to me."

Gan Qiao liked the little girl's boast just now.

"Thank you, old uncle."

said the girl.

"Old Uncle"

Gan Qiao pointed at herself,

"Oh, if you are just a little girl, you will be very angry."

Ganqiao was squeezed out by the little girl.

Truth looked at the shriveled Ganqiao, and smiled. The childish Ganqiao actually reacted like this when he met a child.

"Your reaction is quite common. To me, you should also call me old lady to irritate me, right?"

Truth sat across from the girl.

"Why do people call you old lady, sister with a round cake face."

The little girl dragged her chin and said seriously.

"Pie Face"

Isn't a round face just fat? It's so cruel to tell a girl fat.

The girl also gestured for the size of the round face with her hands.

"Anyway, it's really too much to say this. You actually said something that I haven't dared to say until now."

Qianqiao saw that the truth was also succumbed to the little girl's poisonous tongue, and said with a suffocated smile.

"What do you mean by that? It means you've always thought so, don't you?"

Truth pressed Qianqiao on the sofa and asked.

"You two stop fighting, what's your name, what do your parents do?"

Li Qinghe asked the little girl.

"Let her go, don't worry about her. I think if I control her, I won't be able to eat and walk around. It's better to just hand it over to the police."

Gan Qiao was very satisfied with the girl at first, but the girl is too fierce and her mouth is too poisonous.Ganqiao doesn't want to leave her in the store anymore.

"It may be best to do so."

Truth agreed.

"That's it, just take her to the police station."

Li Qinghe also thought this method was good.

The girl cried when she heard that she was going to be sent to the police station,

"My name is Keiko Noguchi. My father and mother passed away a long time ago. Also, don't send me to the police, I'm afraid."

The girl lay down on the table and cried.

Truth and skill are both sharp-mouthed and tofu-hearted people, and they don't see little girls crying.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, we won't send you to the police. It just so happens that you have gone too far. She has deep wounds in her heart. I know this very well. She must be eager for love. "

Truth quickly shifted the responsibility to Qianqiao and comforted the girl.

Ganqiao opened her mouth and twitched, this, I just sent her to the police, the truth, you agreed.

"It's better not to use it, just leave it to me, I will send her to the police. Can this kind of child be trusted? I think she is running the train with her mouth full of words."

Li Qinghe was not joking, he was really going to send the girl to the police station.

"Mr. Qinghe, this kind of child is very pitiful. He has no parents and can only protect himself by hurting others."

Because Truth was once an orphan, she felt compassion for the little girl.

"Children have to be like children. Misfortune can never be an excuse to do evil, truth, did you hurt others for no reason when you were young

For the bear boy, I have only one way, that is to beat him up once, if one is not enough, then give him twice. "

Keiko Noguchi saw Li Qinghe, determined to send her to the police station, and cried even louder.

"Qinghe, how can people be the same as people? She is still young. Any shortcomings can be corrected. You can't send her to the police station. Why don't you have any sympathy."

Truth and Li Qinghe talked, and there were cases of quarreling.

"If you make a mistake, you should be beaten. You can't say that she made a small mistake and just brush it off. If you insist on staying, I won't say anything."

Li Qinghe didn't want to argue with the truth, so let's take a step back.

"Your name is Noguchi Keiko, right. You better pray that what you say is the truth. If one day, I hear that you are going to find your parents or something, I guarantee you will regret it."

Li Qinghe said firmly.

"Mr. Qinghe, enough is enough. She is already an orphan, and you still curse her like this."

Truth was angry, she felt that Li Qinghe had no sympathy and love for children.

Li Qinghe didn't want to talk too much, he said too much and made mistakes, he didn't believe in the truth, and everything he said was false.Li Qinghe went straight back to his room.

Ganqiao knocked on the door of Li Qinghe's room and walked in.

"Qinghe, don't be angry either. Truth, she may have thought of her own past because of the girl, so"

"What a coincidence, tell me with your intuition, do you think what the girl said is true or false."

Li Qinghe asked straightforwardly.

"It should be a lie."

said dryly.

Sure enough, the wolf's intuition is keen. If Li Qinghe didn't know the plot, he might be tricked by this little girl.

"That's right, take care of that girl. I always think it's better not to stay here for her."

Li Qinghe has said everything that should be said, and the truth outside the door should also be able to hear it.

Keiko Noguchi didn't expect that Li Qinghe didn't welcome her so much, and his previous invincible moves didn't help him at all. He was really a man with a hard heart.Or, he saw through his disguise.

Because Zhenzhen and Ganqiao were going out to deliver clothes, the little girl was left behind and Li Qinghe took care of her. .

"I'm so cute, don't you like me at all, don't you want to know more about me?"

The little girl Keiko Noguchi took the initiative to speak up.If you want to stay in this family, although you can't make everyone like her, you can't make people hate her either.

Chapter 119 I Have a Bold Idea

"How can I know you"

Li Qinghe used his mobile phone to communicate with Kimura Shinmi about the third belt. If it wasn't for this brat, Li Qinghe would have gone to Kimura Shinmi a long time ago instead of staying at home and texting.

Li Qinghe is not a lorry, the little girl's body is not even opened, like a bean sprouts.If you can have bad thoughts about this kind of child, then your appetite is really good, and you are not picky about meat or vegetables.

"Don't you think I'm cute?"

Keiko Noguchi was jumping up and down in front of Li Qinghe, and Li Qinghe just felt it was an eyesore.

"Oh cute."

Li Qinghe said casually.What is there to talk about with the little kid.

"Don't you have any bold ideas about me?"

The girl Keiko Noguchi saw that Li Qinghe was too lazy to pay attention to her, so she kept teasing Li Qinghe.

"I don't have a bold idea, but I have a comprehensive criminal law waiting for you. Actress little sister, do you want to go to prison for a while?"

Li Qinghe felt that this girl was too good for Cao Jiaya, and he was not interested in playing with her.

"I want to eat shaved ice."

The girl said coquettishly.

"I only have Laoganma's shaved ice here, do you want to eat it?"

Regarding the little girl's unreasonable request, Li Qinghe glanced at Keiko Noguchi with a half-smile.

Although the girl doesn't know what Laoganma is, the things that come out of this man's mouth are definitely not good things.

"Queen of the Shadows"

The girl Noguchi Megumi quickly understood the meaning of the queen of the actress.


Keiko Noguchi was making fun of herself, sat on the chair obediently, took out the drawing paper to draw, and looked at Li Qinghe from time to time while drawing.It can be seen that the person she painted is Li Qinghe.

At noon, Truth and Ganqiao came back after delivering the goods.

The little girl Keiko Noguchi said pitifully, "Sister Truth, I want to eat shaved ice."

"Shaved ice, you can't eat it this season. How about some ice cream?"

Truth is busy cooking, so I don't have time to make shaved ice for you.

“Are you sure you want shaved ice?”

Li Qinghe put down his phone and glanced at Keiko Noguchi.

The little girl Keiko Noguchi quickly changed her words, "Ice cream is fine, I like it too."

How could the truth not see Li Qinghe's small movements.

"Truth, I'll go out for a while. By the way, just now, someone told me a way to manage children."

"what is"

truth asked.

"Children's disobedience is mostly pretending, and a spanking is enough. If the spanking is not good, then it is not a matter of spanking. Dutiful sons are born under the stick, which is the only secret formula for Chinese to educate their children."

Seeing the truth and wanting to reason with himself, Li Qinghe waved his hands and left quickly.

Truth looks puffed up with her arms akimbo.Such a cute child, I don't know why Kiba Qinghe always said that she was not good, and urged her to beat her up.

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