"It's not good to eat shaved ice on an empty stomach. After lunch, my sister will make shaved ice for you."

Truth touched Keiko Noguchi's head and said.

"My sister is so beautiful."

Keiko Noguchi said sweetly.

Zhinao Group, Murakami Xia'er found j again.

"rj. I'm here this time mainly to check on Chuck's. I don't mean to doubt your ability. It's just the task I entrusted to you. Why haven't you completed it recently. No matter which belt's data, the recent You didn't pass it on.

How about this, now I will give you another mission to take back the two belts of Faiz and Kaxia.

Although you have lost two of your three lives, I don't think you will be afraid because of this.In fact, today, I have another purpose to motivate you.

By the way, after this job is over, do you want to take a trip?I will arrange a high-end hotel where Chuck can also stay together. "

Murakami Xia'er touched Chuck's dog's head, meaning that it would be easy for me to kill Chuck.

"very good."

Under both soft and hard measures, J has no choice but to agree to Murakami Kyo'er's request.

Murakami Xia'er returned to the Zhinao Group satisfied, and J should die in the hands of those belts now.Lucky Clover, this kind of disobedient organization, can't be controlled by myself, so it's better to disappear as soon as possible.

"President, here is the information you want."

A member of the club organized the collected information and uploaded it to Murakami Kyo'er's computer.

"Then please continue to collect such information."

Murakami Kyoer said.

"I understand, let's compare the previous principles, may I ask if this is all right?"

the member asked.

"It doesn't matter, it's just the same as before. It's very simple and easy to understand."

Murakami Kyoji took the mouse and clicked on the materials sent by the members. The materials were all children, and one of them was Keiko Noguchi.

"However, what is the purpose of the president? To collect information on children who have narrowly escaped death. I heard that the previous president also gathered children who had such experiences, and even set up a special organization."

The member asked a lot.

"Go back to your post. Your job is to follow my orders, and you don't need to know what the orders mean."

Murakami Kyo'er frowned, he didn't like subordinates who pretended to be smart.If it wasn't for the lack of suitable people under his command, this member should have been reimbursed based on what he just said.


The member did not know that he had just escaped death.

Li Qinghe didn't go to Kimura Shinmi, but followed the address to find his brother Kiba Yuji.

"Ding dong, ding dong".

The doorbell rang.

Nagata Yuka saw the person coming through the cat's eyes, it was Li Qinghe who had met once last time.

"who are you looking for"

Nagata Yuka asked.

"I'm looking for my brother, Yuji Kiba."

Li Qinghe heard sister Jiehua's voice right outside the door.Long time no see, still so gentle.

"Yuji, it's your brother"

Yuka remembered that Kiba Yuji once said that he would introduce his brother to her.

"Yuka, who is here, why don't you open the door?"

Yuji Kiba asked in a small bungalow on the second floor.

"Someone said it was your younger brother."

Yuhua replied.

"What, my younger brother is here for Yuhua, please open the door."

Kiba Yuji walked down the second floor of the stairs.

Nagata Yuka opened the door, Li Qinghe pretended to be surprised,

"What a coincidence."

Li Qinghe said this.

"Um, I'll get you a glass of water."

Nagata Yuka was also a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.This man was the only human who discovered that she was Orfi Enoch.

"Brother, you are here, why don't you call me in advance."

Kiba Yuji hugged Qinghe happily.

"Isn't this a surprise for you?"

Li Qinghe put the gift he bought on the coffee table.

"Brother, you are too. Do you treat me as an outsider, come here as soon as you come, and buy any gifts. You can't do this in the future."

Kiba Yuji educated his younger brother not to let him spend money indiscriminately.

"Brother, does sister-in-law live here too, why haven't I seen her?"

The sister-in-law Li Qinghe was talking about was Chie Morishita.

"She, she doesn't live here. Two of my friends live here. I go back to accompany her every night and live here during the day."

Kiba Yuji said that when it comes to Morishita Chie, he is always a little unnatural, as if he owes Qinghe. .

"Well, brother. Let me introduce your friend. Wow, brother, is that girl just now your friend? Can you introduce me?"

Li Qinghe had already given up on Morishita Chie.Brothers and wives can't be bullied, Li Qinghe hasn't done that yet.

Chapter 1

"Ah, that girl's name is Nagata Yuka. Why, Qinghe, you won't fall in love with her, will you?"

The second half of the sentence was said by Kiba Yuji to Li Qinghe in a low voice.

But he forgot one thing, the original Orfienuo's hearing is quite good.Yuka Nagata heard it clearly.Yuji, is he going to introduce himself to his brother? Should I say no?

"Well, brother. I'm in my twenties after this year, and I want to find a gentle and caring girl.

I think the Yuka Nagata you mentioned just now is quite in line with my expectations.Brother, can you introduce her to me?"

Hearing that Li Qinghe had thoughts about Nagata Yuka, Kiba Yuji was very surprised.He casually mentioned to Nagata Yuka before that he wanted to introduce his younger brother to her, which was more of a joke.But my younger brother seems to have taken a fancy to Yuka Nagata, one is a human being, and the other is Ophelia Enoch.

Faced with this request from his younger brother Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa, this, the younger brother is human, what if he finds out that Nagata Yuka is Orfi Enoch one day, and he can't accept it psychologically.At that time, the ones I destroyed were two people.

Thinking of this, Kiba Yuji persuaded him earnestly, "Brother, I think, this important marriage matter, you have to think carefully about it, you don't know Yuka yet, Yuka is a good girl"

Li Qinghe interrupted Kiba Yuji, rolled his eyes, "Brother, what do you mean, I'm not a good man."

"No, brother doesn't mean that, but, I think, you two are not suitable."

Kiba Yuji persuaded Qinghe, wanting him to let go.

"Brother, you don't have any thoughts about her, do you?"

Seeing his younger brother looking at him suspiciously, Kiba Yuji immediately gave Li Qinghe a chestnut.

"What are you thinking? I only have your sister-in-law in my heart."

"Then why don't you let me be with Nagata Yuka. We haven't gotten along yet, how do you know it's not suitable?"

Kiba Yuji saw that he couldn't explain his younger brother anyway, forget it, then it depends on Yuka's meaning.

Li Qinghe saw a black Nokia mobile phone on the cabinet.Isn't this the phone I lost? Why is it here?

Li Qinghe asked Princess Seria what to do if she lost her Noyaki mobile phone, and she said cold salad.Didn't expect to find it here.

This mobile phone is a world track tester.After tossing and tossing for so long, the plot of this world should have changed a lot.

Li Qinghe took the black Noyaki mobile phone and turned it on skillfully, that's right.This feeling is his own Noaki, and he did not admit his mistake.

"Brother, where did you find this phone?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"I didn't pick this up, but Yuhua found it at the scene of a car accident, and she thought she could contact the owner through her mobile phone.

After picking it up, the phone could not be unlocked.How can this phone be unlocked and used as soon as it is in your hand?It can't be yours. "

Kiba Yuji asked.

"That's right, this is my mobile phone. I was hit by a motorcycle that time and lost this mobile phone. You see, how destined I am with Yuhua, brother. You can introduce Yuhua to me. "

Faced with Kiba Kiyokawa's repeated requests, as an older brother, he had no choice but to lose his face.

He and Nagata Yuka are acquaintances, and it's actually embarrassing to say such things.Moreover, he also knew that Nagata Yuka had always liked Haitang Naoya, but the Xiang girl was affectionate, and Wu Wang had no intention.

Haitang Zhi also doesn't like Nagata Yuka.

Nagata Yuka came up with tea and put it on the coffee table.

Nagata Yuka heard everything that Kiba Yuji and the two brothers said without saying a word.This is the second person to chase her since she was a child.

The first person to chase her was a man who met on the phone.It's a pity that I haven't contacted her for a long time, and I should have forgotten her.

When Nagata Yuka heard that Li Qinghe liked her, her heart was a little complicated.She, this is the first time she heard that someone wanted to associate with her in reality.

Nagata Yuka was a little nervous. After putting down the teacup with her little hand, she didn't know where to put it. She lowered her head and didn't dare to look directly at Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa.

"Yeah, Yuka, this is my younger brother, Kiba Kiyokawa. He, he wants Qinghe, so you can tell her about it."

Kiba Yuji really couldn't open his mouth. When he and Morishita Chie were able to be together, it was Morishita Chie who took the initiative to chase him.He has no experience chasing girls.

Kiba Yuji pressed Nagata Yuka to the seat where he was sitting, next to Li Qinghe.

Then, Yuji Kiba ran away in despair. Compared with this scene, he was more willing to face Naoya Haitang, who had no love in his life at this time.

"Is your name Nagata Yuka?"

Li Qinghe asked.


Knuckles nodded.

"Your name sounds very nice."


"You look beautiful."


No matter what Li Qinghe said, Jiehua's answer was yes.

"You are very gentle, I like you very much."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he saw that Jiehua's side face turned red, and he seemed a little restless.

Yuhua didn't say anything this time, she was at a loss as she clutched the hem of her clothes.

"Are you willing to date me? I think you are a good girl. I like you."

On the stairs on the second floor, Yuji Kiba is always watching the conversation between his brother and Nagata Yuka.Hearing Li Qinghe's confession to Nagata Yuka, he directly covered his eyes.

Although he doesn't know how to chase girls, it's probably impossible for you to meet her for the first time.common sense

"Ah, this, I, I'll listen to Yuuji."

Nagata Yuka said hesitantly.

Nagata Yuka didn't know why Qinghe pursued her, there are many girls who are better than her in the world.And she is still an Orfienuo, Kiba Kiyokawa is not ignorant.But he is still willing to pursue himself, which shows that he may really like himself.Nagata Yuka was upset at this moment.

"Listen to my brother's opinion, that is to say, you agree to associate with me."

Li Qinghe said happily.

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