The original intention of Nagata Yuka to say this was to delay the time.She hasn't figured out what to do yet, whether to refuse or agree.

Unexpectedly, Li Qinghe "made" her admit it so "brazenly".


Hearing what Li Qinghe said, Nagata Yuka became anxious.

"That's why I don't want to."

Hearing Li Qinghe's dejected tone, after all he is Yuzhi's younger brother, Nagata Yuka said hastily.

"No, I didn't want to, just, just"

Nagata Yuka didn't know what to say.

"If you don't want to, then you are willing. You have to think more, since you agree to associate with me, then you are my girlfriend."

Li Qinghe lived in Nagata Yuka.

Nagata Yuka's body stiffened for a moment, and then recovered.

"Well, it's time to make lunch. I have to cook."

Nagata Yuka pushed Li Qinghe away, and trotted to the kitchen.For the first time, she thought the kitchen was so cute.

Li Qinghe's seemingly "anxious" pursuit is justified.Nagata Yuka likes Haitang Naoya now, if she is allowed to think for a while, she will definitely be able to sort out her thoughts, and the chance of rejecting herself is 100%.

Li Qinghe went up to the second floor, saw Haitang Zhiya who was throwing himself on the bed, and had to complain, this Haitang's side profile really looked like me.

Haitang Zhiya's behavior at this moment is like being emptied afterward, becoming a big salted fish that has lost his ideals. .

"Brother, this is also your friend, does he need to go downstairs to buy some kidney insurance?"

Li Qinghe pointed to Haitang Zhiya.

121 chapter

"Qinghe, don't laugh at him. He is my other friend Haitang Naoya."

Kiba Yuji shook his head, he was also speechless for the childish Haitang.

"I'm a shitty guy, I'm not doing well as a faiz or in a relationship. I'm a sucker."

Haitang was also lying on the big bed, sobbing.

"That's not the case. I think you, Mr. Haitang, are an excellent person."

Kiba Yuji comforted.

"If you don't comfort me less, it will make me feel more and more lost."

Haitang also changed the direction and continued to howl.

Li Qinghe also knew that Haitang Naoya's frustration was largely due to Truth's "cruel" rejection of his courtship.

"Faiz, Orfienuo like us, do you know anything about Haitang?"

Kiba Yuji is worried that faiz is continuing to kill Orfienuo, who is as unwilling to kill humans as he is.

"You are noisy, don't talk to me."

Haitang Zhiya was also upset, and was not interested in telling Kiba Yuji what he had learned.


Li Qinghe continued, "Did you become a robot with a red main body after transforming?"

"Yes, Qinghe, you have seen Faiz"

When Kiba Yuji heard Li Qinghe said that he had seen the faiz, he immediately stood up. Ever since he knew that the purpose of the faiz was to clean up those traitors Ophelia, he was restless every day, acting for those Ophelia who would be liquidated Worry.

"Not only have I seen it, I have used it. I have even used another kaixa belt."

Li Qinghe said with a somewhat proud tone.

"what you have also used you mean besides faiz there is another belt"

The series of news Kiba Yuji received today surprised him too much.

"Well, I used to use these two belts. The other belt is called a kaixa."

Li Qinghe said.

Yuji Kiba has used the term once, which means that now Li Qinghe is not holding a faiz or kaixa belt.Then asked "Do you know who is using the faiz belt now?"

"Well, the faiz belt is currently used by Qianqiao, and the kaixa belt is used by the Caojia people."

Yuji Kiba saw that Li Qinghe was so familiar with the two belts, and then deduced that Li Qinghe had used those two belts to fight Ophelia. Therefore, Li Qinghe didn't know everything about Ophelia, but , I don’t know what his attitude towards Orfi Enoch is.

"Do you know these two people?"

Kiba Yuji asked.

"Well, one is my friend and the other is my tenant. It should be said that both are my tenants.

You have seen him, Cao Jiaya, because he was rude to you, so I used the faiz belt to teach him a lesson. "

I heard Li Qinghe said that he knew Cao Jiaya, and he was still at Qinghe's home.Kiba Yuji immediately remembered the man he met when he was injured.

"It's him."

Kiba Yuji didn't expect that the faiz he was talking about every day was at his brother's house.

"Brother, do you know what faiz is for?"

Yuji Kiba wanted to see how much Li Qinghe knew about faiz and Ophelia.

"Of course I know, whether it's faiz or kaixa, they are all created to protect human beings from the attacks of Orfienuo.

We've been attacked by Orfienoch many times since we got the two belts.But thanks to these two belts, he was able to repel the attacks of Orfienuo time and time again. "

Li Qinghe looked at Kiba Yuji in a daze, and pushed him.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah, nothing, nothing. Did you just say that faiz is used to protect humans?"

What Kiba Yuji heard from Li Qinghe's mouth and what he heard from Sartady are two completely opposite answers.One is to protect human beings, and the other is to force Ofe Enoch to harm human beings. Who is real and who is fake?

"Well, yes, belts are made to protect humans."

Li Qinghe once again reiterated the role of the belt.

"Mr. Yongzhi, Mr. Qinghe, Mr. Begonia's rice is ready, it's time to eat."

Nagata Yuka, who had already prepared the meal, called downstairs for dinner.

"Hey, Mr. Haitang, didn't you just fall in love once? Man, how can such a blow knock you down? If you are a man, you have to suffer 99 breakups. Come down and eat."

Li Qinghe comforted Haitang again, and his sobs turned into howls.

"Qinghe, eat first, and leave a portion for Haitang later."

Kiba Yuji and Li Qinghe went downstairs to eat.

During the meal, what was enjoyable was that Li Qinghe had been watching Nagata Yuka, which made Nagata Yuka very embarrassed.

"Brother, don't talk when you eat or sleep. Eat well, your body is in the second development period, you can still grow taller, eat more meat."

Kiba Yuji did not lie about his feelings for his younger brother.Parents passed away, elder brother is like a father, as an older brother, he has to arrange his life's major events well.

It's just that he is now an Orfienuo, and he is not very willing to contact ordinary people.Now that his younger brother likes Nagata Yuka, Kiba Yuji can only say that he will take a step forward.I can't talk about it when the time comes.

After the meal, Kiba Yuji took Li Qinghe to reminisce about the old days, and they hadn't seen each other for a long time.This time my younger brother took the initiative to visit, how could I not have a good chat.

"Qinghe, if one day the person you like has another identity, will you still accept her?"

Yuji Kiba turned a corner and asked, he thought Li Qinghe didn't know the true identity of Nagata Yuka.

"Yes, why not. It's normal for a person to have multiple vests. You see, I am your younger brother here, and in my house, I am the landlord. Someday in the future, I will be Yuka Nagata husband."

Li Qinghe deliberately misinterpreted Kiba Yuji's words, but Kiba Yuji couldn't speak too plainly.

Seeing that Li Qinghe had made up his mind, Kiba Yuji completely gave up the idea of ​​letting his brother give up.

"What kind of person do you think Ganqiao who uses faiz is?"

Because of his bad impression of Sogaya, Kiba Yuji implicated Ganqiao, who is also a knight.

"Coincidentally, he is an interesting person, sometimes as childish as Haitang. But he is an upright person and very caring. He has a shortcoming that he doesn't like to explain when he is misunderstood."

Seeing that Li Qinghe admired Qianqiao so much, Kiba Yuji decided to take the time to meet Qianqiao.Yuji Kiba was disappointed in Kaixa's transformation.

"Well, brother. It's getting late, I should go back."

"I'll send it to you."

Kiba Yuji got up to bid farewell.

"Brother, I want to give me flowers. You stay at home and think about how to keep Haitang from crying for a while. This continuous crying makes my brain ache."

After Li Qinghe said so, Nagata Yuka followed Li Qinghe step by step, and sent Li Qinghe to the door.

Li Qinghe made a sudden attack, and made a smug face.

"Jiehua, give me your mobile phone number. I can contact you by phone in the future."

Yuhua touched Qin's face, and told Li Qinghe her mobile phone number. After seeing Li Qinghe leave, she quickly closed the door, but saw Kiba Yuji looking at her strangely.

"Yuka, what do you think of my brother?"

"Ah, he's not bad. Just, I think it's a little too fast."

After Nagata Yuka finished speaking, she went up to the second floor and returned to her bedroom.Jie Hua was in a mess.

Chapter 122 Fighting the Mushroom Orfienuo

In the afternoon, Li Qinghe returned home and saw the truth of sitting on the sofa sulking.

"Ah Qiao, what happened to the truth?"

Li Qinghe pushed Ganqiao who was sitting on the other side.

"How else can I be mad at that child."

By coincidence, Li Qinghecai found that the little girl Keiko Noguchi was missing.

Li Qinghe saw a pile of waste cloth on the workbench, which should be formed after several pieces of clothes were cut up.

Gan Qiao pulled Li Qinghe outside, and briefly introduced what happened after Li Qinghe went out.

Doesn't Keiko Noguchi want to eat shaved ice? But there's nothing for sale this season.So Truth went outside to buy a machine for making shaved ice. As a result, Keiko Noguchi stopped eating the shaved ice that was made so hard.Said she didn't feel happy.

Keiko Noguchi proposed that she wanted to be an idol and hold a concert.Then Truth and Qianqiao had no choice but to use the favors accumulated in the past to ask neighbors and friends to come over to make up the number.

Then, Truth bought Keiko Noguchi new clothes and built a simple stage for her to use for girls.

Then when the girl finished her performance, she said that she only felt a little happiness this time.

Hearing this, Li Qinghe couldn't bear it anymore.It's about this time, why are you still being so polite to this little bitch? If Li Qinghe hadn't been a guest at Yongzhi's house, he would have already taken off Keiko Noguchi's pants by this time, and beat her with a clothes hanger. Don't call this brat an Ophelia , never give up

Li Qinghe continued to listen patiently, and then.Noguchi Keiko also said that she was going to paint a portrait and let the truth find someone.

In the end, when Truth and Qianqiao found a few passers-by and came back.There is no way, I just troubled the neighbors, so I can't trouble them again.

Then, when Truth came back, she saw Keiko Noguchi tearing the washed white clothes into pieces.

Truth told the girl to get out angrily, and said that she would never care about her again.

This is the beginning and end of the whole thing. If such a brat appears in Huaguo, it must be that there is less homework in school, which makes her so free.

"Aqiao, come out with me."

Li Qinghe just heard Qianqiao explain the whole story with a complaining tone.Truth changed her clothes and wanted to drag Qianqiao out.

"Truth, it's almost night. What are you going out for? I remember that the clothes I was going to deliver today were all cut into pieces by that girl."

Asked in a puzzled manner.

"Noguchi Keiko has been out for so long, and she still hasn't come back. I'm worried that something will happen to her, so you go out with me to look for it. Qinghe, you should go to the store first."

Truth makes it quicker.

"No, didn't you say you didn't care about that girl?"

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