Although Qianqiao was puzzled, he still obeyed the instructions of truth.

"No matter how you say it, she is still a child. How can an adult forgive a child?"

The truth is such a person with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart.

Truth and Ganqiao asked many people, and finally found Keiko Noguchi who was crying in the flower bed. Of course, he saw the mushroom Ophelia who was chasing the little girl.

This time I came out in a hurry at night, no one expected to meet Ao Fei Enuo.Truth does not carry a suitcase with faiz in it.

Truth quickly called Li Qinghe and asked him to bring the faiz belt.

Li Qinghe rode the mobile Pegasus to the place where the mushroom Ophelia appeared.

Ganqiao has already been knocked out, and it is impossible to deal with Orfienuo with a human body.

Mushroom Orfi Enuo has captured Keiko Noguchi and taken her away.

Seeing this, Li Qinghe put the faiz belt on his waist.




Li Qinghe directly knocked the mushroom Orfienuo away, and snatched Keiko Noguchi from it.

Mushroom Aofei Enuo took out a long stick this time, one inch long and one inch stronger, but Li Qinghe was already close to him.

At this time, taking out the long stick will not play a big role.

Li Qinghe dodged his waist, and the stick struck Li Qinghe's head.Li Qinghe swung his left hand, one punch hit the abdomen of the mushroom Ao Feienuo, and the other punch hit the mushroom Ao Fei Enuo's head.

Mushroom Orfienuo doesn't know if his brain is not enough.At this time, he was still thinking about taking the little girl away, regardless of the fact that he was still in the middle of the battle.

"Take the child away."

Li Qinghe jumped in front of Keiko Noguchi and stopped the mushroom Ophelia.

"Qinghe, thank you."

Truth pulled the little girl up, and helped the unconscious Ganqiao to leave the area where Li Qinghe was fighting.

Li Qinghe got up and kicked, kicking the mushroom Ophelia to the side.

The mushroom Orfienuo that appeared this time should have just advanced to the fourth stage of strength.

Mushroom Ao Feiyinuo was about to grab the long stick and stand up, but at that thought, Li Qinghe stepped on his hand holding the long stick with one foot, and stepped on his chest with the other.

Ophelia the Mushroom tried his best, but he couldn't pull out the stick.

Orfienuo in the fourth stage is too weak for the current capital Li Qinghe.

"Say, why did you arrest this little girl?"

"I, I don't know. I'm just following orders. You let me go, and I won't dare again."

Mushroom Orpheus begged for mercy.

"Let you go, it doesn't exist."

Li Qinghe pulled out his faizphone, aimed at the mushroom Aofei Enuo, and pressed 106.


It wasn't the sound of laser bombs, but the sound of Li Qinghe being kicked away.

After Li Qinghe got up, he saw the horse-shaped Ophelia.Isn't this my brother Kiba Yuji?

Just as Li Qinghe was about to call out his brother, he thought that he had never seen Kiba Yuji's Orfi Enoch form before, and it would be too abrupt to say it now.

Yuji Kiba came out at night to go to the supermarket to buy vegetables.

Originally, the apartment where Nagata Yuka lived had enough food for a day.Because of Li Qinghe's sudden visit, he made a lot of meals at noon.There were not enough vegetables and meat for the next day, so Yuji Kiba had to go shopping.

After shopping, on the way home, I heard the sound of fighting.

Yuji Kiba rolled down the car window and saw that faiz was going to destroy his "companion". He was furious and forgot what Li Qinghe once said, what faiz eliminated was Orfienuo who endangered human beings.

"faiz, sure enough, that guy"

The horse-shaped Orfi Enoch on Kiba Yuji's face appeared and got out of the car.

Interrupted by Kiba Yuji, the mushroom-shaped Orfienuo picked up the long stick again.

If the simple mushroom Ophelia was alone, Li Qinghe would not be afraid even if he held two long sticks.It's just that Yuji Kiba is still there.

Kiba Yuji is very strong, but Li Qinghe dare not release water.But if the water is not released, between myself and Yuji Kiba, one of them will definitely be seriously injured.

Before Li Qinghe could think about how to make a move, the mushroom Ao Fei Yinuo came over with a stick.

Mushroom Aofei Enuo saw the reinforcements coming, two against one can't beat a faiz

With this stupid idea in mind, the mushroom Orfienuo took the lead.

Li Qinghe didn't dodge the long stick this time, but stretched out his hand to catch the falling stick. Of course, his hand must be very painful. .

The mushroom Ophelia wanted to regain his weapon again, but Li Qinghe let go.He fell straight to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, Enoch Maofi had rushed to Li Qinghe.

Chapter 123 Fist of Heaven

Li Qinghe had no choice but to stretch out his arms to block.But Kiba Yuji is like Li Qinghe robbing his wife, the offensive thief is vigorous.

The two fists seemed to be equipped with Mazda motors, waving non-stop.

Li Qinghe's momentary hesitation made himself passive.Now he can only completely interrupt his attack until Kiba Yuji's attack is suspended.

The mushroom on the side, Ophelia, walked around behind Li Qinghe, and poked Li Qinghe's back with a long stick.

Li Qinghe leaned forward, and Yuji Kiba found the opening.

Yuji Kiba hugged Li Qinghe and threw him, and Li Qinghe was thrown aside.

As soon as Li Qinghe stood up, he saw a long sword piercing his Yuexiong's mouth straight.

Li Qinghe couldn't help but let out a scream.

Kiba Yuji recognized that it was his younger brother's voice, and he hesitated for a while.

And Mushroom Ao Fei Yinuo flanked back and forth, and his stick hit the back of Li Qinghe's head.

Li Qinghe was annoyed for a while, kicked his foot backwards, and kicked the excited mushroom Orfienuo to the ground.

Li Qinghe took the faizphone to his hand, inserted the energy chip into the glove, and along with the red photon blood flowed to the fist.

"Huge shock"

Li Qinghe's left fist hit the head of the mushroom Orfienuo.

Before his death, the mushroom Ophelia was still wondering why his partner didn't cooperate with him to attack this enemy.

After Li Qinghe eliminated the mushroom Orfienuo, he found that Kiba Yuji had left.

Li Qinghe released the transformation, covering the wound just stabbed by Kiba Yuji.Kiba Yuji's strength has skyrocketed.

When Li Qinghe was fainting, he saw Nagata Yuka walking over.How did Nagata Yuka find her here? It's not a dream.

When Li Qinghe woke up again, he was already lying on a big bed, and in front of him was Naoya Haitang who was always thinking about it.

"Jie Hua, you bring him back, my big bed can't fit two people."

"He was injured, so I had to bring him back. You can't live here, or let him go to my room, and I'll sleep on the sofa tonight."

Nagata Yuka said.

"That's the only way to go."

Haitang would never say that she slept on the sofa and let Nagata Yuka sleep on the bed.If he could say this, then he would let Li Qinghe sleep on his bed.

"Yuka, did you bring me back?"

Li Qinghe woke up and didn't pretend to be asleep.The bed is too soft, I'm not used to sleeping on it.

"Well, I saw you fell on the road and brought you back."

Nagata Yuka said.

"Well, my brother, he went home and lived


Li Qinghe didn't see Kiba Yuji here, so he couldn't help asking.

"Well, he's gone back. Tonight, you can live here first. I put your things in my room."

Li Qinghe's stuff refers to the faiz belt.

"Thank you. I'll call Truth and say I'm safe."

Hearing Li Qinghe mentioned the truth, Haitang was shocked as if, and stood up straight.

"Hey, hey, do you know the truth?"

Haitang Zhiya's attitude towards Li Qinghe immediately changed.

"Of course, I'm in her store, and sometimes I'll be a guest employee in the store."

Li Qinghe did not hide his knowledge of the truth.

"Wow, that, can you introduce the truth to me?"

Hai Tang Zhi also revived, and still obsessed with the truth.

"It's not that you haven't been rejected before. The truth rejects people very simply."

Li Qinghe got up, changed into a pair of slippers and went to the ground, took out his mobile phone and called the truth, telling her that he was here with Yongzhi, and told her not to worry.

After Li Qinghe hung up the phone, he saw that Haitang was holding an unknown flower, tearing it piece by piece.

"She likes me, she doesn't like me, she likes me, she doesn't like me"

Li Qinghe said that the child Haitang was stunned, and love is not the whole of life, nor can it be eaten.

After dinner, Li Qinghe lay on Nagata Yuka's bed, and there was no way for her to sleep on the sofa.

Li Qinghe held Noaki's mobile phone.Prepare to see how many plots I have changed, and some rewards are missing.It's better not to let others see these things.

Li Qinghe locked the door and swipe the screen to unlock it.

Li Qinghe saw that the plot change rate had reached 36, and a box had been unlocked at the [-]th stage.

"Come in and open the box."

Li Qinghe's consciousness entered the pan-space, and he saw a stone box. It seems that the things this time are ordinary.

"Ah, you have already dismantled Princess Seria's Macross Fortress."

When Li Qinghe came in this time, he saw the constructed pan-space, which could already be regarded as a small playground, but the only visitor was Princess Seria.

"That's natural, you open your box and pretend you didn't see me."

Li Qinghe glanced sideways at Princess Seria who was "concentrating" on reading, endured his embarrassment, finished speaking quickly, and waited to see the result.

"Young master Qinghe is the most beautiful, he has transformed into a magic fairy."

Li Qinghe saw a red scroll, and five low-level lottery cards appeared in front of his eyes.

After Li Qinghe touched the scroll, it turned out to be the incomplete skill scroll of the Angel Beast.

What Li Qinghe drew was the Fist of Heaven.

The Fist of Heaven requires a lot of physical toughness, unless it reaches the strength of King Ofe Enoch, one can use the Fist of Heaven without sequelae.

If Li Qinghe wanted to use this move, he could only transform into a faiz or another knight to see if he could use it.

"I went out after the lottery draw. I will put these five low-level lottery cards with me first. I will give them to you when you use them."

Princess Celia beckoned, and five cards came into its hands.

Li Qinghe was not bad this time, he didn't get kicked out of the hyperspace by Princess Celia just after opening the box.

"Princess Celia, aren't you lonely here alone, don't you want to go out and have a look?"

Li Qinghe asked.

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