"Lonely, you big turtle, I don't know what's on your mind, get out of here, old lady."

As soon as Li Qinghe finished speaking, he was kicked out of the panspace by Princess Celia.

Li Qinghe pursed his lips, the little girl was just not easy to get along with.Although Li Qinghe can't use Heaven's Fist at present, after this lottery draw, his body has undergone unknown changes due to the talent of Heaven's Fist.

If Li Qinghe felt his wound itching, it was a sign that the wound was about to heal.

It seems that one of the benefits brought by Heaven's Fist is that the recovery speed of injuries is faster. In the future, when fighting others, you can exchange injuries for injuries. This is forcing yourself to go further and further on the road of tanking.

In addition to strengthening the resilience again, Li Qinghe's body has undergone some other changes, but Li Qinghe hasn't felt it yet.

Heaven's Fist, as the ultimate move of Angel Beast, has its own Angel buff attribute, and some hidden wounds in Li Qinghe's body are also healed.Especially in the overdraft potential battle when he transformed into the wild boar Ofienuo, the overdraft potential recovered little by little.

Without the buff of Heaven's Fist, Li Qinghe might not be able to reach the level of a king, and his body would be reduced to ashes due to lack of potential. .

Li Qinghe's bloodline is a new bloodline after the fusion of human beings, demihumans, Orfienuo, and shadow crocodiles.Every increase in strength will consume a lot of potential.

Moreover, after Li Qinghe had died so many times, the side effects of the junior demihuman blood, besides memory, there were other side effects that Li Qinghe didn't notice, eroding Li Qinghe's body.

Chapter 124 Alive

Li Qinghe slept on the bed of the fragrant Nagata Yuka, and found that he couldn't sleep

So Li Qinghe took his mobile phone and sent text messages and chatted back and forth with Nagata Yuka who was sleeping on the sofa across the door.It seems quite interesting.

The next day, Haitang Zhi also complained why Changtian Yuhua didn't make breakfast in the morning, only to find that Changtian Yuhua hadn't woken up yet.

Li Qinghe and Jiehua chatted until five o'clock in the morning, and they fell asleep in a daze.

"Sorry, I'm late. I'm going to cook right away."

Jie Hua hastily knocked on the door of Li Qinghe's room, changed her clothes, and started cooking.

Yuji Kiba looked at the four dark circles under the eyes of Li Qinghe and Nagata Yuka. These two people will not go to catch mice at night.

Kiba Yuji saw the faiz belt in Li Qinghe's hand, and he knew about Nagata Yuka's rescue of Li Qinghe.Because he was the one who asked Nagata Yuka to save his brother.

At that time, in the battle between the two, Yuji Kiba shot very hard and didn't hold back a bit.He was not injured, but Li Qinghe was seriously injured.

"Qinghe, is this the faiz belt, can you show me?"

Kiba Yuji asked.

"Then, here you are. It's just a belt and a mobile phone."

Li Qinghe readily handed the belt to Kiba Yuji.

Yuji Kiba: "Qinghe, didn't you say that faiz is being used skillfully now? Why are you holding a faiz belt this time?"

"Well, yesterday I was injured in order to rescue a little girl from Orfienuo. So I had to play in an emergency."

Li Qinghe explained.

"Well, then your injury was also caused by the battle with Orfienuo. Does it still hurt?"

Kiba Yuji asked with concern, he regretted that he shot too hard.Before he could figure out the truth of the matter, he rushed to make a move, which was really inappropriate.

"It hurt a little, but after sleeping in Jiehua's room all night, it didn't hurt much."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he looked at Jiehua.

Jiehua didn't dare to look at Li Qinghe. After chatting with Li Qinghe all night, she found that Li Qinghe was also quite interesting.It's just that Haitang will be unhappy if she does this by herself.

Yuji Kiba returned the faiz belt to Li Qinghe, "Take this well, try not to fight in the future, it's too dangerous. I'm just your younger brother."

"I get it, I get it, this time it's also for saving people. It's an expedient measure, brother, I'll go back first. They should wait for the truth."

Li Qinghe got up and left.

"I'll take you back. I'm worried about you being alone."

"Oh, I'm such an adult, why don't you worry about it?"

Li Qinghe didn't let Kiba Yuji send him off in the end.

After Li Qinghe left, Jiehua said, "Mr. Yong Zhi, did you keep hiding the fight between you and your brother yesterday? He may know our identities."

Nagata Yuka told Li Qinghe that she was Ophelia.

"It's right for my brother to know your identity, and I'm also a fan of the authorities. Since my brother knows about Aofienuo, he has fought with Aofienuo many times, and he can tell some information about Aofienuo.

It means that he already knows Ao Fei Enuo very well, but does he know that I have become Ao Fei Enuo? "

Kiba Yuji was hesitating whether to tell his brother his true identity.

Li Qinghe was walking home when he saw a young man committing suicide by jumping into the river

Li Qinghe took off his coat and shoes, jumped into the river, and fished out the young man who was determined to die.At a young age, there is nothing you can't think about, you are going to die.

Li Qinghe pulled him up from the river and slapped him.

"Damn it, because I saved you, my clothes were all wet. Fortunately, my belt and mobile phone are fine. You said that you are alive and well, so why not seek death if you are fine.

You can stand out from the competition of hundreds of millions of people, and there are no difficulties that cannot be solved. "

Li Qinghe taught the young man a lesson.This boy is probably seventeen or eighteen years old, a youth in his prime.

Li Qinghe knew that he was not a good person, but if he could do something good, he would do it.

Of course, if the boy continues to commit suicide by jumping into the sea, then let him go, damn it.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I don't know about my affairs and caused you so much trouble, but what are you doing to save me? Let me die."

When the boy said "death", he felt the image of Orpheenoch on his face.But this, as long as he is emotional, his body will undergo such changes. He is a young man who has just become Ophelia.

"You, you are not afraid of me"

asked the young man.

"I'm afraid of you, why should I be afraid. I'm also Orfienuo."

Li Qinghe's face looked like the unicorn Ophelia.

"You, you are also Orfienuo"

Seeing that Li Qinghe was the same person as him, the boy stopped clamoring to jump into the river.

"Tell me your story. I want to know what made you commit suicide by jumping into the river."

Li Qinghe asked after getting dressed.

"But I don't know how to live anymore, and no one communicates with me, I really don't know what to do.

I was born in a merchant family. When I was in elementary school, my father went bankrupt and became an ordinary family.After my sister got married, she suffered from acute leukemia 2.

Her husband therefore divorced him.My father sent her to the hospital. Originally, I was already engaged and bought a wedding room.

But my father sold my house in order to treat my sister's illness, and then I was annulled.My girlfriend called me a liar, and she didn't want to see me anymore. "

The young man broke down in tears and told his story.

"Your father bought your wedding room for you. In desperation, your father sold the wedding room to save your sister. There is no other way. No, you won't be able to bear it because of this, right?"

Li Qinghe frowned and said.

This kind of person who doesn't even love his relatives can still expect him to do things well for others. A big man, with all his arms and legs, has gone out to fight for more than ten years, find a girl who is similar, and start all over again. You are not Seventy or eighty.

"Of course it's not because of this. My sister needs a bone marrow transplant, and I changed it without saying a word. But, do you know how much I owe you?"

My sister is still in the hospital and she still has follow-up treatment.Her bone marrow transplant failed, and she needed another sum of money to re-transplant the bone marrow.

She also has two children who are now in my home.After her husband divorced, he did not give the children a penny in child support.

My dad wants me to go back, continue to work to earn money, and save my sister.However, with her illness, how many years would I have to work to earn that money.It really is a bottomless pit. .

And her two children are only in elementary school, and schooling and hospitalization are the most expensive, as you know.But me, where can I earn so much money.Moreover, I have overdrawn several bank cards because of my sister.I'm really going crazy, I don't know what to do, she wants to live, so I can only die. "

The young man cried while holding his head.

Chapter 125 Hate

It's true that people want to live.But, if you drag down the whole family because you want to live alone, this is a bit too selfish.And whether you can survive in the end is another story.

If Li Qinghe encountered such a situation, he would rather eat and drink for the rest of the day and be a full-fledged tortoise than drag his family down.

Li Qinghe can understand the young man's situation. His burden is a bottomless pit. Now that his sister has not had her second surgery, he has already been burdened with a heavy burden like a mountain.

Which girl is willing to marry him, he has become a sister-in-law.In the future, when his parents get old, he will also be responsible for his sister's two children.

If nothing else happened, if he obeyed his father's arrangement and walked on, he would be lonely forever.Of course, whether they can live to old age is another question.

"Well, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, so let me help you. You can't die by committing suicide. You have only two choices now, one is that I kill you, and the other is that you live with difficulty."

For Li Qinghe, money is not a problem.But why did Li Qinghe help him pay back the money? Is it because he is a good person? Just kidding, Li Qinghe is not a saint. If you help others, you must help to the end. Otherwise, I will give you the money to marry you. .

After hearing Li Qinghe's words, the young man fell into deep thought.

"I, I choose to change my way of life. I want to abandon my past and start a new life"

The young man didn't mention death anymore.

"That's right, would you like to join my company and get a good salary every month?"

For the young man who chose to live, Li Qinghe appreciated his choice very much.In a hopeless situation, it is quite good to choose to live hard instead of escaping through the cowardly way of death.

"I am willing."

The young man now needs to work and earn money, he needs to pick himself up.My sister, I don't owe her any more, but how can I not remember the kindness of my parents in nurturing me.

"This is my business card. You go to the SCP Foundation at this address, and the people there will receive you."

Li Qinghe gave one of his business cards to the young man.Li Qinghe was in a happy mood when he recruited an Orpheus today.

If the young man hadn't been Ao Fei Enuo, Li Qinghe would not have helped him so much.Waste of no use value, why help you? Although it is cruel, this is the reality.

"Thank you, thank you."

The young man left happily. Li Qinghe never asked his name because it was unnecessary.

Li Qinghe returned to the laundry shop and handed the faiz belt to Truth.

Li Qinghe noticed that Cao Jiaya had returned.

The little girl Keiko Noguchi sat obediently and watched TV quietly.

Keiko Noguchi trembled when she saw Li Qinghe came back, she was a little afraid of Li Qinghe.

"Qinghe, I have good news for you. We found Keiko's mother."

Truth said to Li Qinghe happily.

"Oh, yes, I remember, didn't she say that her parents died?"

Li Qinghe sat in front of Huizi and patted her on the head.

"Keiko. Are you sure that's your mother? Are you right? Your mother should be dead."

Anyone could hear the threat in Li Qinghe's tone.

"Qinghe, what's wrong with you, scare her as soon as you come back."

Truth was dissatisfied with Li Qinghe's tone of voice, and protected Keiko Noguchi.

But Huizi knew that Li Qinghe was not joking.Gan Qiao at the side realized that what Li Qinghe said was serious.


Keiko Noguchi looked at the truth that encouraged her, and then at Soka Masato who was smiling brightly.

"I have a mother, I'm sorry, I lied to you."

Keiko Noguchi finally chose to tell the truth.

"Qinghe, Huizi is still young, so she told a harmless lie to protect herself."

Truth found out that Li Qinghe didn't welcome this little girl at all from the beginning to the present.

"Okay, I get it now."

Li Qinghe didn't say much, but made a decision in his heart.

"No, you don't have a mother, and you won't have a mother."

Li Qinghe personally took action that night and strangled the mother of Keiko Noguchi, who had lost her memory, to death on the hospital bed.

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