Do you think Li Qinghe is hateful, it's too extreme to care about every detail with a child.It's even a bit harsh.

That's because Li Qinghe's attitude towards bear children in his heart is the kind that he can't wait to chop into countless pieces of meat

Behind every bear child, there is a bear parent.Since your child says she has no parents, it's fine.

The reason why Li Qinghe hates bear children so much is because in his last life, when he was ten years old, his mother was pregnant with a younger sister.

As a result, the five-year-old boy from the aunt's family pushed his mother down the stairs, and the unborn sister left without seeing the colorful world outside.

I asked the boy why he did this, and he said that he wanted to see if he would miscarry if he was pushed to a pregnant woman in his life.Li Qinghe was so angry that he beat up that brat, but then Li Qinghe was hanged by the aunt on a clothes hanger for a day while Li Qinghe's parents were out of work.From beginning to end, my aunt's family never apologized.

The last two families became enemies because of this bear child.Of course, Li Qinghe's revenge will not end just like that. I remember that there is a cartoon called Happy Pig and the White Tiger.

Li Qinghe bought a box of CDs and gave it to his cousin, sure enough.The bear boy wanted to imitate the scene of the lazy pig being tied to a tree and burned on fire to see if it would die.Of course, at that time, the five-year-old child had grown to be ten years old, and he was not so stupid.

Instead of tying himself to a tree, he tied up the children he was playing with and set him on fire and burned him to death.

As a result, the family of the dead child was powerful.And the bear child's parents said that the child was still young and was at the top of the class, so it was impossible for him to do such a thing.Even if the surveillance footage was shown to the parents of the bear children, they still protected their children without a word of apology.

I thought it was over like that. On the day of the funeral of the child who was burned to death, the Xiongzi family disappeared.Some said that cries for help were heard in the coffin of the burned child.

Since that incident, Li Qinghe has become very cautious in his words and deeds.Li Qinghe brought himself a new mask to disguise himself.

There is no way, Li Qinghe's trick to kill with a knife is too immature.I was afraid that the family would be involved in my own family. The family's influence was too great. After my children were burned to death because of the animation of Xizhuzhu and the White Tiger, this animation that was famous all over the country was taken off the shelves.No matter how it is modified, it is not allowed to go on stage.

This is a scar in Li Qinghe's heart that can never be repaired, and it is also the scene he is least willing to recall.As for, the child is still young and ignorant, so it's okay to make a little mistake.

Then Li Qinghe doesn't mind telling them that not everyone will accommodate your brat.

If there are villains in the world, then Li Qinghe is willing to play the role of eliminating the bear children even if it rains himself

Noguchi Keiko, no, she should be called Kurata Keiko, cried into tears after learning that her only mother died of a sudden illness.She suspected that Li Qinghe did it, but there was no evidence.

Li Qinghe sent the bear boy to the orphanage, believing that the children there would teach him how to be an obedient and sensible child.

Chapter 126 Ophelia the Crocodile—Death

"Qinghe, don't you send her to the orphanage without discussing it with us?"

Before Truth lost his temper with Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe closed the door heavily.

"Qinghe, you bastard, you sent Keiko to that orphanage, tell me clearly."

Truth slammed on Li Qinghe's door.

Li Qinghe lit a cigarette in the room, and the hand that held the cigarette trembled.After tidying up the bear boy, Li Qinghe lay on the bed.

Li Qinghe doesn't know if it's right for him to do this, because he blamed others for his own affairs, maybe Keiko Noguchi is not as badass as he thought

Li Qinghe took a puff of cigarette, "cough cough." He started to cough, Li Qinghe is a man who doesn't smoke, he doesn't like to drink, because drinking will paralyze his nerves.And smoking is what he does every time he encounters and worries about things.

Li Qinghe remembered Keiko Noguchi's eyes full of hatred after sending her to the orphanage. Perhaps, he should kill the grass and root it out.

What are you thinking, it's just a little girl, she can't threaten her at all.

Li Qinghe comforted himself.

Not long after Keiko Noguchi left, everyone here seemed to have forgotten her and returned to the past.Humans are always forgetful, maybe Keiko is living a queen-like life in the orphanage

Thinking about it this way, Li Qinghe did the right thing.The room is only this big, Cao Jiaya has come back, where will Keiko live, and her parents are dead, it is impossible to save her for the rest of her life.

The truth is naive and kind, but not stupid.Don't help the poor, if you really keep Keiko Kurata here, there will be more troubles.The belt thing is enough, if you add a child, how will you live.

This is the reason why Truth forgave Li Qinghe, but she also fully recognized Li Qinghe, she felt that sometimes Li Qinghe was too rational, too cruel, and without compassion.It's not the type she likes, she likes people who are as clever as they are childish.

Li Qinghe also took the time to go to Kimura Shinmi's place and spent several wonderful nights.From there, I learned that the third belt is still controlled by Saya Kimura as in the original plot.

During this period, Ganqiao and Cao Jiaya have joined forces to fight against the enemy many times, and the relationship has eased a lot, so Li Qinghe seemed a little embarrassed.

So Li Qinghe always went to Nagata Yuka's place to visit from time to time, and his relationship with Nagata Yuka improved by leaps and bounds, and he and Haitang became acquaintances.

"Haitang, what are you applying on your face?"

Li Qinghe pushed open the door, and saw four pieces of orange juice peel on Haitang's face.

"Paste the mask, do you have any comments?"

Haitang replied.

"Why do you want to cover your face?"

Nagata Yuka came out and saw the orange peel on Haitang Naoya's face.

"Nowadays, men also go for beauty care. It's so strange to put on their face."

Haitang Zhi also said it as a matter of course.

In contrast, j's life is more difficult.

J played a clever trick. Although he promised Murakami Xia'er to get back the two belts, he didn't say when he would get them back, so he was always reluctant to make a move.

"The time is about to end, RJ, if this continues, even you will be regarded as a traitor. You have to get the belt back as soon as possible, it's also for Chuck's sake."

Murakami Kyo'er urged J to make a move as if urging her to die, and this time she started threatening J.

J had no choice but to choose to do it.

This time, after dealing with a murderous Orfienuo, he saw that J was already waiting for him.

"It's you"

Qianqiao was so impressed with this crocodile, Ofienuo, that neither side had fought it many times.

The crocodile Ofi Enoch picked the right skill this time and finished an Ofi Enoch roar. He is much more cautious now. For Chuck, he cannot die here.Therefore, he chose the "weaker" faiz as his first choice.

After the crocodile Ophelia and Qianqiao met, they rushed towards each other.

The crocodile Orfienuo punched Qianqiao Yuexiong in the mouth and back at the same time as he passed by Ganqiao.

Ganqiao turned around to avoid the hammer head of the crocodile Ofienuo, and punched him in the waist.

The crocodile Orfienuo raised his hand and grabbed Qianqiao Yuexiong's mouth with one paw.

Ganqiao let out an "ah" and took a few steps back. Every time he fought against the crocodile Ophelia, he could always feel that he was getting stronger every time.

The crocodile Orfi Enoch fought this time with the attitude of sacrificing death and rebirth, and his combat power has increased significantly.

But coincidentally these days are not idle, after eliminating a lot of Orfienuo, his strength has also improved a lot.

The crocodile Orfienuo stretched out his arm, using his arm as an iron rod, made a half circle, and threw it at the mouth of the clever Yuexiong.

Qianqiao was beaten into the air and fell to the side.

The crocodile Ophelia is determined to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, not giving Ganqiao a chance to call someone.

Cleverly press the enter key,

"exceeded change."

"Crimson Drill".

Before he had a premonition to let the knight kick, the crocodile Ofienuo had already stood in place, accumulating energy, and was ready to block it like before.

Qianqiao stood up, jumped up with a sprint speed, and kicked the crocodile Ofienuo with a classic knight kick.

It's not the first time that the crocodile O'Fieno has intercepted the Cavaliers kick, and he is very experienced.The two sides fell into a stalemate in the air, and it didn't take long.

The crocodile Ofienuo swung his right paw upwards, and sent Gan Qiaobai flying into the air.

Ganqiao was well prepared this time, put on the glove in mid-air, inserted the energy essence into the glove, and recharged it.

When the blood of the red photon flowed to the fist, it happened to hit the crocodile Orfienuo.

"Huge shock"

Have you ever seen a move that fell from the sky? This is

The crocodile Ophelia did not die unjustly, he has seen a clever combo


This time it was the crocodile's turn to scream. He never expected that he would lose. He had made sufficient preparations before this attack, but he still lost.

For Ao Fei Enuo, the end of losing is to be reduced to ashes.

After skillfully solving the crocodile Ophelia, he also breathed a sigh of relief.Every time he saw the crocodile Ophelia, he couldn't beat him. Whether he used the knight kick or punched the knight, he was blocked by the crocodile Ophelia.

In the battle just now, Gan Qiao had a whim, if he used the knight kick first, and then the knight punch, would the crocodile Orpheus be able to block it?

Ganqiao thought so, and did so.Because he found that every time he used up an ultimate move in the past, the crocodile Ofienuo would take the initiative to retreat as long as he found other enemies.This shows that after he took over his own knight kick, he didn't have much energy to fight.

As a result, Ganqiao won the bet.Able to fight alone, defeat the crocodile Orfienuo.This has proved that Ganqiao's combat effectiveness has improved a lot. You must know that the crocodile Ofienuo is also improving his strength, not just Ganqiao.

After the death of the crocodile Ophelia Enoch, his puppy Chuck was grabbed by Kyoko Murakami. .

"It's such a useless piece of trash. I didn't even get a belt back. I'm really dead. I deserve it."

A dead person is worthless, and the promise made to him during his lifetime is naturally invalid.

Chapter 267 Meeting the Lucky Clover

Murakami Kyoji threw Chuck casually to the subordinates in front of him.

"Hasn't there been no progress in the carrier of the giantization experiment of Orfi Enoch? Then use it to fill the carrier of the rhinoceros heart. I hope it can bring me a surprise."

The image of Kyoko Murakami transforming from a human into Orpheus is inspired by animals. I want to see if animals can also become Orpheus. If the experiment is feasible, then

Akiko Kageyama, who works at the bar, seemed to be in a good mood when she suddenly received a call from Kyoji Murakami.

"Is it Murakami?"

"My son, j failed to execute the mission, it's your turn."

"I understand."

Yazi Yingshan's complexion changed when she heard the news of J's death, she was mixed with joy and sorrow.

Although there is a gap in strength between j and her, she is still a member of the lucky clover.Just died in the hands of the belt holder.

The growth of the belt holder's strength has exceeded Kageyama Yako's expectations.Since those people can kill j, it also shows that they have the strength to hurt Kageyama Yako.

But when J died, Lucky Clover had a vacant seat, and her younger brother Shun Kageyama could also come in.

Yazi Yingshan called Li Qinghe and invited Li Qinghe to the bar.

"Miss Yazi."

Li Qinghe chose a seat and sat down.

"A glass of orange juice? It's not good for kids to drink alcohol."

Yazi smiled sweetly and poured Li Qinghe a glass of orange juice.

"Originally, the nomination of Lucky Clover requires more than half of the people, but J died. There are only three people left. It will work for me and Takumo to nominate you as the fourth member of Lucky Clover. "

Yazi poured Zhuomo a glass of tequila.

"I think, even if we agree, without the consent of Mr. Kitazaki and Murakami, it will be difficult for him to really join in."

Thinking about it, he was holding the book, reading it with relish.

"Think about it, do you want to go back on your word?"

Kageyama Yako said with a smile, but there was a little more coldness in her tone.

"How is that possible? I thought that since I agreed, I wouldn't regret it. However, if Murakami objects, then I can't control it."

As soon as he finished his words, Murakami Xia'er came out.

"Long time no see, you have grown to the strength to join Lucky Clover.

But why don't you consider becoming a law enforcer? Your mentor Hinako Sasaki misses you very much.Right, Hinako. "

Hinako came out from behind Murakami Kyoer.

Li Qinghe looked complacently, how could he not guess that Murakami Xia'er was able to come, he must be the one who informed him.

Even Yazi Kageyama had a pretty face, obviously Yazi was also angry.

"However, since Yazi asked Qinghe to be nominated as a reserve member of Lucky Clover, I naturally have no objections.

However, if you want to take one step closer to becoming a member of Lucky Clover and make up for J's position, you won't be able to convince people by strength alone without merit.

J was able to become a member of Lucky Clover back then, but he did a lot for the organization.What do you say, brat. "

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