Murakami Kyo'er interrupted Li Qinghe's plan to step into Lucky Clover.One is a Canadian and the other is a reserve, how can it be the same

"Murakami, what you said is also reasonable. But it's not your turn to intervene in Lucky Clover. Although we obey your orders, we are not under your jurisdiction."

Yazi broke the words directly.

"How can you say that, boy. I also came from Clover. As your senior, it's okay for me to offer some reasonable suggestions. Right, think about it, Hinako."

Murakami Kyo'er came here this time after making sufficient preparations. He had just killed a j with great effort, but in the end, someone would take over the position of j in the next second.Isn't his hard work in vain?

Murakami Kyoji does not want Lucky Clover to continue to exist. It is better for this kind of organization to perish as soon as possible. j is dead, and it will be Takumo or Yako Kageyama's next turn.

If Yazi disagrees, Murakami Kyoji intends to convince people with "strength".Kyoji Murakami is a person who loves to preach "power".

"You guys, Shun is my younger brother. The merits he lacks will naturally be obtained after working for a period of time in the future. Why bother so much.

Although, Mr. Kitazaki is not here, but if you do this, you really don't take Kitazaki seriously. "

It's good to say, usually lucky four-leaf clover thinks that Ichiro and Kageyama Yako join forces to fight against Kitazaki, but now when something happens, they need to borrow someone else's name.

"Murakami told me about this. He was right. If you want to join the game, you must obey the rules. What do you say, boy."

Kitakaki, who usually sees the dragon but sees the tail, also appeared this time.In connection with what he just said, Murakami has already planned all of this.

Yazi is sure that if Yilong doesn't make a move, he and his younger brother will fight Murakami two-on-two. Although it is a sure-fire ending, at least there will be fights.But if Kitaki is added, then there is no need to fight.

Bei Qi was wearing loose clothes with the collar pulled directly to his shoulders, almost like a delinquent boy.But no one dares to ignore Kitazaki's strength

"Since Mr. Kitazaki has said so, Shun, you should become a reserve member of Lucky Clover first."

Yazi is subdued, but not subdued.Soft and hard, they are no match for Murakami, so they can only compromise.

"I listen to my sister."

Li Qinghe, just like the audience, did not intervene in the whole process.

"That's good, but since you have become a reserve member of Lucky Clover, it's time to send you a task. Your brother is Yuji Kiba.

He has been instigating other Orfienuos to fight against the Intellectual Brain Group, saying that he still has a human heart.This is the most stupid behavior, we Orfi Enoch are separated from the existence of human vulgar taste.His behavior can be called betrayal, and it was originally unforgivable.

But I think, you are definitely willing to pull your brother back from the abyss.If you can't pull it back, send him to purgatory. "

Murakami Kyoer reveals her true purpose.His layout kills two birds with one stone this time. He can prevent Kiba Kiba from joining Clover, and force him to continue working for him.

Murakami Kyoji has seen Yuji Kiba's stubbornness before, and he guarantees that Yuji Kiba will never change his choice.Then when the time comes, Kiba Yuji will either choose to kill Kiba Yuji, or betray Lucky Clover.And the task of cleaning up Li Qinghe must be handed over to Yazi Yingshan.

You see, regardless of Li Qinghe's choice, it is beneficial to Murakami.

As long as it can weaken the lucky clover.Now that Zhinao Group has become one of the strongest groups in the world, it's time to clean up the interior.

Yazi Yingshan gave Li Qinghe winks, she was afraid that Li Qinghe would definitely refuse.At that time, I may not be able to protect him.

Li Qinghe is no longer the blunt temper he had when he first came to this world.Only when a man can bend and stretch can he achieve great things

"I am able to join the lucky four-leaf clover reserve, and I am already grateful for everyone's love. How could I refuse this task. Although Yuzhi is my brother, I still understand how to do it. I will not let you down."

No matter how you understand Li Qinghe's ambiguous words, you are right. .

Sasaki Hinako, who has always been Li Qinghe, also breathed a sigh of relief. When Li Qinghe told her that when he wanted to choose to be a person, why didn't he know how to be flexible?

It seems he has grown quite a bit these days.

Chapter 128 Kitazaki's Hostility

"By the way, boy. J is dead, so you have to carry out his original work. Everything is left to you."

"Well, you don't have to doubt my loyalty, I will get the belt back."

Kageyama Yako put an emphasis on loyalty, expressing her dissatisfaction.

"Thinking about it, then I will continue to trouble you to deal with those betrayed Ao Fei Enuo."

Murakami Kyo'er said to Takumo Ichiro.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but on the list of traitors he gave to Chuan, the first person to get rid of was Yuji Kiba.

"However, for Zhuomo, the work progress seems to be a bit slow."

Seeing Zhuo Mo Yilang looking at the collection of poems and ignoring himself, Murakami Xia'er clicked to ponder.

"Mr. Murakami, the work is carried out in my own way. And I am not your subordinate, but your assistant. Please don't forget this point."

Zhuo Xiangyi was a little upset when he heard the tone of Murakami's order.This time, Murakami knew the news and owed himself a favor.

"I understand. I believe you will complete the task. I still have work to do, so I will leave first."

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Murakami Kyoji left with a smug smile, hum, a group of guys with simple minds and well-developed limbs still want to fight me, they are far behind.

Sasaki Hinako looked at Li Qinghe and wanted to say something, but she stopped talking and chose to leave with Murakami Kyoer.

"You are the boy who wants to join Lucky Clover, you seem to have great potential."

Bei Qi stretched out his hand, and patted Li Qinghe's shoulder. He wanted to show Li Qinghe a dismount, and let Li Qinghe learn more and learn how to respect his seniors.

Bei Qi put his hand on Li Qinghe's shoulder, and the clothes on his shoulder turned into grains of sand.

The divine buff power hidden in Li Qinghe's body quickly reached the position where Bei Qi put his hand down.

On Li Qinghe's shoulders, Destruction and Freshman were in a stalemate.

Kitazaki's hands went numb, as if he had been electrocuted.His hands seemed to be scorched, but the scorched skin faded away in an instant, and the entire palm became white and tender again.

"Interesting, I think you won't be willing to join our Lucky Clover. Since you won't join the game, you're breaking the rules, and you'll die if you break the rules."

As expected, Kitazaki is indeed a neurotic boy, and he will turn his back if he says he will turn his back.He felt the opposing power from Li Qinghe. He has the ability to turn everything into sand, but Li Qinghe has a life force in his body.This kind of confrontation is the kind where you live and I die.

Bei Qi doesn't want Li Qinghe to grow up, if he finds a threat, if he doesn't eliminate it immediately, is it possible that he will kill himself when he grows up?

Li Qinghe felt the moment Bei Qi made a move, and immediately transformed into the unicorn Ophelia.

Li Qinghe pushed out his palm and hit Beiqi's waist.

Bei Qi didn't transform, and hit Li Qinghe's face with his fist first.

Li Qinghe pulled out the rib of his waist and inserted it into Beiqi's throat.

Bei Qi's pretense failed, and it was impossible to defeat Li Qinghe in human form.

Bei Qi turned into a dragon-shaped Ophelia, of course, his dragon is a lizard dragon with a terrifying face, not the dragon of our Huaguo.

"Stop it, Kitazaki."

At first, Kageyama Yako thought that Kitazaki was trying to test her younger brother, but now she has transformed, which shows that Kitazaki is serious and ready to kill.

Bei Qi didn't make a sound, he was going to deal with Li Qinghe first.

"You two are fighting here, do you want to tear down the bar? Our Lucky Clover doesn't allow shots against our own people. Kitazaki, this is a rule you made. There are so many people watching."

While talking, Kageyama Yako has transformed into the lobster Ophelia.

The bar is not just lucky clover and them, this is a mission hall, where many Orfi Enoch stay.

Bei Qi looked at the people around him and chose to give up.

"Oh, I seem to have proposed such a rule. Your brother's strength sounds good. He is eligible to join Lucky Clover. He is much stronger than J. If you think about it, you may not be able to beat him."

The insane Bei Qi canceled the transformation, turned his back to Li Qinghe and left.He hoped that Li Qinghe would make a move, so that he would have an excuse to do so.Unfortunately, from the beginning to the end, Li Qinghe didn't make another move.

After Bei Qi left, Kageyama Yako asked Li Qinghe with concern,

"Shun, are you okay? Don't bother with that lunatic, he will hide away from you later."

"Well, sister. I don't care about crazy people."

Li Qinghe saw the real killing intent from Bei Qi's gaze just now, he really wanted to kill himself.

Li Qinghe didn't understand why Bei Qi cared so much about him, maybe he was more handsome than him and made him jealous.Li Qinghe would not have thought that it was the power of the sacred buff in his body that made Bei Qi want to kill him.

Don't look at Bei Qi being crazy all day long, going out all day and never coming back.

That is a way for him to improve his strength. Only when he goes out to find his opponents, defeats and kills them, can he make himself invincible.There is only a piece of paper between a genius and a lunatic.

Li Qinghe reckoned that his own strength was about the same as Zhuo Mo's, but he would definitely defeat Zhuo Mou.Li Qinghe was so confident.

Li Qinghe didn't expect that he would face so many obstacles and an extra enemy when he joined Lucky Clover this time.Will Kitazaki, who sets the rules of the game, violate his own rules to eliminate potential enemies who have not yet grown up?

no doubt it will

At least Li Qinghe will

Rules are made by the strong and followed by the weak.If one day, the strong feel that the rules are beneficial to the weak, then they will naturally change the rules to their own benefit.

Li Qinghe went back to the laundry and found the truth, coincidentally they were not here today.

Li Qinghe looked at the note, and it turned out that they all went to work as waiters for a pizza shop that was about to close down today.

If a good laundromat is not managed seriously, it will really become a house of everything.

It's okay for Li Qinghe to be idle, ready to go to the pizza shop.If you think he is going to be a waiter, then you are wrong, he is going to be a god.

Customers are God, Li Qinghe is not free enough to do voluntary labor for others.

Li Qinghe went there, only to find that Nagata Yuka and Haitang Zhi also worked here, doing odd jobs to earn money. These two came out to find work for themselves.

In the afternoon, the owner of the pizzeria warmly received everyone including Gan Qiao.

As a result, the next day.Li Qinghe found out that apart from himself and Ganqiao who didn't eat pizza, the rest of Truth and Cao Jiaya all caught a cold.

What does this mean? This means that this shop is a black shop and the products are not clean. How can this kind of shop not go bankrupt? Do you keep him to entrap other people?

Others don't know whether to cheat or not, and now they have cheated themselves.

Li Qinghe and Gan Qiao went to the pizza shop angrily.

On the way, Li Qinghe suddenly felt a pain in his stomach.It must be the problem with the pizza. I drank a glass of cold water early in the morning and didn't eat anything else.

"People have three urgencies, Qiao, you go to the pizza shop first. I'll go later, oh, it hurts, it hurts."

Li Qinghe searched for toilets all over the street.

Qianqiao looked at Li Qinghe speechlessly, thinking that he was fine like herself, but it turned out that he was fine before, but now he is "something". .

Ganqiao rides Pegasus to the pizzeria.Naoya Haitang and Yuka Nagata, who ate pizza, also got sick

The pizza made by this pizzeria is really poisonous, even Orfi Enoch is poisoned.

Chapter 129 Battle

On the way to the pizzeria on the way to the pizzeria while riding a motorcycle, Ganqiao met Kageyama Yako who was waiting for him.

"Oh, handsome boy, are you the one with the faiz belt? I'm so young, so I won't give you champagne, but a lullaby for you. I'll take your life and the belt."

Kageyama Yako stepped out of the red Beetle, smiled sweetly, and transformed into the lobster Orfi Enoch.

"Is it Orfienoch?"

Ganqiao took out the Faiz belt and transformed into Kamen Rider Faiz.

Gan Qiao attacked first, he thought it was a powerful punch, and attacked Yazi Yingshan.

Kageyama Yako summoned the Lobster Sword, and the sword edge slashed on Qianqiao's fist.

You said that the fist or the sword is harder, of course it is the sword.

Ganqiao withdrew his fist and shook his hands a few times. This was the first time that Ganqiao did not shake his hands because of habit, but because of hand pain.

Ganqiao was a little reckless, he should have put on his gloves in advance, like Yazi Kageyama and the others, they used all their strength when they made a move.

"Does your hand hurt? It won't hurt after a while."

When a person does not feel pain, of course he will not feel pain after death.

Yazi Yingshan drew his sword, the speed of the sword was not fast, but the angle was tricky.

From time to time, there would be an extra flash of fire on Qianqiao's body.Ganqiao felt a little uncomfortable, being attacked by Yazi Kageyama all the time, he had no chance to hold faiz gloves or use beam saber at all.

Feeling the embarrassment of Ganqiao, the mobile Pegasus turned into a combat robot and appeared on the side, and opened fire at Ganqiao and Kageyama Yako who were fighting.

"Swiss, rustle."

Coincidentally, she rolled and retreated to the side, and a silver wine glass appeared in Kageyama Yako's hand. The wine glass quickly grew larger and was placed upside down on her head, like a transparent cover, blocking the attack of the mobile Pegasus.

"What are you doing, you hit me."

The mobile pegasus, the wife-protecting madman, was pushed down to the ground by Qianqiao, and was released from the fighting form.

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