Ganqiao drew out the faiz beam saber and rushed towards Yazi Kageyama.

Kageyama Yazi just watched Qianqiao slash at him.

He slashed vigorously and cleverly, and he slashed on the wine glass. As much as he slashed hard, he would bounce back with as much force.

Qianqiao was bounced aside.

"Little handsome boy, do you want to try again?"

Kageyama Yako hooked his hand towards him in the wine glass.

After Ganqiao got up, he punched the ground angrily, do you think he will charge up again?

Skillfully take out the faizphone and press 106, it will shoot.

However, the lobster sword thrown out stabbed Ganqiao's hand holding the beam gun one step ahead of him.

Seeing that the beam gun fell to the side, Ganqiao got up to get it.However, Yazi Kageyama put away the wine glass and threw it on Qianqiao's head.

Kageyama Yako walked over slowly, picked up the faizphone,

"Do you want to"

"give me back"

Gan Qiao hacked at the transparent cover with the beam saber, but found that it couldn't be broken no matter what.

"Then I'll give it back to you. Children are so frizzy."

Kageyama Yako aimed at Qianqiao and pressed the trigger,


The light beam hit Qianqiao's body.

After Kageyama Yako empties the bullet, press the 279 button to refill the ammo.

"You, how do you know"

Qianqiao thought that after the light bullet was fired, the opponent would have to throw away the beam gun.

"Don't you know that the faiz belt was researched by Brain Group? I know as much about the faiz belt as you do."

"Tell me, should I help you remove the belt voluntarily, or let you force the belt to be removed."

After replenishing the ammunition, Kageyama Yako pressed the 106 button, and after a bewildered smile, he shot abruptly.


Qianqiao was attacked one after another in the cover formed by the transparent wine glass.

Qianqiao hit the cover violently, he believed that any defense had a limit, and he could definitely break through the limit.

Qian Qiao guessed right, after the next few attacks, cracks appeared on the inner cover of the wine glass.

"I like you more and more, and you can find the weakness of my Dionysus Cup."

Kageyama Yako withdrew the wine glass, and the goblet melted into her body.Kageyama Yako pressed the hang-up button on Faiz's phone, and Faiz on Ganqiao's body released the transformation.

Yazi Kageyama doesn't want to capsize in the gutter, j is a lesson, the strength of these belt holders has improved too fast.


In a daze, Kageyama Yazi grabbed the faiz belt.

"I already got the belt, it's so simple. I really don't feel worth it for j."

Kageyama Yako walked towards Qianqiao.

Ganqiao didn't sit still, but ran away.

"Oh, runaway lamb? Then you have to run far away. My lion treats you well, but I hope for you."

Kageyama Yako unhurriedly released the transformation, and chased Qianqiao.

And Yuji Kiba, who went out to buy medicine for Haitang and the others, met Takumo Ichiro.

"It's you."

Yuji Kiba first thought about the transformation of Ichiro into a horse-shaped Ophelia Enoch.

"I didn't get rid of you last time, so you can't escape this time."

Takumo Ichiro put the collection of poems in his hand on the ground, and transformed into a centipede, Ophelia Enoch. Kiba Yuji grew up too fast.He couldn't solve Kiba Yuji in human form before, let alone now.

Thinking about wanting a quick solution, he took out the centipede whip.

Kiba Yuji has already started to prepare to escape, he can't escape, he can't fight.

Kiba Yuji took out his long sword.

After thinking about it, a whip was whipped on Kiba Yuji's head, and Kiba Yuji blocked the whip with a long sword.

After thinking about it, he tied the sword and the hand holding it together with a whip.

"Come here, you."

Takumo pulled back, and Kiba Yuji came in front of Takumo, and what greeted Kiba was naturally a huge fist.

Kiba Yuji raised his leg and knocked on Takumo's waist, and pulled the whip away from Takumo Ichiro's hand, which was considered to be out of the predicament.

Thinking about picking up the collection of poems on the ground, he saw that Goethe's collection of poems quickly turned into a silver-white book.

"Books are the ladder of human progress. Knowledge transforms the future"

After thinking about it, he pointed at Yuji Kiba, and an energy ball knocked Yuji Kiba into the air.

"Spiritual incantation."

After pondering and opening his mouth, five energy balls appeared around Yuji Kiba, forming a strange magnetic field, like a magnet, attracting Yuji Kiba and preventing him from going out.

Wherever Kiba Yuji went, the five balls followed.Kiba Yuji couldn't get out of the circle formed by the five balls.

Kiba Yuji had no choice but to split the energy ball with a long sword,

With a "bang", the energy balls began to explode continuously.

After the explosion was over, Kiba Yuji half-kneeled on the ground and threw the long spear in his hand with all his strength.

The long sword flew towards the book in Zhuo Mo Yilang's hand.

Thinking about Yilang's heartache, he quickly put away the book, and in the blink of an eye, he found that Yuji Kiba had disappeared

Unable to bear it, the little mouse escaped from his eyes again.If Kiba Yuji left here alive again this time, thinking of Murakami Kyoji's hateful pointing eyes, he thought about it and said that he also has self-esteem

Takuma Kazuro followed the escape path of Kiba Yuji.

Coincidentally, Ganqiao and Kiba Yuji both escaped from the same destination.

In the end, the two met in an abandoned factory.However, the two each attracted a pursuer.

"Yo, Zhuanzhu, what a coincidence. Chasing and killing a traitor, you have worked so hard, it seems that your strength has declined. Do you want to change the mission, and I will help you. Hehehe."

Yazi Yingshan laughed, she was happy to hear about Chuan Moyilang's embarrassment. .

"Baby, don't just talk about me, don't you have a mission yet?"

Think about it and said.

Chapter 1 Thirty

"I'm not like you, look what this is"

Kageyama Yako showed off the faiz belt she got from Ganqiao.


Thinking about Yilang's secret hatred, why did Murakami arrange for himself such a difficult traitor, Ophelia, if it was an ordinary Ophelia, he would have solved it long ago.

"Thinking, who are you chasing after?"

Yazi Kageyama and Takumo have different missions, and Yazi Kageyama doesn't know the list of traitors in Takumo's hand.

"It's a boy named Yuji Kiba, the number one traitor Murakami named to kill."

Think about it and said.He wanted to repair his relationship with Kageyama Yako, what he did last time was a little unreasonable, but Kitazaki always liked to bully him, not Kageyama Yako.He needs the boy to help himself.

"You can't make a mistake. Kiba Yuji is my younger brother's older brother. Didn't Murakami tell my younger brother to persuade him? Are you sure you read the right person?"

Kageyama Yako asked.

"How could I be wrong, this is the new list that Murakami gave me that day. How could I be wrong, Yuji Kiba is the first person who needs to be solved."

Thinking about Ichiro didn't care about Kiba Yuji's identity at the beginning, think about Kiba Kiyokawa, it turns out that the two are brothers.

So, Murakami dug a mine for his mission, if he killed Kiba Yuji himself.No matter how Kiba Kiyokawa's task is completed, he hates himself so much that he can only have one with himself.

Takumo Ichiro recalled that Kitazaki once said that Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa's strength was about the same as his own.Kitazaki is very proud and conceited, but what he said is basically true.

Thinking about it, I didn't want to chase the traitor for a while, Yuji Kiba, there are still many people on the list of traitors that Murakami gave himself, why did he find the hard nuts.

"I wish you would go ahead and kill him."

Thinking about Yiling, I never thought Yako Kageyama would say that, shouldn't I stop myself?

"Shun, my sister is enough, he doesn't need other relatives."

After pondering for a while, I suddenly understood that Yazi Kageyama's possessive temper broke out again, wanting to monopolize everything by himself.

"Kill him, I will offend your brother, I don't believe you won't help him."

Thinking about it, I'm going to say hello before killing. Language is also an art in this world. If it's settled, I'll be fine if I kill Kiba Yuji myself. If I can't say it, hehe, I may not wait until Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa makes a move. Kageyama Yako will be right Do it yourself.

"As long as you kill him, I won't tell my brother."

"You're not sure, I need your guarantee, like a faiz belt."

Thinking about trying to transform into a faiz.

"Give you."

Kageyama Yako threw the faiz belt into Takumo Ichiro's hands. This Kiba Yuji has a high status in Kageyama Yako's heart, so he gave the faiz belt as soon as he said it.

Zhuan Dan is holding a faiz belt, feeling a little happy, what's the matter, brother also has a belt.

Human beings can be so strong using the belt, so they can act as Orfi Enoch.After transforming, he should be stronger than them, maybe the No1 of Lucky Clover should be himself.

Zhuo Dian Yi Lang has happily started dreaming.

"As soon as you get the belt, do it quickly, lest you have long nights and dreams."

Kageyama Yako transformed into the lobster Ophelia, she is not going to continue playing the game of cat and mouse, she just kills Ganqiao.

And Yuji Kiba, who was hunted down by them, saw Qianqiao.

"Get out of here."

The two said in unison

"Go here."

"Go here."

The two chose the same fork to continue fleeing.Qianqiao is quite smart, he has a spare mobile phone, and called Cao Jiaya for help.

Coincidentally, Kiba Kiyohe was not called at this time, so it was useless for him to come, he had no belt, and he was just an ordinary person.

How could their speed be faster than Ao Fei Enuo.

After the two escaped from the factory, they were stopped by a lake.

"You keep running."

After thinking about it, Yilang took it out, and put the faiz belt on his waist.Type 555 to transform into Kamen Rider Faiz.

"How could faiz be in his hands"

Yuji Kiba saw Takumi Ichiro who transformed with a faiz belt.

Zhuo Mo Yilang took out the beam gun and keyed in 106, aimed at them and fired.

Kiba Yuji and Ganqiao had no choice but to jump into the lake, entered the "safe zone", and escaped unharmed.

"Why don't you go into the water and continue to hunt them down?"

Kageyama Yako asked.

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