"Didn't you go into the water too? Your combat effectiveness underwater is stronger than on land."

Takumo Ichiro saw that Kageyama Yako was hesitating, hesitating whether he should kill Kiba Yuji.You know, Yazi Kageyama is a strong lady in Lucky Clover, and she is famous for saying one is one and two is two.She will never regret doing things, but now she is hesitating.

What does this mean? It shows how important Kiba Qinghe's position in her heart is.Thinking about it, Kiba Kiyokawa's status in Kageyama Yazi has been raised by another level.

"I just don't want to get my clothes wet. I'll leave this faiz belt to you for the time being. Don't tell anyone what happened today."

Kageyama Yako said stiffly.

"It's natural."

Zhuo Shao Yilang played with the faiz beam gun in his hand, this weapon seemed to be much more upscale than his own whip.

Kiba Yuji and Ganqiao swam out from the other side of the lake, thanks to the fact that both of them can swim.

"How did you mess with them"

The two said in unison again.After finishing speaking, I was a little embarrassed.The two of them didn't know how to answer.

"Anyway, those guys, don't provoke them again in the future."

Coincidentally, this stuffy oil bottle said such a sentence.

"My name is Yuji Kiba, how about you?"

Kiba Yuji always felt that Qianqiao looked familiar, as if he had seen it before, but he couldn't remember it right away.

"Good job."

Qianqiao also felt that this guy seemed to have seen him somewhere before, and he couldn't be a customer of the laundry shop.

"What a coincidence, do you work at Kiba Laundry?"

Kiba Yuji thought of his younger brother, Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa said to himself that the faiz transformer is clever.It should be the man in front of him.

It's just that the faiz belt got into the hands of Orfienuo. It should be Orfienuo who snatched the belt.Yuuji guessed.

However, that would be troublesome. If someone from the Intellectual Brain Group got the faiz belt, I don't know how many Orfienuo who are unwilling to attack humans will be hurt.

Kiba Yuji was full of anxiety.

"Are you the shapeshifter of Faiz? I'm Kiba Kiba Yuji, Kiba Kiyokawa's older brother. You should have seen me when I came to deliver the clothes."

Kiba Yuji asked.

"So you are Qinghe's elder brother. I said I never felt like I'd seen you before."

Hearing Kiba Yuji explain his identity, Gan Qiao put down his vigilance.

"Did Qinghe tell you my identity?"

"Yes, my younger brother often mentions you, saying that the faiz user is a very kind and just person."

Kiba Yuji said.

"How can you believe what that guy said? Don't I think it takes me a whole night to figure it out?"

Qianqiao is a little arrogant, maybe he is just that good.

Being complimented by Kiba Yuji, the relationship between Ganqiao and Kiba Yuji was shortened a lot at once, and Ganqiao looked at Kiba Yuji with softer eyes. .

"True, but those guys took the faiz belt."

Ganqiao was also a little distressed after losing the faiz belt.

Chapter 131 Showdown

"That's right."

Kiba Yuji was about to say goodbye, and he was going back to tell Nagata Yuka the news.

"Aqiao. Why are you here? Didn't you go to the pizza shop? Could it be that you got lost?"

Li Qinghe stopped here on his motorcycle.

"Brother, why are you here?"

After Li Qinghe stopped his motorcycle, he saw Kiba Yuji who was soaked all over.

"Qinghe, what are you doing at the pizza shop?"

Kiba Yuji asked.

"The owner of the unscrupulous shop doesn't know how to make pizza. The truth is that they can't get out of bed with a cold. I'm fine, it's just dysentery, and the frequency of going to the toilet is higher. No, the feeling is coming again, where is there a toilet, ah .”

As soon as Li Qinghe said that he was fine, he clutched his stomach and looked for the toilet.

"So it's the pizzeria's problem. Why did Nagata Yuka and Haitang get sick today. Qinghe, there should be a toilet there."

Kiba Yuji looked around and pointed to the public toilet not far away.

Li Qinghe hurriedly left on his motorcycle, and came back not long after.

"Brother, let me take you to the hospital to buy some medicine first. Ah Qiao, if you want to, why don't you wait here for me?"

"Where's Orpheus?"

Cao Jiaya came on a sidecar motorcycle, and it must be said that Cao Jiaya was definitely a qualified knight in eliminating Orfienuo.

Even if he is sick, he still insists on playing

"They left, but they took my belt away, and you still come out to fight like this.

The goal of Orfienuo this time is the belt.They took my belt, you're the next target. "

I said a few more words, although he didn't get along well with the Caojia people, but they had such a serious cold this time, they all came out to eliminate Aofei Enuo.He has to accept this love.

"Then you are such a waste, you can lose your belt."

As long as there is no truth in front of the Caojia people, their attitude towards clever words is still so cold.

Cao Jiaya was sweating all over his body, and it was not easy to ride here.

"Aqiao, you send the grass and add it back first. He is on the road like this, and it is easy to get into a car accident. I'll talk to the owner of the pizzeria."


Cao Jiaya didn't push himself hard this time, and took the initiative to sit in the sidecar, and left on a motorcycle.

"Qinghe, this Qianqiao is really an interesting person, but Faiz is now taken by Ophelia, so be careful."

Seeing Qianqiao left, Kiba Yuji had something to say to Kiba Kiyokawa.

"Brother, now Zhinao Group and Lucky Clover are targeting you, not me. I have already lurked in Clover, and I can inquire about some information, and they will not attack me yet.

If you are in danger next time, be sure to call me.I'll come over here. "

Li Qinghe exhorted.

"Qinghe, you said that you joined the four-leaf clover, is it really all right? I'm a little worried, will those Ophelias believe you?"

Kiba Yuji was even more worried about his younger brother.

"I'm also a native Orfi Enoch, so naturally there is no problem."

Li Qinghe transformed into a unicorn Ophelia in front of Yuji Kiba.

"Brother, you, I don't know when you became Ophelia"

Kiba Yuji was still taken aback by Li Qinghe's sudden transformation.Kiba Yuji had been worried that his younger brother would not be able to accept that his older brother was Ophelia, so he didn't tell him his identity.

Now it seems that his younger brother may have discovered his identity very early, but he has not revealed it.

"Brother, you have kept me a secret. I thought you were an ordinary person. You knew my identity a long time ago, right?"

There are no outsiders here, so Li Qinghe decided to have a showdown with his brother here.

"I know. It was you, brother, who fought me last time. You beat me so badly."

"Qinghe, if you revealed your identity earlier, wouldn't that misunderstanding be avoided?"

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, Kiba Yuji was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Since you are also Ofienuo, the matter between you and Yuka should be done as early as possible. Ofienuo's lifespan is not long. I hope that there will be successors in my Kiba family."

Yuuji Kiba blinked his eyes.

"Brother, don't talk about me, let's talk about you. You and your sister-in-law have been together for a long time, and you haven't given birth to a little Kiba."

Kiba Kiyokawa and Yuji started joking with each other.

"I'm Orfienuo, and Chie Morishita is human. I still thought, if I were one day, I didn't expect you to be Orfienuo."

Yuji Kiba transforms into Ophelia Magata.

"Brother, put away Orfi Enoch's form. Don't scare passers-by. Orfi Enoch's lifespan is short, which is not necessarily the case."

After the two released the transformation, Li Qinghe patted Kiba Yuji's Yuexiong mouth with his hand.

A small crack appeared between Li Qinghe's eyebrows, which then expanded into an eye.

Li Qinghe's human-shaped shadow also became a unicorn in a roaring state.

When Kiba Yuji was surprised, he felt a surge of fiery energy pouring into his body, and he felt healthier than ever before.His spirits are at their peak and he feels stronger than ever

After the energy transmission ended, Li Qinghe's face was frighteningly pale.This was Li Qinghe's first attempt to lift the life restriction of Ao Fei Enuo.

But he didn't expect to consume so much energy that Li Qinghe's legs were a little unsteady.It seems that in the future, he can't just help Orfienuo get rid of the limitation of lifespan.

"Qinghe, what's wrong with you?"

Kiba Yuji quickly supported Kiba Kiyokawa.

"It's nothing, too much force, my legs are weak."

Li Qinghe felt a little tired and wanted to sleep.

"Don't sleep, brother will take you back."

Kiba Yuji thought something happened to Li Qinghe.Carrying Li Qinghe on his back, he drove back to his home on a motorcycle.

As for the matter of buying medicine with Haitang Naoya and Nagata Yuka, how could it be important to have her own brother.

Li Qinghe opened his eyes again, and found that he was already on Jiehua's bed.Yuhua seemed a little cold, and kept hugging herself.

This time, elder brother Yongzhi finally did a good deed for his younger brother's happiness.

"Brother, you're awake"

Kiba Yuji's voice made Li Qinghe's body tremble when he was startled.No, brother, why haven't you left yet?

"Oh, brother. Why are your eyes so red that you won't cry?"

Li Qinghe looked up at Yuji Kiba and said with a smile.

"I just got sand in my eyes. Are you okay? When I brought you back, your body was very cold, and it happened that Jiehua had a fever and was very hot all over, so I put you on her bed.

I seem to have forgotten to buy medicine for them. You stay here and I will go buy medicine. "

Yuji Kiba noticed that Yuka Nagata hugged his brother tightly and did not let go, and it was probably used as ice.But this scene seems a little ambiguous. If you continue by yourself, you will have a needle eye.

Kiba Yuji resigned.

Li Qinghe didn't expect that using the power hidden in his body this time would bring such big consequences.The body is cold, which should be the cause of the energy imbalance in the body. As Orfi Enoch, he was born back from the dead.

"do not go."

Nagata Yuka, who was holding Li Qinghe in his arms, said in a daze.

"I'm not going, I'm not going."

Li Qinghe had no choice but to let Nagata Yuka hug him.


On that thought, Nagata Yuka added Haitang again. .

Haitang, who else could it be, it must be Haitang.

Li Qinghe shook his body, this is the rhythm of being green

Chapter 132 Change

Li Qinghe didn't expect that he had put so much effort into Nagata Yuka, Nagata Yuka still thinks of Naoya Haitang instead of himself deep in his heart.

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