Then should Li Qinghe give up? No, it has reached this point, how can he give up, Li Qinghe firmly believes that as long as the pickaxe dance is good, there is no wall that cannot be dug down.

Li Qinghe has an angel's holy buff bonus in his body, even if he is sick, he will recover very quickly.Li Qinghe's dysentery has recovered.I just don't know if I can help others, such as sister Jiehua.

Now is an opportunity to increase your favorability. At present, there is nothing like helping a sick girl recover and increase your favorability quickly.

In the 555 world, there is no one who is more suitable to be a wife than Nagata Yuka, with a gentle personality and hard work.This is the template for the ideal future wife that most men look forward to.

Li Qinghe didn't want to lift Nagata Yuka's life restriction this time, so let's wait until his strength is stronger.That kind of powerless fatigue, even if I want to do it again now, I can't do it.

Li Qinghe held Nagata Yuka's hand, mobilizing traces of energy into her body.

Soon, Nagata Yuka's body temperature dropped, she pushed it, and opened her eyes to see Li Qinghe lying on her bed.

"Qinghe, you, why are you here with me?"

"Wait, that's not the point. The point is that I helped you reduce the fever."

After Li Qinghe said this, Jiehua noticed a weak energy, which was introduced into the heart from her hand, and flowed to the whole body, forming a cycle.

Li Qinghe's method of treating Yuka Nagata this time is very similar to the method of helping Yuji Kiba to lift his life restriction, but this time Li Qinghe controlled the energy output, so that the energy flowing out became a cycle, and finally he could return to the himself.

Although Nagata Yuka still has the same short life defect as most of Orfienuo this time, her potential is much stronger than before.

Nagata Yuka let go of her hand, and the cycle stopped.Yuhua felt dizzy again and her body temperature rose.

Li Qinghe took the initiative to hold her hand, "You still don't move, wait until my brother buys the medicine. After taking the medicine, you will be fine."


Jiehua didn't let go this time. No one likes the feeling of a cold. Besides, it shouldn't be wrong to grab hands with her boyfriend.It's good that Haitang didn't see it.

After thinking about it, Jiehua lay down on the bed, her other arm still hugged Li Qinghe tightly and did not let go.She didn't notice it herself.

It's just that Yuji Kiba took so long to buy the medicine this time.

It's been three hours and I still haven't come back.Li Qinghe said that he kept one movement still, half of his body was stiff.

Kiba Yuji pushed open the door and put the medicine on the cabinet.

"Qinghe, I'm back from buying medicine. Come and feed her medicine."

Yuji Kiba had an extra bruise on his face, which was not there before he went out to buy medicine, which means he went out to fight.

"Yuka, this, you push me, I can't move"

Li Qinghe said with a wry smile.

"Ah, oh oh."

It was only then that Yuhua realized that she had been hugging Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa all the time, and he had been lying on his side like this for three hours without making a sound.Such a man should be a good man.But, what about Haitang.

Li Qinghe got up and gave Nagata Yuka cold medicine, and let her fall asleep.In fact, Nagata Yuka is almost recovered, but the cold medicine has its own drowsiness effect, which makes it easy to fall asleep.

Li Qinghe walked out of the room, "Brother, are you in trouble when you go out to buy medicine?"

"No, it solved a little trouble. Yuhua fell asleep"


Since Kiba Yuji said that it has been resolved, it is fine.

"Brother, I'm going back to the store first. I'm a little worried about telling them the truth. They don't even know how to buy medicine when they're sick. I just want to get some sleep. Ah Qiao, I definitely didn't buy medicine for them."

Li Qinghe actually wanted to find the owner of the pizzeria, this bastard, he can't cook well, no wonder he was on the verge of bankruptcy

"Qinghe, be careful on the road."


Li Qinghe came directly to the pizzeria and found that it was closed. Li Qinghe opened the door and went in. He found messy chairs and tables, as if they had been fighting.

Probably not, when Yuji Kiba said to solve the trouble, he was the one who solved it.Li Qinghe knew that the owner of the pizzeria was Offienuo, and thought to himself, as long as he didn't mess with him, he wouldn't care about him.

But looking at the ashes on the ground that have not disappeared, the clothes of the owner of the pizzeria are on the ashes.It seems that Yuji Kiba is the one who solved it.

Li Qinghe bought the medicine and returned to the laundry.

"Qinghe, you're back."

Qianqiao said hello listlessly.Lost the faiz belt, would he feel better? He was wondering if he was fit to be a knight, and he couldn't even protect the belt.

"Ah Qiao, you feed grass and take medicine. I sent medicine to Truth. They must not have taken medicine."

"Ah, uh."

Ganqiao took the medicine and put it on Caojia's table. As for feeding Caojiaya people to take medicine, how could this be possible? Impossible, right?

Then, Ganqiao looked at Cao Jiaya who was lying on the bed, opened the medicine bottle silently, and made a cup of hot water.

Li Qinghe knocked on the door of truth.


Truth asked feebly.

"It's me, Qinghe."

Li Qinghe said outside the door.

"Qinghe, what's the matter?"

"I bought you medicine."

"Then come in."

Li Qinghe pushed open the door and saw the truth with a thermometer in his mouth.

No, you have already confirmed that you have a cold, and you still need to check your body temperature. Is it possible that you want to confirm whether your temperature has reached the point where you need to go to the hospital? If you have time to spare, why don't you take medicine and have a look.

Li Qinghe gently held up the truth with one hand.

"Take your medicine."

"Thank you, Qinghe."

Truth suddenly felt that Kiba Kiyokawa, who used to be considered cold and unkind, seemed a little human.Did I think that his view was too one-sided, and I couldn't stereotype people from one thing.

"Caojia, has he taken any medicine?"

Truth is indeed the eldest sister of Meteor School, at this time, she still misses Sogaya.

"I've already bought medicine for him, and Aqiao should have finished feeding him now. After you take the medicine, go to rest."

Li Qinghe pulled the thermometer out of Truth's mouth, and shouted very hard.

"Thank you."

"Thank you, little thing."

From the room, Li Qinghe saw the skill of wiping hands.

"Aqiao, has Cao Jia finished taking the medicine?"

Li Qinghe asked.


said dryly.

"What's the matter with the water on your clothes?"

Li Qinghe saw Ganqiao wiping the water off his clothes.

"Cao Jia's fever is a bit severe, he refuses to drink water, and keeps saying that he is fine. His lips are so dry, and he still refuses to drink water. Especially after seeing the medicine I brought him, he is even more unwilling to take it medicine."

Qian Qiao said helplessly.

"What about the end?"

Li Qinghe asked curiously. .

"get medicine."

said dryly.As for the process, no matter how Li Qinghe asked, he did not say anything.Looks like there's something in it.

Chapter 134 Two peaches kill three warriors

"Ah, Murakami, why are you free to come here today? Could it be that you are urging us to work again?"

Kageyama Yako asked.

"Although this is one of my reasons for coming here. But mainly I want to talk to you about the members of the Lucky Clover. You guys, it takes four people to be considered a Lucky Clover. I hope to add another member to replace the vacancy left by j."

"Then where did you put my brother? He is a reserve member of Lucky Clover."

Kageyama Yako asked.

"Although there is only one missing position for the Lucky Clover, you just said that your younger brother is only a reserve member. Isn't it a bit rare to have only one reserve member for the Lucky Clover position?

If there is no competition, there will be no motivation. I also do this to better promote the development of Lucky Clover.Boy, you should have confidence in your brother.Although, I heard that Kitazaki doesn't seem to be optimistic about your brother. "

Murakami Kyoji seems to be kindly selecting members for Lucky Clover, but it is not.Have you heard the story of two peaches killing three men?Murakami Kyoji wants to use a vacant j position to kill many Orfienuo who have the potential to enter the lucky clover.

"I want to add... I have no objections. However, it must be strong enough to match us. There are not many candidates with Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa's strength."

Takuma gestured to Kageyama Yako.

Kageyama Yako smiled smugly, she hadn't heard recently that there was any Ophelia who could match her younger brother in strength.

"Of course, I will choose people who are about the same strength as the others, if they can be regarded as high school."

When Murakami Kyoer said so, she had already started to act.However, he is not ready to tell Yingshan and the others yet.

Li Qinghe came to Jiehua's house.

Nagata Yuka stood on the balcony on the second floor, looking down.

"Jiehua, why are you crying?"

Li Qinghe hugged her from behind and wiped her tears.

"I just because someone is willing to accept me, I'm so happy."

Yuka said with a forced smile.


Li Qinghe didn't think so.


Knuckles nodded.

Li Qinghe didn't expose Nagata Yuka, he knew why Yuhua was crying, sometimes he had to pretend to be confused, otherwise he wouldn't be able to eat tofu.

"Yuka, let's get married."

Li Qinghe said suddenly.

"This, this, this may be a little too fast."

When Li Qinghe said this suddenly, Yuji Kiba downstairs spit out the black tea that was in his mouth.Although Kiba Yuji and Morishita Chie have been living together for a while, they are not married yet.

"Marry? That's great. When you get married, I'll join you."

Haitang also came out of the room, and he also heard what Qinghe said.

What he thought was that as long as Nagata Yuka got married, it wouldn't bother him.Haitangzhi also knew Nagata Yuka's thoughts, but he couldn't have the idea of ​​liking this type of girl, what he liked was a girl who was as cute as the truth.

"I promise you, get married now."

Originally Nagata Yuka was going to refuse, but after hearing the same thing from the person she likes, Haitang Nao, her heart was broken.Since you want me to marry someone else so much, I'll marry him.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm too impatient, so you can think about it again. I'm not in a hurry."

Li Qinghe Kemei thought that Jiehua would agree, and he was ready for Jiehua to refuse.

"Wait, you said you agreed?"

Li Qinghe didn't react immediately.

"Well, what's the matter? I agree to your marriage proposal."

Yuhua reiterated again.

Now it was Li Qinghe's turn to be a little embarrassed. He only said what he said because he was sure that Nagata Yuka would refuse, and he made Yuhua feel inseparable from him by being hot and cold to Yuhua.Isn't this one of the 36 tricks of love?It's just, Yuhua, isn't it a bit hasty for you to make such a decision?

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