Jiehua leaned beside Li Qinghe affectionately, "Honey, I'll go home with you tonight, okay?"

Li Qinghe just wanted to say that the beds in my house are already full, there is no place for you to live in.

Li Qinghe looked embarrassed, "Jiehua, are you thinking about it seriously? I was a little abrupt just now. You don't know enough about me..."

"Being your wife, I don't need to know you. I know your brother Yongzhi very well. As his younger brother, you will definitely be a good husband."

Nagata Yuka seemed to have made up her mind.

"Ahem. Brother, come up here, I have something to discuss with you."

Li Qinghe shouted to Yuji Kiba downstairs.

I saw Kiba Yuji quickly turned on the TV series and turned up the volume.

"What did you say? I didn't hear it, no, it seems that I have eaten my stomach, and I have to go to the bathroom outside."

Kiba Yuji pushed open the door and slipped away.Just kidding, the mess you left, you should deal with it yourself.The major event in your life, you must work hard on your own.How can I intervene.

Kiba Yuji went straight home to find Chie Morishita.

"Qinghe, do you hate me too?"

Seeing Li Qinghe's silence for a long time, Nagata Yuka asked in tears.

"No, I think you are cute, I like you very much."

Li Qinghe comforted Nagata Yuka.

"Then why don't you speak?"

Li Qinghe can't say, he hasn't figured out how to do it yet.

"I, I am, I like you so much, so, so I, I haven't realized it for a while."

Nagata Yuka looked at Li Qinghe who was stammering, and knew that what Li Qinghe said must be different from what he thought.But she said everything as a girl, she, she...

"Then, shall we get married in three days? I'll give you a perfect wedding first."


This was the best way Li Qinghe could think of, to delay time without hurting Jiehua.

Once Jiehua was injured too hard and turned black directly, it would be over.The blackened knot flower is not Li Qinghe's favorite knot flower.

Li Qinghe glanced at Haitang resentfully, it was all because of his trouble just now, which disrupted his plan.

At the same moment, Sogaya in the laundry confessed to the truth.

"Truth, aren't you still angry with me?"

"Hmph, why don't you say that, who called Cao Jia that you wouldn't tell me anything."

Sokaya put his head in front of the truth, and the eyes of the truth could not look directly at Soka.

"The reason why I didn't say anything was just to protect you. Didn't I say it before, when I was in Meteor School, I was always protected by you, and now it's me who protects you.

Please don't look away and look at me. "

Truth said awkwardly: "Caojia, you..."

"I've been watching you all the time, and I hope you can watch me the same way."

Facing the confession of Sogaya.Truth, don't know what to say.She knew that Cao Jia liked her, but when Cao Jia didn't confess, she never thought about that.

"Souka, you..."

Truth did not look directly at Soka, but showed his attitude with actions.

"I'm sorry to say that to you suddenly. I'm really sorry for shocking you. But I hope you can really understand what I mean."

Soka said sincerely.

"Cough cough."

Coincidentally, I babbled and passed by "inadvertently", the truth is the person I want to protect, Soka, are you robbing me of "Guardian Goddess"?

Truth returned to the room with a blushing face, Cao Jiaya was a little annoyed and cleverly disturbed the situation.

Ganqiao's cell phone rang, and Ganqiao answered the call.

"Ah Qiao, tell the truth for me, tonight, I won't go back tonight."

A phone call from Li Qinghe ended the tense atmosphere between Cao Jia and Gan Qiao.

Chapter 135 The Troubled Wedding

Li Qinghe is not at Yuji Kiba's place now, but in a five-star hotel.

Li Qinghe hung up the phone, looked at Jiehua who was close at hand, and looked at Jiehua seriously.

"Yuka, you have to think about it."


Yuhua was a little hesitant at the moment.

Li Qinghe was not surprised at all, what Jie Hua said was just a moment of enthusiasm.

"You have a good rest here."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he was about to leave.

"Where are you going?"

Yuhua asked.

"Of course it's back to my house."

Li Qinghe said it as a matter of course.

"Can you stay with me instead of leaving?"

Nagata Yuka said in a pleading tone.

"With you, a beautiful woman, by my side, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold back myself, and you won't even have a chance to regret it."

Jiehua naturally understood what Li Qinghe meant, she didn't expect that she was so attractive in Li Qinghe's eyes.

When Li Qinghe said this, Jiehua didn't dare to keep Li Qinghe anymore.

Li Qinghe didn't go home, but opened a new room opposite to Jiehua's room and stayed there.For some things, don't rush, take your time, the soup made by slow fire is delicious.

Sitting on the big bed alone, Jiehua was a little at a loss when faced with Li Qinghe's pursuit. She didn't know how she agreed to Li Qinghe's marriage proposal in a daze.Is he too casual in Qinghe's eyes?

Jiehua picked up the phone, hesitated for a long time, and called Li Qinghe.

"Qinghe, can you come and accompany me?"

What the hell, what an obvious signal.If you don't eat the fat meat delivered to your mouth, then you will be Liu Xiahui.

Li Qinghe had already given Nagata Yuka a chance, but she still made this choice, so don't blame him.

That night, Nagata Yuka changed from an intellectual beauty to a charming young woman.

The next day, Li Qinghe took Nagata Yuka back to where she lived.

"Jiehua, it's too late for you to regret it now."

Li Qinghe bought chicken soup for Jiehua to nourish her qi and blood.

"I don't need to regret it anymore. Anyway, I'm yours now."

After that night, Yuhua understood her identity.To Haitang Naoya, he is just an ordinary friend of Yuka.

On the night when Yuhua left, Haitang also tossed and turned, unable to sleep.When he saw Jiehua's indifferent eyes today, Haitang knew that he had completely lost Jiehua.

Kiba Yuji looked at Yuka, who was unable to move and was supported by Li Qinghe, and naturally understood what was going on.After learning that his younger brother is also Orfienuo, Kiba Yuji changed his view of the future of his younger brother and Yuka, from being pessimistic to actively matching.

As for Haitang, I can only say I'm sorry, my younger brother's marriage is the most important thing, you should stay single for a few more years.

Kiba Yuji saw that Li Qinghe finally had a wife, and he was happy for his brother.Yuhua is a very nice girl, she will definitely be a good wife if she marries her younger brother.

"Jiehua, are you going to get married the day after tomorrow?"

Kiba Yuji asked.

"Well, I want to marry Qinghe early. What's wrong?"

Yuhua asked.

"It's nothing, I'm happy for you and my brother."

Yuji Kiba wanted to say that time is too tight.But hurry up, hurry up, there is still time.

Ofe Enoch's body recovers quickly.In the afternoon, Li Qinghe accompanied Nagata Yuka to choose wedding clothes.

Li Qinghe told Qianqiao and the others the news of their marriage.In this world, Li Qinghe doesn't have many relatives and friends, and so does Yuhua.Therefore, this wedding is not going to be a big one, just invite some friends to come.

Time flies, and it's the wedding day.

In a Western-style wedding hall.At the wedding, Qianqiao, Zhenli, Soka, Kiba, Haitang, and Chie Morishita's family all came.And the group of students from the Meteor Private School were also pulled in to make up the numbers.They were all familiar relatives and friends, there were no strangers, and the atmosphere was lively. They congratulated the new couple Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa and Nagata Yuka one after another.

Yazi Yingshan and the others didn't invite her, and the relationship between her and Qianqiao is not good, so they are guaranteed to fight when they meet.

The priest held the Bible: "Please ask the groom, Mr. Qinghe, to step forward, please put your left hand on your chest, and please answer solemnly, no matter in good times or bad times, rich or poor, would you like to be with this lady beside you?" Will you become a husband and wife in the form of marriage, and respect her forever, love her, protect her, and stay with her hand in hand for a lifetime?

"I am willing."

Li Qinghe said.

Priest: "Okay, thank you for the groom, please step forward, Miss Yuhua, please put your right hand in front of your chest, please answer solemnly, no matter in good times or bad times, rich or poor, would you like to be with this one around you?" Mister married."

Yuhua nodded, just about to say I would.

"Would you still like to marry a dead man?"

A man in a black dress suddenly appeared in front of the priest, pinched his neck, and interrupted the normal progress of the wedding.

"You are the competitor of that lucky four-leaf clover."

The man pointed at Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe's face was embarrassing. The wedding was disrupted and the master of ceremonies was killed.Marriage is originally a joyous day, and blood should not be seen.

"Damn you."

A white crystal ball appeared in Li Qinghe's hand, and it hit the man in the suit.

The man in the tuxedo was severely beaten and flew aside, and the crystal ball turned into thin ice and covered the man's body.

"Crack clap."

The thin ice shattered little by little, and the man in the suit slowly stood up, transforming into the poisonous scorpion Orfienuo.

"You are really strong, you are worthy of being a reserve member of Lucky Clover, and you are enough to be my opponent."

The transformation of the man in the suit made Morishita Chie, who is an ordinary person, scream in fright.

Li Qinghe's operation also frightened the truth.How could human beings send out energy balls.

"Ah Qiao."

Ganqiao took the faiz belt and keyed 555 to transform into Kamen Rider faiz.

"You go quickly."

Chie Morishita, who was protected by Yuji Kiba, left first.

"Qianhui, you leave here first. I'll be back later."

After Kiba Yuji arranged Chie, he turned back.At my younger brother's wedding today, I was disrupted by Ophelia, how could I not help.

"Yo Yo Yo, today is your wedding, sorry to mess it up. But it doesn't matter, you go to hell and hold your wedding again."

A boy with earplugs riding a skateboard, threw the skateboard aside, and transformed into the earthworm Ophelia.

A migrant worker man who was eating a rice bowl put down the lunch box in his hand.

"Although I'm very hungry, I can eat after killing you. Lucky Clover, I also want to join."

After speaking, he transformed into the dolphin Orfienuo.

"I didn't expect to meet so many Orfienuos today, it's really..."

Soka Masato picked up the phone and dialed 913 to transform into Kamen Rider Kaixa.

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