"Why, why, are you rushing to reincarnate?"

Although Li Qinghe didn't know what was going on, but if this group of people dared to make trouble at his wedding, he should kill them.

The lines of Orpheus and Enoch on Li Qinghe's face appeared.

"What, Qinghe, Qinghe is Ophelia!"

Truth exclaimed in surprise.

"Hmph, Kiba Kiyokawa. I gave you a chance to persuade your brother to join us, but you don't seem to be able to do it. You didn't kill your brother, and you didn't persuade him."

The one who spoke was Kyoko Murakami who came here.

"The time you gave is too short, it's only a few days."

Li Qinghe said coldly.

Chapter 136 Despair

"I also want to give you a little more time, but it's a pity that Kitazaki doesn't want to give it to you. Come here too, whoever kills Qinghe can succeed j."

Murakami Kyo'er pointed to the melon-eating crowd who saw Ao Fei Enuo and said without the slightest panic.

"Murakami, you must mean what you say."

A punk boy with lip studs took off his sunglasses and transformed into Orfi Enoch, a flying fish.

There is also a sea cucumber Orfienuo who also came out.

"Qinghe, I like you very much. It's a pity that you don't have my ambitions and can't be used by me, so as long as Beiqi asks, I will kill you by the way.

However, I will not take action against you, you are not a traitor after all.Hinako, he will leave it to you. "

After Murakami finished speaking, Hinako Sasaki reluctantly stood in front of Li Qinghe.

"Murakami, I'm still a reserve member of Lucky Clover, if my sister Yako knows..."

"Yazi? She can't protect herself now, Bei Qi has already started to deal with Yazi and Zhuomo.

I promised Kitazaki that I would create a new lucky clover for him.As for your sister, it's better to disappear as soon as possible. "

Murakami Kyo'er said that Li Qinghe's idea of ​​using the lucky four-leaf clover as a shield was absolutely rejected.

"Mr. Qinghe, I really didn't expect that this will be the case when we meet again."

Hinako Sasaki transforms into Sakura Orpheus.

Li Qinghe transformed into the unicorn Ophelia.

"I just want to live a good life, is it so difficult?"

Li Qinghe seemed to be asking himself, and he was also asking Murakami Xia'er.


Sakura Ao Fei Yinuo said, three darts in the shape of a character were shot at Li Qinghe, and she herself disappeared.

At this moment, the battle broke out.Gan Qiao and Cao Jiaya fought against the four poisonous scorpions, earthworms, sea cucumbers, and the dolphin Aufienuo.Since those four Aofei Enuo dared to challenge Li Qinghe, it meant that they were not bad in strength, otherwise they would be sent to death if they were chosen.

And Yuji Kiba, Yuka Nagata, and Haitang who came back transformed themselves to deal with Kyoko Murakami.

Murakami Kyo'er didn't even transform herself, and directly confronted the enemy physically.

Li Qinghe pulled out the holy sword on his back and slapped the cherry blossom darts flying, searching for the trace of Sasaki Hinako.

Sasaki Hinako's cherry blossoms were falling all over the sky, and they were attached to Li Qinghe's body and sword.

As there were more and more cherry blossoms on Li Qinghe's body, Li Qinghe felt a squeeze, his hands and arms seemed to be tied up.

"Give up, you are not my opponent."

Sasaki Hinako said.

"Not necessarily."

The rib gap in Li Qinghe's waist suddenly flew out and scratched Li Qinghe's clenched arm.


Hearing Sasaki Hinako's screams in a low voice, Li Qinghe understood.It is not this cherry blossom that restrains herself, but Sasaki Hinako herself.

Li Qinghe transformed into a passionate state, becoming an ice jade unicorn, and his scales opened, blowing away the cherry blossoms attached to his body.

Then he took a big breath, and the scattered cherry blossoms gathered towards Li Qinghe's mouth.

After gathering the cherry blossoms together, Li Qinghe stopped breathing, and the unicorn roared.

"Hao Erer!"

A huge ice storm froze the flying cherry blossoms into a hockey ball.

Sasaki Hinako's strength is not strong, not as good as Lucky Clover.Of course, Li Qinghe was able to deal with her so easily because Sasaki Hinako was merciful.

Li Qinghe had also seen the sparring between her and Yako Kageyama back then. Sasaki Hinako didn't even use her strength during the sparring, and she was willing to be defeated by Li Qinghe.

After Li Qinghe froze Sasaki Hinako, he looked at the battle situation.

Ganqiao and Cao Jiaya are one against two, and both of them are weaker than j, but if the two add up, they are stronger than j.

Therefore, Qianqiao and Caojia are also extremely difficult to fight.But there is no risk of defeat just yet.

On the contrary, it was Yuji Kiba, and the three of them turned into Ophelia and joined forces to fight against the enemy.

Murakami Kyoji didn't even transform, and suppressed the three of Kiba with powerful telekinesis.

"You traitors are too weak."

Murakami Kyo'er casually pointed at Haitang who wanted to sneak attack, and Haitang was also pointed and flew aside.

Kiba Yuji took out his long sword and slashed at Murakami.

A vine-shaped light wheel appeared in Murakami Kyo'er's hand, and the light wheel hit Haitang Naoya's body.

"I haven't, truth..."

Haitang Zhi also died on the spot, turning into ashes.



Under the strong anger of Yuji Kiba, the sprinting man Maofi Enuo ran into Kyoko Murakami.

Li Qinghe is ready to step in to help Yongzhi.

A dragon claw slapped the passionate Li Qinghe away from the side.

"Beitazaki, you came just in time, it seems that you have already solved the problem."

Murakami Xia'er was going to deal with Li Qinghe, but Bei Qi came, so let him.

"It seems that the progress of the game is much faster than you. I won this game."

Bei Qi's transformation into a dragon-shaped Orfienuo appeared behind Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe relieved his passion.

Li Qinghe held the holy sword and looked at Bei Qi.

Bei Qi hooked his hands, "Hit me."

Before Li Qinghe could make a move, Bei Qi continued, "Push the street, hit me."

Li Qinghe slashed over with a sword, and Bei Qi showed a satisfied smile.

Bei Qiping pushed his hand away, and Li Qinghe felt his sword hit the iron wall.

An air wall was created out of thin air, and with a "Dang", the holy sword slashed on the air wall.

And Bei Qi's dragon claws passed through the air wall, pinched Li Qinghe's neck, lifted Li Qinghe up, and kicked him flying tens of meters away.

Li Qinghe stopped after rubbing against the ground for tens of meters.Li Qinghe felt as if he had bumped into someone.

"Xiong Tai".

"Xiong Tai!"

Abe Rina's cries came from beside him, it turned out that there was an unlucky guy who was crushed to death by him.

Li Qinghe just stood up when a dark cloud shrouded his head.

"Crack, click, click."

Thunder and lightning.

Ten thousand volts of lightning struck Li Qinghe.

"Fuck you, uncle! Roundabout!"

Li Qinghe will hold the holy sword high, and throw the holy sword Chao Beizaki, which is still conducting electricity.

During the flight, the holy sword turned into hundreds of short swords.

Bei Qi smiled disdainfully, stretched out his dragon claws, facing the direction of the dagger.

The holy sword that flew over stopped in the air, and then it was disintegrated little by little, turning into dust and falling to the ground.

"Don't cry, let's go."

Seeing that Abe Rina and the others hadn't left yet, Li Qinghe urged.

With tears in her eyes, Murakami Shinmi looked at Li Qinghe who was being tortured by Kitazaki, and dragged Zhenli, Abbe Rina and other students from Meteor School to leave here.

"It's time, you still have time to help others, take care of yourself."

Bei Qi's voice sounded above Li Qinghe's head.

Bei Qi fell from the oolong, stepped on Li Qinghe's shoulder, and stepped half of Li Qinghe's body into the ground.

"Look, you still have to die by my hands. Wouldn't it be good if you died by my hands last time?"

Kitazaki said with a smile.

"If I want to die, I will drag you and die together."

Li Qinghe grabbed Bei Qi's legs with his hands, preventing him from leaving.

"Shadow crocodile, explode!"

The eye between Li Qinghe's eyebrows appeared.

Li Qinghe's shadow turned into a unicorn as if he had a soul.

Qilin jumped up and passed through Beizaki's body.

"What power is this!"

Kitazaki held the gap through which the shadow passed.

Chapter 137 Lose

"This is the power to regenerate Orfi Enoch!"

Li Qinghe manipulated the unicorn shadow to say something Bei Qi didn't understand, and penetrated Bei Qi's body again.

"Do you think that this kind of pediatric thing can defeat me? Stupid."

Bei Qi's dragon head opened its mouth, sucked at the shadow of the unicorn, and sucked the shadow unicorn into its belly.

Then the wound on Bei Qi began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bei Qi felt that he had dealt with the trouble, put his legs on Li Qinghe's head, and spun, looking like a small spinning top from a distance.

Li Qinghe was dragged to an altitude of [-] kilometers by Bei Qi.

"I'll blow you up before you hit the ground!"

Bei Qi let go of his legs, and Li Qinghe fell from the sky.

Bei Qi turned into a giant dragon with huge wings, soaring in the sky, pawed the falling Li Qinghe from time to time, and even picked Li Qinghe flying with the dragon horn.

During the fall, Li Qinghe endured the severe pain and pulled out his spine sword.

Just in time for Kitazaki's next attack, the spine sword pierced the head of Kai Kitazaki.Strange to say, when Kitaki tried to destroy the spine sword, the spine sword was not affected at all, but "melted" into Kitaki's head.

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