On Bei Qi's dragon head, there was an extra spine sword hilt, Bei Qi only felt a chill in his forehead.

Li Qinghe raised his foot high and kicked Bei Qi down from the sky.

With a scream, Kitaki fell from the sky while spinning. Fortunately, not far from the ground, he regained his stability and spread his wings to suspend in mid-air.

But Li Qinghe, who fell right after him, helped Bei Qi and hit him directly.

Kitazaki fell from mid-air, hitting a deep hole.

"go to hell!"

Bei Qi yelled, a huge energy was emitted from his body, Li Qinghe exploded from the pit, and landed not far from the "ice cube".

The person sealed in the ice is none other than Sasaki Hinako.

At this time, Murakami Kyoji had already defeated Kiba Yuji and Nagata Yuka, and she had two extra belts in her hand.

Gan Qiao and Sogaya are guarded by Kiba Yuji.

Speaking of it, it was a coincidence and luck, and the belt was taken away by Murakami Kyoji before he had time to exert the power of the faiz watch accessories.

The four Ophelia surrounded them and prevented them from escaping, as if they were waiting for Li Qinghe to be defeated.

Li Qinghe stepped on Yuexiong's mouth.

"It's a pity, you little guy with great potential. After the next reincarnation, remember to stand in the right position."

Murakami Kyo'er increased her strength little by little.

"Murakami, this is my prey, I will handle it."

Bei Qi bent his body and walked towards Li Qinghe step by step. Every step he took, there was a deep dragon mark under his feet.

Murakami put his feet away, "That's natural, I just check for you, Murakami, to see if he has died."


Kitazaki didn't believe what Murakami Kyoer said.

Murakami Kyoji's strength is not inferior to that of Kitazaki, but he doesn't want to offend him. Kitazaki also belongs to the seventh level of Orfi Enoch's strength.

Li Qinghe belongs to the strength of the sixth stage, so he can't compete with Beiqi naturally.The later the stage, the greater the gap between each level.

Li Qinghe was caught by Bei Qi like a sandbag and let go.The moment Li Qinghe landed, Bei Qi didn't know how many punches he threw on Li Qinghe.

"Let go of my brother".

Yuji Kiba was about to rush forward to help, but was easily stopped by the earthworm Ofienno.

"If you want to die, wait until your brother dies."

The earthworm Ophelia said arrogantly.

"Murakami, we have completed your task. Then we can join the four-leaf clover."

The flying fish Orfienuo stood aside, pinching his fingers.This is the reason why they attacked Li Qinghe.

"Of course it's done, but he's not dead yet. When Bei Qi gets rid of them, the four of you can completely join Lucky Clover."

Murakami Kyoer explained.These four people have entered the lucky four-leaf clover. Although they have good potential, they are destined to not live long.

Potential never equals strength.If it weren't for Murakami Kyoji's support this time, the four of them would be defeated by Faiz and Kaixa.Whether he can go back alive this time is another matter, not to mention any rewards.

Li Qinghe seemed to be dying, but he had been waiting for an opportunity.

"Pretending to be dead? I'll let you pretend to be dead."

Bei Qi didn't believe that Li Qinghe, who was in the form of the unicorn Ophelia, had no power to resist at all.

Bei Qi clenched his fist, and a black electric current appeared on the fist, and the voltage had exceeded [-] degrees.

The moment Li Qinghe smashed his head with his fist, he tilted his head and pulled out the spine sword stuck in the head of Beizaki Dragon.

At this moment, the spine sword has "melted" like Bei Qi himself, Li Qinghe's spine sword.

A crack appeared on Kitazaki's head, and a black light shone at the end of the spine sword.

"My food is not so delicious."

"Hao Erer".

It's the shadow unicorn!

Li Qinghe inserted the spine sword into Beiqi's body, making it a part of Beiqi's body for a short time.After finding the right opportunity, he pulled out the spine sword, the damage and pain it caused was enough for that boy Kitazaki to drink a pot.

This kind of pain is much more painful than pulling out the nail cap.

Kitazaki Rao has experienced many injuries, and it didn't hurt as much as this time.

Especially after the spine sword came out of Beiqi's head, the shadow unicorn attacked again.

Li Qinghe inserted the spine sword back into the spine.If the spine sword has not returned to its place for a long time, then Li Qinghe will be honored to be a paralyzed person.What would happen to a person without a spine, and what would happen to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe's use of the spine sword was a gamble.The real purpose of the spine sword is not to blend into the enemy's body and then wait for an opportunity to take it out.

"Molten" is currently the only characteristic of the spine sword!The spine sword is still in its infancy and is not suitable for use as a weapon.

When the spine sword is actually usable, this feature will disappear.Enduring the severe pain, Li Qinghe inserted the spine sword into his back.

If Li Qinghe didn't take back the spine sword, the spine sword would also be excreted by Bei Qi one day.Organs transplanted into other people's bodies will have a rejection reaction. Even if the spine sword temporarily enters Bei Qi's body, the same reasoning is true.

Fortunately, Li Qinghe won the bet!

However, Li Qinghe was also seriously injured, the injury caused by forcibly pulling the sword away from his spine was very serious.

"It seems that Kitazaki, you can't solve this toy. Do you want me to help?"

Murakami Kyo'er was speaking sarcastic remarks on the side, seemingly about to make a move, but she was actually on guard.

Bei Qi's strength is truly No. 1 in Lucky Clover, but when dealing with Li Qinghe's weird ability, he almost turned the tables.He was seriously injured by Li Qinghe.

"It's no use."

The huge hole on Kitazaki's head actually began to heal little by little, and the aura on his body became stronger little by little.

Why is this guy Bei Qi weaker than Xiao Qiang, he just can't die!The recovery power is stronger than Li Qinghe who has the holy buff, how to fight this!

"Kiba Kiyokawa, I will crush your body bit by bit. You have angered me."

While Bei Qi spoke, the injuries on his body seemed to have fully recovered.No wonder Murakami gave Beizaki face so much, he beat Beizaki to death without seeing the results immediately, and anyone with similar strength to him would be worn to death by his resilience little by little.

Li Qinghe's trump card at this moment is - Fist of Heaven.However, in Li Qinghe's state at this time, he couldn't fail to punch this punch.Perhaps, if you die once, you can be resurrected with full blood through the mutated demihuman bloodline, and you can play once with full state.

Li Qinghe gritted his teeth, trying not to let himself fall down, even if he died once, he would die standing up!

Chapter 138 Revolt

Bei Qi's unstoppable fist had already hit Li Qinghe's head.

At this moment, Li Qinghe's Aofei Enuo form could no longer hold on, and he forcibly canceled the transformation.

Li Qinghe missed his ghost pig a little at this moment.At that time, the fusion of sub-human blood produced the ghost pig, which disappeared after Li Qinghe evolved into the unicorn Ophelia.Only one shadow unicorn with the power of the shadow crocodile was left behind.


The ice that had frozen Hinako Sasaki burst.

Murakami Kyo'er was the closest to the ice, and was knocked aside by the broken ice without noticing it for a moment.

Sasaki Hinako's nine cherry blossoms formed three characters, and first repelled the three Orfienuo who surrounded Yuji Kiba and the others.

"Take him away quickly. I'll block you here. When he wakes up, tell him not to forget me and avenge me."

Sasaki Hinako dodged backwards, and countless cherry blossoms turned into an umbrella to block Li Qinghe, helping Li Qinghe block [-]% of the punch's power.

The rest of the fist wind directly blew away the cherry blossom umbrella, and blew Li Qinghe in the direction of Kiba Yuji.

Countless cherry blossoms were like a storm blocking the vision of the four Orfienuo who besieged Yuji Kiba and the others.

Kiba Yuji had just been able to "rest" for a while.At this moment, he doesn't care about avenging Haitang, let's get out alive first.Only by being alive can one take revenge.

Li Qinghe was blown into a daze by the wind of that punch, only felt that someone was hugging him and running away joltingly, who had the ability to save him.

Yuji Kiba transformed into a horse-shaped Orpheus and hugged Li Qinghe, while Nagata Yuka transformed into a crane-shaped Orpheus and flew into the sky holding Kiba Yuji.

As for Soka and Ganqiao, they took advantage of the storm caused by the cherry blossoms to escape.Of course, those four Aofei Enuo did not have the idea of ​​chasing them. These four Ao Fei Enuo were shocked by the four-leaf clover level battle!They feel their own smallness.

"How dare you betray me!"

Murakami Kyo'er didn't transform, and his powerful thoughts made him fly into the air.

Kyoko Murakami hates traitors the most!To be precise, no one does not hate traitors!The traitor deserves to die, the traitor deserves to be killed!

"Hinako, I saved your life back then. Why did you betray me!"

An angry Murakami said.

"I know, but you killed my parents too."

Sasaki Hinako said calmly.

"Looks like you know."

Murakami Kyo'er's anger disappeared, and her eyes were as calm as water.

"You let my prey go?"

Kitazaki appeared next to Sasaki Hinako in an instant, and the strong wind blew past Sasaki Hinako's ears.

That's right, teleportation.Before, Kitazaki's battles were nothing more than play.Pretending to use [-]% of his strength, in fact he only exerted [-]% of his strength.

For the battle with Li Qinghe, he didn't even release combat skills like teleportation.Kitazaki likes to see the despair after being defeated by himself again after the weak enemy explodes.At that time, I not only ravaged the opponent's body, but also the opposite soul!This is Kitazaki's favorite game.

Otherwise, if you think you are thinking about why you are so afraid of Beizaki, that's because you typed it out.

Sasaki Hinako turned into countless cherry blossoms and disappeared.

But "disappear"?Did it really disappear?

A rose appeared out of nowhere in Murakami's hand, "Hinako, you once said that you wanted me to give you a rose. Then you should also know that my roses bloom only for the dead."

The rose in Murakami Kyo'er's hand flew out and shot through a cherry blossom.

Sasaki Hinako appeared, she clutched the rose that was injured by the rose, and held the rose in her hand.

"You have been kind to me, but you killed my parents. I have been struggling with revenge."

Sasaki Hinako danced out the butterfly fan in her hand, and a fan got stuck in Kitazaki's throat.

Kitazaki grinned, "Your strength is a bit stronger than J, probably on the same level as Takumo. However, I can kill Takumo with one hand."

Kitazaki "slapped" his paw, and Hinako Sasaki was thrown aside.

"Kitaki, do me a favor, this girl, leave it to me."

Kyoji Murakami didn't wait for Kitazaki's consent, and took a void step to the top of Sasaki Hinako's head.

"Hinako, is this rose pretty?"

Murakami Kyoji landed in front of Sasaki Hinako.

Kitazaki appeared in front of Sasaki Hinako without hesitation, a jumping hammer!

The target was Sasaki Hinako.

Murakami Kyoji turned into a rose Orfienuo, raised her hand, and a circle of roses twirled and rolled Beizaki aside.


Sasaki Hinako lifted her transformation and looked at the rose happily.

"Can you tell me why you saved Kiba Qinghe? You are willing to betray me for him."

Kyoji Murakami was a little puzzled. Sasaki Hinako and Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa used to have a normal superior-subordinate relationship, not even a master-student relationship.

"I like him. But I know I can't like him. I've liked him since he was a silly and cute wild boar, Ophelia. I always wanted to be with him, but I didn't expect to be more and more with him farther."

While speaking, Sasaki Hinako tore off the rose petals in her hand little by little.She has transformed into Sakura Orfieno once again.

"Do you like it? Once..."

Murakami Kyo'er's eyes were in a trance, and she caught a cherry blossom as if in a daze.

The surrounding cherry blossoms quickly gathered towards him, forming a jagged piranha, enveloping him inside.

"Swiss, rustle."

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