I saw the center of the man-eating pistil formed by the cherry blossoms, and the sawtooth rotated in a circle.

And Murakami Kyoer seemed to be unaware of everything that was going on around her.

"I told you once that killing machines don't need emotions, you just need to be obedient. Why don't you listen."

After Murakami Kyoer finished speaking, roses and cherry blossoms were entangled together.


With the sound of bursting water bubbles, the cherry blossom Orfienuo, who had turned into a piranha, fell to the side.

"From the moment I became curious about him, I was no longer a killing machine."

Hinako Sasaki took out two butterfly fans,

"Dance of flying glider!"

The two butterfly fans in the hands of Sasaki Hinako attacked Murakami Kyoer around a strange trajectory.

"Dragon Hammer!"

With a sound of "dong", Hinako Sasaki was smashed into the ground.

Kitazaki, whose dragon claws turned into heavy hammers, lifted Sasaki Hinako out of the ground.

"Since I let go of my prey, then you are my prey."

Kitazaki's dragon claws pierced Sasaki Hinako's abdomen and pulled upwards.

Hinako Sasaki had a big hole in her abdomen.

"Dance of the Waterbirds."

Sasaki Hinako transformed into a dozen cherry blossom water birds and entered Kitazaki's body.But Kitazaki didn't feel anything unusual.

After performing this attack, Sasaki Hinako released her transformation, lay on the ground, and looked at the little bird in the sky.

"He should be safe."

"Is it worth it? Hinako."

Kyoji Murakami also canceled her transformation at some point, and asked Sasaki Hinako, who had disappeared into cherry blossoms little by little.

"There is no value or not, only willingness or not."

After Sasaki Hinako finished speaking, she turned into a cherry blossom and died.

"Murakami, your men let my toy go, I killed her, you should be very happy."

Kitazaki said braggingly, and picked up the cherry blossoms on the ground.But everything passing by his hands will be turned into sand and dust.Sure enough, the place of cherry blossoms that Kitazaki walked through was all reduced to ashes.

"Remember to promise me."

Kitazaki skipped and left like a child.


Leave Murakami Kyoer in the wind.

Chapter 139 The Third Belt

Li Qinghe woke up again and found that he had returned to the laundry.

"Qinghe, you're awake."

Kiba Yuji asked with concern.

"Brother, am I going home?"

Li Qinghe slowly recalled his previous battles. After he was defeated by Kitazaki, then his frozen Sasaki Hinako broke through the seal...

The memories ended here, and when he woke up again, he had already returned here.


Yuuji Kiba nodded.

"Qinghe, why have you been hiding your identity as Ophelia!"

Seeing that Li Qinghe had woken up, Tianyuan Zhen asked angrily.

"Ofienuo, what is your plan to sneak into our place? Now that faiz and kaixa have been taken away by Orfienuo, your plan should have come true."

Cao Jiaya stood aside at this time and said coldly.

"Cao Jia, I don't think Qing He is such a person."

Ganqiao brought Li Qinghe a cup of hot water.

"If I really want to take those two belts away, do you think you still have a chance to transform into Kaxia?"

Li Qinghe asked back to Cao Jiaya.

"Speaking of which, I was able to become Orfienuo, but it was a delay to both of you."

Li Qinghe said to the truth and skillful.


Truth looked confused.

"Only after a human dies once can he have a chance to become Orfienuo. I have already died once in that car accident."

Li Qinghe attributed the responsibility of transforming into Ophelia to the car accident.

"So, it's me and Qianqiao..."

Truth also remembered the car accident caused by Li Qinghe making a sharp turn because the two of them were speeding their motorcycles.

"Then why is your brother and Yuhua also Ao Fei Enuo?"

truth asked.

"My brother, like me, became Orfienuo in a car accident. As for Yuhua, you have to ask her."

Li Qinghe was lifted up softly by Jiehua, and brought the water to Li Qinghe's mouth.

"I, I accidentally fell down on the stairs, and then I became Orfienoch."

Yuhua lowered her head and said that she didn't want to tell others about her experience of becoming Ophelia. Before becoming Ophelia, Nagata Michiko, who was a younger sister, had been bullying her.

"Although we are Orfienuo, we have never harmed humans. That's why we were attacked by the Brain Group."

Kiba Yuji explained why Murakami Kyoji attacked them this time.

"Have you ever harmed a human being?"

Gan Qiao murmured, he remembered what Li Qinghe told him, how to treat the part of Ophelia who still has a human heart.

In this battle, Haitang Zhi also died in the battle, which made Kiba Yuji very self-blame, if only he was stronger.

"We can't live here anymore. The Intellectual Brain Group should send the next wave of raiders soon.

And Haitang's revenge, I will definitely avenge it. "

Li Qinghe clenched his fists, triggering the injuries on his body, and gritted his teeth in pain.


Regarding Haitang's death, although Truth does not accept his pursuit, she doesn't hate him, nor does she want him to die.

"Sure enough, you are here, let's see where you go this time."

Kyoko Murakami walked in with earthworms and four dolphins, Orpheino.

"Jiehua, go away. I'll stop him."

Li Qinghe supported his body and was about to fight.


Li Qinghe turned into a unicorn, Ophelia, and stood in front of the truth.Li Qinghe seemed to be unable to stand firmly, but the previous battle between Li Qinghe and Bei Qi proved Li Qinghe's strength.This made the four Orfi Enoch very afraid.

"Brother, take Yuka out of here. Hurry up. I'm fine."

How could Kiba Yuji listen to his brother's words? Now that he can't stand still, how can he fight.He wants to protect his brother.

Yuji Kiba transforms into a horse-shaped Orpheus, and Yuka transforms into a crane-shaped Orpheus.

"You deal with those ordinary people, and these three traitors are handed over to me. Hinako, you are down there, you are too lonely. This is the only thing I can do for you, traitor, there is only one dead end."

Murakami Kyo'er transformed into Rose Orpheus, and Li Qinghe's position appeared in an instant.

Murakami Kyo'er punched Li Qinghe in the waist, and directly drove Li Qinghe through the laundry.

Kiba Yuji took out his long sword and slashed at Murakami Kyo'er, but Murakami Kyo'er was no longer standing behind him.

Because Kiba Yuji and Nagata Yuka were standing on the same line, Murakami Kyoji pushed with both hands, and two rose circles hit them respectively.

Kiba Yuji and Nagata Yuka were blown away by the rose circle.

Before Yuji Kiba and Yuka Nagata fell down, Kyoji Murakami who reappeared in an instant had pinched them one by one and pressed them to the ground.No matter how hard Kiba Yuji and Nagata Yuka struggled.

And the four Orfienuo easily knocked Ganqiao and Cao Jiaya out, just when they were about to knock out Truth.

With a sound of "曈", a hole was opened in a wall, and at the same time, a beam of red light bullets hit the earthworm Orfienuo.

"That's the third belt!"

Truth looked at Kamen Rider Delta.

The basic colors of Kamen Rider Delta are black and silver.The compound eyes are orange in color.The system is more powerful than faiz and kaixa, but not as compact in construction.

Kamen Rider Delta rushed over quickly and knocked the poisonous scorpion Orfienuo into the air.

The sea cucumber Orfienuo and the dolphin Orfienuo were about to rush over, but they were forced away by two delta light bullets.

"It seems that the third belt can also be in my hands."

Murakami Kyoji let go of Nagata Yuka and Kiba Yuji.Suddenly appeared behind Kamen Rider Delta and punched Delta in the back.

Delta was directly hit by a blow and hung on the roof.

A huge energy ball was accumulated in Murakami Kyo'er's hands, and it seemed that she was preparing to defeat Delta with one blow.

There was a sound of "duan".

Li Qinghe crashed through the wall from another direction, hit Murakami Xiaer's lower waist, and hugged Murakami with both hands.

"You can't beat Murakami, go fast, go fast with the truth."

Kamen Rider Delta seized the truth, rode on the delta special motorcycle, and sb-vxojetslir fled here.

But Yuji Kiba and Yuka Nagata didn't want to see Li Qinghe's efforts in vain, so they also left here.

"In that case, then you will replace..."

Murakami Kyo'er prepared to smash the gathered energy ball at Li Qinghe.

"Yeah, I'm late."

Bei Qi, whose clothes were drooping, walked in casually.

Murakami Kyoji threw the energy ball at Kitazaki.

Kitazaki smiled slightly, "Then come and play."

Bei Qi transformed into a dragon-shaped O'Ofienuo, dark red gas gushed out of his body, and the gas formed a solid barrier.

However, the energy ball that Murakami Kyoer has accumulated for a while cannot be blocked by a temporary barrier.

"Coax" it.

The barrier didn't have a blocking effect, and the energy ball still attacked him.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Kitazaki roared, a dark cloud appeared in the sky, and lightning struck around him.

The lightning circle collided with the energy ball, and after the energy collided, the overflowing energy blew out the four Ophelia Enoch, who were unable to stand still: earthworms, dolphins, poisonous scorpions, and sea cucumbers.

And the whole laundromat collapsed.Before the collapse, Murakami Xia'er rescued Qianqiao and Cao Jiaya in advance.

As for Li Qinghe, although he was seriously injured, the collapse of the wooden house would not kill him. All the houses in the island country are made of wood.It's hard to crush anyone, let alone Ophelia.

After the overflowing energy calmed down, Bei Qi stood up from the ruins, leaving a three-inch deep hole on his body.

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