"She died. To save you, she died at Kitazaki's hands. It can be seen that Hinako likes you."

Murakami Kyoji attributed the cause of Hinako's death to Kitazaki.

"How is it possible! You are talking nonsense, how could she like me!"

Li Qinghe retorted loudly.

"I'm talking nonsense? If she didn't like you, why would she make a move... She didn't even show [-]% of her strength in the battle with you, and I saw all of this.

When you left, she told you that she told you not to forget her and avenge her. "

When Murakami Kyoji mentioned Sasaki Hinako, there was a thorn in his heart, which made him hard to forget the woman he regarded as his sister.But why, why did you betray me!


Li Qinghe wouldn't believe Murakami Kyo'er's one-sided words. At that time, Bei Qi and the four Ophelia were left to fight.

Li Qinghe will investigate clearly what happened after he passed out.Vengeance will definitely be reported!

After Murakami Xia'er left, the unconscious Ganqiao and Caojia Yaren were also dragged to another room and detained.

Seeing Murakami Kyo'er leave, Li Qinghe pulled Sartdy over and pinched her chin with his hands.

"You're quite likable even if you don't pretend. Why do you have to make people look so contrived?"

Sartdy usually teases others, but this time she was obviously molested by Li Qinghe.

"Really? Then do you like your sister?"

Sartdy squeezed his throat, twisted his body and started to act again.

"There is no one else here, so you don't have to act like this."

Li Qinghe pulled her into his arms, and wiped off Sartdy's excessively applied eyeshadow with his hands.

"Enough, let me go!"

Sartdy didn't expect that he used the tricks that he used to be unfavorable-pretending to be tender and being cute, which has no effect on Li Qinghe's place, but let Li Qinghe's pig hands take advantage of a lot.

"Are you angry? It's cute to be angry, but today you are mine."

Li Qinghe pinched Sartdy's face.

"What are you going to do?"

Sartdy felt that there was something wrong with Li Qinghe's eyes, as if he had other thoughts about her.She never thought that someone would be so bold as to have thoughts about her.

"What are you doing? Of course I want you!"

After Li Qinghe woke up here, he always felt angry in his heart, especially when he heard the news of Ninako's death just now, and he still died for him. Anger, anger, doubt, and many other emotions were mixed in Li Qinghe's mind.

Ever since Ophelia made trouble at the wedding, Li Qinghe has been devastated and all he hears is bad news.Now he was also caught, but Murakami Kyoer did not kill himself, but gave himself a chance.

Of course, Li Qinghe used this opportunity to escape for his life!As for serving Murakami, that is purely a dream!

Murakami Kyo'er said that Hinako liked him, but Li Qinghe still didn't believe it a little bit.Because Li Qinghe didn't feel it.

Of course, Li Qinghe has ideas about Ninako, and that's just because most men love beautiful things.

"Don't come over, don't come over, help, help."

Neither Sartdy nor Murakami Xia'er would have thought that Li Qinghe would be so daring, because they forgot a word, they are so daring!

Sartdy pushed Li Qinghe with her hands. As the secretary of Zhinao Group, she would encounter such a situation.

"Shout, shout as much as you want, even if you shout out loud today, no one will come to rescue you."

At this moment, Li Qinghe, on the contrary, acted like a villain, violently throwing Sartdy down.

After Li Qinghe finished venting, Sartdy lay on the sofa, crying.

"I won't tell you the news you want!"

Sartdy's eyes are full of hatred!Hatred for Murakami, hatred for Li Qinghe.

"Did I say I wanted to hear from you?"

Li Qinghe lifted his pants and left under Sartdy's resentful gaze.I have to say that it is still good to vent.

Li Qinghe patted Ganqiao and Cao Jiayaren to wake them up.I didn't get along with Murakami Kyo'er just now, so it's good to call out now.

Sartdy is in charge of all the monitoring equipment of Zhinao Group.Otherwise, there are so many female white-collar workers working in Zhinao Group, why did Li Qinghe choose Sartdy.

Now that Sartdy has no time to take care of this, it is a good time to leave.

"What are you going to do?"

The migrant worker who had met once before became the dolphin Ofienuo.

Li Qinghe took the lead and punched him out of the room.

"Sure enough, you still chose to betray."

Murakami Kyo'er was followed by the earthworms, sea cucumbers, and poisonous scorpions.Of course, Sartdy, who has a weird walking posture, is also on the side of the door.


Li Qinghe held one in each hand, avoiding the direction of Murakami Xia'er, and pierced through the wall blocking the road all the way!If there is no way, then break through a way and escape!

Chapter 142 Flower Shape

Li Qinghe underestimated Murakami Xia'er's guard against him, it should be said that he did not believe in himself from the beginning.But why give yourself another chance?

However, Sartdy was able to come out so quickly, which surprised Li Qinghe.

But right now, I can't control that much anymore, so I can only retreat strategically first, and take one step, one step at a time.

Li Qinghe didn't know where he was going, and where there was a way to go.Soon, Li Qinghe came to a corridor.

When Li Qinghe was about to reach the end, he realized that it was a dead end. At the end of the corridor was a painted wall.


Gan Qiao anxiously patted on the painted wall, wishing to smash it open.

"let me."

Li Qinghe was about to violently tear down the painting wall, so he put Cao Jia aside.

Soka was beaten so hard by Kyoer Murakami that Yuexiong still hadn't recovered from his breath and lay down on the wall near the painting wall, touching some button with his hand.

The painted wall, which was thought to be a dead object, suddenly cracked open, and an elevator appeared. Li Qinghe thought of the elevator in the plot leading to the underground Meteor School.The former president of Zhinao Group, Huagata should be there!

And Murakami Xia'er behind him chased him closer and closer, and he had no other choice. Now he had to either be caught by Murakami Xia'er, or enter the elevator.

One is certain death, and the other is life and death is unknown, do you need to think about it, of course I choose the latter.

Gan Qiao dragged Cao Jiaya into the elevator, and the three of them took the elevator to the underground Meteor School.The elevators here are one-way, with only one option and no other options.

Murakami Xia'er was only one step away from catching Li Qinghe and the others.But an elevator stopped them!

Murakami Kyo'er turned around and left here. He knew that Hanakata was hiding under here, but he was hesitating whether to send someone to chase after him.If he was allowed to go down by himself, he would definitely not want to go down.

Murakami Kyoer handed faiz and kaixa to the poisonous scorpion Orfienuo and the earthworm Orfienuo, and asked them to chase them.

As long as Hanakata doesn't make a move, the subordinates with faiz and kaixa can get out of the way no matter what.

Murakami Kyo'er knew about Hanakata's strength, but Hanakata had fought too many times before, and he was already dying. Every time he transformed, he was one step closer to desertification.This is why Huaxing dared to send people down.

Although Murakami Xia'er has never heard the saying that a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall, he also understands similar principles.Hanakata is about to die, and he won the position of president of Hanakata. He doesn't know what Hanakata's attitude is towards him, so naturally he refuses to take the risk.

In case, Huaxing went crazy and wanted to drag him to be buried with him.Although the chance of this is small, it must be guarded against.

In this way, the poisonous scorpion and the earthworm Orfienuo transformed into Faiz and Kaixa respectively and entered the underground Meteor School.

Soka Masato and his three left the elevator and stepped into the Meteor School.

Stepping into the corridor, after the sound of footsteps, the lights are turned on, and the lights here are voice-activated.It's obvious here that it's been abandoned for a long time, but it still has power.

"here is?"

Li Qinghe pretended not to know.

"Could it be..."

Soka Masato looked at the familiar classroom and got the answer, but it was really hard to believe that this would be the Meteor School!

But the classroom can't be fake, and advances along the corridor.The Caojia people found the desks and blackboard newspapers they used to go to school.It was a blackboard newspaper painted by Truth, and he still remembers it vividly.

"This is Meteor School."

Cao Jiaya said it word by word.

"how is this possible!"

Qianqiao asked suspiciously.Whose classroom is opened underground.Even if it is an earthquake, it is impossible to preserve the entire teaching classroom.

But Masato Sogaya studied at Meteor Academy, so he has the most right to speak.He said it was here, so it must be.

"Meteor School? Isn't this the place where Truth goes to school?"

Li Qinghe said in "surprise".

"This is where Truth and I were adopted and raised."

Sogaya looked at the messy classroom and remembered the days when he went to school with Truth when he was a child.He likes to get along with truth most, and he also secretly drew a picture of truth.

Since then, he has had an idea of ​​the truth, and he wants the truth to be with him forever.

"But don't you think it's strange? Why is this place under Zhinao Group? It's really strange that Meteor School is in such a place."

Qiao asked.

Sogaya sat on the stool and shook his head.

"I do not know either."

Suddenly, a movement was heard.

"who is it?"

The Caojia people looked towards the place where the noise came from, and it was a miner with a miner's lamp on his head.Just, how come the miners are here?Qianqiao and Cao Jiaya have more and more doubts in their hearts.

The fat miner stood up, a red belt hung around his waist.

As soon as the miner stood up and did not speak, his body was reduced to ashes.

Li Qinghe focused on the belt on the miner's waist. Is that the unfinished belt?After the miner was reduced to ashes, the belt fell to the ground, and then the belt also turned into a puddle of water.

Cao Jiaya and Gan Qiao watched nervously where the miner disappeared.

"How is this going?"

Ganqiao looked around and said nervously.Cao Jiaya raised his head to look at Qianqiao, at this moment a beam of light dazzled Cao Jiaya's eyes.

Cao Jiaya looked along the light and saw his adoptive father in the shape of a flower.


After Cao Jiaya shouted, he hurriedly chased after him. He had too many doubts and wanted his adoptive father to explain.

Gan Qiao and Li Qinghe followed Cao Jiaya and chased after them.

Cao Jiaya didn't hesitate at all, and chased after him at the beginning, but he still lost it.

"Soka, what's going on?"

Qiao asked.

Masato Sogaya looked around without saying a word, and after following Hanakata's footsteps to the classroom where the experimental class was held before, he lost Hanakata after all.

"Dad, Dad, what's going on, can you tell me?"

Sogaya shouted to the surroundings, and he was sure his father could hear him.

But the flower shape did not make any response.It was as if what Soka had just chased was a false shadow.

Soka was convinced that he was not mistaken, that was the adoptive father.But why didn't he come out and explain!

Li Qinghe and Gan Qiao observed the laboratory.This laboratory has been changed to a laboratory for studying girdles.

In the experimental bottle tank, there are many red belts, and the style of these belts is exactly the same as that of the miner just now.

The curious baby Qianqiao wanted to take out a belt to try, but there was no way.The professional habits of knights.

"Don't move around, or you will be the same as that person just now. The belt here has not been developed yet."

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