Huagata said suddenly at this moment.

The flower-shaped man didn't show up, but the voice came from all over the place.

"Dad, Dad, answer me and tell me why all this is happening."

Cao Jiaya is still calling for his father, hoping that he will give him an answer.

"Child, fight, fight, if you keep winning, you may know the real answer."

The flower-shaped voice came from all around again.

Chapter 143 Taking Back the Belt

Unlike the Cao Jiaya people, there was a voice in Li Qinghe's mind that induced Li Qinghe to go to other places.

Li Qinghe left quietly without being noticed by Gan Qiao and Cao Jia.

Li Qinghe came to what seemed to be the canteen of Meteor School.

"Please, help me, take off my belt."

A thin miner staggered and fell in front of Li Qinghe.He also has a red belt around his waist, which should be the unfinished belt mentioned by Hua Xing.

"I can't save you. But I can keep you from being tortured!"

Li Qinghe raised his hand and slapped the thin absentee on the head.

The absentee fell to the ground, reduced to ashes.After that, the red belt on his body was also reduced to ashes.

"The unfinished Knight of Leo?"

Li Qinghe guessed that these belts should be the unfinished Leo Knight belt.

"Deng Deng."

Hearing footsteps, Li Qinghe saw the flower shape with his back facing him.

"Hanagata, you want me to come here, do you have anything to say to me?"

"Kiba Kiyokawa, what are you planning?"

Hanagi turned around and transformed into the antelope Aufienuo.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand!"

Li Qinghe didn't know why Huaxing felt so hostile towards him as soon as they met.

"Do you need me to explain it to you? You let the truth live in your house so that you can control the faiz belt. After that, you let Soka live in your house so that you can control the kaixa belt.

Moreover, you also contacted Kimura Shinmi in private, trying to get the third belt.You did this not just for these three belts.

Also, how did you rescue Kimura Shinmi and make her Ophelia! "

Huaxing accelerated and blocked the exit of the cafeteria, blocking Li Qinghe's way out.

"You really know a lot. You are already old, so just worry less, and don't know what you shouldn't know. The more you know, the faster you will die."

If we only talk about faiz and kaixa, Li Qinghe has plenty of ways to explain it.However, Murakami Kyoer actually noticed the connection between herself and Kimura Shinmi, and even knew that Kimura Shinmi had become Ophelia.

What happened next cannot be explained.

"Really? But I still want to know something more. Do you take the initiative to tell me, or should I defeat you and extract memories from your brain?"

The flower shape's movement speed is too fast, he is either teleporting, or simply fast.It was so dizzying that Li Qinghe couldn't see his movements clearly.

Hua Xingyi snapped at Li Qinghe's ribs.

Li Qinghe was blown away and embedded in the wall of the cafeteria.

"It's so fast. But I'm not afraid! Shadow Crocodile, wake up."

Li Qinghe transformed into a unicorn, Ophelia, with a gap between his brows, and a pair of eyes with dark pupils appeared.

The pupils dilated, and it was already possible to barely capture the movement of the flower shape.

Seeing Hua Xing stepping towards him, Li Qinghe slapped the wall, and his body was about to jump out of the wall.

But when he realized it, his actions didn't keep up.

Li Qinghe slapped the wall with his hand, and at the same time when he stood up with strength, Huaxing's left leg bent, and he hit an elbow with one knee, smashing Li Qinghe even deeper.

"Look at me crippled your eyes!"

Li Qinghe tilted his head this time, and the eyes between his brows avoided the flower-shaped claws.

The target of the flower shape is not the eyes. You must know that the blinking speed of human beings is 023 seconds.As Orfi Enoch, blinking is even worse!

The flower-shaped claws pinched Li Qinghe's neck, the other hand pressed on the top of Li Qinghe's head, and one leg locked Li Qinghe's lower body, preventing Li Qinghe from moving.

Huaxing is going to use her ability to obtain Li Qinghe's memory!

When the flower-shaped hand was placed on Li Qinghe's head, Li Qinghe felt that he was in a daze.

Huaxing began to probe Li Qinghe's memory!

Suddenly, endless white light burst out from Li Qinghe's body.

"Ah! What is this!"

There was a tingling sensation from both of Huaxing's hands!


In a daze, Li Qinghe heard Princess Seria's angry reprimand!

The flower shape was injured by the sacred buff on Li Qinghe's body!Li Qinghe punched Huaxing out of the cafeteria!

"Dad, Dad. Are you here?"

The battle between Li Qinghe and Huaxing was quite dynamic.The Caojia people are not deaf, so they can hear them naturally.

Li Qinghe heard the voice of Cao Jiaya, as well as the transformed voices of Faiz and Kaixa.

After that, the sound of hurried running was heard.

Hanakata got up from the ground, and he had already noticed that the earthworm Orfienuo and the poisonous scorpion Orfienuo sent by Murakami Kyoer to check the situation were chasing and killing the grass Ya and the faiz user Qianqiao.

Huaxing stood up, turned to look at Li Qinghe, and decided to save Soka and the others first.

After Huaxing left, Li Qinghe began to "move" out of the hole with all his strength, being stuck too tightly by the wall!

"Thank you, Celia."

Li Qinghe said to Pan Space.

"Call me Princess Seria!"

Celia was extremely dissatisfied with Li Qinghe's calling her name.

"Honorable Princess Seria."

Seeing that Princess Celia was blown up again, Li Qinghe quickly changed his words.

"Well! Even without this princess protecting you, he couldn't detect your memory. But protecting your soul from harm is one of my responsibilities."

If it wasn't for Huaxing's attack, Li Qinghe would not have known that Princess Seria still had this responsibility.

Speaking of which, Li Qinghe has never been clear about Princess Seria's strength, so let's say she is strong, she looks like a mini Dilu beast, she doesn't seem to be that strong.It can be said that she is weak, Li Qinghe himself does not believe it.

"Then what was the light on me just now?"

"That's the light of angels! You still can't use the light of angels flexibly. The light of angels can both burn enemies and heal others.

That Orfienoch forcibly probed your memory and awakened the light of the angel.The angel's light just now hurt him, but it also healed him at the same time.Because you haven't decided whether to use up the healing ability or the killing ability to meet the enemy. "

Princess Celia explained the real name of the angel buff on Li Qinghe - Angel Light.

"Then when can I master it."

This angelic light sounds very majestic.If it can be used flexibly, then when fighting the enemy, you can completely heal your own side and kill the enemy at the same time!

As if seeing what Li Qinghe was thinking, Princess Seria gave Li Qinghe a supercilious look,

"If you want to master the light of an angel, the first step is to be able to use the fist of an angel flexibly."

Princess Seria poured cold water on Li Qinghe.If Angel Fist wants to be used initially, it has to reach the strength of the King of Orfienoch, let alone use it flexibly.

It seems that this angelic light can only be used as a passive skill temporarily.

Li Qinghe can also think about it, if he is passive, he can be passive. In terms of the speed of healing after injury, he still can't fake it.There's nothing wrong with being a blood cow.Meat can be exported better!

When Li Qinghe thought about it, Ah Q lost his mind, and all his troubles disappeared.

"Then go and see Qianqiao and Caojia."

Li Qinghe ran towards the direction they fled from.

Caojia Yaren and Ganqiao had heard the news of the battle and planned to come over to see what happened.In the end, he was stopped by the earthworm Orfienuo and the poisonous scorpion Orfienuo who came down to check.

"You are really here, this time the president can say, there is no need to capture you alive."

Orfienuo the earthworm and Orfienuo the scorpion are ready to kill.

Chapter 144 Leave

Qian Qiao and Cao Jiaya fled all the way, and finally had to retreat to the last classroom in the corridor - the laboratory for belt research.

Faiz and Kaixa, transformed from the earthworm Orfienuo and the poisonous scorpion Orfienuo, searched classrooms and found the hiding place of Qianqiao and Sogaya.

"This time, you two are dead!"

The poisonous scorpion Orfienuo turned into a faiz, took out the faizhone and aimed it at Qianqiao.

The earthworm Orfienuo turned into Kaixa, took out his blade gun and pointed it at Sogaya.

I saw that the Caojia people suddenly opened their eyes wide, looking at the backs of the earthworm Aufienuo and the poisonous scorpion Aufienuo.

"What kind of tricks do you want to play? This kind of tricks are useless to me."

The earthworm Orfienuo didn't look back at all, he thought that the Sogayas were putting on a show and took the opportunity to escape.The earthworm Orfienuo is not interested, playing hide-and-seek with them down here.But is this really Soka's trick?

"Go to hell and never see you again."

The poisonous scorpion Orfienuo also thought so, so he didn't look back.

Gan Qiao also saw the flower shape of the antelope Orfienuo.

In the blink of an eye, Huaxing unexpectedly appeared behind the earthworm Aofienuo and the poisonous scorpion Aufienuo, and slapped them both!

Hua Xing hits the head of the kaixa transformer on the experimental table!

The earthworm Orfienoch wanted to stop, but couldn't.Huaxing is the strongest Orfienuo in the seventh stage!In the whole plot, except for the king who has not appeared yet, he is currently the strongest.

Huaxing pulled it casually, and the earthworm Orfienuo was thrown aside.

The earthworm Orfienuo couldn't wait to turn around, wanting to see who the attacker was!


Li Qinghe's holy sword hit Faiz's belt through a thick wall, and the poisonous scorpion Orfi Enoch was nailed to the wall.

At this time, Li Qinghe also rushed over.Li Qinghe shattered the glass, and punched the poisonous scorpion Aofei Enuo on the head.

The poisonous scorpion Orfi Enoch tilted his head back sixty degrees, not waiting for him to recover.

Li Qinghe punched again, this time the poisonous scorpion Ophelia looked up at ninety degrees.

Li Qinghe pulled out his rib cage and stuck it in Faiz's lung.


Li Qinghe pushed the ribs hard, and the ribs pierced the faiz's belt a little bit, and penetrated into the body of the poisonous scorpion Orfi Enoch.

The poisonous scorpion Aofei Yinuo groped to put on the faiz glove, and punched Li Qinghe in the abdomen, finally knocked Li Qinghe back.

The poisonous scorpion Orfienuo struggled to ba chu i the holy sword pierced under his ribs, but it was a pity that the focus was not good.It will take a while to get ba chu i.

Seeing that Li Qinghe had already made a move, Huaxing had the ability to save Cao Jiayaren and Ganqiao. He didn't know what considerations he had, so he didn't attack Li Qinghe again, but left quietly.

Li Qinghe shook his left hand, ready to give the poisonous scorpion Orpheus nailed to the wall a violent beating!


Several yellow light bullets hit Li Qinghe's body.

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