Li Qinghe didn't look back, but used the experimental platform as a cover to hide behind an experimental platform, lifted the experimental platform and threw it on Kaixa.

Kaixa transformed the blade gun into a beam saber, and a sword sliced ​​open the test bench.

But what about the unicorn Orfienuo hiding behind the test bench?

"I am here!"

Li Qinghe stuck to the ceiling above Kaixa's head like a spider.

Kaixa turned to look up.

Ganqiao grabbed the unfinished red belt in the experimental tank and tied it to Kaixa.

Holy Shock Therapy!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah."

The earthworm Orfienuo screamed, he didn't even know what the attack was about!

The red belt sent out an electric shock, and a series of electric sparks fell.

The kaixa belt disintegrated, and Li Qinghe threw the kaixa belt and mobile phone to Cao Jiaya.

Cao Jiaya took the kaixa belt and typed 913 skillfully.




Familiar with the sound of transformation, Sogaya took the initiative to meet the earthworm Orfienuo.

Cao Jiaya presses 103.

"Precise mode."

A yellow light bullet pushed the earthworm Orfi Enoch several meters away.

The earthworm Orfienuo screamed.

Ganqiao picked up the faizhone that was knocked down by the flower shape on the ground, and pressed it to cancel the transformation.

Li Qinghe replaced the knife with his hand, and the moment the poisonous scorpion Ophelia Enuo released his transformation, "Kara" struck the neck of the poisonous scorpion Ophelia Enuo.

The poisonous scorpion, Ao Fei Yinuo, looked up hard and saw Li Qinghe's movements.

Afterwards, the poisonous scorpion Orfi Enoch died!reduced to ashes.

At the same time, the Sogaya fired an energy-binding bomb, nailing the earthworm Orfienuo in place.

The Sogaya transformed the blade gun into a beam saber form,

"Caesar cut!"

The cross blade pierced the body of the earthworm Orfienuo.

The earthworm Orfienuo couldn't believe it. He had a bright future, but he would die here. He was really not reconciled.

The earthworms and the poisonous scorpion Orfienuo who came to the Underground Meteor School to investigate the situation were all wiped out.Caojia Yaren and Ganqiao also got back their belts.

Li Qinghe canceled the transformation.

"Father, I know you haven't left, can you tell me what is the real purpose of building Meteor School?"

Sogaya shouted to the surroundings.

"Fight, you can only know the real answer if you continue to fight."

Hanakata still gave this answer, and she wasn't going to tell Sogaya anything superfluous at all.

Afterwards, no matter what Sogaya shouted, Hanakata did not reply.

"But how should we leave?"

Ganqiao is grimacing, the elevator in the underground Meteor School is a one-way passage, there is no exit elevator.

"Pedal" sound.

Li Qinghe saw a piece of paper at the door of the laboratory.

Li Qinghe knew that it was Hua Xing who dropped it.

Li Qinghe picked up the paper, on which was the layout of the Meteor School, and of course the route out.

"This is a map, we can go from here."

Li Qinghe said.

But this map was drawn by a child, Li Qinghe couldn't understand it.I don't understand, how can I get out.

"Bring it here and show me."

Cao Jiaya snatched the map. He said it was a map, but in fact it was more appropriate to say it was a children's graffiti, otherwise Li Qinghe could not understand it.

Unexpectedly, after Cao Jiaya took the map, he was stunned.Because this map was drawn by him, he can understand it.However, this map was ridiculed by other classmates when he was a child, so Sogaya threw it into the waste paper pile angrily.

Now it's in the hands of my father.It seems that Huaxing has been silently watching them, watching each of them.

But this escape route was not drawn by him.Fortunately, based on childhood impressions, Cao Jiaya brought Li Qinghe and the others out of Meteor Private School.

"It's finally out."

Ganqiao let out a sigh of relief, in the underground meteor private school, it was too quiet there.If you stay there for a long time, you will definitely suffer from mental illness.

Li Qinghe also felt much more relaxed, and he didn't want to face Hua Xing's old bian tai, although he said he was about to gg, but his strength was really too strong.

"Qinghe, do you want to go with us?"

Since knowing that Li Qinghe is Ophelia, Ganqiao's attitude towards Li Qinghe has undergone some subtle changes.

"It seems that you don't welcome me, so forget it. I can be alone, don't worry about me."

Since cleverness is not welcome anymore, don't force it.

Chapter 145 The Rule of Power of the World

After Li Qinghe said goodbye to Qianqiao, he took out his mobile phone and called Kiba Yuji to learn their location.

Li Qinghe detoured and came to an underground bridge hole, looking at the simple house built with waste paper boxes.Li Qinghe was really worried, whether a gust of wind would blow the hut down.


Seeing that Li Qinghe was safe and sound, Nagata Yuka burst into tears.

"Don't cry, if you cry, you will become a little cat. I let you two leave, I must be fully prepared."

Li Qinghe wiped away Jiehua's teardrops.

"Qinghe, it's good that you come back, it's good that you come back..."

After learning that Li Qinghe had been taken away, Kiba Yuji was the person most worried about Li Qinghe's safety.

Nagata Yuka is not so pure, on the one hand she is a little sentimental about Haitang Naoya's death, Haitang died in front of her eyes.On the other hand, it was because of Li Qinghe's disappearance that she lost all hope.

"Brother, can people live in this kind of house? Here at night, let alone whether it is safe or not, can you sleep?"

Li Qinghe called Na Ke Lulu and bought an apartment through her channel.

After such a long period of development, the sc foundation has also taken root in Tokyo and has developed quite well.

In the past, in order not to delay the development of the SC Foundation, Li Qinghe never used the power there.

Now I don't even have a place to live, so naturally I need it.

"In this kind of place, the Intellectual Brain Group will not be aware of our existence. Although it is a bit rudimentary, it is very safe."

Kiba Yuji explained.

If Kiba Yuji wasn't his brother, Li Qinghe really didn't want to say anything more.If Zhinao Group wants to find a person, if there is no other organization to intervene, it is useless where you hide.Even if you live under the bridge hole, you will be found.

"Brother, I have found a new place to live through my friends, and it's safe there."

Although Li Qinghe said it was safe, Kiba Yuji still had doubts.It's not that he doesn't trust Li Qinghe, but that he doesn't trust Li Qinghe's friend.

The next time he is surrounded by lucky clover, Kiba Yuji is not sure that he can escape.He doesn't want to take any more risks!

"Brother, let's do this. Me and Yuhua are going to live with my friend first. You go back and see your sister-in-law first, I'm afraid she will also be attacked.

Our two sides are separated, and if we encounter an attack, we won't be taken over by the pot. "

As soon as Li Qinghe mentioned that Chie Morishita was attacked, although it was only possible, Kiba Yuji immediately panicked.After all, there is nothing wrong with what Li Qinghe said, who knows if the Intellectual Brain Group will attack Morishita.

"Well, let's do this first. If there is anything, please call. Yuhua, although there are some accidents in this wedding, in my eyes, you are already my younger brother and sister. Qinghe, take good care of Yuhua."

Kiba Yuji exhorted.

"Brother, don't worry. Even if I have something to do, she will be fine."

Li Qinghe promised.

"What are you talking about? I, I don't want you to have an accident. "

Nagata Yuka pulled Li Qinghe and whispered.

Seeing Yuka and his younger brother being so affectionate, Kiba Yuji felt relieved and hurried home, hoping that nothing would happen to Morishita Chie.

"Yuka, let's go. Go and see our new home."

Li Qinghe took Nagata Yuka to the new apartment by car.

Li Qinghe pointed to a five-story apartment building.

"That's our home. From now on, we'll live there."

"That big apartment is all ours?"

Nagata Yuka thought that Li Qinghe's "friend" was looking for a small room, as long as it could accommodate people.How could I have imagined that this place is so luxurious!

Nagata Yuka became suspicious of the friend Li Qinghe had mentioned.This is not an ordinary friend, who would be so enthusiastic to give such a good place to others.Not even friends.

This large apartment is even more advanced than the apartment that Zhinao Group provided to Kiba Yuji and the others.

"Yes, that is our home. Don't be surprised. If you have any doubts, I will tell you when the right time comes."

Li Qinghe saw Nagata Yuka's doubts, but did not explain.

how to explain?Could you tell her that this is a property under her own name?How did this property of mine come about? There is too much to explain.

Part of the reason why Li Qinghe dismissed Kiba Yuji was that he didn't want to tell him that he had set up a sc foundation.

Of course, part of the reason was that Li Qinghe wanted to quietly enjoy the two-person world between himself and Nagata Yuka.Otherwise, there would always be an extra light bulb in Li Qinghe and Changtian Yuhua's small world.


Nagata Yuka kept her doubts in her heart.

"Go in and have a look. The door is unlocked, and the key is in the room."

Nagata Yuka gently pushed the door open, the light green walls were clean and dust-free, and soft and small pillows were placed on the off-white leather sofa.An orchid with a faint fragrance is blooming by the window carved with crystal.

Everything looks so warm, so beautiful.

Li Qinghe closed the door, entered the bedroom with Jiehua in his arms, and no one bothered him now.

Li Qinghe sometimes went to work for the SC Foundation during the day, and sometimes he took Nagata Yuka to the mall for a stroll.

Li Qinghe's life here is also on the right track.Nagata Yuka became a full-time wife, responsible for cooking and washing clothes for Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe lingered on such a beautiful day.

However, the awareness of being prepared for danger in times of peace has always existed in Li Qinghe's mind.

Sitting on the leather sofa in the president's office, Li Qinghe took out Noaki's cell phone.

After Li Qinghe unlocked it, he saw that the plot change rate had changed from 36 to 53 last time.

A shiny iron box. The stone box last time was not so shiny.

Li Qinghe took a closer look, and at the sixty scale of the plot change rate, there was also a small trench that was the same as the thirty.

Could it be that the box with a plot change rate of 31 is the same as [-], won't it shine?All this remains to be tested.

"Qinghe, open the box!"

Princess Celia called out.

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