Li Qinghe's consciousness has entered the pan-space. This is not the first time he has opened a box, but he is still very excited!

Li Qinghe saw the shiny iron box floating in front of Princess Seria.

With a wave of Princess Celia's hand, the iron box the size of a palm was brought to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe held back his embarrassment, and finished chanting the spell quickly.

"Young master Qinghe is the most beautiful, he has transformed into a magic fairy."

The iron box was opened, and there were several cards in it that were different from low-level lottery cards. This card had the icon of Glory of Kings 5v5 on the front, and the cute little Daji on the back! ! !

Li Qinghe looked at other things, a shiny black scroll, a black key, and ten low-level lottery cards, that's all.

Li Qinghe looked at the most precious things first, and picked up the black scroll.

The black scroll turned into a cloud of black air, covering Li Qinghe, like a marinated egg, covering Li Qinghe in all directions.

"The law governing the power of the world! Was he also drawn? Is it so lucky?"

Princess Celia said something loudly.

Soon, all the black air entered Li Qinghe's body.

"What is the law governing the power of the world?"

Li Qinghe felt that there was a golden line between himself and the Shadow Crocodile world he controlled.It seemed that with a little movement of his own hands, he could exert enough power to cause landslides and tsunamis.

"This thing, speaking of it, is useful or useless. It's a tasteless thing."

Princess Celia said.

1Chapter 16 Return My Little Daji

"No! What does it mean to be useful or useless? You have confused me by saying that."

Li Qinghe touched his head, and indeed he had just absorbed the contents of the black scroll. His body didn't seem to have changed much, and his strength didn't improve much, but he felt that his frankness had strengthened a bit.It seems that the energy transmitted from the world of the shadow crocodile by the golden chain is feeding back to his body.

Princess Celia saw the confusion on Li Qinghe's face, and then explained: "It is useful for you to say it is useful.

Because you are the controller of the world, you can control that world faster than before, now calm down and feel the world. "

Li Qinghe closed his eyes, calmed down, and followed the golden chain to the Shadow Crocodile World.

Li Qinghe tried to control the sky, trying to make it rain in the northeast of this small world.The agriculture there needs a spring rain to irrigate.


The rain was pouring down.

Li Qinghe felt that he had become more comfortable manipulating the climate of this small world.After the rain, this small world seems to have "grown up" a little bit.

Li Qinghe re-examined the small world, and indeed "grew up" a little bit.

Li Qinghe somewhat understood that managing the world is like growing crops.You can't just drop the seed and leave it alone, the chances of it growing into a crop are too low.

But if you water, fertilize, and weed properly, crops can grow faster and healthier.

Through this opportunity, Li Qinghe also knew how to expand the world as the master of the world.

Li Qinghe withdrew from the world of shadow crocodile. The rules governing the power of this world are really suitable for him.

"It's useless because it's really useless. You already have a world, so this rule of law can help you control the world more effectively.

But if you rely on your own strength to create a master of the world bit by bit, you can naturally mobilize the power of the world, and you don't need this law at all.

It is also useful for people like you who gain control of the world through other means.

On the one hand, it can expand the an bg that you have initially contacted but have not yet fully mastered.On the other hand, it allows you to clearly feel the process of the power of the world feeding back to yourself.

Of course, there is also a hidden benefit, that is, you can develop a god servant, and you can give the opponent part of the divine power, that is, the power of the world, and let it dominate. "

When Princess Celia said this, Li Qinghe thought of two suitable servants, Nako Lulu and Yuyi Kobayashi.No matter what they say, they used to be gods.Although this was a little far away before.

Even though Princess Celia spoke so badly about the rules governing the power of the world, it still couldn't stop Li Qinghe's inner joy.What suits you is the best.

Li Qinghe picked up the black key, and there was a message from the key - space ripper.

This key can open or close the space ripper.

"This key is good, if you are lucky enough to get items or people from another world, you can use its breath to open up that world.

Your small world wants to expand, and looting is a great way to do it.It's a pity that the key is too low-level and can only open two space rips. "

Princess Seria told Li Qinghe the purpose of the key, and received the ten low-level lottery cards in her hand, her small eyes narrowed into crescents.

Li Qinghe saw all of this.It seems that this low-level draw card is very important for the development of Panspace.

Li Qinghe picked up the last special card - the King of Glory card.

Li Qinghe's eyes were a bit complicated. He thought of the 30 fragments of the inscription that he disassembled when he was playing the king in his previous life.

Speaking of which, Li Qinghe's previous life in Glory of Kings was mediocre. At the end of each season, if he can "grind" the king, he is a low-star king.

But a soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a summoner who does not want to be a king of glory is not a qualified summoner.

Li Qinghe remembered the last time he played Glory of Kings, he played for 48 hours with full of enthusiasm! ! !

Aside from the anti-addiction time, Li Qinghe kept playing and dropped stars.

After that, it fell to Star Yao III!

Li Qinghe "woke up"!

What's wrong with me, is Warcraft not fun anymore, or riding a horse is not easy to cut, or it is not easy to summon missions!

Why can't I play stand-alone games with peace of mind! !How fun is Plants vs. Zombies, and what a puzzle!

Li Qinghe was in a bad mood. After his reputation points dropped to [-], he disassembled the inscription, uninstalled the game, and never became a stupid summoner again.

There are no garbage summoners in the world, only hot chicken heroes.Li Qinghe deeply understood this at that moment.Since there is no hero suitable for him to play on Glory of Kings, he should give up.

Holding Daji's card, Li Qinghe was deeply moved.The second life is a human being, why is there such a fate?Since there is a destiny, then don't miss it!

This side engraved with Daji has no skin.No skin is good, it's all natural.

"Princess Seria, do you need more cute little foxes to accompany you?"

Seeing Li Qinghe's mean smile.

Princess Celia also responded with a "brilliant" smile, and she sucked the key and the Daji card from Li Qinghe's hands into her hands.

Do you still remember the scene of shuffling cards in Zhou Xingxing's The Gambler?

Princess Celia is possessed by Zhou Xingxing at this moment, rubbing the Daji card.

Afterwards, Princess Seria didn't even look at it, she wrapped the card with a black key and threw it on the ground together.

In a palace on a certain continent.

The woman in a light blue dress without a stand-up collar had just coaxed her three-year-old child to sleep.

She stood on the top of the Star Picking Building, looking up at the starry sky, a crack appeared on the top of her head, and within a thousandth of a second, the crack disappeared.

Then, the woman also disappeared.

"Empress Daji is gone!"

"Empress Daji is gone!"

The guards of the Zhaixing Building shouted loudly.

In the pan-space, when Li Qinghe saw Princess Seria's "brilliant" smile, he always felt something was wrong.

But all the cards have been used, so it's impossible for something to go wrong.

With the appearance of a black crack, the woman in the light blue dress lay on the ground.

Li Qinghe wiped his eyes, why didn't he have a fox tail.Surely he couldn't see it wrong, Li Qinghe wiped his eyes again.

He forgot that he is a pan-space where consciousness enters, and there is no possibility of being dazzled.

Meow, my lovely maid Daji!I'm still waiting to tell her all I want!Li Qinghe's heart was bleeding.

"This, is this Daji? Princess Seria!"

Li Qinghe pointed to the woman and asked.

The woman didn't seem to get used to it yet, she raised her head slowly, first glanced at Princess Celia, got up and made a song, this is a respect to God!

The woman turned around slowly, feeling the power that frightened her,


The woman knelt on the ground, and then felt something was wrong.

"She is Daji."

Princess Celia said with a smile, and even spit out her cute cat's tongue at Li Qinghe.In this lonely space, tease Li Qinghe to relax.

"Is your name Daji?"

Li Qinghe looked at the woman kneeling on the ground and asked.

"My name is Daji."

The woman lowered her head and said.

"Head up."

Daji raised her head upon hearing Li Qinghe's order, and only then did Daji see clearly the appearance of "Heaven".

She said what was wrong, the appearance was wrong.That's not the case.

1Chapter 17 It turns out to be Wu Gengji!

Daji felt the breath of heaven again, but this sky was completely different from that sky.This day is not as powerful as the day I know.

Li Qinghe was also able to see the whole picture of Daji clearly.

Daji was wearing a light blue dress without a stand-up collar, showing off her slender and fair neck.

The slightly tucked waist makes her figure even more enchanting, plump and slender, just right; two bright red spots at the corners of her eyes make her pair of bright eyes even more beautiful.

The rouge is lightly applied, and it seems that she is shy and timid all the time; the two red lips are also very attractive and thought-provoking.

Li Qinghe had to admit that he was fascinated by this stunner.

"Clap" sound.

Princess Celia jumped onto Li Qinghe's shoulder, patted the back of Li Qinghe's head, and "woke up" Li Qinghe.

"What are you looking at, isn't this princess prettier than her?"

Princess Celia said in a slightly jealous voice.

"Of course you look good."

Li Qinghe closed his eyes and said.You can't talk nonsense with your eyes open, but it's okay to close your eyes.On the question of the route, the answer must never be wrong.After all, this panspace is still managed by her.

"Hmph, this princess is so magnificent, I think back then when I hooked my fingers..."

Celia immediately shut up. At the beginning, what did she do at the beginning, she almost slipped her mouth.

"Okay, let's ask her about her background, and find out which small world Daji she is from."

Princess Celia jumped from Li Qinghe's shoulder to Daji's shoulder covered with three thousand black silk.

"Which world are you from, Daji? You shouldn't be a monster, you don't have the aura of a monster on your body."

Li Qinghe asked.

Before, when Princess Seria saw how proud Li Qinghe was, she couldn't help but do some insignificant tricks.

The front of the card is still Daji, but the back is not the world of glory of the king.Then the Daji who was summoned is naturally not the Daji in the glory of the king.

"Which world is Daji?"

Daji is a little confused. She doesn't understand what the world is.

"You can't get the result if you ask like this. Do you have any other name besides Daji? Do you have any brothers or sisters. Forget it, let's be more violent."

Princess Celia's cat paws pulled out a piece of Daji's beautiful hair, and there was a mark on that hair that Li Qinghe couldn't understand.

"Retrospective restoration!"

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