A pink light was attached to the hair, and the hair began to disappear little by little.

But some patterns also appeared in front of Li Qinghe's eyes. These patterns were created not long ago in ancient times, and Li Qinghe naturally didn't know them.

Princess Celia's spiritual sense transmitted voice, and she didn't say it in front of Daji.

"It was found out that it is a world called Wu Gengji, this world is undergoing a major transformation, and I can't get too much information.

Here is some information I got. "

Wu Gengji!Li Qinghe knows this world. In his previous life, Li Qinghe also watched the Chinese manga Wu Gengji. Unfortunately, only the first two seasons were updated, but even the first two seasons attracted Li Qinghe deeply.

Princess Celia pointed to Li Qinghe who was in deep thought, and the pink light left from her hair that had not completely disappeared, and entered Li Qinghe's consciousness.

Li Qinghe was still absorbing the information from Princess Seria.It's all text, and it only records the events that will happen in the first season of Wu Gengji. It's not very complete, and it doesn't even describe the protagonist.

It seems that this Princess Celia is not omniscient.Li Qinghe's fear of Princess Celia has decreased a bit. If possible, Li Qinghe would like to be in charge of the pan space by himself.

"My name is Xinyuehu, and I am one of the gods in the Doubu. Please let me go. My husband and children are still waiting for me."

Xinyuehu knelt on the ground, begging for "heaven".

Li Qinghe had just cleared his mind at this moment. He was more aware of the development of the Wu Gengji world than Princess Bilia, but this did not bring him much practical benefit.

"Why do you call me God?"

Li Qinghe did not agree to Xinyuehu's request.

"Because you are the supreme ruler of a world."

Li Qinghe understood that what the sky said was the master of the world.His identity as the controller of the Shadow Crocodile World is nothing wrong with Jiao Tian.

"You can't leave here at present. You are too far away from your hometown. Even if you spend your whole life, you will not be able to reach your hometown.

But if you're willing to play for me.Well, maybe one day, I will open a bridge to your hometown.Do you want to be blind? "

Li Qinghe suddenly shouted loudly!

Xinyuehu's pupils were bleeding. She was trying to figure out Li Qinghe's identity just now, but she suffered a backlash.An existence like the sky, even a "god" cannot be calculated.

Li Qinghe grabbed Xinyuehu's catkins, and through the passive skill of Angel Light, calmed down the backlash she suffered.

After Xinyuehu's injury stabilized, she drew her hand.

"Thank you for your love."

Xinyuehu did not dare to calculate Li Qinghe's past and future, but calculated what Li Qinghe said, and found that it was all true.

She really doesn't have a long memory, and now the backlash is stronger. Li Qinghe estimates that it will take three or four months for her to recover.

Xinyuehu spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

"You seem to have strange thoughts about her! However, this may be one of the hidden yu wangs of you humans.

However, I can't control it.This so-called "god", the "god" with a lifespan of more than 300 years, is left to you.Apart from being a bit more seductive, I don't think there are any advantages.

You take her away, right.The space ripper has been linked to Wu Gengji's world, at this moment.That world is synchronized with the time of the world you are in.

If you want to experience the tombs of other worlds in advance, you can go and see them. "

Princess Celia's tone did not conceal her contempt for Xinyue Fox's "God" status.With a wave of her hand, Li Qinghe was "kicked" out of the pan-space, and the unconscious Xinyuehu was also "cleaned" out.

Li Qinghe has an extra black key in his hand. As long as he wants, he can go to Wu Gengji's world now.But just like Princess Celia said, to cross over without the slightest preparation is purely courting death.

But in this Wu Geng era world, Li Qinghe would definitely go there.The primitive accumulation of resources is always bloody. If Li Qinghe wants to quickly develop his Shadow Crocodile World, he needs to plunder nutrients from other worlds to grow.Wu Gengji World is not the first, nor will it be the last.

Isn't the current world of Kamen Rider 555 being conquered by Li Qinghe?

But now is not the time to go to the world of Wu Gengji, besides, the plot of the world of Wu Gengji has not yet unfolded, Wu Geng is still a child who can just talk, what are you doing now.

Li Qinghe called Na Ke Lulu and asked her to arrange a place for Xinyuehu. As for healing, didn't he have himself?

"Am I considered a golden house hidden charm?"

Li Qinghe stared at Xinyuehu's graceful body with fiery eyes.Xinyuehu has an attractiveness that even Na Ke Lulu doesn't have.

Li Qinghe also wanted to do an experiment, since the children born to ordinary people like Xinyuehu and King Zhou would not have the lifespan of a god, but they could use "divine power."

Wouldn't it be better if I was the "heaven" and the child she gave birth to?

This was just an excuse for Li Qinghe to get Xinyuehu.Li Qinghe didn't know that with the improvement of his strength, status and rights, he himself was also changing day by day, becoming suspicious, fickle, and greedy!One day, he will become a person that he hates.

This kind of change can't be said to be good or bad. It can only be said that Li Qinghe himself chose to use this growth method to climb to the top.If people want to grow, they will not remain the same. The only thing that remains the same is the dead!

Chapter 148

Xinyuehu recovered much faster than Li Qinghe thought, and he recovered in less than a month.This may have something to do with her special "God" physique.

During this month, Li Qinghe controlled sc in his hands, and Na Ke Lulu had already been sent to the world of Shadow Crocodile.

Kobayashi Yuyi has been given such a long time to stabilize his power in advance, if Nako Lulu can't be suppressed, then change.

With the help of the rules governing the power of the world, Li Qinghe linked his divine power to Nako Lulu and Kobayashi Yuyi. The "development" of the Shadow Crocodile World was first left to them to manage.

As long as Li Qinghe is willing, he can withdraw his divine power at any time.After the world of Shadow Crocodile gradually gets on the right track, Li Qinghe will naturally take back this supernatural power.

But when the time comes, you can "borrow" them the seeds of divine power so that they can xiulian themselves.

Contracts are dead, but people are alive.Although the slave card was used on Nako Lulu and Kobayashi Yuyi, Li Qinghe did not completely let go of his guard against them.

There are debts and repayments, if they really dare to rebel, or if they do not rebel, but do treasonous things, then what is borrowed is the seed, and what is taken back is the fruit.

During these healing days, Xinyuehu also began to understand the world, and understood what Li Qinghe meant by the world.

Xinyuehu also understood Li Qinghe's thoughts on her.She didn't expect her peerless appearance, even "Heaven" was overwhelmed by it.In her hometown, she is beautiful, and there are even "great gods" who pursue her.But she finally chose a mortal King Zhou.

"Your injury is almost healed, then, you should give me a reply, are you willing to play for me?"

Li Qinghe sat by the bed, watching Xinyuehu's prosperous face.

"Pure effectiveness, I am naturally willing."

Getting along with each other these days, Xinyuehu thinks that she knows a little about "the sky", and Li Qinghe is not as unkind as she thought.

She wanted to negotiate with Li Qinghe.

"Well, let's make a deal. You give me a baby, and I'll let you go back. How about serving me until you get pregnant?"

Li Qinghe straightened out what he had said. After chasing him for a month, there was still no progress. Li Qinghe was a little tired.

"No. I can work for you for a certain number of years, but as a reward, you must let me go back."

Xinyuehu directly rejected Li Qinghe's request.

"Since you answered that way. Now, I have changed my mind. You give me two babies, and I will let you go back. Otherwise, you can stay here forever. "

Li Qinghe's tone became indifferent.

After all, Li Qinghe wanted Xinyuehu because of men's pursuit of beautiful things. If he couldn't get it, he would force it.

Besides, how could Li Qinghe not get it!

Only then did Xinyuehu realize that "heaven" is "heaven" after all.It seemed that multiple choices were given before, but it was actually a single choice.

It's like the emperor was very close to his courtiers, and they all called out for love, but if the so-called love minister disobeyed him, hehe, I will let you know what it means immediately, and the emperor was furious.

"I am willing to work for you, but don't make things difficult for me. Then you can only get my people, not my heart."

Xinyuehu became terrified.She is still making her last effort, trying to change Li Qinghe's mind.

"If you serve me well, maybe when I'm in a good mood, I can let you go back in advance. You should have guessed that I have opened up the world you are in.

Think about it yourself, I don't mind if you use small means, such as killing me, just like the day against your world.But the consequence is your family, you should figure it out yourself. "

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he left.There is only one choice left for Xinyuehu, and it depends on when she compromises.

Li Qinghe firmly believes that twisted melons are not sweet, but quench their thirst.

When a person holds sand in his hand, the tighter he holds it, the faster the sand will be retained, but there will still be sand in the palm of his hand.But if you let go, not a grain of sand will stay.

Li Qinghe understood very well.

"The road ahead is messed up. Father and daughter don't know what to do..."

After Li Qinghe left, Xinyuehu used the supernatural power of the space-time realm to predict the future, but found that he couldn't see anything.

Xinyuehu didn't know, it was because the divine power of the space-time realm hadn't matched 100% with this world.It was the first time that Xinyuehu felt so helpless. In a strange world, she met someone who had no good intentions for her.

Xinyuehu let go of her disguise and began to cry.

After Li Qinghe finished his official duties for a day, he left SC Company to deepen his relationship with Nagata Yuka.

On the other side, Gan Qiao and Cao Jia, who were hunted down by the Zhinao Group, got the help of the third belt user again, and fled to a new place with the truth to live temporarily.

Truth cooked a meal for Truth and Cao Jiaya, and the three ate together.

"Ah Qiao, do you know the news from Qinghe? We have been attacked by Zhinao Group one after another. I don't think it's easy for him."

Truth looks good.

"He, he's sure to be fine. You don't have to worry about him."

Ganqiao did not want to have more contact with Li Qinghe because he didn't trust Ofe Enuo, so he said vaguely.

"Saojia, have you contacted Qinghe and the others?"

"No, but there is no news, which means they are safe."

Sogaya shook his head and continued to eat.

"Since you came back from Zhinao Group, I feel that you two have something to hide from me?"

This woman's sixth sense is keen.

Before Cao Jiaya came back, she specifically told Qianqiao not to tell Truth what happened at Meteor Private School, in order not to make her think too much.

Gan Qiao naturally agreed.

"how could be."

Gan Qiao said somewhat unnaturally.

"Sao Jia, I have something to ask you. About my father, and about Meteor Private School. So Jia, what do you think of our father?"

truth asked.

"Why do you ask that?"

Sogaya put down his bowl and looked at the truth.

"Although Dad has adopted many orphans like us. I wonder if there is any reason for this."

Hearing the truth, he began to doubt Hanakata. Although Sogaya also doubted the purpose of Hanakata's establishment of the Meteor School, he wanted Hanagata to leave a good impression in Truth's heart.

Cao Jiaya: "The reason, what is the reason?"

Truth: "Well, I don't know, I just think there is a reason."

"You think too much, Dad is a kind man. He's kinder than anyone in the world, that's why we're adopted."

Cao Jiaya said in an affirmative tone, and after he finished speaking, he glanced at Qianqiao and asked him not to interrupt.


The truth was so certain from what the Caojia people said, so I believed him.

"If Dad has any plans, he should also tell us. But when I was in the Meteor School, I was really happy, and I don't have any bad memories at all."

Cao Jiaya said things that he didn't believe, and didn't have any bad memories?Cao Jia remembers the person who bullied him very clearly!

"Well, sorry."

Truth apologizes for doubting Hanakata's purpose in raising her.

"Do you still remember that Sawada Yashi who used to bully me?"

Hearing Truth mention Sawada, the smile on Sogaya's face faded.

"Remember, he often bullies you."

The saddest thing in life is meeting the right person at the wrong time.

At that time, Truth often opposed Sawada of the Boy King because she helped the Sogaya people not to be bullied.

After that, Zetian began to bully the truth.

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