His reputation probably won't be much better either.

It is more likely to be speculated that the evil dragon is acting for some unknown benefit.

But they will never think that the evil dragon is an exaggerated thing that the righteous gods will pursue for love and justice.


In the white light, the black dragon first shook his head left and right, and then saw a stalwart male god in half armor not far away.

Black Dragon's eyes lit up:

"But under the God of War?!"

The male god smiled slightly and nodded in response:

"it's me."

Before the black dragon could speak, the male god continued:

"Is it for the sea of ​​trees?"

Heilong nodded hurriedly.

The male god continued to smile, looking warm and gentle, making people feel like a spring breeze.Although in the heavenly realm, they are very inconspicuous, but in front of outsiders, they still have to do a good job of saving face.

Otherwise, if it spreads out, wouldn't the idol collapse?

This point, whether it is the old god or the god of war, has successfully acted in the past.

The male god waved at the black dragon.

Then there was a stump-like cloud behind him out of thin air for him to sit on.

At the same time, there is also a cloud stump suitable for a dragon beside him.

It looks like it's going to be a while.

After hesitating for a moment, the black dragon sat up.

Wait until the black dragon is ready.The male god smiled again and touched his head again.

With a heavy tone, he said:

"At the end of the sea of ​​trees there is a mountain of skeletons, do you know?"

"I've seen. I've seen."

The male god nodded, and didn't directly say what it was, but talked about the year:

"The Sea of ​​Trees existed long before we explored the Western Continent. But in the early days of the Age of Gods, its expansion rate was far slower than it is now. It's just one or two times faster than the average forest."

"Furthermore, the types of monsters inside are very rich. Other than that, there is nothing worth noting."

"If it had been noticed earlier, it would not have been the case."

When he said this, the male god looked a little regretful.

The difficulty of the sea of ​​trees in the later stage is a headache even for gods like them.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank those evil gods. They were the first to discover the changes in the sea of ​​trees. Especially the one in the night... especially the goddess in the night. At that time, she paid the most attention to the sea of ​​trees, and later Much of what we know about the sea of ​​trees comes from the night."

Speaking of the goddess Heiye, the expression on the male god's face was a bit complicated.

The black dragon also remembered some sayings about the goddess of the night:

The strongest god.

most beautiful god.

closest to the original god.

Of course, the premise of talking about strength is to ignore the evil dragon, the dragon god among the dragon gods.

After all, the evil dragon is only rumored to be very strong by the world, but no one really knows how strong it is.

Maybe those who died knew, but no one came forward and said.

And Goddess of the Night's record was really achieved step by step.

known to the world.

But in terms of appearance, it must be the goddess of the night who beat the evil dragon.

After all, dragon cancer is a minority.

At the same time, this is also a very mysterious goddess.

The origin and past are basically unknown.

She herself shied away from it.

It is a complete mystery in history.

The black dragon is still thinking about the deeds of the goddess of the night.And the male god continued:

"The night once mentioned that there is a remains of an outsider at the end of the tree sea."

"We didn't pay attention to this at the beginning. It wasn't until I entered the sea of ​​trees with the sun god and the others that I finally understood what Heyye said when we reached the end of the sea of ​​trees."

God of War raised his head and solemnly looked at the black dragon:

"That's the remains of the Outer God! The real Outer God!"

The male god bit the word 'foreign' emphatically.

"Well, what do you mean?"

Heilong was a little taken aback.

He is an outsider himself.

Unexpectedly, that skeleton was also an outsider.

Immediately there was another burst of suddenness, no wonder he couldn't recognize what kind of creature it was after looking at it for a long time.

When talking about outsiders, the male god also secretly glanced at the black dragon.Heiye also said that the evil dragon is also an outsider.

The male god wanted to see if he could see something from the black dragon's expression.

But alas.In many cases, dragons have facial paralysis...

At this moment, the male god really couldn't understand why Yuanyuan liked dragon species more than them who were 'exactly the same' as him?

The male god shook his head, not thinking about it.

"Well, as you can imagine, the remains are from a god from another world!"

"Besides, based on our speculation, it should be a powerful god with several original essences."

After finishing speaking, the male god silently added another sentence in his heart:

'Of course, it's not as good as your semi-primitive. '

"But for some reason, such a powerful existence died in our world. The old god speculated that he died at the hands of the original."

"However, we prefer that He died in an accident in His world, and then fled to our place desperately, but he still died in the end. Otherwise, it makes no sense to kill him in the first place."

Black Dragon thought so too.

What was the original concept?The ancestor of the gods!Everything starts at 1 o'clock!

Killing a foreign god should be easy.

"The few of us realized this when we saw it. This is the remains of an Outer God."

"At the same time, we also realized another point, it is trying to resurrect!"

"The Sea of ​​Trees was born out of this."

"A few of us thought about completely clearing it and the sea of ​​​​trees at the time, lest it continue to steal the vitality of Middle-earth."

The male god smiled helplessly as he spoke:

"As you know, we failed. We can't solve that problem."

"It's not that it can't be killed. After all, this is our home field, but the trouble is that the consequences of killing it are too great. It's too big to let it 'live'!"

Hearing this, Heilong finally understood.

Because he thought of the 'Black Mountain'.

Suddenly, the black dragon remembered the remains of the ancient dragon and the old gods.

"Well, can I ask you, is there any relationship between the old Outer Gods and the authentic Outer God remains?"

The male god replied affirmatively:

"That set of remains is actually the ancestor of the Outer God!"

Chapter 159

Heilong gasped in shock at this unexpected and reasonable answer.

"It is so!"

"That's why those so-called Outer Gods came out just after we left."

A bitter smile appeared on the male god's face again:

"This is our mistake. We didn't expect it at all, but just met once, and that thing remembered our 'structure'. Then it fabricated the incomplete product of Outer God."

"They have plagued the entire Middle Earth for tens of thousands of years."

"If it wasn't for the ancient dragons, no, if it wasn't for all the dragon species fighting to the death. I'm afraid Middle Earth is still under their control. If you think about it a little more. I'm afraid that the skeleton has absorbed enough nutrients to be resurrected. ?”

"For this, I really want to thank you dragon species."

"It's supposed to be us guys with empty names who came to protect Middle Earth. I don't want to, but I let the dragon species carry it all."

These words, the black dragon is very embarrassing, the dragon species has indeed played a huge role in various wars.

But that really has nothing to do with him, a rookie!

Whether it is the magnificent war of the age of the gods, or the majestic battle of the old days.

He really, really paddles the whole way...

Born a dragon, he is sorry! ! !

In fact, these words of the male god were also addressed to the black dragon.

The black dragon may have thought he was paddling.

But in fact, his existence, or the existence of the evil dragon Refendia, whether in the Age of Gods or in the old days, is a great restraint for the evil gods and the outer gods.

After all, where the couch lies, the evil dragon sleeps soundly.

"Because the Outer Gods are all dead, the skeleton plan has also suffered a huge blow."

"Thinking about it, the consumption of creating the Outer God is far greater than its reward. In addition, in order to prevent it from sitting in the battle of trapped beasts, we also gave up on the sea of ​​trees."

"So, the Outer Gods started the dragon hunting war just to get enough nourishment?"

Heilong thought of this again.

The male god also gave an affirmative answer:

"Yes, the bones need an unimaginable amount of nutrients to be resurrected. The stronger the better, but it was the world after the Age of Gods. Looking at the entire Middle Earth, only dragon species have enough. numbers and strength."

"Therefore, the Outer Gods launched a dragon-hunting war."

"And the bone dragon you saw earlier was also the victim of the year—the ancient dragon Sirius."

After speaking, the male god fell into silence.

Heilong was also silent for a while.

Finally, the black dragon asked:

"How do you think I should treat the sea of ​​trees?"

"This point, you should not ask me or them, but you should ask yourself. Dragon, you have to make your own choice."

The male god only left this sentence.

When the black dragon reacted, he realized that the male god had left.

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