The surrounding light curtains also slowly dissipated, and he was no longer in the previous squatting posture, but maintained the initial climbing posture.

Heilong looked left and right.

The crowd bowed their heads in astonishment whenever they were swept by his gaze.

No matter how many times he watched this scene, Heilong felt sorry for them.

Sighing, he was ready to return to the sea of ​​trees.

How to deal with the remains of the Outer God, the black dragon has not yet figured it out.

But for the tree-sea defense line, Black Dragon still plans to wait until the seventh day.

But what surprised Heilong was.

He originally wanted to raise his paws to wave to the people below and say:

never mind.

As a result, the black dragon just raised its paw and swiped in the air.Before he could speak.

A crack in space was opened in front of him by a paw just now.

It's not right to say it's a crack.Because the claw just now seemed to break the distance between the two places.

On the opposite side of the claw mark is Amelia Yangon standing on the top of the mountain.

Noticing the witch moving behind her, she immediately turned her head and bowed to the black dragon to salute.

The corner of Heilong's mouth twitched, he stabilized his mind, and swaggered into the crack.

The little girl jumped in after him.

One person and one dragon just left.

The claw mark was instantly repaired and closed by the original rules.

Only a group of people who were still unable to react were left in a daze.

In the end, I don't know who took the lead, and the crowd cheered all day to celebrate their survival after the catastrophe.


After returning to the top of the mountain, the black dragon secretly glanced at the direction it came from.

Great, that crack is gone!

If it doesn't disappear, the black dragon really doesn't know what to do with it.

After reading it, he looked at Yurshika again.

The leader is still fighting with that ancient dragon.

One person and one dragon seemed to be angry.

Every time the two sides played against each other, they spared no room and did their best.

Turn the surrounding terrain upside down.

Anyway, the black dragon has no way to see the original appearance from their battlefield.

However, as the witch said, the ancient dragon Sirius couldn't break through the captain's defense.

This made Heilong feel relieved.

He turned to look at the joint defense line.

He was gone for a short time.

But the line of defense was extremely brutal.

After all, this is a real war, and it usually takes only a few minutes from the beginning to the heat of the war.

What's more, the black dragon has been gone for a while.


The six forts are naturally still standing on the ground.

No one has been captured by Warcraft yet.

But without exception, every fort has a wall covered with monsters.

A glance at the past, densely packed, extremely horrifying.

Compared to the endless tide of beasts below.

The soldiers at the top of the city are very rare and small.

However, if this is the case, the defenders on the top of the city are also fighting the enemy bravely.

No one took half a step back.

Even on the top of the city that is comparable to the Asura Field.

Every second, soldiers were torn apart and bitten by monsters.

Every minute, a centurion or even a thousand-man team died in battle.

Veteran Stel and his recruits were very lucky.

Although he has been fighting with the herd of beasts at the head of the city.

But the two were miraculously only suffered some minor injuries.

Any more is exhausting.

Veteran Stier took out a silver ball from his pocket and threw it forward.It hit the head of a six-eyed demon spider.

The next moment, the ball exploded, and the head of the magic spider was also blown to pieces on the spot, falling from the sinking head.

After doing this, Veteran Stiles felt like he was dying.

The ball just now was his last magic tool.

His own strength was also exhausted.

If the fight continues, he will probably have to confess.

The recruits on the side are also in the same situation.

The veteran gritted his teeth and swiped the rolled waist knife again, chopping off a monster's forelimb.The moment the recruit rides the monster to suffer the pain, a spear pierces through its head.

When the recruit pushed the monster's body off the top of the wall, he suddenly shouted in surprise:

"The great magic is closed!"

Chapter 1 Sixty

Although the closure of the great magic does not mean that they have survived this storm in the sea of ​​trees.

But there is no doubt that they can rest.

This is really great news for soldiers who are almost exhausted.

Seeing the big magic close, not only the soldiers cheered like a mountain, but even the unsmiling supervising knights at the top of the city shouted out in the same way.

Although they are war supervisor knights, they are responsible for supervising and supervising the battle, but it is impossible for them to really watch from behind in such a big battle.

He joined the battle with the soldiers early on.

After many fierce battles.

Even if they are mostly Mithril upper ranks or even lapis lazuli lower ranks.It is also a situation where the oil is exhausted and the lights are dry.

The unstoppable beast horde before was really overwhelming.

No matter who the defenders at the top of the city were, after experiencing the initial enthusiasm, all that remained was numbness.

Because there is no hope in sight, and the nerves are tense all the time.There are often comrades on the side who are torn to pieces by monsters.

Then he was pushed back by the rest of his comrades.

It's really amazing that they can survive this tortured situation until now.

That's not the end, though, as the big magic has indeed closed.

But there are still many Warcraft that just came in.

But at this moment, the morale of the city is high.


Just like the black dragon has been looking at the battlefield.

In the Gushan Chamber.

The three dwarf kings also looked at the Shuhai defense line together with the man who claimed to be the last.

The King of Ironforge was the most impatient of the four.

He directly said to several people:

"I said black robe, do you really have a solution... against God?"

"Of course. Honorable Iron Castle King."

The last seat respectfully got up from his seat and saluted.

Iron Castle King just snorted coldly:

"hope so."

As the arch-rival of the Iron Castle King, the Blackstone King would not miss any chance to disgust the Iron Castle King.

"We are all allies now. It should be a relationship of sharing weal and woe. Why do we treat our allies like this? Why, could it be that the majestic King of Ironforge plans to renege on the covenant?"

The Iron Castle King, who was just whining at first, immediately blew his beard and stared when he heard this.

"What are you talking about? Blackstone King, I respect you as the king of the Blackstone Kingdom, so I call you Blackstone King, don't give me a hard time. I have endured you for a long time!"

"Besides, do you think I don't know that we are allies now? I can tell you clearly that I and Ironforge will never abandon the alliance. But the premise is that you don't mess with it!"

"To tell you the truth, I regret joining in now. Why did I fall for your evil at that time?!"

This is too straightforward.But surprisingly, the other three didn't react too aggressively.

Because they all know the temper of King Iron Castle - say whatever comes to mind.

And a spit and a nail.

Any of the four of them could backstab an ally, but the Iron Castle King alone couldn't.

Of course, the premise is that the three of them are okay.Or that their problems were not discovered.

In fact, what the Iron Castle King said was exactly what the other two dwarf kings wanted to say.

In this covenant, the three of them were really too rash.

I didn't know why at the time, but when I heard someone said that I could deal with the evil dragon, and showed my 'sincerity', I agreed.

So much so that afterward they all suspected that they had been hinted by that Mo Xi.

As a result, after some inspection, there was no trace of control at all.

This allowed them to suppress their doubts.

There is no way, I got on the thief boat, and I can only go to the dark all the way.

after all.Once the matter of their participation is exposed, they will not just stand on the opposite side of the evil dragon.

He also sadly stood on the opposite side of Middle Earth.

Yes, this tree sea rampage was caused by them.

So afterwards they also rejected the Yaken people's request for help.

He also sent thirty sets of armor in a humiliating manner. Of course, Princess Mary didn't want it.

Thinking of this, the three dwarf kings felt stupid again.

It stands to reason that although they indirectly caused Shuhai Rampage, they would not "bluntly" leave clues for people.

But I don't know why, the three of them all thought of one thing at the same time: the Yaken people should not be able to withstand it, they must find a way to reduce their strength.At least not in a timely manner.

Anyway, the dwarf can play the image of a greedy merchant.

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