"You guys come over here."

"Yes, Master."

Even if the black dragon was not by her side, the witch bowed her body respectfully and said yes.

Wait until it is confirmed that the connection with the black dragon is disconnected.

The witch got up and said to the two younger sisters:

"The master is calling us, it's time to go."

The leader and Lilith immediately expressed their understanding.

The little girl first took out the engraving pen and wanted to draw a teleportation array, but found that the sea of ​​trees at this moment was full of chaotic elemental flow.

Teleportation is simply not possible.

The little girl pouted angrily.

This made the two sisters behind her laugh a little.

The witch even touched the little girl's head lovingly.

"We'll just fly over."

The little girl didn't speak, because the witch's greatness was placed on her head again.

This made the little girl very sad.

He flew into the sky in a fit of anger.

After swiping, it flew in the direction of the black dragon.Only a long tail light was left in the air.

This scene once again made Yurshika envious.

She couldn't fly by herself.

Sighing, not waiting for her to move further.I felt someone hugging my waist, and then my body was lightened.

The whole person was hugged in the middle of the air.

"Oh? Oh!!!"

The one who picked up the captain was none other than the witch——Amelia Rangoon.

"Hurry up like this. Don't move, we still have to chase Lilith. The master is still waiting for us."

There was an indescribable smile on the corner of the witch's mouth.

Using words that the leader could not refuse, he persuaded her not to move around.

She is the Witch of Twilight.In the past tens of thousands of years, people often took pleasure in playing games in the world.Is a full 'bad heart'.

Naturally, he can't really do anything to his sisters, but it's very interesting to tease them.

Just like that, the Twilight Witch contentedly picked up the blushing Yurshika and flew into the sky.

Chapter 175 Go home!

Yulshika does have magic props for flying, but in terms of speed, naturally the witch came with her in her arms.

Very practical, but embarrassing.

Yulshika, who had no way or reason to refute, could only forcefully suppress her inner discomfort.

Just like that, he was carried by the witch and flew to the place where the black dragon was.

Originally, along the way, the moods of the three girls have all adjusted after going through the initial period of time.

It can be regarded as joking and laughing.

I never thought about it until they arrived at their destination.

What I saw was this scene:

Layer after layer of dragon bones were accumulated in the small valley.And squatting in front of this dry bone valley is a black dragon.

The three girls immediately restrained their thoughts, and after landing, they joined hands and bowed their heads.

This scene is really disturbing.

The girls didn't speak, but walked quietly to Heilong's side.

This made Heilong directly unaware that the girls had arrived.

He just looked melancholy at the corpse of the dragon species in front of him.

After a long time, these dragons lying here are all his kind.

There are many, many of them, let alone he knows them, he has never even heard of them.

But, when he saw them lying here quietly with his own eyes.

Heilong felt a kind of depression in his heart that he couldn't vent.

Obviously, the culprit who caused all this has bowed his head.

But deep down, it is difficult to accept this reality.

The black dragon watched quietly for a long time, and then noticed the girls by turning around by accident.

Heilong reluctantly smiled:

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long, but I feel a little uncomfortable."

The girls all shook their heads.

"That's what we should be. But what are you calling us for?"

It was still the witch who spoke, and she had to shoulder the responsibility of the elder sister.

The black dragon sighed, turned back to the valley and said:

"Help me collect their corpses. After all this is done, we will go to the gathering place of the dragon clan. As I said, I will take them home."

"In the Age of Gods, I couldn't help any of my family members to collect the remains, and it was the same in the old days. But now, I hope to do something I can do."

After speaking, the black dragon lay down on the ground.He looked dully at the valley in front of him.

Everything that happened recently made him feel very tired.

After the girls looked at each other, Yulshika and Lilith took a step back in tacit understanding.

Then the witch came out and stood in front of the valley.

Opening his arms, he sang the ancient hymn:

"I am the saint on earth, the guardian of the vast temple, the one who prays, and the one who holds the sword!"

"I am a walker in the world, a mourner of lost souls, a guide, and a well-wisher!"

"I declare your death in the name of the gods."

"Outline, dragons, listen to my appeal and return to my gray robe."

"To testify in the name of the four majesties, it belongs to me, and I will take you home!"

As the witch continued to sing this ancient eulogy, countless elemental forces gathered beside her.

The bones of the dead in the valley also kept shaking with the witch's singing.

When the time comes.When the witch waved her hand, a gray torn robe flew out.

The dragon corpses in the valley also began to turn into particles and pour into the gray robe at the moment when the gray robe appeared.

In this case, there was no problem at first.

But with the continuous influx of dragon corpses.The gray robe began to show signs of instability.

This surprised the Witch. She wove this gray robe out of the shrouds (shrouds) of dozens of church saints.

Naturally overwhelms the undead and the genus of the curse.It can also contain the remains of the lost.

After all, that's what they are for.

Unexpectedly, the number of dragon corpses here far exceeded the limit of the gray robe.

But it doesn't matter, although the witch is not as good as the Valkyrie, she has also comprehended most of the blessed family members.

In terms of personality and mystery, it is an existence extremely close to a goddess.

She raised her right hand and put her index finger to her mouth. With a light bite, she broke her index finger.

With a wave upward, blood with pure gold in the bright red was sprinkled on the gray robe.

While the signs of collapse in the gray robe stopped immediately, lines of pure gold gradually appeared.

This is the transition from 'ordinary' holy relics to fetish ones.

Everything that followed was simple and smooth.

The layers of dragon corpses piled up in the valley became smaller and smaller.

Finally, less than a few minutes.

The dragon corpses in the entire valley were collected by the witch Yang Guang into the gray robe.

The gray robe that had completed the task began to fall gently.

The witch touched her healed index finger, then stepped forward, intending to catch the gray robe.

But I never thought that the seemingly light gray robe was actually at the moment of getting it.

Like a mountain drop!

The unprepared witch immediately suffered a dark loss.

Such a scene obviously exceeded her expectations.It stands to reason.Her prayers, reconstructed from ancient hymns, worked and the dragon corpses were hidden behind the gray robes.

It should be all right.

Why does this happen?

The witch didn't have time to think carefully, the weight of the gray robe in her hand was still soaring.

Up to this moment, even the witch has already felt extremely strenuous.

The black dragon was still thinking about things sadly, and failed to notice the strangeness of the witch.

But the two girls rushed out immediately.

They all raised their hands to hold the gray robes.

Who would have thought, this time, it's okay if you don't hold it, but once you hold it, the weight of the gray robe will immediately increase to another level.

Even if the three women worked together, they gritted their teeth so that the gray robe would not fall off.

These are the remains of their master's kindred.How can it fall into their hands?

It's not that they have no way to solve this situation, but the troublesome thing is that they don't have a solution that doesn't hurt the bones inside!

As for the dragon corpse turning into particles and pouring into the gray robe just now, it didn't damage the remains, it was just a simple transfer and reshaping.

At this moment, the three girls quickly discussed the situation with their hearts.

"What's going on? Sister!"

"It should be the persistence of the dragon species here that answered my prayer in the name of the four majesties. But they are unwilling to be taken away by us."

"Then what to do? The weight is getting bigger and bigger."

"I don't know too well, let's hold on for a while, the master is still watching!"

Maybe it was the movement of the girls that shocked Heilong.When the girls are really struggling.

Heilong looked over.

Bing Fulin said heartily:

"Ah. You are all holding it, that's very good. You are my family members and the saintesses of my clan."

"Remember that in the Age of Gods, those two saintesses were responsible for the collection and burial of all dragons who died in battle."

"Unexpectedly, you also know this. Very good."

As the black dragon continued to speak, the girls were surprised to find out.The weight of the gray robe in his hand has not only stabilized, but also slowly and firmly lightened? !

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