With that said, Heilong also stood up and walked to the girls.

With complicated eyes, he stretched out his paws and gently placed them on the gray robe and slowly rubbed them:

"I'll take you home!"

Chapter 176 The Postwar Situation

When the black dragon said the words 'I'll take you home'.

The gray robe no longer has any mountain-like weight.

At this moment, it is like an ordinary robe.

Such a scene surprised the three girls.

But then there was another burst of enlightenment.

Dragonborn are reluctant to leave with a group of strangers.But they are willing to go home with their saintess and the returning dragon god!


The black dragon took the girls and flew towards the eastern sky.

He didn't pay attention to other things.

The Sea of ​​Trees, the only threat to the west of China, was completely turned upside down by him.

There is no need for him to worry about the human side.

If it is said that when the sea of ​​trees is blown up by him, human beings can still have accidents, it can only be a possibility:

These guys are playing civil war again.

Since ancient times, China has been blessed with unique advantages.

It has the most abundant resources, the best geographical location, and the most blessings from the gods.

Logically speaking, not to mention that Middle-earth has long been able to flatten the Quartet.At least it is no problem to keep their own one-acre three-point land!

But the result?

Not to mention pushing back, even self-protection is difficult.

The root cause is that the middle-earth clans are best at infighting.

God knows how many resources and manpower have been thrown into the bottomless pit of civil war over the years.

Therefore, the black dragon is not looking at the situation here.

It's not just that he has done what he should do.

Or because he chose to believe in the people who gave him and the gods a satisfactory answer.


On the Shuhai defense line, the coalition forces experienced the initial carnival.

The cheering had died down.

Instead, start cleaning the battlefield.

Princess Mary also took off her armor, rolled up her sleeves, and helped the wounded everywhere.

The monsters were indeed burned clean by the evil dragon.

But the people who were injured by the monsters were still howling.

People killed by monsters are still lying on the ground.

It looked like hell on earth.

But overall, everyone is in good spirits.

Because they not only saw the retreat of the monsters.I also saw the collapse of the sea of ​​trees.

What this means is almost self-evident.

The west of mankind will be a smooth road!

There is a flood of opportunity out there waiting for them to explore.

Or to put it another way.In the west is full of yellow dwarf gold!

After the wounded were basically rescued, the remains were roughly collected.

Princess Mary won the brief break.

It was also at this time that several important officials of Yaken surrounded him.

This made Princess Mary sigh for a while.

It's hard to get a chance to rest.

But lamentation is lamentation, work still has to be done.

With a whoosh, she jumped off the battlement that was only half left.

Patting the dirt on his body, he looked at several important ministers with a relaxed expression.

"what happened?"

Princess Mary thought that what the veteran ministers were going to talk about was war damage or requests from lords from various places.

No, their first sentence is:

"Your Highness, our magician finally gave an affirmative answer just now, and the sea of ​​trees has collapsed!"

Princess Mary's eyes widened:

"Are you sure?"

"This has been repeatedly confirmed. Because our magician has seen the sea! Although the process of seeing is very difficult, you know, in the past, this was impossible due to the obstacles of the sea of ​​trees. "

"Tsk, it's difficult."

The sea of ​​trees completely collapsed, which is a great thing for Zhongtu.

But it may not be a good thing for Yaken.

Because Yaken has no appetite and strength to eat the entire west.Fortunately, they did not die to block the westward advance of the Middle-earth countries.

Then their overall national power has declined sharply because of the violent walk in the sea of ​​trees 17 years ago.

Coupled with today's seven-day chatter.

It was even more severely damaged.

Princess Mary is not sure that she can lead the country through this crisis safely.

But fortunately, this incident is not all dangerous.As long as Yaken can grasp the speed well.

Not only can he survive the crisis safely, but he might also take the opportunity to climb up.

Crisis and opportunity always coexist.

"If there is no accident, envoys from various countries will find me today and tomorrow."

"Everyone, if you have any good suggestions, tell them quickly."

Several ministers did not speak immediately, but gathered together to discuss in a low voice.

This matter is no better than before. When defending the city before, you don't need to worry about anything, just do your best to defend it.

But it is different now, the countries involved now basically include the entire Middle-earth.

Everyone thinks back to a piece of the pie, a sip of the soup.

My heart is hard, maybe I still want to bite Yaken.

The relationship between countries has always been like this.

In the face of greater interests, the fragile diplomatic relations between countries seem like a joke.

Just when several ministers were discussing with each other.Not far away came the shout of Yaken Knight:

"Her Royal Highness First Princess of the Kingdom of Wein has arrived with Earl Ornstein!"

Several senior ministers immediately stopped discussing and stood aside one after another, as if they were just watching the scenery with the princess.

Princess Mary rubbed her cheeks, put on a warm smile and greeted her.

The attitude of Wein, the uncrowned king of Middle-earth, can determine Yaken's future direction to a large extent.

If there is anything more important than Wein's attitude, it can only destroy the evil dragon in the sea of ​​trees by himself.

Floating behind was the divinely-made golden princess, hugging Princess Mary with a smile on her face.

Onstein stood quietly behind the two of them.

The next thing is very important, so big that it can only be discussed by the royal families of the two countries.Even if an outsider interjects, he may be charged with betraying a country.


The dragons of Middle-earth are not accustomed to living in isolation like the dragons commonly found in literature.

Middle earth dragon species tend to live in groups.

It is said that it was in the early days of the Age of Gods.Dragonborn is actually a fairly scattered race.

There are dragons all over Middle-earth.

But later, because of the outbreak of the war of gods, the dragon gods gathered the dragon species not only to unify their forces, but also to better take care of the ethnic groups.

Therefore, the dragon species has the habit of living in groups.

This gives the Dragonborn enough power to deal with most threats.

In fact, as usual, the gathered dragon species basically have no external enemies.

Unfortunately, the weather is unpredictable.

The dragon species first confronted the evil god.Then he was missed by the foreign gods again.

Fighting back and forth, the huge dragon species has become a situation where there are no more than a hundred of them now.

Chapter 177 Contradictions within the dragon species

But fortunately, in the whole of Middle Earth, not only the dragon species are gradually weakening.The rest of the races were not much better off.

The overall combat power is far inferior to the crazy Age of Gods and the chaotic old days.

Therefore, even if all the ancient dragons were killed in battle, there would not be many clansmen left.

A dragon is still a dragon.

It's a sad and fortunate story.

In short, most of the dragon species today are gathered in an unnamed valley in the east of Middle-earth.

Because of the terrible dragon hunting war in the old days.

The dragon species that survived by chance changed their previous style, and no longer publicly announced that such and such a place belonged to the dragon species.

No one shall violate this place.

Instead, he hid cautiously.

Eastern Middle-earth, somewhat similar to Northern Middle-earth.

Both the Human Kingdom and the Eastern Threat—the Sea Clan split the two places.

But compared to the cruel geographical environment in the north and the political situation where humans and demons are opposed.

The East is much better.

Although the Sea Clan is also difficult to deal with.It comes down to it.The enemy facing the eastern defense line - the Sea Clan.In fact, they are not the real sea clan, they are just the family members of the deep sea monsters.

Although it is possible to go ashore, don't try to please the terrestrial species that are native to the land.

The eastern part is full of wars all the year round, but compared to the other two directions where the demons or the sea of ​​trees break through the line of defense from time to time.

There really has never been a breakthrough in the east for thousands of years.

Of course, so did Lothric in the south, before the evil dragon went north.

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