But undead are undead after all, no matter how human they are.It can't change the essence of the dead, they belong to the master of the underworld after all!

It's not like they haven't heard of such an example of the eldest princess coming back to life directly, but it's all in various religious books!

In that crazy age of gods, the gods personally bestowed blessings and pulled souls out of Hades!

Perfect resurrection can be said to have completely disappeared since the Age of Gods!

now.They actually saw such an astonishing scene!

But the more surprising thing is yet to come.

Lilith glanced at the soldiers and knights who were making a fuss with disdain.He raised his head proudly and said:

"Don't put your delusions on my lord!"

"We are the family members of the evil dragon! Everything about us belongs to the master! From the soul to the body! The mere resurrection from the dead is just putting the soul that belongs to the master into her body again!"


Everyone present gasped.

According to their limited knowledge from major religions.

The souls of all kinds of creatures have always belonged to Hades!

Because that was the original rule, as strong as a god, and he couldn't keep a creature's soul by his side.He can only use the concept of "life" to keep the creatures he wants to keep by his side.In other words, to keep people alive.

It is said that even if the gods die, their souls will float into the underworld.

However, it is more said that the gods have transcended the underworld. After all, in the war of the age of gods, the master of the underworld has always been in a weak position.

And if the master of the underworld is really powerful, why are the gods still going to the underworld to ask for someone?

And the undead on the ground, he can't make effective restrictions.

As for what it would be like if the god died, then I don't know.

The death of the gods has always been a secret that the major religions avoid.This is the case even for the crusaded evil gods!

In short, even the gods of the Age of Gods dare not say that so-and-so's soul belongs to him, because it is too embarrassing.God can't hold back.

But now, the family members of the evil dragon actually publicly stated that her master, the evil dragon, violated the original law?

It should be an exaggeration, right?

This is the first thought of most people at present.But when they glanced at the majestic and expressionless evil dragon.

They suddenly felt that they were the ones who deceived themselves.

In the common perception of Middle-earth, evil dragons and evil gods are equated, and the arrogance of gods is well known throughout the world.Letting them slap themselves in the face is harder than killing gods.

With this recognition, the reputation of the evil dragon has risen!


above the scales.

The gods looked at Su Sheng's Yurshika dumbfounded.

"Just now, who understood?"

The surprised voice of the Mother Earth echoed among the gods.

"If you read correctly, it seems, maybe, probably, the original law has been successfully challenged?!"

Sun God replied uncertainly.

He felt like he was dreaming today. The gods can indeed resurrect the dead perfectly, but even they have to pay a huge price to blur the concept of life and death and bring the dead back to life!

Then there is the extremely high failure rate.Therefore, every successful resurrection has been written into the special book of the holy scriptures by them.

Because that means they took advantage of the original loophole.And only the gods can take advantage of the original loophole.

But here with Long, that's no longer taking advantage of loopholes, it's simply slapping Yuan Chu in the face!

You said that all souls belong to Hades, but I just keep a few by my side!Ha ha ha ha!

"Hahaha, how is it possible! We must have made a mistake, for example, the little girl was not dead, just like the previous sword master, she was so relieved."

As soon as these words came out, they instantly won the approval of the gods.

Everyone laughed dryly.

"That's right, that's right. I'm really old and useless, and I can even mistake life and death! Hahaha!"

"I have the 'glasses' left by the vice god Ace here, and I will mass-produce them for everyone tomorrow! Hahaha!"

As they talked, they all felt that they had really misunderstood just now.That's right, even gods can make mistakes!What's more, there is a Libra!

In the dry laughter of the gods.The master of Hades touched his nose silently.

After a brief hesitation.He still shattered the illusions of the gods with a sound.

"Well, everyone, the girl did die just now. Her soul really left her body and floated around the dragon. That's not a magic spell, it's a real death and leaving the body!"

"you sure?"

"I'm not as good as you guys in fighting, but life and death are my authority. I'm sure!"


The gods fell into an eerie silence.

The authority of the master of Hades is not perfect due to many reasons, but he is indeed the authority in life and death.He said that, so he must be right, they really read it right!

The evil dragon really slapped Yuan Chu in the face!

After a while, the God of Mystery and Knowledge looked around and asked in a deep voice:

"Let me just ask, the dragon's 'body' really only has the power of faith pointing to him and the authority of the evil god Khorne? Are you really not putting anything else on the dragon?"

Hearing this, the gods said righteously one after another:

"Of course!"

Chapter 19 Dedicated to Yanan!

God's arrogance far surpasses dragons and other creatures.

Their glory disdains them to lie.

So what they said should be true, they really didn't bind some messy things on the evil dragon.

The old god wanted to convince himself so much.

But he can't, he is the god of knowledge and mystery.The longest-lived and wisest of the gods.

He is very clear that some of these guys are definitely lying!

Someone definitely threw the authority of the evil god that should belong to him to the dragon!

The only problem is the people who do this, no, how many gods are there!

As for why he is so sure, it is naturally because, as the only one among the gods who has seen the original.

Every time he sees a dragon, he thinks subconsciously.This is what the original dark side looks like!

Yes, in His eyes, the dark power entrenched on the "body" of the evil dragon has become so huge that it can catch up with the original!

That is definitely not the point where the power of faith that simply points to the evil dragon and the mere evil god Khorne can reach.

Of course, the decisive factor here is that He himself has taken care of the "dark essence (authority)" that has never been obtained by others.

Throw it to the dragon.....

This can't be blamed on him, he has his reasons, he is so old, he can't toss about like a young man, besides, that dark essence represents magic and the unknown!

This is simply a huge temptation for him.If he didn't throw it out, he was really worried that he would not be able to resist the temptation.Thus degenerated into a sad evil god.

Thinking of this, the old god couldn't help but glance sideways at Lilith.

If there is no accident, the power represented by the original essence is in this girl...

As for Yursika, the old god estimated that what she got was the 'power' of the evil dragon itself, that is to say, everything that an ancient dragon that survived from the age of gods should have, such as stamina and resistance.

To this day, they still don't understand why the power bound to the dragon flows to these girls so easily.

It can only be tentatively regarded as an escape attempt by the sealed force.

The old god looked back at the gods, looking at their righteous faces.

He felt his teeth itch.God knows how many of these guys have ghosts in their hearts.She still looks so calm now, it really disgraces the gods!

What?Myself?Just kidding, can you have the same demands on yourself as others?

At this moment, God of War suddenly said:

"If you don't believe me, you can go to my place to see the power of the evil god that I keep! Then everyone is going to other people's places to check one by one!"

The old god suddenly shrank his pupils, what the hell.He can't resist the investigation!

After a lot of thought, he found a way!

I saw the old god stood up righteously and said:

"No, I know who the culprit is!"


The gods were shocked.Everyone is in danger for a while.Oh no, for a moment everyone looked suspiciously at the companions around them.

The old god stretched out his left hand and pointed straight at an elf goddess!

"It's you, Goddess of Nature!"

"No...don't talk nonsense! You...what evidence do you have!"

The goddess of nature was shocked.He justified inarticulately.

"That's right, even you have to come up with reasonable evidence, otherwise my fist and I don't care about your age!"

The Mother Earth, who is also an elf god, also stood up to defend the goddess of nature like her sister.

The Mother Earth hugged the Goddess of Nature in her arms in relief. In that chaotic era, there were three gods in the elves, but now only she and nature are left, so she treats the Goddess of Nature as her own sister.

Because the goddess of nature is weak, she often wields iron fists to punish those male gods who want to take advantage of nature.

The mother of the earth is powerful, and the old god is not clean.So when she opened her mouth, the old god almost gave in to Tang Sai.

"I really don't have definitive evidence. But I have a lot of speculation worth hearing!"

"tell me the story."

Mother Earth, who was holding the goddess of nature, snorted coldly.

"2 years ago, a legendary sorcerer of the demon race sacrificed everything from the dragon to attract dragon flames, and burned hundreds of thousands of allied forces in the Middle-earth in one fell swoop. He also left a burning mark that has survived thousands of years. An indelible 'spectacle'."

"Guys, where was the last time you saw something like this?"

Sun God frowned and said:

"You said that, I remembered, when I joined forces with the God of War to attack the abyss. I saw something similar in the lair of the evil god's wrath."

"Lava lake, I will never forget that place!"

The God of War revealed his thick left hand, and there was a crack intertwined with golden light and red light on it.That was the wound left by the evil god's rage back then.

The old god's eyes flashed when he heard the words.The goddess of nature's complexion changed.

"That's right! The power of the evil god's wrath comes with magma and burning! At the same time, the edge of the lava lake in his lair is almost the same as the burning scar! Goddess of nature, what do you have to say? Do you dare to let us go to you? Look at the dark essence you keep in the temple?"


Seeing the old god's increasingly violent persecution, the goddess of nature burst into tears.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I can't resist the temptation of the original quality! I'm sorry!"

The eyes of several male gods flashed, and they jumped out at once.When preparing for trouble.He met the cold eyes of the goddesses.

Immediately, the arrogance disappeared, and they touched their noses and said:

"That temptation is very strong."

"Yes. Yes. I almost couldn't help but devour the dark essence several times!"

"Don't blame her too much, it's poor!"

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