"It's enough for everyone to say a few words. Anyway, nothing major happened now!"

In this way, the fault of the goddess of nature was lightly exposed under the cold violence of the goddesses.

Of course, it can also be said that this time, the gods' careful thinking has come to an end for the time being with the goddess of nature as the blame.


In the royal capital of Yanan, the great evil dragon is not surrounded by the army in the palace square.

Instead, he was politely invited to... Uh.

Lord Xielong and his family members still stayed in the square.Because the great evil dragon lord is unwilling to shrink in size or transform into a human form (in fact, the black dragon does not).

Therefore, it is impossible for the various reception facilities prepared for humanoid creatures to accommodate the huge body of the evil dragon.

then.The Blood Emperor moved the layout of the guest room to the square.

He looked at the evil dragon squatting across the long table, Lilith with a proud face standing on the left and right, and his sister with a melancholy face.

The Blood Emperor began to frantically organize his language.

Finally, he made an important decision!

"Dear Evil Dragon Shixia! I, the King of Yharnan, hereby dedicate the entire territory of Yharnam to the great Shixia! May the majesty of Xia be spread throughout Yanan, may the glory of Xia be spread over the mountains, and may Xia Keep your eyes on the people of Sanctuary!"

Chapter 20 Deny

Yes, the Blood Emperor dedicated Yanan to the evil dragon Refendia.

So far, they have stood on the opposite side of the Middle-earth countries.

This was an unimaginable choice, but unexpectedly, many ministers present and even the surrounding soldiers were not surprised by the blood emperor's decision.

Their biggest reaction to this was a slight shock, and they regained their composure after a while.Among the remaining soldiers, many of them breathed a sigh of relief.

They seem to have expected all this.

At the beginning of the founding of the country, Yanan was considered strong, after all, it was a country that could uniquely dominate the southern part of Middle-earth.

If you don't have enough strength, you can't eat this piece of meat.

Of course, this is also related to Yanan's proximity to the evil dragon's domain.

After all, no one wants their borders to be related to evil dragons.That means that once the evil dragon goes north, he will be the first to suffer.

But Yanan's subsequent generations of kings were basically brain-dead guys.Greedy for power and wealth without intention.After many tosses, Yanan's national strength was consumed in sevens and eighties.

To the previous term of the Blood Emperor, that is, King Yanan, the father of Yurshika's siblings.

Lao Wang inherited the greed of his father's generation, but unfortunately he failed to inherit his father's toughness and the only remaining power.

I want to get money, but I also want to offend no one. I am very indecisive, and often stop halfway through a task.He often offends both those who do things for him and those who are done by him.

Over time, it aroused the dissatisfaction of the nobles. Although the previous few were bad, they brought the nobles to eat together.

The king is here.Not to mention the civilians were tossed, the nobles were also tossed.

Now there was nothing to say, and he was directly beaten into a big villain.

At the instigation of local nobles.The court ministers launched a coup d'etat in response to internal and external cooperation.The old king was killed, and the royal family was also purged.

Fortunately, the knights of the royal family still insisted on the way of chivalry, and escaped with their siblings desperately.

Later, the eldest princess came back as a family member of the evil dragon.With the support of powerful force, he helped his younger brother to the throne.

Compared with his parents, the Blood Emperor is really a young hero.

He knows that as a king, he can be cruel, greedy, and even brainless, but he must not be weak!The king must be tough!

Having seen through the corruption of the Yanan nobles, the Blood Emperor knew that relying on this group of people would not be able to grow Yanan, on the contrary they were still obstacles on the way to rise.

After the victory in the Great Patriotic War, he already had enough team (army) and achievements (part of Ulasiru's land).So relying on her sister's remaining prestige and strong force to destroy the country, she cleaned up [-]% of the aristocratic system in the country.

Created its own Yiyantang.

The entire country, from top to bottom, has only his voice.

But unexpectedly, because of the use of the evil dragon's momentum for international struggles and the existence of his sister.As a result, there was a faction in the country that he could not ban - the evil dragon faction!

Up to now, how far the evil dragon faction has grown in Yanan, he is not sure, because this organization does not have a unified leadership team.It is also impossible to figure out the bottom line.

Extremely chaotic all over Yharnam.Obviously a mob without leadership.

But they have infiltrated their members into all classes of Yanan.

It's okay if the evil dragon isn't around, it's a rabble after all.And there is also the eldest princess who can stabilize the situation.

But when the evil dragon really appeared, the mob instantly became a second kingdom with organization, support and force.

In this case, the blood emperor's personal feelings for his sister are not mentioned.Just at the national level.

He had no choice but to turn to the evil dragon.

Otherwise, even if he didn't express anything today, he would still maintain his previous ambiguous attitude towards the evil dragon.Even the evil dragon didn't intend to do anything.

The Blood Emperor can be sure.He woke up the next morning to the dire news of the country's division.

Yanan's national fortune in 2000, he dare not break it in his hands.

"Just down, please accept this crown!"

The Blood Emperor stood up, and solemnly took off the crown he had been wearing on his head.

Holding it in both hands, he walked to the front of the evil dragon.Get down on one knee and present the crown high!

Following the Blood Emperor's kneeling, the rest of the ministers, soldiers, and knights also knelt down one after another.

Even Lilith and Yurshika, who were standing around the evil dragon, knelt down.

The difference is that Lilith is proud and takes it for granted.

And Yurshika looked at his younger brother with a complicated expression.At this moment, she really wanted to say something, but her status as a 'sinner' made her shut up.

She has no right to demand anything from her master...

Looking at the Blood Emperor and the shining golden crown below him.

Lord Revendia, the great evil dragon, was in great shock.

'Fuck, I just squatted here for a while, why did you give me the country? '

Heilong was very confused, really confused, he felt that his brain could not handle the current situation.

For many years, he has been staying at home, and it has been a long time since he has dealt with such a complicated matter.

All he had to think about before was - where to find some delicious grass today, and where to sleep tonight.

This is also the main reason why the black dragon's mind does not seem to be very bright.

The brain has not moved for too long, and it is 'rusty'.

After rapid thinking in the brain, the black dragon made a decision.

He stretched out his claws and took the crown carefully, held it in front of his eyes and observed it carefully before saying:

"A very beautiful crown, a very beautiful kingdom, but there is no need, I have accepted the most precious treasure of this country, she is as dazzling as a lighthouse in the dark night!"

As he said that, Lord Xielong turned his head and glanced at Yurshika who was kneeling halfway.

The latter lowered his head, not knowing how he felt at the moment.

After speaking, the black dragon returned the crown to the astonished Blood Emperor.

The black dragon admitted that he had a little interest in the shiny thing.But that is the instinct of the dragon species.rather than his own feelings.

The happiness of the black dragon is to eat and sleep, and to sleep and eat.It would be even better if you can stroll around to digest food if you have nothing to do.

What kind of power, wealth, he really has no interest.

So when he gave up, the black dragon's heart was very flat, without any ripples.

It's just a trivial little thing.

As for taking Yurshika away, it is certain. From the perspective of the black dragon, this girl's strength is almost the same as Lilith's. Even considering the time factor, I am afraid that she is much stronger than Lilith!

I don't know why, but the black dragon just has a feeling that he must take Yursika and Lily by his side, otherwise something terrible will happen!

I can't tell the reason, it's just a very common intuition, but Black Dragon decided to trust his intuition, because his intuition has saved him a lot of big 1 troubles in the past!

Among other things, just in the Age of Gods, his intuition has avoided several god battles for him!

He even helped him escape from the thirteenth layer of abyss where the evil god was entrenched!

Chapter 21 I'm not interested in them!

That trip to the abyss was also the most exciting experience since he was born.

The black dragon clearly remembered that it was the end of the Age of Gods, and the evil gods were gradually forced out of the mainland by the righteous gods, and could only hide in the demiplane abyss to resist.

Because of an accident, he fell into a crack in space and was pulled into the abyss where the nature of space is the most unstable.

Thirteen abysses, thirteen evil gods!

He also fell into the deepest layer, but miraculously escaped!

Along the way, it seemed as if those evil gods hadn't seen them.Let the black dragon cry out by surprise.

Afterwards, he heard that not long after he ran out, God of War and God of Sun teamed up and entered the abyss.Overthrew an evil god.

This made him feel very lucky to run fast.Otherwise, he would probably be killed by the aftermath of the battle of gods.

At the same time, he also despised those evil gods in his heart, and none of the thirteen evil gods found him.No wonder he was suppressed and beaten by righteous gods.

Wait, did they really not find out?

Still disdain to waste effort?Don't tell me I don't even have the qualifications to kill them in their eyes! ?

Blind student. Heilong discovered a sad Huadian!

But after a while, this little matter was thrown away.

What he wants to think about now is how to deal with Yanan's stall.

God is sorry, half an hour ago, heilong and Yanan had nothing to do with each other.

As a result, now, Yanan actually got inextricably linked with him.

Heilong's brain is indeed in a rusty state, but this does not mean that he is stupid, it's just that he reacts slowly to many things.And it will get better over time.

Based on his accumulation over the years and the experience of various novels and TV series he watched in his previous life.

There are endless problems about the absolute size of Yanan now, and most of these problems point to him.

The rest can also be related to him.

His conscience told him to do something.

At the same time, he also wanted to use Yanan to send a message to the kings of Middle Earth.

So the black dragon raised his head, glanced at the crowd with different expressions around him, and said to the blood emperor:

"If you insist, I allow you...I allow you to sacrifice evil dragons and worship evil dragons. Of course, I don't exclude the existence of other churches. The gods...the relationship between the gods and me is pretty good."

The more he talked, the more heilong felt he had no idea.

He still wonders why he is an evil dragon until now.Even always feel that the evil dragon is actually another dragon.He was just misidentified.

However, that doesn't explain what happened to Lilith and Yulshika.

Speaking of which, how did Yulshika get her power from me?This is also a very strange point of Heilong.

Obviously he had never seen Yulshika before!

When he said that he had a good relationship with the gods, the black dragon was even more heartbroken.

In the Age of Gods, he had indeed seen several goddesses.But people just saw him as pitiful and gave him some help.The relationship is at most a one-sided relationship.

So the more I speak, the more afraid I become.After all, gods cannot be discussed according to common sense at all, and if you are not careful, you will commit a serious crime of blasphemy.

Thus being remembered by the gods.

But when it comes to the goddesses, Heilong remembered that the Mother Earth Goddess had given him many delicious vegetables many years ago.

Those vegetables are really delicious!Heilong had never eaten such a delicious thing.

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