It's a pity that he didn't even see Mother Earth's face, let alone ask for vegetables from Mother Earth.

Later, the terrifying Outer Gods came, and they frantically launched a dragon-hunting war.

The black dragon with extremely low combat effectiveness had no choice but to escape from the middle earth and ran to the southern continent.Along the way, he also saw many Outer God believers and Outer God family members heading north.

This made him want to give up the idea of ​​going south for a while, but fortunately, the hounds of the Outer Gods seemed to have all gone north.

Unexpected safety in the south!

After thinking about it, Heilong shook his head and decided not to think about what was there or what was not.

He needs to get things done right now!

"In short, I respect the gods and their churches!"

After pondering for a while, the Blood Emperor thoughtfully replied:

"You mean, all you need is for your believers to be able to establish a church in our country?"

"That's right! Everything else remains the same! This is the will of the evil dragon and mine!"

This is the best solution Master Xielong can think of.He doesn't need Yanan, and he doesn't know how to run the country.

Yanan would only die suddenly in his hands.

But because of his reasons, if he doesn't care, Yanan will probably have civil strife.It would disturb his conscience.

So, I thought of this way.

Even if Yanan's current political status is not deprived, it also gives the evil dragon believers a way to "vent".

This is the consistent practice of the new gods in the age of gods for those neutral countries that do not belong to him.

Although he is not a god, the method can also be used for reference.

The Blood Emperor naturally accepted this, this proposal can be said to be unexpected!

In his previous thinking, the best outcome was that he would become something like a puppet king or a regent.The worst thing is that there is nothing left.

Now it is different, Yanan is still his Yanan, and has avoided splitting.

After all, the biggest obsession of the Evil Dragon Sect is that beliefs cannot be put on the surface.

And to a certain extent, it can avoid completely standing on the opposite side of Middle Earth.

We just allow the existence of the evil dragon belief, not a betrayal of human beings!

Such examples abound in the Age of Gods.

The Blood Emperor put back his crown and bowed to the evil dragon.

"Thank you for your kindness, your believers will get everything they deserve in our country! Your faith will also spread in our country!"

He originally wanted to establish the evil dragon belief as the state religion.But after thinking about it, I gave up.

It is inevitable that the evil dragon belief will become the state religion of Yanan.But this matter cannot be done by him.

He also needs to secure a less clear-cut international stance for Yanan.

Although the attitudes of the various countries towards the evil dragon are also very ambiguous, it is better not to oppose each other.

He intends to let the evil dragon believers develop the evil dragon belief into a 'state religion'.At the same time, this can also establish a goal for the evil dragon believers, allowing them to work hard for it without causing trouble.

The black dragon who got the answer from the blood emperor was very satisfied.Then another purpose was stated.

"Please also tell Zhu Guo a word for me!"

"Please tell me! I will tell the kings!"

"I'm not interested in them!"

A very arrogant sentence.

Heilong regretted it as soon as he said it. This is indeed what he said in his heart, but it is too straightforward.

Just now because it went so smoothly, I said it in a hurry...

But it's too cheap to change the words temporarily.

I had no choice but to say nothing.

However, there is nothing wrong with such arrogant words being uttered by the evil dragon.

It's better to say that it fits the dragon design very well.

Because He is an evil dragon!

An evil dragon comparable to a god!Mere mortal kings are not qualified to be remembered by him!


Wein King's Capital.Sword Saint Ornstein, who had just withdrawn from Losric, was riding slowly into this ancient capital inherited from the past under the escort of several royal knights.

Chapter 22 Ornstein's Trouble

Although Ornstein escaped death by a narrow margin, after the initial rejoicing, all he has now are countless worries.

In this era, evil dragons are basically equated with evil gods.

Then he accepted the evil dragon's 'blessing' although it was passive.But it will naturally be suspected by countless people.

What the hell is that?A look can make an intelligent creature corrupt, not to mention his blood?

Although the outer gods are also highly polluting, they have to be willing to do it anyway, and the pollution of the evil gods is directly spontaneous.

Coupled with the powerful strength shown by that little girl, the deterrent power of the evil dragon has soared.

As soon as the evil dragon left, he was properly 'protected' by the powerhouses of the rest of the kingdom.Later, he received a direct order from the king.

He was ordered to return to the palace quickly to see him.

Therefore, before the matter in Los Angeles was over, he broke away from the bulky army of his country, and 'jumped' all the way back to the country through the teleportation array.

When he 'jumped' to Naf City for the last time, he was told by the generals defending the city that he had to 'walk over' for the next journey.

Fortunately, Naf City is the gateway to the royal capital, not too far away.Relying on a good elf horse with unicorn blood, his speed is not slow.

When he was not far from the king, he saw several royal knights.They are all masters of the lapis lazuli rank.

Ornstein looked left and right, but there was no acquaintance.

My heart suddenly trembled.

Along the way, he didn't ask any questions, because he knew that his situation was already very dangerous, and doing anything would easily increase the risk.

The only one who can keep him now is King Wein.

In other words, the only one who can decide his life and death is King Wayne.

He is the Marquis of Lengliegu, the princess's uncle with a prominent status, and at the same time, he is the head of the seven sword masters in Middle-earth, with outstanding combat power.For such an important person, only the king can decide his life and death in Wein.

When he entered the city, Ornstein found that the civilians looked at him with timid eyes, and many people even avoided him.At the same time, according to memory, the traffic of people has also been greatly reduced.

I couldn't help but sighed:

'The news spread so fast, it's almost abnormal...'

He only hopes for one thing now, that is, this is not a prelude prepared by King Wayne to kill him.

It's ridiculous to say that now he desperately hopes that all of this is a trick prepared by his political opponents to mess with him.

He's strong, but not strong enough to stand against King Wayne.

This is not only a reason for loyalty, but also an extremely realistic fact.

Wein is the top power in Middle-earth, and he is not the only one at this level.

On the surface, there are two people who are as strong as him, and he knows three in private.There are dozens of poor ones.

He can become the chief warrior of the kingdom, more depends on his identity.

But if he can have the power of that girl, then only loyalty can limit him.

Wait until the palace.Ornstein straightened his clothes.This summoning is really urgent.

He was so anxious that he didn't even have time to change his clothes.Go straight into the palace and go to the meeting hall.

In the past, when foreign ministers returned to the palace, no matter what, they had to change into decent clothes.Because they represent the face of the royal family and nobles.

As soon as he entered the room, Ornstein felt the pressure skyrocket.

Of the five strong men like him, here are three.The two walked to their side as soon as they entered the door.

The other was always standing behind King Wayne.

"Young Stan, I'm sorry. But please forgive me! After all, it's about the evil dragon!"

King Wein didn't explain anything, and explained the situation very straightforwardly.

What else could Onstein say?Of course I agree!

Wouldn't it be too long to resist?

"I understand His Majesty's painstaking efforts, and I also believe that His Majesty can give me a clear name!"

Onstein bowed and said so.

But the ministers on the side began to play.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Weng Stan accepted the blood of the evil dragon. The subject thinks he is untrustworthy. It must be eradicated!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, the evil dragon is as terrifying as the evil god! His blood has definitely corrupted the mind of Sir Weng Stan!"


It is also very straightforward.

But Onstein calmed down instead.he noticed.

Several cardinals were there, and they kept silent.At the same time, the speakers were all middle and low-level nobles.

None of the old guys spoke.

These guys are old foxes who have been with King Wayne for decades.It is clear that the king will not be swayed by such words.

So the people who jumped out were purely instructed to disgust him.

Ornstein knew that since those old foxes hadn't made an attack here, it meant the struggle was over!

Want to dispose of such a 'deep-rooted' noble and minister like him.Take it if you have to meet, don't give him any reaction and a chance to come back.

Otherwise, the power behind him is likely to fight back.

What he was thinking now was, who helped him win the victory, the faction he belonged to, or King Wayne's direct statement?

The result is the same, but the meaning is completely different.

Before he could think about it, he heard King Wein angrily dismiss the clowns.

Then he forced a smile and said to several cardinals:

"I would also like to invite some of you to verify the identity of Mr. Weng Stan!"

After several bishops got up and bowed to King Wein, they walked to Ornstein's side.

The magic of letting go of the gods, the pouring of holy water, and the jumping up of a great god.

This must be a bluff on Earth, but in Middle Earth, it is really a valid authority.

Because there really is a god here!

After some operations, the bishops said one after another:

"From our point of view, there is nothing wrong with the Marquis of Onstein, Your Majesty!"

It was only then that Weinstein realized that it was King Wein who protected him.


Chapter 23 King Wein Has a Headache

The reason is very simple, they are not ordinary people who can't read a single word, they are top nobles, the best group of people in this country and even the world.

Everyone knows that the church can indeed identify believers of evil gods.

But at the same time, they also know that the church has no way to distinguish the relatives of evil gods.At least there is no way to be sure that a person is definitely not a member of the evil god.

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