It describes the outstanding appearance of noble ladies.

It is true that among the common people, there are also many female students who are outstanding, but compared with the nobles who have devoted themselves to maintaining and improving the inheritance for generations, there is indeed a big gap.

The three girls were such great beauties. Their appearance made even High Priest Nalande look less outstanding.

In fact, High Priest Nalande still has three girls who are good or bad in appearance. Except for Lilith, who has not yet fully grown, the other three are really difficult to distinguish.

However, if the status bonus of the elves is counted, the high priest Nalande is naturally outstanding.

do not know why.The races of Middle-earth always like to chase after elves.

Even for a long time, the customs of the elves were the benchmark of popularity in the mainland.

In the past, beauties, especially the few top beauties who appeared today, would inevitably become the focus of the audience, but today everyone present is except for ordinary people.There is also a god.

As a member of the ancient gods.

The identity of the evil dragon has always been high above the sky.What's more, He is still so mysterious.

Where there is Him, even if there is still a God, the core of the topic is 100% Him.

Sure enough, everyone's eyes never stayed on the beauties for any extra time from the beginning to the end.

All of them stared intently at the burly body of the evil dragon.

Facing the scorching gaze from all around, Lord Xielong led the girls to the center of the venue unconsciously.

On the way to the center, the three girls consciously and slowly fell behind by a body. When the evil dragon reached the place, the three of them also stopped not far behind the evil dragon.

Master Xielong who walked to the position first glanced around and recognized the person.

Even the king who is sitting on a whole country lowered his head in palpitations when he looked at the golden vertical pupils of the evil dragon.

After turning around, Lord Xielong's gaze stopped at the elves.

Looking at the Elven King and High Priest Nalande who got up respectfully and saluted.

There was a trace of hesitation in the golden vertical pupils of Mr. Xielong.

Then he suddenly realized and said:

"I remember you, you used to follow Earth Mother!"

In the Age of Gods, evil dragons once visited the temple of the Earth Mother.Luckily, she was also kindly received by Mother Earth.

Lord Xielong still remembered all the scenes at that time. He remembered that apart from the most eye-catching Goddess of the Earth, the ones he saw the most were the elf priests who followed the Earth Mother, or the elf maids.

The fruits and vegetables that Mother Earth used to entertain Him were also brought up by these maids.

Thinking of this person, Lord Xielong was a little greedy for the fruits and vegetables grown by his mother.

It's a pity that the earth mother has ascended to the sky.Naturally, there are no fruits and vegetables grown by mothers in Middle Earth.

The High Priest Nalande, who heard these words, responded with a smile:

"I didn't expect you to remember me, what an honor!"

After speaking, he bowed and saluted again.

Lord Xielong stretched out his paws rarely, posing and said:

"If you need anything, you can come to me. Mother Earth and I have a good relationship. I'm willing to help the elves!"

Such a straightforward gesture of goodwill directly caused the other kings to look at the two high elves one after another.

The relationship between the dragon god and the elves is basically very good.

Even the evil dragon is the same!

What an enviable treatment!

Regarding this, High Priest Nalande thought for a while and asked:

"Your kindness is not intended to be the treasure of the elves. For this, we can only repay our deep gratitude. It is really hard to feel at ease. Please forgive me for asking, are you willing to accept a batch of Junlan that we have carefully brewed?" liquor?"

Junlan wine?

Ah, Master Xielong remembered that he had heard this, it was the top quality wine that only the high elves could brew!

It is said that the annual production is no more than a small mouthful of mortals. Such treasures are basically only seen in the offerings of elves to gods.

The rest only appeared when the great powers established diplomatic relations with the elves.

In order to wish for a harmonious relationship between the two parties, the elves will send a small amount of Junlan wine to the royal family.

Just this can make the human royal family who received Junlan wine happy for a lifetime, and the wine will not be drunk, but will be passed down from generation to generation as a national treasure.

It is said that even if the kingdom is destroyed, the new dynasty will carefully store the Junlan wine of the previous generation for inheritance.

Because the essence of that thing is to worship the gods, the church is weakened, but the weakening of the church does not mean that theocratic power has also been left behind!

So far, I have never heard of that mortal who drank Junlan wine.

For such a high-standard gift from the elves, Mr. Xielong was a little hesitant.

"Is there no problem? That is an important sacrifice you use to enshrine the goddess of nature and the mother of the earth, right?"

High Priest Nalande and her husband, the Elf King, smiled at each other.

Very sincerely said:

"If it's someone else, or even other gods, it shouldn't be like this. But for you, it's no problem!"

As the top elves, they are very clear that the relationship between the gods of the elves and the dragon gods, especially the evil dragons, is really good!

In the face of such a supreme being, give him the Junlan wine that no god can enjoy.

No matter how you think about it, there is no problem.

And they also heard that the original intention of the goddess of nature who developed Junlan wine was to find a drink that evil dragons would also like.

I just don't know whether the Junlan wine, which His Majesty the Goddess of Nature has worked so hard to develop, suits His Majesty the evil dragon's taste?

Thinking of this, High Priest Nalande asked the evil dragon seriously:

"Could you please tell us your impressions after tasting, I plan to tell the goddess at the next year's sacrifice."


There were some nonsensical requests, which made Mr. Xielong a little dazed.

Why did you get involved with the goddess again?

But still should.

"Yes, yes. But, is there really nothing else?"

High Priest Nalande pursed his lips and shook his head.

Seeing this, Master Xie Long had no choice but to nod to show that he understood.

Then, wait until the two high elves salute.

Lord Xielong changed his direction, raised his head and said loudly to the kings:

"Now I will tell you the reason why I summoned you here."

Immediately, the kings couldn't help leaning forward even if they were standing.

Especially King Wein, he even took a second look at the Blood Emperor at this time.

It was found that the latter's expression was also full of curiosity and a trace of hidden sadness.

Such a discovery made King Wein's eyelids twitch.

The Blood Emperor should just know something inside.And it's not a good inside story.

Sure enough, what the evil dragon said the next moment proved King Wein's thoughts.

"I hope that after you go back, you will immediately summon your army and mobilize your supplies."

"Because a great war involving the entire Middle-earth is about to begin!"

In an instant, the whole place was silent.

In the end, only the heavy breathing of the kings could be heard in the ears.

A great war involving Middle-earth?

Or was it so solemnly proposed by the evil dragon?

Who is the enemy?

Who has this qualification?

"There is no need to doubt, the enemy is just that powerful."

Master Xielong ignored the astonishment of the kings and continued:

"Regarding this point, I have already met with the gods, and they also agreed with my plan, and agreed that I would unite with Middle-earth and take the lead in attacking."


There was another large sound of breathing on the field.

It is already surprising that the evil dragon made such a solemn announcement.

Unexpectedly, even the gods who have long since left the world have come to an end!

The kings who were able to maintain restraint just now couldn't help discussing with each other.

They lost their composure in front of God, which shows the shock that this event brought to them.

This made Mr. Xielong have to amplify his voice a little:


Immediately, the noisy kings instantly fell silent.

Lord Xielong, who suppressed the situation, sorted out his language.

Said in one breath:

"A few days ago, by accident, I spied a bit of an incomplete picture of the future. I confirmed one thing!"

"In ancient times, the old god who brazenly rebelled against the heavens, was defeated by the gods, and was exiled to the deep sea by the original curse, never to leave!"

"They're back!"

Having said this, Lord Xielong began to walk around the arena.

"The old gods have made a comeback, and I am the only god left. And, I can tell you bluntly, this time, the old gods got a copy of the original essence!"

"They are no longer degraded deep-sea monsters who have no power, they are already gods!"

"I don't plan to put the battlefield in Middle Earth, and I don't plan to wait for the enemy to attack!"

Up to here, every time he said a word, Lord Xielong's huge dragon head looked straight at a king.

After speaking, he tilted his head and continued.

"I want to use all the power I can use to contain the old gods on the eastern seashore!"

"This is not a battle without a plan, because you have me! An unimaginably powerful god is standing by your side!"

"The dragon species will also charge forward again!"

"And, I also persuaded the demons. At that time, an army of 10,000+ demons will rush out of the waste abyss and go out."

"Don't even think about turning to the old gods. Their brutality far surpasses the evil gods. No matter what, mortals can only be fun in front of them, and they can kill them at will."

"So, don't even think about giving your wealth and life to the non-existent 'kindness' of the old gods. Follow me, follow me to win this battle, is your only way out!"

After the evil dragon took a deep breath.

Facing the kings, he shouted in extremely provocative language:

"Choose, do you want to bear in mind your noble blood, take up arms and fight with me to the end, or abandon your glory and hide in the ground and wait to die?"

"He who inherits the will of the gods, leads the people of Middle Earth, and protects the people of all races!"

"Tell me your choice!"

"Should I block everything, crush and chop up the group of rotten fish and shrimps, or beg for mercy as a laughing stock?"

At this point, the evil dragon's golden vertical pupils looked at the kings quietly.

And the kings were also shocked by this non-stop speech, unable to speak for a long time.

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