After a while, King Wein finally came to his senses, picked up the knight beside him and put it on the ground behind the sword.

The long sword was unsheathed, pointing high to the sky.

The king shouted sharply:

"Wein, may the battle to the death never retreat! We will prosper with you!"

With the beginning of King Wayne.

The rest of the kings also followed suit, raising their swords and shouting:

"May the death battle never retreat! I will share glory with my subordinate!"

So far, the tribes of Middle Earth and the Demons of the North.Southern Dragons.

All join the battle!

They want to kill the terrible future that the evil dragon has spied on in advance.


With the end of the alliance, the kings hastened back to the countries.

Intensive preparations began.

The evil dragon's early spying bought them a considerable amount of time.I can't grasp it well, I'm really sorry for the position under their buttocks.

Of course, the war involving the whole of Middle-earth will never come soon.

Among other things, the transfer of troops from various places is a big trouble.

Not to mention the corresponding logistical supplies, as well as the mobilization of troops on the front line at that time, are all first-class troubles.

However, compared to this troublesome government affairs issue.

What they will participate in is a shocking battle that will be watched by all the world!

Defeat the old gods and protect Middle Earth!

Chapter 223 The Black Sea

This is a very noble purpose.

In the past three epochs, there have been countless wars in Middle-earth, but there is no one like today that has an extremely noble purpose and unifies the entire Middle-earth!

When people act for some noble purpose, there is no doubt that their actions will be efficient, concise and passionate.

A series of royal decrees were sent to the chief officials of each jurisdiction.

One after another, the flags were erected following the transmission of the Wang Ling.

If someone could stand at a high altitude and overlook everything at this moment, they would be able to see the army all the way moving towards the east in an orderly manner.

Regarding this action, the kings also told the whole of Middle-earth under the instruction of the evil dragon.

Therefore, the people are also working hard to support the army's eastward advance.

In many cities and villages, if there is an army passing through it, you can see many people walking along the way.

At the same time, these people will also send various ardent blessings to the passing troops according to the customs of various places.

For example, in Yaken and the western area of ​​Wein, the common people will place pine needles on the aisle of the army to show that they have already experienced hardships and do not need to suffer any more.

In the north, such as Froza and the northern part of Wein, the common people will personally weave a shawl or a robe and give it to the soldiers they see, so as to do their part.

In Yanan and Londal in the south, as well as in the southern area of ​​Wein, the people will throw various flower petals on the tall buildings or trees on the street towards the passing army below, symbolizing their bright future.

As for Farland in the east, Anor Londe, and the rest of Wein, the people held various water containers in their hands and sprinkled them on the soldiers in front of them, which meant washing water. To their bad news.

As the big country with the most defense lines, the Farnese began to work with Yanor Londe to continuously rebuild the defense line in their hands after receiving the evil dragon's will.

Trying to build it into a ten-thousand-mile company to accommodate the coming armies.

Although the engineers and civilians involved in this task can not be regarded as negligent, but compared to its huge engineering volume, it is still very slow.

Fortunately, the various armies that came could also set up camp on their own, so that they would not have no place to live.

However, compared with the huge company envisioned by King Faran, the gap is still quite large.

On the first day alone, 220 million coalition troops arrived at the front line.

This has already accounted for one-tenth of the total number of professional soldiers in China.

Of course, among the 200 million people, they are basically the troops of Fran and Arnoel Londe himself.

The armies of the rest of the nations are still on the way.

Although China has such a convenient thing as a teleportation array, there are still quite a few places that are blank between countries and cannot be teleported, otherwise it will be easy to fight.

By the third day, there were more troops here.

Basically, there are already 1000 million quantities.

And this number is still soaring in tens of thousands.

When the last army arrived, there were more than 800 million coalition forces standing here.

Nine-tenths of the military power of Middle-earth is here!

As for the remaining one-tenth, of course, it is scattered in various places to maintain stability.

Otherwise, without the army, Middle-earth would really be in chaos.

King Wein and other princes stayed in a fortress named Asta.

The fortress was built on a mountain.So there are a lot of buildings that climb up the hill.

In a protruding mountain castle, King Wein stood on the window sill and quietly looked at the almost endless company below.

Rao is the Holy King of Wein, and this is the first time I have seen such a scene.

Behind him is the landowner, the king of Farland.

Wein is the leading power in Middle-earth.

If it wasn't for the fact that the evil dragon was also in the coalition, the position of the leader of the coalition would have belonged to King Wayne.

But even if the evil dragon is on the forehead, it does not prevent King Wein from being the one with the most troops and the most powerful voice in the coalition army.

Therefore, King Faran and other kings often come to King Wein's place.

There is no way, even if they want to move around where the evil dragon is, they have no way.

The gap between God and man is too great.

And the evil dragon took the dragon species alone and sat in a big mountain in the east.

Although there is an evil dragon carrying the dragon species at the forefront, it makes people feel very safe.

But in this situation, people left the camp of the coalition army and ran to the dragon species that was almost an isolated city.

It's really a test of the heart.

King Fran stared at the map for a long time before walking up to King Wein, followed King Wein's line of sight and said with some melancholy:

"It's a very spectacular sight, but I don't know how many people will be left to go back after this battle."

King Wein nodded sympathetically.

Wein sent the most troops, and I am afraid that he will also suffer the most casualties by then.

However, as long as he can win in the end, King Wein believes that all sacrifices are worthwhile.

Otherwise, even if Wein retained all his troops, he would still be weak in front of the old gods.

Thinking of this, both King Wein and King Faran looked up to the distance at the same time, where is the place where the evil dragon sits.

It is also the key to this battle.

The old gods are already extremely powerful, plus they have obtained a copy of the original quality, of course, it is by no means a mortal can match.

Only the evil dragon can compete with the old gods.

Only God can contain God.

Only gods are qualified to declare war on gods.

"You said, can Refendia win by only betting?"

King Fran was a little worried about the future.

Refendia is very strong, there is no doubt about it, a god who has been able to laugh proudly from the age of gods to the present, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to be weak.

But the opponent is the entire Old God.

It is true that the old gods lost to the gods, but they lost to the entire god group!

Now there is only one evil dragon among the gods on earth, can he really have the last laugh?

Faced with King Faran's worries, King Wein just smiled.

He turned around and looked at King Faran seriously, and said very sincerely:

"I won't talk about the Age of Gods, after all, it's too far away. But the thing about the sea of ​​trees happened not long ago. I don't believe that he would lose to those guys who could destroy the entire sea of ​​trees by himself. .”

Hearing this, King Fran felt much relieved.

What is a sea of ​​trees?That is a problem that the gods have not been able to solve.

As a result, when the evil dragon was unhappy, he evaporated directly.

Thinking about it this way, those Outer Gods should be nothing more than that!

"What you said is that I am worrying unnecessarily!"


All the kings are full of confidence in the evil dragon, but the evil dragon himself is looking at the distant sea with some sorrow.

Only after he brought the dragon species to this mountain where he could see the endless sea from a distance, he discovered to his horror that the originally blue ocean had turned into pitch black in vain.

It seems that it is really unknown!

Chapter 224 Insanity

If the endless sea just changed its color, it wouldn't make the evil dragon who had seen many big scenes so flustered.

What really made his scalp tingle was the scene he saw at night:

Countless creatures, holding lights in their hands, kept moving towards the black and ominous sea.As they marched, they continued to sing an unspeakable and extremely profane lyrics:

Look up, the sky is high

As night falls, the sky is full of stars

The prosperity is gone, the end is coming

Break out of the cage, the awakened god

Come back strong, blood floods the earth

In His name, an era begins

When he returns, the sky is dark

Fools, masters of all beings

Humans prostrate, gods awed

The stars are shining, the light is burning

This is when the end comes

Horror, horror, horror to the extreme!

Extremely, extremely, extremely terrifying!

He is coming soon! ! !

He is coming soon! ! !

He is coming soon! ! !

Singing these blasphemous prayers, they stepped into the gradually surging endless sea one by one as if they were not afraid of life and death.

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