Chapter 25 The Black Dragon's Guess of Power

Seeing that he had managed to fool Yurshika, the black dragon was relieved and at the same time proud.

It turns out that I still have acting talent!

Why didn't he think of developing into the showbiz in his previous life?Maybe it will be the next 40 billion emperors!

At the same time, the black dragon gradually figured out many situations.

That means that he should really be the "evil dragon".Just don't know what went wrong.

It led to people's misjudgment of him.Let him turn a good dragon into a terrible evil dragon.

Heilong estimated that this was due to a long time and then being misrepresented.

Whoever made him live so long is the most ferocious black dragon species.

Coupled with the general low recognition of human races.He reckoned that he had blamed other black dragons many times over the years.

Most likely it was those fellows of the same race and color that ruined his reputation!

Heilong estimated that this was the truth.

When I think of this, I suddenly feel tired.He is so stubborn, why did he take the blame for no reason?

As for the power of Lilith and Yulshika, the black dragon speculates that they should have obtained the power that should belong to them!

The experience of the black dragon told him that in the age of gods, the most common and direct way for the gods to strengthen themselves was to develop believers to absorb the power of faith.

The power of faith is so mysterious that even the gods cannot understand it.

But what is certain is that the power of faith has amazing energy!

Because it can strengthen and even pollute the gods!

At the same time, the source composition of the power of faith is also very extensive.As long as it is anything that specifically points to some kind of presence and strong emotion.

It can automatically transform the power of faith and pass it on to that existence.

In other words, emotions such as fear, respect, worship, etc. can be transformed into the power of faith.

But the difference is that negative emotions such as fear are the easiest to 'reach the standard'.After all, other feelings are not so easy to achieve quantitative indicators.

But the problem is that the power of belief that transforms negative emotions is mixed with too many impurities from the human heart. When they accumulate to a certain amount, they can easily corrupt the gods.

This is the origin of most of the evil gods in the Age of Gods.

The other small part is inherently chaotic evil.No pollution at all.

It is also because of this that the authority that many gods clearly hold is not the power of 'evil', but the cause of evil gods.

But even the power of belief that transforms positive emotions has had a certain impact on the righteous gods.But compared with the evil gods, the pollution intensity of the righteous gods is very low.

In other words, righteous gods who choose the power of positive emotions to transform their beliefs are good people in themselves, and the pollution caused by this only makes them closer to the gods in the eyes of believers.

The black dragon speculated that a considerable part of people's fear of the evil dragon over the years must have turned into the power of faith pointing to him.

But the problem is that he is not evil in himself, and he does not have a divine core and cannot accept beliefs on his own.Therefore, the power of faith that points to chaotic evil cannot bless him.

But because it was the power clearly directed at him, not only did it not dissipate or be captured by other things.Instead, they gather more and more around him.

In the end I don't know why.They were divided by Lilith and the others!

Heilong suddenly realized!

No wonder Lilith and the others suddenly became stronger. It turned out that they took away the power of faith accumulated over the years!

And because the source of these powers is me, can I have strong control over them?

But why is the power pointing at me divided by them?

Just because they are members of the evil dragon? ? ?

Heilong couldn't figure it out again.

However, Heilong's nature is very optimistic, if he can't figure it out, he won't be able to figure it out, and he won't worry about this kind of thing.

It's better to say that he guessed so many things today, which already made him very happy!

Although all this is just his speculation, there is no actual evidence.

However, the black dragon noticed that Yurshika was still standing beside him.

"Why don't you go to rest?"

The black dragon looked up at the night sky with three bright moons hanging high.

It is said that it is the divine court of the three goddesses, but the black dragon has never seen the three goddesses of the moon, so he does not know the truth of this legend.

However, according to the understanding of the previous life, these three bright moons should be just ordinary satellites.Probably not the court of the three goddesses of the moon.

But this world is so weird, who can tell...

Facing the question from the black dragon, Yulshika, who had just put away the outline of the doctrine, trembled first, then lowered his head and muttered:

"Well, master, I am your servant, I should stay here with you..."

Speaking of this, Yurshika rolled her eyes and leaned against the black dragon.Lilith huddled up in a precious blanket.

The little girl slept soundly.She is indeed a strong person who does not need to rest, but it is really difficult to get used to this thing.

There was a lot of envy in Yurshika's eyes.

Compared with her, this little girl is more like the master's family member.Also more loyal.

Has been serving by the master's side, unlike her...

The black dragon who noticed Yursika's gaze also looked down at the little girl leaning against him.

Then he leaned his wings towards her.Hoping to keep her out of the wind.

Although for Lilith, the cold has no effect like resting.But some things are different from not doing.

For Lilith, the black dragon also figured out more things.

She is not so much a single-minded girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.

It is better to say that it is a five or six-year-old precocious little girl.

It is also understandable, I heard the little girl said that she was raised as a sacrifice.

Although in order to ensure the "quality" of the sacrifice.The little girl's life should be quite good, but she is a sacrifice and property after all.

In terms of learning and education, it must be missing.

The more ignorant the sacrifice, the purer and more loved by those great beings.

It's no wonder that a family member doesn't object to leaning on him or even lying on his head.

'Cause the little girl doesn't even know it's 'wrong'

In her understanding.It's probably quite an honor to be so close to the master...

Standing on his head in front of the crowd is probably a child's show off, right?

But this kind of transcendence in the eyes of others, in the eyes of Heilong, he doesn't care.

Instead, he sympathized with the little girl.What a poor baby!

"You can do what you want, I don't care about that."

After thinking about Lilith, the black dragon said to Yurshika.He felt that Yulshika, as the eldest princess of the kingdom, should prefer a comfortable bedroom than his own.

"Master, I am your family member. It is a great honor for you to forgive my mistakes. I can no longer be willful!"

"Uh... this, you can do whatever you want, I'm serious!"

Yulshika continued to shake her head.She has already made many mistakes, and she cannot continue to make mistakes.

Seeing this, the black dragon didn't force it, but just spread its wings and asked:

"Then do you want to lean in? Lilith's blanket should still be able to wrap a person."

Yurshika was overjoyed at first, and then hesitated and hesitated for a while.

"That, master, can I really lean on your side?"

"When... of course!"

Hearing this, Yulshika carefully leaned over and wrapped a blanket with Lilith and leaned against the black dragon.

The black dragon immediately lowered its wings.He lowered his headband beside the two girls, closed his eyes and began to rest.

Chapter 26 Accidents caused by food

this night.

Yulshika stared all night because she was too nervous.

Lilith slept soundly because her master was by her side.

Heilong slept very uncomfortable because of the cold night wind outside.

Wait until the morning sun shines.

The black dragon lying on the original square opened its eyes wearily.

'It's better to be in the cave.Mild, not cold, and delicious moss for a snack. '

'Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't looked for food for a while. '

Although a dragon is a creature that basically does not need food as an adult.But as I said earlier, past habits are hard to change.

The same is true for Heilong, not to mention that he is such a dish, he doesn't know if he will starve to death because he has nothing to eat.

Thinking about it this way, it's so miserable.

It is obviously the only ancient dragon who has lived from the age of gods to the present.

Obviously, he should be as strong as a dragon card.

Obviously, it should be powerful standing on top of the world.But why is he so weak?

What went wrong?

Could it be that my own power was sucked away like a magnet because of the huge power of faith gathered around me?

What the hell is this? ? ? ?

Because of the action of the black dragon, Lilith also woke up. After rubbing her eyes, she stood up and stretched herself.He said to his master and Yurshika on the side:

"Good morning, master."

"Good morning, sister."

"Ah, good morning, Lilith!"

"Gui, Gui'an, Miss Lilith!"

"Master, do you have any plans for today? Are we going to conquer the world?"

Lilith, who was fully awake and regained her vitality, continued her astonishing speech.

This made Heilong look black.

Make others look horrified.

They all thought that they were indeed the evil dragon and his family.

Words like conquering the world can be said casually.

"No, I have no intention of conquering the world. Don't say such things in the future, Lilith."

In order to avoid trouble, the black dragon warned Lilith like this.

But seeing Lilith startled for a moment and then suddenly enlightened, Heilong felt that things were getting worse.

The black dragon originally wanted to ask Lilith what she was thinking, but in the end he gave up this plan in order to avoid getting tired.

"I'm going to go out and get something to eat. Yulshika, is there a densely-vegetated forest nearby?"

No one can avoid the discovery of the evil dragon's vegetarianism. The black dragon's vegetarianism is already amazing, let alone the evil dragon...

Heilong didn't want to cause any more trouble.

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