Dense vegetation means a rich variety of food, and he is very happy to eat it!

Hearing this, Yurshika originally wanted to say that if he was looking for food, he could order the palace kitchen.

But after thinking about it, how could the great evil dragon take a fancy to ordinary court food?

In Yursika's cognition, the food of the evil dragon at the peak of the dragon species must be a legendary creature such as the golden behemoth or the hydra.

So he began to think, carefully analyzing what kind of places would have food that the evil dragon would like.

Then she was surprised to find that there seemed to be no forest where top monsters lived near Yanan.

After all, it is the place where human beings established their country. Under normal circumstances, no one would choose a country near the territory of those legendary creatures.

But not every country has a strong man like Ornstein who can slay dragons.

The most famous woodland near Yanan is the evil dragon collar in the south.Where there are hundreds of thousands of mountains, there are countless densely planted mineral deposits.But I heard that it is very 'safe', and where does the owner come from, most likely there are no top-level monsters that meet the owner's taste.

Do you want to go to the north to find trouble with the Moks (orcs) through Froza, and eat their last few golden behemoths?

This is not a question of whether they can fight or not. How can Mo Ke and Beamon be the opponents of the evil dragon?But that's too far away!

There should be something powerful under the waste abyss of Londor, but most of them are the residue of demons or evil gods.It is estimated that the owner has no desire to eat this kind of thing.

Wein's Royal Ranch heard that there were several pure-blooded unicorns.Level should be enough, but a unicorn the size of a normal horse....

Yulshika glanced at the black dragon's hill-like body, and secretly denied this idea.

The deep-sea monsters in the Eastern Sea?No no, it's too far!

Thinking about it, Yulshika asked carefully:

"Master, why don't we go to the Sea of ​​Trees to look for them? Legendary monsters appeared in the Sea of ​​Trees storm 13 years ago. Now, there should be no peripheral ones. But if we go inside, there should be many legendary monsters living there!"

The more you talk, the more excited Yulshika becomes, yes.Sea of ​​trees!

It is close (compared to the legendary evil dragon), and the food is sufficient (it is said that the depths of the sea of ​​trees are full of legendary monsters).

There is no better hunting ground for evil dragons than here!

Yulshika has already planned to negotiate with Yaken afterwards to turn the tree-sea defense line they built for thousands of years into a 'fence' for the evil dragon's hunting ground.

Anyway, the Yaken people themselves couldn't develop the sea of ​​trees, and they suffered a lot from it. It's definitely better to leave it to the master!

Lilith on the side also echoed with a face of approval:

"That's right, the Sea of ​​Trees! Only the Sea of ​​Trees can produce enough Legendary Warcraft that barely meet the food standard!"

As everyone knows, the black dragon was shocked by the speeches of Yurshika and Lilith!

That's a sea of ​​trees!

A sea of ​​trees that even the gods can't fathom existed in the Age of Gods!

Not to mention the sea of ​​trees where there are a lot of legendary monsters inhabiting even the middle area in the depths!

Also, why are legendary Warcraft that are comparable to adult dragons so cheap in your mouth?

I was looking for food, not turning into food!

Among the four major threats to Middle-earth, the Demon Race is purely a matter of interests.The evil dragon scares itself with false rumors.

Although the deep sea monster in the east is extremely powerful, it cannot leave the sea.Those family members alone are not enough to be afraid of.

Only the sea of ​​trees is different. The origin of the sea of ​​trees is a mystery. The black dragon only knows that it existed in the age of gods.

The few goddesses he had met didn't know what was going on in the sea of ​​trees.

But he knew that a large number of monsters lived in the sea of ​​trees.And it expands its territory at an abnormal rate and erodes Middle Earth every moment.

It's not that the gods haven't touched the sea of ​​trees. Under the leadership of several male gods, they started a vigorous plan to clear the sea of ​​trees.

The black dragon vaguely remembered that back then, the Sun God cast a boundless pillar of fire in the sky, and the huge body of the God of War also waved a giant ax in the western sky. The earth swallows everything up!

The land occupied by the sea of ​​trees became less and less, and finally the gods suddenly gave up the attack when they were about to succeed.Silently withdrew from the sea of ​​trees.

After that, the outer gods who dominated the old era didn't even look at the sea of ​​trees.Let it recover.

How dare the black dragon run into such a thing that gods avoid to eat?

So he shook his head in denial:

"No, the things in the sea of ​​trees are all corrupted! Those things will only spoil my appetite!"

This is just an excuse for the black dragon not wanting to go to the sea of ​​trees, but the speaker has no intention but the listener does.

This casual remark immediately appeared at the table of the Blood Emperor.Then it appeared in King Wein's study.

Chapter 27 Overreading?

It has to be said that King Wein is indeed a contemporary overlord.

The struggle between the Blood Emperor and him has been going on for several years, and the fear of him is deep in his bones.

Coupled with the previous big cleansing, although the Blood Emperor had a headache about the implementation of internal affairs, he was very relieved about the anti-corruption issue.

Because almost all the people who came up were civilians he promoted.In theory, loyalty is extremely high.

But even so, it was still infiltrated by King Wein.

The root of successful infiltration is also very simple-people's hearts.

The civilians are in power, and after seeing the prosperity of the upper class, how many people can not be dazzled?

As for Yanan, who is poor and useless, how much money can he give them?

So how many of these people can survive King Wayne's money offensive?

When he came to the study and looked at the secret letter sent by the dish, King Wein's face was a little ugly.

He immediately called several ministers of the interior.

"Let me ask you, how many World of Warcraft corpses and derivative products will our country buy from Yaken every year?"

Yaken relies on the sea of ​​trees and is the leading country of the defense line of the sea of ​​trees. Then the sea of ​​trees is full of monsters, and the people of Yaken will not waste these 'gold'.

A large number of World of Warcraft corpses and derivatives are exported every year.

Wein, a big country next to Yaken, naturally received a huge amount of orders.

Although the ministers wondered why the king asked this, they said without hesitation:

"About forty-six percent of the demonic beast corpses and related derivatives exported by the Yaken people have flowed into our country! Among them, magic stone products account for the majority. Then there is meat, and Yaken's magical beast meat is the second largest meat in our country Source! The rest of the leather and spell-casting materials also have a considerable proportion."

"If His Majesty needs it, the old minister can go back and prepare a list immediately!"

Almost half of the exports were eaten by them! ! !

King Wein felt like he had a heart attack.He clutched his chest in pain.

Gritting his teeth with great perseverance, he said:

"Immediately cut off all the transactions between us and Yaken related to all the monsters! All the ones that have been bought before will be recovered! Destroyed on the spot! All expenses should be borne by the treasury! Such as the redemption fee recovered from the private sector, transportation fees and Liquidated damages for Yaken!"

After some operations, several ministers were frightened into stupidity, and the leader of the senior minister immediately knelt down.


"Your Majesty! No, absolutely no! Breach of the contract without reason. This will not only ruin our country's good relationship with Yaken, but also put an excuse on other countries! It is not good for the country's prestige!"

Other ministers also added:

"That's right, Your Majesty! What's more, this move will not only damage our country's prestige, but also consume a lot of financial resources!"

"Your Majesty, the consumption of national wealth is still secondary. The most important thing is that Yaken's output of monsters is closely related to my country's countless industries! Now it is suddenly cut off. Our country's economy has been weakened by at least [-]% out of thin air! I don't know how many people will lose their wealth because of this. At that time, the whole country may continue to cry!"

When the ministers said these words, they were all sweating and their hands and feet were weak.

This is much more exciting than the evil dragon.

Although the evil dragon was terrifying, it didn't really come over anyway, and it has been living in legends. Before it flew over and breathed fire and slaughtered the city, many people didn't have any real sense of crisis for him.

But now it is different, it is closely related to their lives!

It is these internal affairs that they come into contact with every day.The consequences of this are all too clear.

So they all tried their best to dissuade King Wein, hoping that he would withdraw his order.

Regarding this, King Wein just waved his hands weakly and said:

"I know all of this. I'm so relieved for your kindness! But do as I say."

As he spoke, he threw the ciphertext to the old minister.

"Giving this cipher text to Princess Yaken is the reason why our country broke the contract. Our country is willing to double the compensation for the breach of contract. The support budget for the Shuhai defense line will also be doubled! Folks, hey, folks are a big problem. ...Forget it, let’s take a step at a time. Let’s settle this matter first. Ah, yes, let the leaders prepare the relief money. No, no, just notify the leaders.”

"All bankrupt merchants will be purchased by the state or supported by the transformation or find another source of materials. Froza, discuss with Froza, they are also a big exporter of the Warcraft industry... Alas. Call Mafasi over here (Wei) In the king's personal potionist and priest, responsible for his health.) I have a terrible headache...”

King Wein's language was incoherent to a certain extent, which showed that he was tired at the moment.

But it was still effective.

The veteran below picked up the cipher text suspiciously.After slowly opening it, his face also changed!

The evil dragon actually said that the things in the sea of ​​trees were corrupted! ! !

"Your Majesty, do you want to discuss this again? This matter is of great importance! Besides, after so many years, there has never been a problem!"

When King Wein heard this, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he patted the table displeasedly and said:

"Do you mean to leave it alone? Just pretend you don't know? Or do you think that a god-like existence like the evil dragon will make fun of this matter? Where do you put the people! Where do you put the national prestige! "

King Wein's voice was so loud that the ministers were too frightened to raise their heads.

He could only hurriedly explain:

"I mean to see, maybe, maybe the matter is not so serious!"

King Wayne wanted to smash the guy's dog's head.Couldn't he see the seriousness of the matter?

The supreme beings at the level of the evil dragon are unwilling to touch things in the sea of ​​trees. What qualifications do we humans have to do things that the evil dragon will not do?

Moreover, King Wein also thought that in so many classics he had read, the problem of the sea of ​​trees had been vaguely mentioned.

For example, the vigorous tree sea clearing plan in the Age of Gods suddenly ended without a problem.Another example is that the old Outer Gods would rather launch a dragon hunting war than go to the sea of ​​trees to hunt legendary monsters whose instinct is greater than reason.

All of this shows that there is a problem with the sea of ​​trees, and the problem is serious!

In the past, because no one thought about it or people deliberately ignored it, it has been ignored.

But now the evil dragons are all 'backboard'!How could he still deceive himself and others as usual?

Not to mention, they've been 'wrong' for so many years.God knows how much they have been influenced secretly?

Doesn't this guy know how to make up for it?

"The unknown is the scariest thing. In the past, because I didn't know, I could ignore it, but now that I know it, I can't bet on the lives of the people. This problem is not serious! Or in your eyes, the lives of the people are not as good as A few dwarf gold won't make it? Are you going to treason?"

After a big hat was put on, the old minister couldn't hold on.

He could only lay down on the ground soaked and said:

"The old minister dare not. The old minister just lost his head for a while, I hope His Majesty will make amends!"

Seeing this, King Wein was not chasing him either.

"Then go down and do as I say!"

Several ministers retreated in embarrassment.

King Wein leaned on the throne wearily.

Accompanied by Yulshika, the black dragon was looking at the detailed map of the surrounding area.I plan to find a suitable woodland for a toothbrush.

Without knowing it, his words made the outside world go crazy.

Chapter 28 Tirisfal Glades

Looking at the detailed picture in front of him, Heilong couldn't help being amazed.

He had always thought that the map of Middle-earth was the same as the one in his previous life, a piece of paper filled with various incomprehensible circles.

How should I put it, it is indeed a military map of the wizarding world!

They look like leather scrolls, but when they are opened, there is a world inside, like a holographic map that I have heard in my previous life.

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