"In that case, I'll give you one! However, it's not what you think!"

He stretched out his claws, compared himself, and picked a scale that was not too big or too small.

The black dragon's scales were not difficult to remove, but unexpectedly, the small wound he had been pierced by the long arrow with the inscription of the iron tire crossbow cracked again because it touched the tip of the scales, staining the scales with traces of dragon blood .

Enduring the pain in front of the devil, the black dragon put the scales in front of his mouth, opened his mouth and sucked.

"I've already taken most of the power. It doesn't matter if you take the rest."

This is in line with the attitude of the dragon species towards its own dragon scales.

It's just that other dragons are not capable of extracting the 'power' attached to the dragon scales as far as the black dragon knows.Of course, neither did he, it was just a show, anyway, he is now a great evil dragon.

Even the abnormal things are normal for him!

Sure enough, the demon didn't have the slightest doubt, but fell into annoyance.

It didn't expect that the evil dragon would take back most of the power on the dragon scales.It was worried that the remaining point would not be able to convince the rest of the demons that this really came from the evil dragon!

In this case, its plan may not achieve the expected results, and in that case, it is bound to be angered by the evil dragon.

It doesn't think that such a small character has the ability to survive the wrath of the evil dragon.

No, it will definitely be worse than death at that time!

But it can't ask for anything else, the evil dragon has already made great concessions.It is asking for this and that. 100% experience the thrill of dragon flames burning on the spot.

How to say that sentence, let the leader do everything, what are your subordinates doing?

After much deliberation, the devil decided to give it a go.

No matter what you say about this scale, it is the scale of an evil dragon, and it must have something unique that cannot be compared with other dragon scales.Although it has never seen a dragon scale.

Then the devil said respectfully:

"Thank you for your trust, the great ones will only come down! Please wait for the small ones to succeed!"

Seeing this, Lord Xielong snorted and threw the dragon scale to the demon.

After the devil took the dragon scale in a hurry.

The black dragon turned to face the demon and said:

"Then you go to work quickly, and I will show up when you succeed. For the rest of the time, don't worry about delusions and come to me. I don't ask you for more money, I just hope you can succeed."

The subtext of this sentence is: take the things and leave quickly.You don't need to be fast, you can be as slow as you can, and don't come to me, I will find a chance to run away!

Seeing the evil dragon's behavior like this, the devil knew that he was unwilling to deal with it anymore.

He hurriedly climbed down to express his respect and flew away in a hurry.

After the demon flew away for a long time, the great evil dragon turned his head.After looking around majesticly, he hurriedly shrank his neck and slipped away.

On the other side, the demon that flew all the way to the middle level stopped at this moment with lingering fear.

Landing behind a rock, the demon rubbed his chest to calm down and said:

"Oh my god, I was scared to death! I almost died!"

After the violently beating heart calmed down, the demon picked up the dragon scale, held it in front of his eyes, and looked at it carefully.

This scale is the size of its palm.In other words, it is half the size of a normal human being.

The above is not as smooth as the senior demons described.

Instead, it is full of a mysterious texture.Looking at the patterned devil, he was fascinated for a while.

It intuited that this pattern contained supreme power.If it can be mastered, it might be able to break through the restrictions of the race and become as powerful as those seniors in the Age of Gods who received the grace of the evil god!

No, it can't be said that it can go beyond it!

The devil's heart was hot for a while, and then it found an even more pleasant surprise—there was a trace of blood on the tip of the scale!

"Could it be, could it be dragon blood! The dragon blood of an evil dragon?! Ah, yes, it must be dragon blood. How can the scales without dragon blood convince others that they were taken in battle?"

The devil swallowed his saliva with difficulty.

Evil dragon dragon blood, that is a supreme treasure that is far more precious than dragon scales!

Demons are extremely loyal to their desires.

In the face of the evil dragon's blood, this demon also chose to be loyal to his desire.

"Anyway, anyway, with this dragon scale, I should be able to complete the task! This trace of dragon blood, I should take it, there should be no problem!"

In this thought, the demon licked the dragon blood into his stomach.

Immediately, its pupils shrank, and its huge body crashed to the ground.

Chapter 41 Lava Lord

Demons are extremely resistant to the pollution of evil dragons, but resistance is not immunity.

A mere ordinary demon who dares to swallow the dragon blood of an evil dragon directly into his stomach is really unlimited.

The demon died, and after it greedily swallowed something that it could never touch, a huge evil force instantly eroded and occupied everything about it.

But this matter is far from over.

The so-called gods are creatures that can easily affect the world with every move.

Whether he wants to or not.

This is also the biggest reason for the gods to leave the world.Even if they do nothing, gods will have an unpredictable impact on the world.

The same is true of the evil dragon, the collection of dark matter.

Shortly after the demon swallowed the dragon's blood.Red lines like spider webs began to appear one after another on the body that fell to the ground.

With the appearance of red lines, its body also swelled crazily.

From the height of a few meters at the beginning, it gradually expanded to more than ten meters, dozens of meters...

In the end, the demon's body was already thousands of meters away!

The devil is not just a body that is growing crazily, the devil's consciousness swallowed by the pollution of the dark essence is beginning to be integrated and reshaped by that force.And gradually recovered and took control of this body!

In the end, what stands here is a gigantic lava-like demon with a height of over a thousand meters.

Its wings have degenerated, but its power has increased exponentially.

With a wave of his big hand, countless lava spilled out, but they didn't just sway, but condensed into a two-handed sword that fit the size of the devil at the moment.

Demon, no, it can no longer be called a demon now, it is a demon king hatched from the dark essence with the help of a demon body!

The real devil!It's not the trash with empty names that appeared in the past dynasties of the Demon Race.

devil.A unique product of the New Era, a powerful half-human, half-god existence.

Its source is basically the transformation of certain creatures after contact with the evil god's remnants.

The Demon Lord here is also like this.And the main power to transform it comes from the essence of the evil god's wrath, so its external performance is like a lava giant.

After all, there is lava in the power held by the evil god's wrath.

The devil comes from the remnants of evil gods, and evil gods are full of amazing negative emotions.So under normal circumstances, it was the will of the evil god that swallowed the 'devil king'.

Rather than the 'devil king' devouring the remaining will of the evil god.

Those who can rely on their own will to fight against the remnants of evil gods are all first-class heroes. If they were in the Age of Gods, they might not be able to challenge the gods!

Naturally, this demon is not included.

But it is also unlucky, in theory, a trace of divine blood is not enough to produce such a huge change.This was also the biggest confidence it had in daring to swallow the dragon's blood at that time.

But who made the evil dragon gather the essence far beyond the normal evil god?

If one mistaken move loses everything, it's about this unlucky devil.

Now it is only left with endless hatred and anger.Become a marionette of the dark essence.

Even Sword Saint Ornstein has a better life than it, and it is far from being comparable to Lilith and other dependents.

As for why Wengstein was not only rescued, but everything was normal, it can only be said that everything at that time was watched by the black dragon, and the subjective wish of the black dragon was also that he did not want anything to happen to Wengstein.

As for the devil, the black dragon didn't even know that he had left a trace of blood on the dragon scales, so naturally it was all the dark essence that was exerted by itself.

The newborn demon king—the Lava Demon Lord stood on the ground, holding a huge sword and looking around in confusion.

Then, it remembered its mission—to gather demons, destroy them, and dedicate everything to the great evil dragon!


The lava demon roared violently towards the sky, then took big strides and ran crazily towards the deep layer.

All kinds of rocks and even the ruins of the evil god's palace along the way.All shattered under the swing of the lava giant sword.

With the running of the lava demon, the earth began to tremble.

This made the demons along the way tremble with fear.

Coincidentally, on the way forward, the Lava Demon Lord encountered the first batch of demons.

Without further ado, the giant sword slashed directly.Several demons were cut in half on the spot.

The demons who followed looked at the huge monster in horror.

"What the hell is this?"

"I don't know, it's so strong!"

"It must be the minions of the evil dragon!"

"Whatever it is, run!"

With a sound of running, the rest of the demons immediately dispersed.

The evil dragon was right above their heads, they were already running slowly, and the lava demon could kill several of their companions with a single strike.

No matter how you think about it, you can't fight.

The Lava Lord looked at the fleeing demons, after a short hesitation.

He chased to the left.It intuitively felt that those demons looked familiar.

The demons were struggling to escape very quickly, and the lava demon had just transformed, and he was not proficient in using his own power.So for a while, I couldn't catch up.Still chasing further and further.

It was short of breath for a while, and directly raised the giant sword and threw it out.

The huge two-handed sword dripped lava across the heads of the demons, and stuck straight in front of them.

The huge sword landed with a huge thrust, directly sending several demons flying backwards.

By the time the demons stabilized their bodies, it was already too late.

The lava demon chased after him.And waved out a few chains made of lava to tie the demons tightly.

But this time, the lava demon didn't do anything, and his mind became a little 'sober'.

It knew that it would not be able to gather the demons together by running so recklessly into the deep layer.

And it also remembered the origins of these demons—they were all subordinates of the predecessor!

The huge lava demon squatted down in front of several 'little devils'.

It stretched out its huge palm and pressed it in front of the demons.

The demons didn't know why at first, and then they saw a dragon scale lying quietly in their palms.

"Follow my instructions, not only will you survive, but you will also be rewarded! Otherwise, I will kill you now!"

The big mouth that spewed out magma said so.

Fortunately, the demons have rough skin and thick flesh, and after such a toss, they are only burned. Otherwise, if they were replaced by a group of mortals, they would have died dozens of times.

Do demons have a choice?

You are being manipulated by others, do you still have a choice?

So he nodded hurriedly.

"Very good! The contract is established!"

When the lava demon uttered these words, the demons felt their brains tremble, as if something had been pulled away.

The next moment, under the action of the law, they knew the situation.

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