Evil God Contract!A unilateral death contract to extract souls!

What was just now was the evil god's contract!They were shocked when they realized this, could it be that the big guy in front of them is an evil god?

An evil dragon came just now, why did another evil god come?

Don't wait for them to continue to be surprised.I heard the Lava Lord say:

"Take this scale from the great evil dragon, the great my lord, and tell the demons that the great evil dragon has fallen into weakness. He didn't come to hunt demons, he just came to seek refuge in the abyss. The rest, they will do it themselves! "

Chapter 42 The Fearful State of Demons

Looking at the dragon scale in the lava demon's hand, several demons swallowed their saliva one after another.

The dragon scales of the evil dragon!

This thing is considered a magic weapon, right?

You don't need to find a master to smelt it, the kind that can be used if you modify it casually!

But now they are not the previous demon leaders, they have signed the evil god contract.There is no thought at all.

I had no choice but to express my loyalty in a hurry:

"Don't worry, we will definitely complete the task!"

"That's right, leave the matter to us, just rest assured!"

"I promise to fool all the demons into not being able to find Bei!"

It's also due to the fact that there are demons with no integrity at all.If it is a proud dragon species.

Definitely would rather die than surrender.

The lava demon was very satisfied with the performance of the demons, so he untied them, and carefully handed the dragon scale into their hands.

"Complete the task, you will get the supreme reward, if you fail the task, you will die!"

The lava demon casually gave this empty check.

Anyway, it has used the rules to make the demons sign a one-way contract.

Don't be afraid of them playing tricks.

Although the evil gods died, many things they left behind were deeply imprinted in the basic laws of the world.

The series of contracts of the evil gods developed by the evil gods is one of them.

It's just that, with the death of the evil god, few people will use these things anymore, so that people think that the evil god's contract is the patent of the evil god.

In fact, it is not the case, as long as the method is mastered, anyone can use it.

The Lava Lord, who originated from the essence of the evil god, is the one who knows.

The demons who took over the dragon scale carefully glanced at the lava demon, and saw that it didn't show anything.He quickly flapped his wings and flew away from this place.


The demons move quickly.Especially after they confirmed that the evil dragon had come down.

In the original waste abyss, there were about 10,000+ demons living there.

This is an astonishing amount, especially the fighting power between the demon itself and the adult dragon breed.

Perhaps this amount was nothing in the Age of Gods, but in today's Middle Earth, once these demons lose their restraint, it will undoubtedly be a doomsday disaster.

But all of this is under the premise that the opponent is a mortal.

Today, 10,000+ demons are panicked like bereaved dogs.Collective movement towards the deep.

Just as the kings of Middle Earth did not expect that the evil dragon would leave the mountain of Astas, the demons did not expect that the demon hunter who had been listening to the myth would come out.

In the deep layer, countless demons are huddled together, and in front of them is a super-giant lava cave, the temperature is so high that it can melt gold and iron.

But these are trivial matters to demons, they are very powerful, and this environment that can instantly kill ordinary humans cannot cause them harm.

The biggest problem here used to be the remnants of the evil gods who fought all the year round and the space cracks that were twisted to the extreme.

But now the residue has been absorbed by the evil dragon, so only those ubiquitous twisted spaces are left.

This is the only thing that can kill demons here now, and it is also the biggest reason for demon attrition in recent years.

The demons who died in the hands of the evil god's remnants were not as many as those who died in the hands of the same kind.

After all, this place is so big, and there are so few evil god residues.

The demons often couldn't find the remnants of the evil gods even if they tried to find them. Naturally, it was hard to say how many demons were killed by them.

Therefore, as long as a demon just born from the chaotic sea is lucky enough to break out from the distorted space in the deep layer, its demon life will be almost perfect.

No demon should have thought that the deep layer that he escaped from a narrow escape would actually run once again.

There are boring demons who have counted the elimination rate (death rate) of entering the deep layer-seven out of ten!

In other words, almost two of the three demons will die!

If it weren't for the fact that the Chaos Sea was hard to find food, there shouldn't be any demons willing to take such a huge risk to enter the deep layer.

It can be God's will.The deep layer broke through, but the evil dragon came again!

The demons were very sad and angry.Can only be sad and angry, the evil dragon is a powerful monster comparable to the evil god.

All of their 10,000+ demons are useless.

It has to be said that the deep layer left quite an impression on the demons.

No, the demons who have always been self-centered actually lined up at the 'entrance'.

They are naturally very scared of the evil dragon behind them, but they are also worried about the distorted space in front of them.

The data of two dead out of three is really scary.

I don't want to go in, but I don't want to give up either.

This is the general psychology of demons.

Driven by this kind of psychology, the lawless demons lined up miraculously.

This also surprised the gods in the sky.

"I haven't seen these guys in such an order back then."

"If the abomination is still alive, he will not believe that it is a demon!"

"Forget about the devil, do you have any countermeasures?"


Faced with Earth Mother's questioning, the gods could only remain silent.

The influence of the evil dragon appearing in the ruined abyss is far greater than it appears.At least the gods can no longer throw power into the wasteland.

Because the dark essence on the evil dragon is too large, and the waste abyss is the old lair of the evil god.With the arrival of the evil dragon, the dominance of Waste Yuan was gradually handed over to the 'evil dragon'.


On the other side, the black dragon who had finally fooled the demon leader away was crawling and carefully moving among various cliff crevices.

He who had just sent away the demon leader didn't want to bet that there were no other demons here.

I also don't want to bet that my name can hold the field again.

In case you encounter a hamstring demon.If you don't care about anything, come up and fight him hard, won't you be gone?

Therefore, he carefully hid his body in the black rocks.

Anyway, the environment of Waste Abyss is like a giant cave.

The dominant color here is black!

It just so happened that he was a black dragon, so it was quite easy to hide inside.Along the way, he has never encountered any moving things other than himself, which explains the situation!

However, he overlooked a problem.

That is the huge dark power in him.

The black dragon himself has no real feeling about this, but in the eyes of other creatures, especially those with certain strength.

This is much brighter than a bright light in the dark.

It's like someone hung up a round of where is the sun!

Therefore, the black dragon traveled unimpeded along the way.

It also succeeded in scaring the other demons who were also hiding on the upper floor.Started to run desperately into the depths.

The demons ran and cursed:

"The majestic evil dragon stooped to search the land! How much does he want to wipe us out! There is no dignity of a god!"

Chapter 43 The Incitement of the Rebel Boy

After scolding, the demon was nervously covered by his companion.

"You don't want to die, don't get involved with us! That's a god! Call him and name him, do you want to show him the way?!"

Sure enough, the gagged demon broke out in a cold sweat immediately.

God, a very unreasonable existence.

As long as the words of mortals touch their taboos, these supreme beings can accurately perceive everything.

It's like the name-calling of the devil.There is no doubt that it is a reward for God's punishment.

If it weren't for the fact that it was too late to escape on the spot, the rest of the demons probably left it and ran away long ago.

So they can only cover the mouths of their companions, hoping that the evil dragon has not noticed this.

They all stared wide-eyed and stared at the surroundings.I'm afraid that in the next moment, a boundless black dragon will run out from a certain shadow.

In this suffocating atmosphere, the demons waited for dozens of seconds.

Then there was a collective sigh of relief.

It seems that the evil dragon didn't notice.Otherwise, God's Punishment or the evil dragon itself would have been killed long ago.

The next moment, they collectively looked at the demon who cursed before.

"You, be conscious!"

The demon who had just covered its mouth glared at it viciously, and pointed at the direction completely opposite to their actions.

The meaning is obvious, let this insulter go by himself.

The reason why he didn't kill it to vent his anger was naturally because he hoped that the evil dragon would be more interested in this fool who insulted him than they were.

Of course, if this fool is not conscious, they will not be soft.

Demons have no talk of camaraderie.

As long as the interests are sufficient, they can sell everything except themselves.

Seeing this posture, the blasphemous demon turned around and left without saying much.

It is also a demon, and knows that it is useless to plead with its own kind.Knowing that they were not killed to vent their anger, it was because they hoped that they could attract the attention of the evil dragon.

lest the evil dragon hunt them down.

After confirming that the blasphemer was gone, the rest of the demons hurriedly got up and went to the deep layer.

As a result, when they flew all the way to the deep layer, they suddenly found that the demons did not continue to move forward, but all stopped in front of the lava cave.

10,000+ demons gathered in a huge open space in front of the lava cave.

In the sky and on the ground, everywhere you can see is full of densely packed demons.

"What, what's the situation?"

The demon who just arrived looked confused. Shouldn't he run for his life at a time like this?

Why are they all gathered here?

The demon was very confused, so he pulled the same kind beside him and asked:

"Dude, what's the matter?"

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