It can still act as a buffer between them and the evil dragon.

They also succeeded in obtaining a lot of first-hand information about the evil dragon in this incident.

In general, everyone except Londauer has something to gain.

No, even for Londauer, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Because he was no longer holding the bomb "Waste Yuan" in his hand, he also succeeded in getting Earl Harris and other capable ministers to take the position.

Of course, this is only from a macro point of view. If you look at it according to the thinking of King Londore and others, this time it is a loss to grandma's family.

The important part of their "domination of the world" - the waste abyss was given to the evil dragon!

"Your Majesty, a new report has arrived!"

An attendant hurried over with a document in his hand, handed it to Queen Wayne, and hurriedly withdrew again.

King Wayne rubbed the corners of his eyes, and silently prayed to the gods he knew before opening the document:

'Hope is good news! '

Then he opened the bag with a short knife inlaid with various gems.Take out the secret letter inside.

After taking a closer look, King Wein not only frowned.

Then it was handed over to the important ministers.

After everyone read it again, King Wein reached out and tapped the table again and again and said:

"I'm going to kill Lord Herries Bird Pistol."

The reason is simple, this person has been highly praised by the evil dragon, and he is also a diehard loyalist of Londor.

Such a character is better dead.

Some ministers felt that it was inappropriate to stop it:

"Your Majesty, it's just a casual remark of the evil dragon, why should it be so?"

"The evil god is also a god, and the golden words of the gods are not just casual words."

King Wein's murderous intentions grew stronger.

Then he was completely dispelled by another person's words.

"Your Majesty, in the past, such a character must be killed and then quickly! But today is different, the evil dragon is... the evil dragon is what we need to be vigilant about! The rest will be our allies. The more they Strong, we should be happier!"

King Wein was suddenly awakened by these words, yes, the evil dragon is the enemy of life and death today.

The rest are not their enemies but potential allies. In this case, how can they kill the mainstay of their allies?

Isn't this self-destructing the Great Wall?

"It's because I thought about it. If it weren't for Qing's words, I would definitely hide today in the future!"

"Your Majesty Miao Zan!"

Immediately, the study room was filled with a scene of a blind date between monarchs and ministers.

When everyone felt that the effort to save face was almost done, another minister broke the situation and said:

"The evil dragon specifically confessed that his subordinate Nine Demon Princess (Lilith's title) does not need to prevent the demons from entering and leaving the waste abyss. I wonder what you think about this?"

"Do you think the demons have reached an agreement with the evil dragon? This is impossible!"

"The demons have been trapped in the waste abyss by the gods, unable to get in and out. The evil dragon shouldn't want to work hard for it, right?"

"I also think that I don't want to do anything unnecessary. You must know that the evil dragon has been hunting demons in the Age of Gods! How can they come together as enemies?"

"It's better to be careful. We don't know what the evil dragon did under the waste abyss."

The ministers, that is, the great lords, were arguing non-stop over this matter, and King Wein, who was deeply annoyed, called out to stop them.

"On this point, we don't need to spend too much energy, just let people watch it all the time!"

"But Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance, is it too frivolous?"

"It's not too frivolous and negligent, but we can only do so. Otherwise, do you think we can break into the waste abyss or trouble the evil dragon?"

King Wein choked all the officials with one word, and Wein couldn't control the evil dragon and the ruined abyss.

It can only be done as King Wayne said.


On the third day after the evil dragon asked Londor for the waste abyss, a majestic team drove out from the north gate of King Wein's capital.

They are all followers and guards of the Golden Princess.

Under the leadership of the golden princess, this team will go to other countries to visit several well-known archmages with the kindness of King Wayne.

In fact, this team that is about to go to another country should go directly to the portal in order to hurry.

However, due to the etiquette, they could only set off from the north gate and go around a few places before they could use the teleportation array to make their way.

In an extremely luxurious carriage in the middle of the team.

The golden princess looked at the uninvited guest sitting across from her with a half-smile, the Witch of Twilight.

Chapter 70 The Witch's Intentions

Princess Weiersi was originally in a good mood, but after she saw this purple-black witch, she was completely ruined.

The witch who had been smiling all the time teased and said:

"Little Jinjin, I have watched you grow up, why do you always look like you are bitter and bitter?"

"Don't say that I seem to know you very well, Witch of the Twilight!"

The golden princess was disgusted by the witch's tone.

"Oh, this is really sad! I have been by your side to take care of you since I was a child, not only gave you so much help, but also made you stand up again, but you are so unfeeling! It makes me so sad Already!"

The witch turned her head aside and raised her hand to cover her lips, looking distraught.

The beauty weeps, falling down like a weak willow, which makes people pitiful.

But in the eyes of the golden princess, there is only deep disgust.She didn't have the slightest empathy for the purple-black witch.

"We're just collaborators, that's all. I know that a character like you won't think about it. But let's make it clear, so that I don't spoil my appetite."

"I am Wein's princess, and you are the old witch! There can be no friendship between us!"

The witch seemed to find this boring, so she stopped sobbing, withdrew her hands and sat up straight.

At the same time, he put his hands together slightly on his knees, and his knees were not tilted to the right like Weiersi, but straight forward.

Although the upper body is covered by a big witch hat, people can't see the owner's cheeks, but it's just a straight waist that is exposed, coupled with that noble and mysterious temperament.Still eye-catching.

If others are here, they will definitely be completely suppressed by the witch's temperament, so that people's eyes will only focus on her.

But at the side of the witch at the moment is Princess Weiersi, who is known as the kingdom's gold.

There is no need to describe the appearance of Her Royal Highness the Princess.I believe that even the witch who was chosen to serve the Supreme One among the thousands of young girls, even if she took off her hood, she would not be able to overwhelm the Golden Princess in appearance.

What's rare is that the overall temperament of the golden princess is not as bad as that of the noble and mysterious witch.

Princess Weiersi's temperament is a wonderful combination of noble and sickly.

Who can refuse a noble sick beauty?

It was like a crack was accidentally cracked in a magnificent gemstone that should have been carefully protected.

It's astonishing but also saddening.

This is due to her perennial situation.It should have been a pitiful and tragic experience.But unexpectedly, a peculiar beauty is blended in the golden princess.

Looking at the dignified and elegant witch, the Golden Princess frowned slightly.

After she knew the identity of the other party, she had investigated the historical materials of the witch many times.

She knew that these witches were actually the 'saints' of evil gods.Therefore, all of them have extremely high education and appearance.

Because she is a girl who serves the Supreme One.They must be people like the flowers of Gaoling!

Therefore, it is not surprising that the witch can behave like this.But what makes the princess feel strange is that this sitting posture should be a noble etiquette in the old days.

This is not the case with the liturgy of the Church.

Regardless of whether it is the old days or the new era, or even the age of the gods, the ritual system of the church has never undergone major changes.

Especially the ritual system used by the 'Saint'.It has not changed since ancient times.

She remembered that the saint's sitting posture should be slightly slanting knees to the left, and her upper body should be the same with a straight chest and waist.

This means that they are the left side of the gods, unconditionally enjoying the favor of the gods and the worship of believers.

'what does that mean?She is indeed the Witch of Twilight, this is undeniable, but why is she using the noble rituals of the old days?Did you do it on purpose for me to see, or is there something else hidden? '

Back then, although a considerable part of the witches escaped the suppression because of the kindness of the righteous gods.

But with the passage of time, the strength of the witches is also gradually exhausted.And because of this, it was gradually squeezed out by the church and the outer gods until it perished.

This is the basic understanding of witches in Middle-earth.

In a further step, it is the name of each witch and the evil god they serve.It is basically impossible for senior scholars of the corresponding schools to know these materials.

However, with the efforts of Weiersi and Wein's national conditions, these materials are still easy to obtain.

And because of this, Weiersi found out about an accident—the witch at dusk didn't seem to have an evil god to serve!

She is obviously the strongest witch, but she has only been active for less than a thousand years, and has not left any records against her servants.

This is very abnormal. Even if the gods they serve have fallen, as saintesses whose power all comes from the gods, if they give up their prayers and beliefs in the gods, they will not only become mortals but also suffer strange curses.

After all, it was only the gods that died, not the primordial.

Therefore, apart from analyzing the nature of their power, the supreme being served by each witch can be easily confirmed through the sacrifices or prayers of the witches.

Only the Witch of Twilight cannot be identified, as there is no record of her praying or offering sacrifices to the Supreme Being.

There is nothing taboo about offering sacrifices to a god, even if the sacrifice is to a long-dead evil god.

It is also impossible to analyze her power composition, because she seems to have a little bit of each evil god's nature.

In the past, this was mostly thought to be due to the lack of historical materials.

But thinking about it now, Princess Weiersi felt that there was a big problem inside.

'Could it be that the witch of the evening is not a witch?No, no, it's impossible, the ability she displayed clearly points to divine arts.So what is the situation? '

It is impossible for the Witch of the Dusk and the Princess of the Kingdom to be kind. They are still together now because everyone gets what they need.

The golden princess also has a very bad impression of the witch herself, because she has seen this old witch more than once, using various means to confuse people and lure them to perdition.

She also tried to save those who were bewitched, but all failed.It has also become a witch's joke.

This is why the Golden Princess is so disgusted with the Twilight Witch.

Weiersi has a heart like grass and trees, and her nature is sunny.

The witch has a heart like a poisonous scorpion and a nature like a poisonous snake.

For the golden princess, the two of them are naturally at odds.

After the witch sat up straight, she said to Weiersi with a half-smile:

"My little gold, don't you wonder why I want to go with you?"

"So what if I'm curious. If you want to say that I don't ask you, you will say it. If you don't want to say, I can't make you speak at all."

After all, the status of a collaborator, the golden princess still maintains a certain amount of communication with the witch, it's not that she's never in touch with each other.

The witch did not answer Princess Weiersi immediately, but raised the brim of her hat, revealing that delicate chin, her lips moved slightly, and said words that made Weiersi look sideways:

"The legacy of the cabbage is about to open. It's bound to attract the attention of a supreme being."

Chapter 71 A Brief Confrontation

What the legacy of kale is, of course, without much thought.It must be the endless corridor built by the first generation of sages back then.

There are not only the treasures of the first generation of thirteen sages, but also the lifelong belongings of dozens of subsequent great mages.Of course, the most precious thing in it is not the magic materials or various magic tools, but the personal notes and massive magic books left by the archmages.

Before Ulasilu's fall, each of the thirteen sages would try their best to gather all kinds of books about magic.Then hide it in the endless corridor.

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