It can be said that the magical knowledge hoarded in the endless corridor is definitely the most in the world!

That was also the biggest capital that Ulasiru used to attract magicians to come to work.

It is a pity that such a treasure house disappeared without a trace 2000 years ago.

The reason for the disappearance is well known-a sage was dissatisfied with the increasingly depraved kingdom, so he angrily destroyed the entrance to the Endless Corridor, banishing it into the shadow world forever.

People are naturally envious of such a treasure, but it is a pity that no one has been able to find her existence since then.

It was only roughly determined to be 'near' the holy city of Kale in Ulasiru.

But as for the endless corridors that can attract the gaze of the Supreme, this is a bit unreasonable.

Whether it is magic, magic, or various occult curses, they are nothing but the lower evolution of divine power.

Massive magic knowledge is naturally very attractive to mortals, but it is not worth seeing to gods.

And the supreme being mentioned by the witch is also very obvious - the evil dragon.

The only thing that can be called supreme in Middle-earth nowadays is the evil dragon.The rest either went to the ground or went to heaven.

"Why do you say that the evil dragon is interested in cabbage? He is not only a god, but also the only dragon god who has inherited the power of all dragon gods! Among the gods, he is one of the best. How can such a supreme being Possibly interested in the endless corridors of cabbage?"

The witch said as if answering and as if confirming herself:

"It's true that He is the supreme being. To the supreme being, magic under divine power is nothing but roadside weeds. But he is also a lonely person who has been silent for three generations. When he walks the earth again, he is bound to treat everything They all feel novelty. The nearby cabbage is a very interesting 'attraction'! He will definitely go and have a look, and he will definitely..."

It is reasonable to speculate that the golden princess is not talking anymore, and instead thinks about the consequences of this incident.

Then the more I think about it, the more angry I get:

"Tsk! Why do you say that he is a majestic god and stays in the world? Isn't it good to go to heaven with the gods? He must be sick!"

In an instant, the atmosphere in the car became extremely dangerous, and within an instant of Wei Ersi's evil words, the witch rushed forward and stretched out her hand to choke her neck.

Lift it up directly on the roof of the car.

"Why do you dare to do this?"

The witch opened her eyes, which seemed to have been squinting all the time, and her eye sockets were filled with killing intent.

But the golden princess who was grabbed by her neck was not afraid.

The cheeks of the golden princess, which were quite red due to lack of oxygen, not only did not become ridiculous.There was no look of surprise or fear either.

Some are just a touch of ridicule and ridicule:

"It turns out...cough you...the supreme being you serve is an evil dragon!"

This was the first time the Witch felt surprised when facing the Golden Princess.

In her perception, the golden princess is just a silly, sweet princess with a little cleverness.

Such an obvious slander against the gods, even though the gods were not named, would never appear on the Golden Princess according to the witch's knowledge.

But today, in order to confirm the supreme being she serves, she actually did such a 'foolish act'!


The witch asked again, and at the same time increased the force in her hand.

The golden princess's face began to turn from blush to purple.But the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

Weiersi stretched out her hand with difficulty and put it on the witch's arm under the confused gaze, and gently took off the clothes on the witch's arm.

What was exposed was a white arm that was as warm as jade.Then Weiersi managed to condense a small dharma ring and knocked on it.

Immediately the falsehood is gone, and the truth is revealed.

The arm is no longer as white as jade, but covered with scarlet lines like broken porcelain.

The witch stared at the face of the golden princess, and she sent her hand away before she was about to suffocate.

Princess Weiersi, who fell back to her seat, gasped heavily.

The witch opposite also sat back in her seat, and resumed her smiling expression.

"You surprised me for the first time, my dear little gold."

Princess Weiersi, who gradually recovered, showed a difficult smile:

"Since I met you, I have been firmly suppressed by you for so many years. If I want to be out of your control, I can only fight."

"Isn't this planned for a long time, is this just an accident?"

The witch also tasted the taste.

"Yes, I caught it!"

Princess Weiersi's smile became brighter and brighter.

"How did you realize it?"

This was the only surprise for the witch at the moment.

"Some guesses from ancient books and scholars and grandfathers, and your sitting posture!"

Speaking of this, the golden princess couldn't help but glanced at the witch's still sitting upright.

Hearing this, the witch subconsciously glanced at her legs.

"I see. Because I'm too used to it, did I ignore it?"

The Witch of Dusk is not an orthodox dragonkin, she's just a dastardly stealer.

Naturally, she would not use the etiquette of a saint.

Although this is not conclusive evidence, Xiao Jinjin knows that if she is in a lower position, if she wants to gradually get rid of the witch's control, she must make an unexpected move in the game.

Fortunately, Princess Weiersi's subordinates were right, and they were effective.

A series of factors added up to let Xiao Jin make a small layout, and then she, a witch who had lived for tens of thousands of years, foolishly fell into the set.

This is Yangmou, a majestic ultimate move that cannot be avoided.Even though she is a vile stealer she cannot ignore the 'slander' of evil dragons.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you directly? I am the saint of the evil dragon!"

Princess Weiersi leaned against the car wall, brushed her messy blond hair and said calmly:

"You are not the Nine Demon Princess or the Blood Princess, you are just an unrecognized witch. And I am sure that you need me no matter what, you need a golden princess! Otherwise, there is no need for the majestic Twilight Witch to accompany me with a powerless princess Play house for so many years!"

With the confirmation of the identity of the witch, many things can be revealed at the first thought.

The witch's smile became brighter, she covered her mouth with her hand and said:

"You also know that you are playing a house game!"

In this regard, the princess just shook her head slightly:

"It's just a rhetoric. You can think it's a little trick like playing house, but I don't. I firmly believe that it is correct!"

Chapter 72 The Black Dragon Wants to Go to Paganism

Then, the tone of the golden princess suddenly changed:

"So, what exactly do you want to do? You must know that although your master exists, your situation is much worse than those old witches."

The witch's cheeks that were always smiling suddenly twitched. She wanted to change the topic, but Xiao Jinjin pulled it back.

Weiersi was right, she really needed a golden princess.A complete existence!

That's why she has always been biased towards Weiersi.

Now that the Golden Princess has grasped a lot of things, it's better not to say anything, so as not to bury a gap for the upcoming important matter.

"I don't want to run away anymore, I'm ready to end it all, that's all, no matter life or death."

After finishing speaking, she stared blankly at the scarlet cracks on her arm.

The witch at this moment is like an exquisite porcelain doll, although it is exquisitely crafted, it will shatter when touched.


On the other hand, the black dragon who returned to the capital of Yanan with Yurshika and Lilith after the incident of the ruined abyss was over.

Lying comfortably on the square before basking in the sun.

The little girl, Lilith, leaned against him and fell asleep soundly. The little girl seemed only used to resting by his side.

Still clinging to him, except when the black dragon told her what to do.The rest of the time will be with him.

According to Yulshika, once Lilith left him, he would appear very disturbed and become irritable.

This made the black dragon feel more and more pitiful for Lilith.This little girl has been a bird in a cage since she was born.It is destined to be a 'commodity'.

This made her extremely insecure.

To her, the black dragon should be the life-saving straw in the hands of drowning people.

However, it also makes the black dragon feel very troublesome. After all, he is not the most evil dragon in the legend - the evil dragon.

Sooner or later he would leave the girls and get up again in a cave somewhere.

Luckily for Yurshika, she has a complete personality and proper social relationships.

It is very simple for her to leave the evil dragon and get rid of the identity of the evil dragon's family.

But Lilith was different.This little girl not only lacks common sense severely, but also suffers from severe dependence on evil dragons.

For a while, Black Dragon really couldn't think of a way to 'get rid of' Lilith.

Plus, those powers that gather around the girls are big 1 trouble.

To say the least, the power of faith of tens of thousands of years and the power of dragon of the oldest dragon are not the power that should appear in this era no matter how you think about it.

That thing is definitely the powerful power of Bimei's divine power!

This is not something that should appear in this era where the gods are not present.

If they let go, they will definitely pose a huge threat to Middle-earth.

If it was made by someone else, Black Dragon can also choose to ignore it, because he is not only timid but also incapable, so he absolutely can't control it.

But the terrible thing is that he made all these things, so how can he control them!

This is hard.

Thinking of it this way, the warm sun was uncomfortable.

'It is comparable to the power of the gods, how should I solve it! '

Heilong was very depressed, why did he catch up with such a thing?

He has obviously been stable for so many years!

'Well, comparable to the power of the gods? '

Black Dragon felt that he had caught something.Then came a flash of inspiration:

'Gods!Yes, I can ask the gods for help! ! ! '

On the earth, it is a feudal superstition to ask gods and worship Buddha without resolution in case of adversity.But in Middle-earth, if you encounter difficulties and ask the gods for help, you can really get a response!As long as your gods are deep enough, the gods will be sprinkled with water! (Only for the Age of Gods, the Old Day and the New Era cannot be divinely descended. But you can get the oracle or activate the angel descending spell.)

Heilong suddenly felt his thoughts become active.

The gods are upright gods, not the pious people in novels. If he confesses everything to the gods, he will definitely get help from the gods!

So he stood up abruptly, and then threw Lilith who was leaning on him to the ground.

Although Lilith didn't feel any pain at this moment, it still woke her up suddenly.

"Master? What's wrong?"

"Ah. Sorry, sorry, I just thought of something and forgot you were still leaning on me!"

Yulshika, who had been standing beside the black dragon, looked at this scene with some helplessness.The master is always indifferent to his identity.

Then she looked curiously at her master, the evil dragon.

"Master, what on earth did you think of to make this happen all of a sudden?"

After appeasing Lilith, the black dragon looked at Yurshika. He thought for a while and said:

"Who is there in the nearby temples?"

Black Dragon knows that the churches of the gods are spread all over Middle-earth, but not every country has all the churches with branches.

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