What's more, the four of them could clearly feel the powerful momentum belonging to young people.

The four of them had only experienced this kind of extreme oppressive force from the city lord of Losric, Longshou Ornstein.

Going forward, it is the dozens of legendary monsters that appeared one after another when the Yakenshu coastal defense line was washed away more than ten years ago.

It's sad to say that the four of them had just become famous at the time, and they originally thought of relying on the decades-old tree-sea defense line to find a chance to hunt a legendary monster to add glory to themselves.

As a result, before they could make a perfect plan, the sea of ​​trees ran amok that shocked Middle-earth.

Millions of monsters frantically gushed out of the sea of ​​trees.One huge fortress after another fell.

The four of them almost died there too.

It's also a pity that once the monsters stay away from the sea of ​​trees, they will become lazy and gradually lose their desire to fight.

Otherwise, let alone Yaken, I am afraid that Wein will suffer greatly.

When Yaken's support troops pulled them out of the dead, they vowed never to make money in such a ghostly place again.

Then Zhou Zhou turned around and sneaked into Losric, a well-known retirement sanctuary.

I thought that the rest of the life would be a stable life, but who would have thought that they actually witnessed history-the evil dragon going north.

Thinking of this, the captain felt a toothache. Could it be that the four of them are disaster stars?

Of the four major barriers, if you go to two, you will jump two!

In short, the young man with astonishing aura in front of him is probably the descendant of the Dragon Fighter that people have said by word of mouth.

To be honest, all the four of them knew about Dragon Fighters were legends passed down from generation to generation.

And his descendants don't know much about it.

The only thing they know is that they have guarded under the mountain of Astas for generations according to the will of their ancestors.

Prevent people from disturbing the evil dragon because of their arrogance.The tranquility of Middle-earth was broken by ignorant lunatics.

That is, the descendants of the first dragon fighters will live under the mountain of Astas, in order to prevent madmen from disturbing the evil dragon so that it will give up dormancy and go to the north to slaughter.

But as time goes by, people gradually doubt this.

Because the work they do is too much like guarding the gate.

Besides, evil dragons and evil gods are the same, and even evil dragons are stronger than those disappearing evil gods.

So after so many years, have these people who inherited the blood of the dragon fighters really not forgotten the glory of their ancestors and turned to the evil dragon?

You know, they have been stationed at the foot of Mount Astas for a full 2 years!

Facing a 2-year-long uninterrupted erosion by an evil god, can they really stick to their hearts?

Or could a group of mortals really stand against this level of corruption?

It is true that the dragon fighter is so strong that the evil dragon will be injured.But they are not the great ones who dare to face the evil dragon alone.

Out of respect for that person and their persistence, the kings of Middle Earth also called their descendants Dragon Fighters.

But everyone knows that they just have the name of dragon fighters.

Perhaps among mortals, every generation of dragon fighters after that is outstanding and strong.

But how could they be compared with their ancestors?

As a result, the saying that the descendants of the dragon fighters turned their backs on glory and shamefully took refuge in the evil dragon spread like wildfire.

The four adventurers cannot be said to be completely trustworthy about this, but they are also half-hearted.

And at this moment, I believe it ninety-nine percent.

After all, it is a fact that the evil dragon is going north.

If it is said that the four of them found the corpse of the young man at the foot of Mount Astas this time.

Then this rumor will naturally be broken, and their persistence in this line will also be recognized and remembered by Middle-earth.

But the problem is, the evil dragon has gone north.As the first sect and world feud, the contemporary dragon fighters are still alive and well!

What does this make them think?

If it weren't for the young man's amazing momentum and said that he had no intention of fighting.

The four of them had already been hacked.

The youngsters did not feel any discomfort with the foursome's defensiveness, because it is human nature.

What really hurt him was the strong sarcasm and disgust in the eyes of the four of them.

The meaning in that is obvious: you have turned your back on the glory of your ancestors!Shameful evil dragon lackey!

Inheriting the mission of the clan, he became a contemporary dragon fighter, sitting on the mountain of Astas and silently guarding the world.

This has always been his greatest glory.

But now, it is completely destroyed.There is nothing to say about the destruction.

The evil dragon took his saint to the north, and Losric, the first strong wall in the south, was also destroyed. Although the dragon hunter Ornstein was defeated, the defenders of Los Angeles, who had been ridiculed by their clan as embroidered pillows, fought to the end .There was no deserter in the whole city.

But what about him?What about their family?

Not only did it fail to become the first portal to resist the evil dragon, it didn't even send out any news.

The most shameful thing is that they, who are blood feuds and inherited the blood of their ancestors, were the last to know everything, and also 'escaped' from everything early.

That's right, when Lilith went up the mountain, none of the descendants of the dragon fighters who were supposed to guard the foot of the mountain were there!

No matter how good their reasons were at the time, the results cannot be changed.

Their generation has completely discredited the 2-year-long honor of the clan.

Fortunately, Yuan Zu's brilliance was not damaged, but they became more and more humble in comparison.

Your ancestors died fighting for Middle-earth, but your descendants have 'turned to' the evil dragon.

Seemingly confirming the identity of the young man, the captain said mockingly at the young man:

"Hehe, you are really a dragon fighter. So dare I ask my lord, are you here to take my head for the glory of the great evil dragon?"

The young man was not angry, but only bitterly mocking himself.

The pair of hands that might strangle the dragon waved feebly.

"I know that our family is like rats crossing the street, but no matter what, I still want to say that we have discredited the glory of our family, but we have not forgotten our mission."

This time, not only the captain laughed sarcastically, but even the stern thief laughed loudly:

"You actually said that you have not forgotten your mission? Then can you explain why you are still alive? Then can you explain why you, as the first portal, have not even spread a word about the big event of the evil dragon going north come out?"

"Do you know that, if the evil dragon hadn't changed his temper these years, maybe the Middle Earth is already a sea of ​​flames!"

These things should not all be hit on the heads of the descendants of the dragon fighters, but there is no way, the four of them have been tense for too long.

First ~ "fa": '!① "0②-`0! 0③` 7-9. ⑨2

Chapter 115 Dragon Hunting Tool

Facing the yelling of the four people, the young man first had a trace of anger that went straight to his heart, but it was instantly extinguished after a while.

This is true.

No matter what their family thinks, the facts that have been created will not change.

So, he just sat down decadently.

"I know that what I say is useless. However, I will use my actions to prove that our family has never forgotten our mission for 2 years!"

The four captains seemed tired of laughing.It also seemed that all the worries that had been suppressed in my heart were vented out just now.

At this moment, they no longer looked so aggressive, but squatted down with the same dejected expression:

"Prove it? How to prove it? Now the whole of Middle-earth is trembling under the majesty of the evil dragon. From the ministers to the traffickers, everyone is thinking about how to survive. I'm not saying, if it's not for the evil god's corruption, I'm afraid Many people have long fallen to the evil dragon just like you."

"My God, that's God! The only God!"

"Wait a minute, we're going to fight after we finish talking. I've been aggrieved all my life, no, this whole life!"

"Fuck. What's the matter!"

Perhaps the conflict between the two sides did not break out, perhaps the accumulated pressure was too torturous.The group of four all more or less vomited bitterness towards the young man.

The little spirit that the young man had accumulated just now was lost in an instant by the operation of the group of four.

I didn't know what to do at the moment, so I had to continue squatting on the spot.

Wait until the group of four has said that it is almost the same.The priest who spoke the least suddenly said:

"You said that your family has not betrayed your own glory. Then you explain it for now. We may not believe it, but out of respect for the title of Dragon Fighter, we are not right. At least I am willing to listen. Lord, believe it. Would love to hear a thing or two."

The young man looked up. This priest looked more like a butcher.

The corners of his eyes twitched, do all the priests in Middle Earth have this non-mainstream look now?This or that church?Ares?

He really didn't recognize that this was a priest just now. He didn't recognize his identity as a priest until he saw the priest take a small balance from behind the giant flail on his back.

After the gods left, the ceremonial utensils of all major religions were uniformly replaced by scales.

After organizing his words, the young man slowly said everything:

"Our family kept in mind the legacy of our ancestors and waited for 2 years in Mount Astas."

Before finishing speaking, the mage next to him sneered:

"Keep in mind the will of our ancestors? Hehe, if I were Lord Dragon Fighter, I'm afraid I'd have to climb out of the soil and strangle you guys to death before I can lie down in peace."

The young man was silent for a while, did not say anything about it, but continued his narration:

"Every generation of us sticks to our mission. There has been no mistake for 2 years, but our generation has lost the persistence of our ancestors."

When he said this, the young man's face suddenly filled with bitterness.

"For a moment of luck, we ruined the glory of a family and turned the entire 2-year persistence into a joke."

"Heh, make it up, keep making it up!"

The mage continued his taunt.

The young man's hands were tightly clenched together, but he still didn't retort, he just pinched his nails into his flesh and blood.

The priest pulled the mage vaguely, which made the mage shut his mouth.

"For the time being, I apologize for my companion's words and deeds, please continue your story."

Only then did the young man feel a little better in his heart.

He let go of his blood-stained hands, and carefully and solemnly removed the strange object he had been carrying behind him.

Layers and layers of linen wrapped around it were uncovered.

A huge 'door panel' was revealed.

"At that time, our whole family, a total of 27 people, all left Mount Astas just for it."

The four captains looked at the door panel and frowned.

This thing is much wider than the burly man like the priest.It looks like it might be a meter wide.The length is unobtrusive, about two meters (relative to its width).

At first they even thought it was a big shield at first glance.After the youth unwrapped the linen cloth, they felt that it was part of a great sword or sword.Because both sides are cut.

Of course, judging by the shape, it should be a non-human weapon.It might as well be a fragment of a giant's weapon.Because it is very big, it is full of potholes all over the body.That is, the edge is brighter.

Can be gradually dropped with the linen.Only then did they discover that the door had a hole at the end, which looked like it was being held and used to swing the door.

Then the captain of the cave mouth estimated that it should be just enough for an adult man to hold it with both hands.

Is this thing a weapon for humans? !

"That shape, who came up with it? And the workmanship, that guy made it? It's so bumpy!"

The captain suddenly blurted out his astonishment. He has been around for so many years, and he has never seen any messy weapons, but this is the first time he has seen such weapons.

It is estimated that no one wants to pick up such a thing even if it is still on the street.Because it is too heavy and ugly, it is worthless and useless at first glance.

"You left your posts just because of this?"

This time even the priests were a little impatient. Could it be that this guy is really playing tricks on them?

The four of them naturally thought about whether this was some poorly shaped legendary weapon.

But after looking at it, Nima is just a piece of strangely shaped scrap metal!

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