For the first time ever, the young man fired at the group of four:

"Hurry up and take back your stupid remarks. You can insult me, or even our family, because we have indeed discredited the glory of our family. But you can't belittle this great weapon!"

The group of four, who were already suppressing their emotions, also became popular, standing up one by one.

"Then why are you talking about it, what's the origin of this piece of crap? It's also a great weapon! It cut down the evil dragon!"

The thief taunted with a smile back in exasperation, and then the four of them seemed to have remembered something, and they were all taken aback.

Then they looked at the door panel in unison.

The captain swallowed and said:

"This thing, no, is this weapon the weapon of a dragon fighter?"

The young man held up the door panel with a solemn expression.

"As you can imagine, this weapon is the artifact used by Yuan Zu when he fought against the evil dragon! It is Yuan Zu's shield, used to resist the dragon's breath that can burn everything, and it is Yuan Zu's sword, used to break through the dragon that can withstand All dragon scales!"

"I will take it with me, and challenge the evil dragon like my ancestors, and justify the name of our family!"

The foursome were speechless.

And the black dragon who was still taking a nap under the shade of the tree couldn't help but sneezed.I wonder if someone is thinking about him?

Chapter 116 Take What You Need

The black dragon raised his head unsteadily, looked around, and then climbed down again when he felt that there was nothing wrong.

He had already made up his mind, and just heard from Yurshika that King Wein would come over in the next two days.

At that time, the princess can be sent back, and the cabbage can be taken as a 'gift' for the princess to take away.

He also thought of the reason:

Although you still don't want to be my family member, I'm still willing to wait, no matter how many years.Anyway, the most important thing I need is time. To show my sincerity, you should also bring back the cabbage.

very perfect!

Even if the princess is not used as his family member to divide the essence and make the world more dangerous, it can also solve the problem of cabbage.

How stupid he was to think of such a good idea!

But when I think about it, after these two days, I will be able to solve two big 1 troubles in a row.

Heilong felt that he should sleep a little longer as a celebration!


As the dragon in question, the black dragon has no awareness of what happened in his 'territory'.

And the young man himself put down the strange weapon with some disappointment after he uttered those bold words.

The group of four looked at the youth at this time, there was not much hostility in their eyes, and more regret.

They no longer doubt the perseverance of the young people, because such remarks are unthinkable for a servant of God.

This is Hong Guoguo's blasphemy.Others said it was horrifying.

For those rebels who took refuge in the evil god, it was even more intolerable.

So, the truth can only be what he said.

Thinking about it this way, it's a pity for their family.

The 2-year persistence has become a joke because of this, not only has the honor of the clan been completely discredited, but even their descendants of dragon fighters have become street rats that everyone shouts and beats.

But in fact, everyone knows that even if the descendants of the dragon fighters have not rebelled, it is impossible to stop the evil dragon from going north.

Because they are not the first generation after all, far less powerful than the first generation that can make the gods look at each other.

For these watchmen who dare to stick to the evil dragon, once the evil dragon wakes up, they decide to go north.The only thing they can do is to die with honor.

At most, it is to spread a little news in advance.Get Lothric ready sooner.

They will all go out to retrieve the weapons of the first generation, just to give themselves a little more confidence in the face of the evil dragon.

But such a beautiful initial intention turned into a ridiculous ending.

The captain touched his head, feeling very embarrassed. He scolded him just now, but he didn't realize that things were not what they thought.

After thinking about it, he could only sigh in the end.

He stepped forward and patted the youth on the shoulder:

"I'm sorry, I have to worry about it a little longer."

The other three also sighed and came up to pat him on the shoulder.

It's an apology for my previous behavior.

Nothing else.They are all people who may die soon, and those red tapes are meaningless.

The young man nodded and said nothing.

The atmosphere of the group of five became awkward and silent again.

After a long time, the priest suddenly said:

"Are you really going to find the evil dragon?"

"Yes, this is the only way, the only way to regain the glory of our clan. I am a contemporary dragon fighter, and I know that I have not inherited the power of the original ancestor. But I know, I cannot let this title be ashamed!"

Speaking of this, everyone in the group of four can feel the determination of the youth.

The great glory inherited for 2 years is cut off in his hands.

This kind of thing, even the four outsiders can feel the suffocating sense of oppression.

In order to get back the glory that was lost in his hands, he will definitely sacrifice everything for it.

This point, they can guess even just by looking at it.

But it's another thing to know that you know it, and feel uncomfortable.

Such a young man with amazing talent wants to challenge the evil dragon for a 'title'.

This is no longer a narrow escape, this is basically a certainty.

If it was really an accident, it could only be that the evil dragon let him go for the sake of the first generation.

But in this case, it should be much more uncomfortable for young people than death.

There may be a huge gap between the first generation and the last generation, but they will all die happily in battle.

Relying on the benevolence of the enemy to survive, I feel shuddering when I think about it.

Just as the group of four thought.

In the heart of the young man, it is acceptable for him to die in battle, or even be slapped to death by the evil dragon's paw.

Because he came to justify their clan's name, and he wanted to tell the world that the Dragon Fighter clan has not forgotten their glory.

All he needs is to challenge the evil dragon and die, that's all.

But if the evil dragon let him go, then the glory of their clan might be thrown back by Middle Earth.But the backbone of the clan must be broken.

So don't do that!

Thinking of this, the young man slowly stood up.His eyes turned firmly to the north.

I heard that the evil dragon is in Yanan's capital, where is he going!

The group of four looked at each other, then silently made way for them.

After the young man was out of sight, the four of them put out the fire and began to prepare to set off.

They also have their own mission.

Then, when the four stupid big men were packing their things, they suddenly remembered.

They came to investigate the reality of the evil dragon leader.

So why not ask the native dragon fighters?

Not only can it save time, maybe it can also directly return to Middle Earth with a large amount of information.

The belated captain grabbed his package in a daze, and looked at his team members dumbfounded.

Finally, he could not help but curse:


"What should we do? Let's go back and chase after him?"

The captain really wanted to talk about chasing him, but he really couldn't hold back his face.

Fortunately, before he could make up his mind, he heard a somewhat familiar voice:

"Sorry, sorry, I suddenly forgot that I have something to do with you!"

The four looked back with great joy.Sure enough, the young man who had just left went and returned.

After the captain coughed, he calmly asked:

"Speak slowly, slowly, don't worry, we still have some time! Anyway, we have something to ask you."

The youth or contemporary dragon fighters touched their heads in embarrassment.When he first met the group of four, he clearly remembered it, but he forgot it while talking.

"Well, I want to ask, do you have a map of Yanan? And do you know the current movement of the evil dragon? Although our family has paid attention to the news of Middle Earth, it is still too closed after all."

The captain smiled and grabbed the young man's shoulders and said repeatedly:

"Small things, small things. Compared with this, let's discuss other things. The main thing is that you have been stationed in the evil dragon for so many years. You must be very clear about the situation here? Tell us about the situation, so we can go back and make business!"

When the group of four tried their best to get news from Dragon Fighter, King Wein had bid farewell to Yaken's prime minister and embarked on a journey back home.

He plans to go to Yanan tomorrow to meet the evil dragon.

Chapter 117

When King Wein returned to the country, he was greeted by his eldest son and a group of important officials.

Everyone's faces were very ugly and worried.

The crown prince is fine, but all the important officials can't wait to shrink their heads into their necks.

They have been talking to King Wein for decades, and everyone knows that the King of Iron has cared most about his precious daughter with sick legs in recent years.

In this regard, even the Crown Prince Jeros is far inferior.

The reason is simple, daughters are always favored over sons.

What's more, she is still a young girl with a congenital disease.

Among the important officials, especially those related to the defense of the palace, they all wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy on the spot.

They were all to blame for the disappearance of the princess, but the problem was that they really couldn't figure out how the princess disappeared!

The robbing of the Dragon Scale is also very confusing, but at least there are traces to check. Several lords and courtiers in charge of this matter have discovered a lot.

But only the disappearance of the princess could not be found at all.

It's like the princess' bedroom is connected to another world.

Except for some traces of the princess' activities in the princess bedroom, there is nothing in the rest of the place!

It can be described as abnormal to the extreme.

For this reason, they also uncovered dozens of Diezi dead men who were hiding extremely deep.There is even a powerful marquis among them.It can be said that the jaws of countless people dropped.

But all have nothing to do with the disappearance of the princess.

In other words, none of these actions could be their life-saving talisman when facing King Wayne.

The king was very tolerant and gentle in many cases, but all the courtiers also remembered that when the king became not tolerant, rolling heads was not empty talk.

The number of nobles killed by King Wein may be less than that of Nan's Blood Emperor in the current Middle-earth.

If it wasn't for that lunatic Blood Emperor who emptied out the nobles of the whole country, the Iron King would be the existence that made the nobles turn their faces the most.

Wein's saying that virtuous kings are born from generation to generation is true, but it is the common people who keep singing this saying.

As for the major noble families, Wein gave birth to the Demon King from generation to generation.

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