If possible, the black dragon even thought that he would never have anything to do with that thing for the rest of his life.

Ever since, Heilong said without thinking:

"I'm not interested in that!"

In one sentence, it almost broke the heart of the princess.

She knew that it would be difficult for the evil dragon to agree to her request, but she did not expect to be rejected so directly.

This time, Princess Mary's voice could no longer remain calm, and she said with a heartbreaking trill:

"Just down, just down, please, please! Only you, only you can save Yaken!"

Chapter 142 The So-called Dragon Seed

"I know that there is only Yaken, and there is no way to move your master. But please think about it, please think about it. Without your help."

"Not only will the defense line we have built with great difficulty be overwhelmed, hundreds of thousands of soldiers will all die in battle. Even most of the people in the west of our country will die tragically here!"

The evil dragon is the only life-saving straw that the princess can think of.

But this straw is not willing to let her grasp.

There was nothing she could do, and the only thing she could do was to hope for His mercy.

Princess Mary also knows that it is too far-fetched to put hope on the kindness of an evil god.

But what other options does she have?


Gods are the only hope for mortals to fight against the sea of ​​trees, which has been proven as early as the Age of Gods.

As long as there is a god's banner (another name for the god's banner, only gods are eligible to use it.) Standing in the east of the sea of ​​trees.

Don't think about taking a step forward in the sea of ​​trees and the monsters inside.

But since the Age of Gods, people can only rely on themselves.

To tell the truth, when all the gods left the world and went to the heavens, high above the scales.

Most of the Middle-earths acted like babies who were suddenly weaned.

What's even more frightening is that before people can adapt, the Outer Gods are ushered in.

At that time, quite a few Middle-earths actually tried to seek the protection of the evil dragon.

Among this group of people, quite a few were once staunch believers in righteous gods.

Because people are used to being under the protection of gods.

When the glory of the gods no longer shines on the human world, mortals who have only seen endless brilliance can no longer bear a trace of darkness.

It was so then, and it is not so different now.

People in this world are generally accustomed to attaching themselves to gods.

It is said that in many periods of the new era and the old days, even the evil dragon was the spiritual sustenance of countless people.

At the same time, because of the fact that the evil dragon is extremely powerful, and the reality of being in the human world.Believers of evil dragons often make many people, even the Outer Gods, feel helpless.

Righteous gods are reasonable and will not favor their own believers.

The evil gods are unreasonable, and they protect the calf very well.

But if the righteous god thinks it's not his child's fault, then it's over, the righteous god who has become stubborn is much more difficult to deal with than the evil god.If you don't fight to the death, don't even think about it!

On the other hand, the evil gods, although they seem to protect the calf, as long as they feel that the price of protecting is too high, they will give up without hesitation.

As for the evil dragon, this one seems to be somewhere in between.So no one knows what He thinks of His believers.

This is also the reason why the evil dragon belief can never be eradicated.

The princess also thought about whether to rely on this to convince the evil dragon.

You must know that it is on the Shuhai defense line and near the Shuhai.The evil dragon belief is extremely huge.It's just been hidden under the surface.

But in the end she gave up.

Because she felt that if the evil dragon cared about this, he would pass by himself, but if he didn't care, he would annoy her even more.

The mortal king can use the life and death of the people and the rise and fall of the country to pray for the mercy and assistance of the gods.

Because even evil gods preach that God loves the world.

But if you talk about the safety of the believers of the gods, there is a sense of threat.

The two seem to be the same, but they are completely opposite.

Heilong also began to hesitate after being told by the princess.

It is true that he is afraid of the sea of ​​trees and does not want to have anything to do with it.

But if let him just watch the Shuhai defense line being overwhelmed, and the west of Yaken being trampled into a hell on earth by the tide of monsters.

He felt unbearable again.

In the past, Heilong didn't care about anything because he knew that he was such a good person, and everything he cared about was free.

So you can be at ease.

But now, he seems to have the slightest possibility to solve this problem?

Although those damn evil spirits made his situation very dangerous.

But if you make good use of it, can it play a good role?

How do you say that?

There are no evil forces, only evil people?

Black Dragon felt that he was caught in a dilemma.

Go, maybe not only useless, but also put yourself on the line.

If he doesn't go, he really has a bad conscience.

After all, he really seems capable of saving the world.

This is not a matter of a few or dozens of people, it is a matter of hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people!

After thinking about it, Heilong looked back at the well-behaved girls.

He began to recall his knowledge about the sea of ​​trees.

The black dragon remembered that the most direct threat to outside creatures in the sea of ​​trees was the flood of beasts like the tide.And the legendary Warcraft mixed in it.

According to some rumors he heard in the Age of Gods, the depths of the sea of ​​trees are almost everywhere inhabited by legendary monsters.

But other than that, the Sea of ​​Trees poses no threat, at least the Black Dragon doesn't know of any terrifying existence related to the Sea of ​​Trees.

And the three girls beside him.

One is Lilith who can play with forbidden spells like fireworks.

One is the head of the group who is as powerful as a mountain.

One is the former strongest witch Amelia Rangoon.

And on a bigger scale, the three girls are all three goddesses!

If so, it should be safe, right?

Heilong felt that he was qualified to go to the sea of ​​trees.

If he didn't go, he wouldn't feel at ease.

When the black dragon was gradually calculating the combat power and risks, he suddenly thought of:

Ah, speaking of it, I still don't know what the essence of Amelia Yangon's separation is!

Wait, why did the witch and the little girl share a share of the essence.But the leader is my strength and resistance?

Could it be that if a dragon has survived me for so long, it can have a body comparable to the original quality?

what is this?Physical sanctification?Martial god of the eleventh realm? ? ?

Are dragons so perverted? !

The black dragon was taken aback by his speculation.

But if you think about it this way, it's no wonder that in the old days, the Outer Gods would be overwhelmed by the ancient dragons.

Although the price is that the dragon species no longer has an orthodox ancient dragon.And the so-called ancient dragons in the dragon species are just some young dragons who survived the dragon hunting war that year.

In other words, among the current dragon species, except for the black dragon Refendia, the oldest one is only a little over 3 years old.

It sounds scary, but compared to the time when the dragon species was at its peak, this number is really not worth mentioning.

The former dragon species is the strongest race in Middle-earth!

There are five extremely high-ranking gods and dragon gods, and hundreds of ancient dragons that can be called false gods.And a larger number of adult dragons and young dragons.

Even the entire Heretic God side must feel trembling at this power.

The race that was actually favored by the original.

But now, it is really too bleak.

Not only are the ancient dragons extinct, but even the overall number of dragon species has become an endangered species.

If it weren't for the evil dragon with enough weight to shake everything up.

God knows if the current situation of the dragon species will be even worse.

Probably, it was really hunted by the Outer Gods during the Dragon Hunting War.

You know, the reason why the Outer Gods didn't kill all the dragons back then was not only that they were seriously injured, but more importantly, they were worried that the evil dragon would come to them.

Genocide and maiming are two concepts.

Chapter 143 The Seven-Day Covenant

The evil dragon was indeed expelled by the four dragon gods because of their disagreement with the other four dragon gods.

It is no longer recognized by the dragon species, but that has always been the internal opinion of the dragon species.Or that's always been the view of the dragon gods when they were still alive.

After all four dragon gods were killed in battle, the identity of the evil dragon has actually been tacitly regarded as returning to the clan by many dragon species.

Of course, it can also be said that the dragon species welcomed back the last dragon god.

As for the races other than the dragon species, there is basically no evil dragon being regarded as a dragon.Otherwise, he wouldn't be called the evil 'dragon'.

However, the factions of the four dragon gods still occupy a considerable number. As ancient dragons with great power of speech, they always keep in mind the orders and will of their main gods, so the identity of the evil dragon has always been unfair.

It may also be because of this that led to the unscrupulous dragon hunting war.

It is also because of this that the dragon species after the Dragon Hunting War are no longer willing to admit evil dragons.

The evil dragon also has no contact with the dragon species.

However, no one dares to bet that the evil dragon really doesn't care about the survival of the dragon species.

If you win the bet, everyone is happy.

If you lose the bet, you lose everything.

After all, many Outer Gods have said in private that even if they were all added together, they might not be able to deal with an evil dragon.

This is really incredible.

It is true that the Outer Gods are strong and weak, but no matter how you think about it, they cannot be defeated by an evil dragon together!

You know, from the perspective of literature and geological surveys, most scholars are sure that a considerable number of outer gods are only inferior to the righteous gods in their original quality.

With so many foreign gods together, it is estimated that no righteous god can single out a group of them.

But I didn't expect that many outer gods said that they tied a bunch of them and they were not the opponents of the evil dragon.

This confuses many scholars.But no one said anything about it.It can only be regarded as the self-effacement of the outer gods, in order to show favor to the only earth god in Middle-earth.

But how would those scholars know what a terrifying scene the Outer Gods saw back then!

In the eyes of the Outer Gods, the evil dragon with half of its original substance is like a moving incarnation of death.

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