Everyone is afraid of being seen by the evil dragon and slaughtered if they don't like it.

Don't say that it's an outer god that seems like a god but not a god. Even if the evil god is resurrected, seeing the evil dragon at that time, it would still be a drum in the heart, and the legs would be weak and trembling.

The black dragon was still wondering what Amelia's true nature was, while Princess Mary was crying uncontrollably.

No one knows what this princess has shouldered all these years alone.

She was originally just an ordinary duke's daughter, but because of her status, she was chosen by the prince as the princess, and because of luck, she changed from the prince to the princess.

Even more fortunately, she married El, the former king of Yaken, through a political marriage.Become a couple who really love each other.

This is very rare and lucky among the royal families of various countries.

Under normal circumstances, kings and their consorts basically live their own lives.

Outside of wedding days and big occasions, you hardly ever expect to see them together.

Everyone silently supported their lover and face.

In an abnormal situation, it is naturally that the king tried every means to change his wife.

Of course, in the history of Middle-earth for so many years, it is not without a princess or a queen who replaced the king.

And like Princess Mary and the former king El.Really rare.

I don't know what went wrong, such a rare celestial family turned into a farewell in the end.

After that, Princess Mary carried Jacques' day alone.

With great efforts and sacrifices, she has transformed from an ignorant young lady into a Princess Yaken who is in charge of a country.

During this period, no one could have imagined how much this woman had paid, and how long she had gritted her teeth silently.

People can only remember the brilliance of the successful people, but not the blood and sweat they paid.

Today, Princess Mary has worked so hard to build the hope and backbone of Yaken - the tree-sea defense line.

Actually faced the end of collapse again.

This made her tense for 17 years, and it seemed that Panasonic's Shinhyun could be completely broken.

At the same time, it is not someone else standing in front of the princess at the moment.

It's a god!

The gods who are naturally above all in Middle-earth!

No matter how high the authority of mortals is, they will always be under the majesty of gods.

No amount of gaffes by a little Princess Yaken in front of a god would be considered incompetent and weak.

The superiors really need to set an example for the inferiors all the time.

But in front of a god, there is no need, you can cry and repent with confidence.

Because God loves the world.

It is also because no matter how high-ranking person is, he is just a low-ranking person wagging his tail and begging for mercy in front of God.

Therefore, the princess cried, very thoroughly.

She needs an outlet.

But that's all.

The evil dragon refused her request.

God's will cannot be changed by the will of mortals.

Yaken is finished, and the spine she had recovered through hard work will be broken again, and the western part of the kingdom, which has finally settled down, will once again become a paradise for monsters.

Princess Mary couldn't imagine what it would be like for Jacques, who had broken his spine again, to stand up again.

Can not be two.

This is not empty talk.

Human willpower has limits.

Even the princess was very surprised that Yaken soldiers who had already gone through the storm of the sea of ​​trees once again could pick up weapons and defend their positions when they faced the storm of the sea of ​​trees again.

In fact, even when those soldiers saw the sea of ​​trees running away, she would not be surprised if they gave up their positions directly.

Unexpectedly, they insisted on their duties.

But it was even more because of this that once the backbone that had been gathered with great difficulty was washed away by the sea of ​​trees again.

Jacques is really over.

Either become a puppet of Wein, or be destroyed by internal conflicts.

As everyone knows, the evil dragon Benlong on the other side has quietly changed his plan.

Ready to take a trip to the sea of ​​trees.

However, the black dragon is sorting out its words, thinking about how to speak so that it can appear to be in line with the design of the evil dragon.

Just when the black dragon was still thinking about the wording.

Princess Mary has stopped crying.The strange woman wiped away the tears from her face with her hand.

After lowering his head silently, he bowed to the black dragon again.

"Since your will has been decided. Please forgive me and leave first. If you want to do something in Yaken, as long as you don't want to hurt the poor people, then you can do whatever you want. I will explain these things one by one. .”

"However, I'm not sure what will happen after that, because I'm about to return to the sea of ​​trees, and I'm afraid I'll die there after three or four days. But I don't think any mortal will dare to offend your majesty. Therefore, your itinerary There shouldn't be any problem."

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head and took a few steps back, then turned and went to her unicorn.

"If at the dawn of the seventh day, Yaken's king's flag is still erected, then you can look at the eastern sky and wait for my arrival!"

Chapter 144

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was silent.

The princess who had already walked halfway stopped in place in disbelief.

With tears in his eyes, he turned his head to look at the black dragon.

"You, what you said is true?"

The black dragon, who was still wearing a robe, made it hard to see the specific face, but judging from the slight points on his head.

Obviously, the Supreme One agreed to Princess Yaken's request.

The princess trembled uncontrollably, and knelt down towards the black dragon again.

With a look of relief, he bowed his head to the black dragon in gratitude.

"On behalf of the thousands of people of Yaken, I sincerely thank you for your help!"

Heilong said a little impersonally:

"Remember, it's the dawn of the seventh day! If you can't hold on, then I'll just sit back and watch."

"Please don't worry, if everything is blocked, I will guard until the seventh day!"

The princess's voice was solemn and powerful.

After finishing speaking, the princess yelled loudly at the knights who were still kneeling around:

"Do you want to sink into this for the rest of your life, or do you want to follow me to Shuhai to fulfill your duties and fulfill your promises!"

"You are the knights of Yaken, the people of Yaken, and now Yaken needs you to stand up and tell me your answer!"

Several royal knights brought by the princess had already led her unicorn over with sharp eyes.

Princess Mary rode it as a matter of course, which made her look even taller.

Invisibly exerted a lot of psychological pressure on the Cavaliers.

This is actually a kind of pressure.

But Heilong felt that this was indeed not right, but it couldn't be wrong either.

Yaken needs to stick to the sea of ​​trees for seven days.

Once it fails to hold, not only the west of Yaken will be trampled into ruins by monsters.

Even the survival of the country of Yakun will be in question.

This is not alarmist talk, but an objective fact.

Yaken's spine and backbone have been broken once, and if he does it again, he will definitely not be able to get together again.

This is only a spiritual factor, considering the economic losses and social turmoil caused by Yaken.

Yaken was either subjugated or reduced to a puppet.

Therefore, mobilizing all the troops that can be mobilized is correct in the general direction.

At the same time, the black dragon speculated.It was also a big gamble.

Once the knight here rejected the princess' call.Then the knights and soldiers in other places will probably follow suit.

So much so that there were no soldiers to move in the east of Yaken.

However, the possibility of this is very low.

Even if these knights just knelt before him and begged for mercy...

After all, people are always bloody.

Temporary depression will not wear it away, but will make it rebound even more.

Sure enough, after a short silence, the knights.

Instantly burst out:

"Defend Yaken to the death!"

"Follow Your Royal Highness!"

"Stick to the sea of ​​trees!"


In this regard, the black dragon watched quietly from the side, and the girls also slightly retracted their previous contempt.

There's no way, that scene just now was too embarrassing.

Wait until the hearts of the knights are mobilized.The princess ordered them to start moving towards the nearest military town, and they would then jump through the teleportation array step by step.

The princess will take her royal knights directly to the long-distance portal and return to the tree-sea defense line for control.

After all, the teleportation consumption of a few people is far lower than that of a large army.

Of course, the princess riding on the unicorn did not forget to salute the black dragon before leaving.

Wait until all the inexplicable team that came here leave.

Heilong asked silently in his heart:

"Your Majesty the Goddess, do you really plan to let the Yaken people hold on for seven days?"

After asking, the earth mother's unique soft voice sounded in Heilong's mind:

"It's hard for the children to learn to walk alone, so you can't give up. Your situation is very special. You may not think that you are a god, but objectively you are indeed a god, and you are still a very great god. !"

"Your existence makes it too easy for children to return to the past. They should leave our shelter and learn to be independent, even if they are toddlers, no matter how badly they fall. It's all worth it!"

"Besides, it is already a big, big concession to get assistance if you stick to it for seven days."

To this, the black dragon could only respond in silence.

This is also true.

Even if he knew, it would kill an unknown number of Yaken soldiers.

It wasn't because the Earth Mother was a god that he said what the Earth Mother meant just now.

It's because the black dragon also thinks what the earth mother said is right.

That's right, the previous words were not actually the original intention of the black dragon, but the earth mother used this robe to contact the black dragon.

To be honest, the sound of the soil in his head almost scared the black dragon to death.

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