I thought that Lawson subconscious body was alive again.

Fortunately, it was finally found out that it was the Mother Earth Goddess.

Otherwise, the black dragon would call out on the spot if he couldn't say it!

"By the way, in this way, can you contact me through this robe at any time? Conversely, I can also use this to contact you?"

Mother Earth's soft voice continued to sound:

"It's not feasible. The isolation of Libra is very stable and effective. Even me and them can only use this to contact you in an emergency. Otherwise, this robe will be scrapped after a few uses."

"I see."

Heilong nodded, expressing his understanding.

Then, he asked another question carefully:

"Well, if possible, can you answer a question for me? I'm really curious."

"Ah. Of course, there's still some time."

After organizing the language, the black dragon asked:

"Well, why is that Princess Mary able to ride a unicorn?"

The black dragon clearly remembered the unicorn as a creature, it was an out-and-out harsh creature, except for pure girls, the rest were all looked down upon.

It is said that the fierce-tempered one doesn't even give the goddess face.

Then why would the unicorn, which is difficult for a goddess to ride with her status, let Princess Mary ride?

Could it be that Princess Mary, who has been married for many years and gave birth to a child, is actually a virgin?

This made Long very curious.

Hearing this, Mother Earth smiled and said:

"What you are talking about is the old calendar of the age of gods. After so many years of reproduction, unicorns have become two groups. One follows fundamentalism and is only willing to be ridden and touched by pure and beautiful girls. The other one is as long as it is beautiful and loyal. That Princess Mary is the latter who rides."

Speaking of which, Mother Earth's voice seemed a little happy.She thought of the lady with the lamp on the side of the evil god, the goddess of death who took away part of the death essence.A very amorous woman, the bitch goddess most hated and loathed by all elf gods.

The result is such a goddess, when she tried to force the unicorn to submit by relying on her honor, she was severely kicked by the unicorn.At the end, he sprayed saliva all over her face.

It has since become a complete joke.

Chapter 145

After Earth Mother's chuckle disappeared, she said slowly:

"So, many female nobles in Middle-earth will find a way to find a unicorn that represents loyalty, and ride it to symbolize their loyalty and beauty. Okay, do you have any other questions? If not, I will break It's gone. It can't be too long."

Heilong thought for a while, and then said sincerely:


"Well, then I wish you well."

"Ah, bless you too, Your Majesty the Goddess."

After finishing this sentence, the black dragon couldn't wait for the next sentence.

It seems that the goddess has really left.

At this time, the girls on the side leaned forward.

Lilith asked directly:

"Master, why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Yurshika on the other side didn't speak, but her eyes were full of curiosity.

The black dragon did not completely conceal this, nor did it say everything:

"My intention was indeed not to participate in these matters, but a goddess convinced me. Her proposal made me very interested. It's just a small sea of ​​trees anyway."

Yulshika had a flash of inspiration:

"Is it Mother Earth?"

"Yes, it's her."

"Then master, what shall we do next?"

"Go back and pick up Yangon first, and then we will go to the sea of ​​trees. Be careful not to be discovered."

"I understand."


Since getting the promise from the evil dragon.The Yakens completely changed course.

Not only stopped the evacuation plan for the western part of the country.

It also began to mobilize troops and workers from other places into the west.

The major industrial groups that had suspended operations and production were also ordered to resume production immediately.

In particular, the resumption of production of various military industries is the highest priority.

Fortunately, from the announcement of the evacuation to the current change of policy.Only an hour or two apart.

Many places have not even started to act, and the so-called evacuation is still on paper.

Therefore, the impact is not great.

And because of the previous fear of evacuation, and now I heard that they will stick to the Shuhai defense line.The enthusiasm of the people has also been fully mobilized.

People put down their parcels and walked out of the house one after another, contributing to the authorities as much as they could.

Not only that, Princess Mary also personally wrote a letter to her former allies.

In the letter, Princess Mary sincerely hopes that these former allies can fulfill their promises back then.

And emphatically mentioned the seven-day covenant with the evil dragon.

Blocking the sea of ​​trees is no longer empty talk!

Regarding the Tree Sea Covenant, we have to mention the early days of the New Era.

After the Middle-earths had just ended the chaos of the Outer Gods, people began to have the energy to clean up the mess and consider how to deal with the four major threats.

Although there are evil dragons in the south, it is very stable.

The demons in the north and the seas in the east were also badly affected by the foreign gods.

Only the Sea of ​​Trees grew stronger because the Outer Gods were unwilling to participate in it.

From the original small clusters, it has become an ocean on the ground covering the entire west of the continent.

The name of the sea of ​​trees is worthy of the name!

Therefore, at that time, all the ethnic groups in China drew up a covenant on this.

According to the ancient covenant:

I swear in the name of the gods in the sky that this place will be sealed to you forever, but the defense of the forest will also belong to you.But when the darkness is approaching and the tide of beasts is about to rise, you can light the beacon.We all races will rise at the sight of fire!

In other words, on weekdays, the defense of the Sea of ​​Trees is entrusted to the kingdom that occupies this place.Also because of this, the rest of the kingdoms and races will not invade the country.

And once the sea of ​​trees goes berserk, the kingdom defending this place can invite all clans to help.

However, with the passage of time, this ancient covenant is still effective until now, only the former.

The tribes and kings will not invade, and they will give some assistance, but they will not send in reinforcements when the sea of ​​trees goes berserk.

Because after so many years of fierce fighting, people discovered that the loss of blocking the sea of ​​trees is far higher than the reward!

Ever since, the rest of the clans and the kingdoms that ruled the place acquiesced in abandoning the latter.

Even the countless beacon towers built when the covenant was signed were all destroyed.

Remodeled other things.

As for why all the clans would not invade this place, but the kingdom here has changed several times, it is naturally because of an internal coup.

Now, Princess Mary is bringing up the matter again.

She hoped that these former allies would remember the agreement of the year and come to the alliance.

In that case, holding out for seven days becomes very promising.

Of course, Princess Mary didn't think she couldn't hold out for seven days just relying on Yaken.

Judging from previous records and descriptions of survivors 17 years ago.

The violent walk in the sea of ​​trees began to become stronger on the fourth to fifth day.

Before that, it was all monster hordes composed of average-grade monsters, constantly attacking the fortress.

So in theory, the first three days were considered 'easy'.

The difficulty is that on the fourth day, legendary monsters will basically appear on the stage, and the level of monsters will gradually increase.

But on this day, there are at most one or two legendary monsters and a small number of high-level monsters.

On the fifth day, several legendary monsters would appear.

The line of defense led by King Yaken 17 years ago was breached on the sixth day.On that day, more than a dozen legendary monsters appeared in succession!

In other words, a dozen dragons ran to attack the city!

On the seventh day, there may be dozens of them!

But the Yaken people don't need to survive the seventh day, they only need to wait until the dawn of the seventh day to wait for the evil dragon to come and kill all directions.

It is by no means empty talk that the Yaken people blocked all the words and survived the first six days!

Therefore, this time, Princess Mary is full of confidence.

The garrisons and lords everywhere, after hearing the whole story, are also full of confidence in this.

Yaken is a big country, with the strength of the whole country, how could it not be able to hold for seven days?

At the same time, once they make it through, they will be the first people to successfully resist the rampage of the sea of ​​trees since the founding of Yaken.

It is a great honor to participate in such a big event.

What's more, this time there will be gods participating in the battle.

This is a great honor enough for any nobleman and any family to be included in the genealogy and sung for thousands of years!

Behold, your ancestors once blocked the sea of ​​trees and fought side by side with a god!

This is a great honor that countless families have never had since the Age of Gods!

Noble glory, this point hits the hearts of nobles the most.

Perhaps because of their long lifespan and emphasis on inheritance, the nobles of Middle-earth prefer those 'flashy' honors and prestige to golden coins.

The shrewd aristocrats will never die in vain, but they will never let the opportunity slip by their hands.

Therefore, in the country of Yaken, as soon as the lords heard Princess Mary's call, they immediately rushed to the front with their own private army to fight.

1Chapter 16 Parties

On the exquisite sand table placed in the princess' room.

Through the addition of the technique, it can be clearly seen that there are a considerable number of red thin lines slowly moving towards the Shuhai defense line in various territories in Yaken.

The ministers on the side are also reporting various important military and political information in real time:

"Your Highness, the defenders of the Royal Capital have all arrived at Norenburg (the last fortress of the Shuhai defense line, which is generally used to allocate supplies and personnel.) and can go to the front at any time."

"Very good, what's the situation with the guards in the old capital?"

"There are two hundred knights left by the Royal Knights, and 50 people left by the Palace Sorcerers. It should be enough to maintain stability for seven days!"

Princess Mary frowned, waved her big hand and said:

"It's still too much. Only 50 royal knights are enough, and all the magicians, forget it, leave five emergency. The rest are all transferred!"

Now is the time for employing people, and Princess Mary can't wait to split a coin in half.

Not to mention the powerful royal knights and court magicians?

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