"Send..." Hu Tao looked at Amber faintly, and then at Mingguanxia, ​​which had just taken shape, with indifference in her eyes. She is the hall master of the Hall of Rebirth, and the first best sister of Tivat.

In Liyue's poetry circle, which poet doesn't know her as a dark doggerel poet of the alley school, Xing Qiu is her younger brother, and Chong Yun has to call her sister.

Moreover, she has a very close relationship with the two of Liyue Seven Stars. The big captain Beidou calls her sister, and the barrister Yan Fei and her have a combination called Hu Zuo Feiwei.

She doesn't envy Amber's fat, not at all, absolutely, absolutely not!

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more strange, Xiaoyingmei took the initiative to present the cream cake she made herself. This is one of her best desserts. It can be used for afternoon tea or as a snack.

The only problem is that no matter in Liyue or Xumi, the consumption of small cakes is frighteningly fast, which makes Xiaoyingmei have to reconsider her further education in nutrition.

But now it is just right to entertain guests and ease the atmosphere.

Keli was the first to take the cake. After taking a bite, her eyes immediately lit up, saying that it was much more delicious than Aunt Lisa's.

"Huh?" Lisa in Mond immediately noticed that someone was making a joke about her age behind her back, and that person was still the eye of the fire god, enthusiastic, cheerful and lively, and probably used long-range attacks. That should be...

"Lisa?" Qin on the side was a little confused. She didn't have such a strong sixth sense as Lisa, but she was just worried that there would be some trouble when Yula went to Liyue this time.

"Me? I'm fine? It's just Qin. Is it because you are absent-minded? Is it a matter of fools?" Lisa teased when she regained her mind.

"No...the Fools are alright. The new executive officer is very polite, and he didn't make any embarrassing requests. It's just that, like that doctor, he doesn't see the end of the dragon." Qin shook her head and said.

"That's Yula?" Lisa raised her eyebrows and said, about Ning Ze and Yula, the only people who knew about Ning Ze and Yula were Amber and Qin.

But Lisa probably guessed what happened through Yula's situation and Ning Ze's behavior of carrying the piano and desk back to Liyue overnight.

"Youla..." Qin covered her forehead with some regret. She refused Yula to go to Liyue at first. Ze is right, he has seen it all.

In the end, although Yula didn't say anything, she kept thinking about going to Liyue in her heart, and even saved the vacation of the Knights. Obviously, she was going to wait for the time to come and go to Liyue to find Ningze.

So Qin was rejecting Yula at first, but Yula was too annoying. In order to let Qin agree to protect Barbara, she would go for a long-distance run with Qin every morning and mutter: "Don't let me go." Liyue, I will remember this grudge."

At noon, at lunch, he would sit at her table and stare at her, even though the restaurant didn't sell food to her.

After writing the report at night, she would also stare straight at Qin who was reviewing the report. In the end, Qin, who was tortured so much that she couldn't stand it, agreed to Lisa's proposal and Yura's guarantee that no one would be killed or hurt.

Chapter 309 Super Vengeance

"Uh... It's a good thing Lisa didn't come with me this time, otherwise Keli would be in trouble..." said Amber who picked up the cake.

"Is everyone in Mond okay?" Ning Ze said and took out two bottles of juice from the necklace.

"Everyone is still the same. Jean works every day, Lisa is lazy every day, Barbara saves people every day, and Keli is also frying fish and being confined every day." Amber waved his hand and said.

"Hey hey~" Keli scratched her face in embarrassment, and then looked at Hu Tao with admiration. After all, sister Hu Tao's explosion magic is much more powerful than her bouncing bomb.

"Eh..." When Amber was about to talk about Yula, she thought that Yula had copied a hundred photos of Ningze, one of which was pasted on the doll, and she had to chop hundreds of times every day before she would stop.

But thinking about it carefully, I felt that speaking out had no effect other than scaring Ning Ze and embarrassing himself, so I didn't say it out.

"Why don't I go see Yula later? It's not an option to continue like this. It's time to settle the matter between me and her." Ning Ze rubbed his forehead and said, after all, it was his fault. Yura slashed a few times.

"No! Absolutely not!" Amber immediately vetoed Ning Ze's proposal, jokingly, Yula copied a hundred photos, each of which has its own effect.

For example, put it on the alarm clock, remind yourself to remember Ningze once every day when you wake up, put it on the water cup, remind yourself not to forget Ningze’s revenge for peeping, put it on the pillow, you can’t forget the hatred for Ningze even in your dreams, put it on the pillow Make sure that you can control Ning Ze with your grappling hand the first time you see Ning Ze's face.

In Yula's dormitory, there are pictures of Ningze pasted on all the big and small things, and Yula will give explanations for everything, and she will grit her teeth.

It can be seen how much she hates Ning Ze, if they really meet, there is a high probability that the needle point will be against the wheat, and the bastard will stare at Mung Dou.

This is the first time Amber sees Yula hating someone so much, it doesn't seem like a joking grudge at all, so she doesn't want Ning Ze to meet Yula.

"Then it's not an option to go on like this. I can't stay in the Hall of Resurrection forever, can I? And after this tour is over, I'm going to Mond." Ning Ze said helplessly.

"All in all, you can't meet Yula, or something terrible will happen, Ning Ze, you have to trust me, I'm doing it for your own good." Amber persuaded earnestly.

She has a very good relationship with Ning Ze, and she is a good friend who can bicker with each other, so she doesn't want Ning Ze and Yula to fight, otherwise it will be too uncomfortable for her to be in a dilemma.

Under Amber's persuasion, Ning Ze temporarily gave up the idea of ​​going to Yula, and promised Amber that he would not go to Yula without her consent.

"Help!!! Ning Ze!!!" Wendy, who suddenly ran back, soared into the air, and landed behind Ning Ze with a graceful curve, trembling.

"Wendy~ I'll just eat [-] million bites. It's really only [-] million bites!" Followed by Rongrong, she was still trying to persuade Wendy to surrender, obediently letting her take a few more bites.

"Don't! You can't say anything!" Wendy said, clutching her little butt. Fluffy biting was merciless, and this was the third bite.

"Wow! Furry!" Keli was very excited, she tiptoed to touch Furry, but because she was too short, she couldn't touch Furry.

"Rongrong..." Ning Ze said helplessly. According to Rongrong's sharp evaluation of the taste of elemental power, Zhongli's is too hard and suitable for grinding teeth, Akhmar's is too spicy and suitable for occasional eating, and Naxida's is like a vegetable salad. Wendy's have the best texture, soft and taste like marshmallows.

"Woo~ I'm sorry, I know I was wrong..." Rongrong hid in Xiao Yingmei's arms and said, she knew that Ning Ze would not be angry, but she was just afraid.

"Sister! Sister! Can I touch her?" Ke Li pulled Xiaoyingmei and asked.

"Rongrong? Are you willing?" Little Yingmei rubbed Rongrong's head and asked.

"Hmm... alright." After thinking for a while, Rongrong stretched her head towards Keli, letting her little hands rub against her head.

"Ning Ze Ning Ze! Can I touch her? She's so cute!" Amber's eyes straightened when she saw Furry, who was even cuter than her Earl Bunny.

"Cough cough cough... Thank you, lady, I think you are cute too." Although he was very happy to be praised, Furry still tried his best to maintain a calm appearance.

Afterwards, the two had a good time in the Hall of Rebirth, and seeing that the time was almost up, Amber took Keli and left.

"Goodbye! Sister Hutao, Brother Ningze, and Sister Xiaoying Rongrong, I will come to see you tomorrow!" Keli waved goodbye.

"Brother, is Keli cute?" Hu Tao suddenly leaned into Ning Ze's ear and asked in a low voice.

"It's cute, but there are some bears." Ning Ze touched his chin and said.

"Then... how about we have a daughter in the future?" Hu Tao whispered in Ning Ze's ear, then turned and left as if fleeing.

"Eh..." Looking at Hu Tao who was running away, Ning Ze couldn't help laughing. It was only a year away, and if Hu Tao said that, he had nothing to escape.

Xiao Yingmei looked forward to Keli who had left, she was now a head shorter than Hu Tao, and she had changed from a special punishment to a very severe punishment when she first came to the Shengsheng Hall.

But Xiaoyingmei believes that as long as she completes the trip to the Seven Kingdoms, she will be able to restore her original appearance forever, and then she will be with Ning Ze and Kong forever.

"Sister?" Rongrong looked up at the dazed little Yingmei in amazement.

"Of course, there's Rongrong!" The recovered little sister rubbed Rongrong, then carried her back to the Hall of Rebirth.

Today's dinner hasn't been cooked yet. As a perfect wife, Xiaoyingmei has already caught the stomachs of Ning Ze and the rest of the family. Usually, when Ning Ze has no time, Xiaoyingmei will take the initiative to cook.

"Phew..." After sending Amber and Keli away, Ning Ze sat on the sofa wondering, after some time, Nilu and Dolly will come and visit him at the Living Hall, right?

Could it be that Dolly can't find her way again?

Amber, who returned to Dolly's Panxia Inn, immediately found Yula who was acting as a guard in the dance studio, and Nelu and Barbara who had a heated exchange of opinions.

"Yura!" Amber ran to sit down next to Yula, and took out the small cream cake packed in the Hall of Rebirth to cushion her stomach.

"How was it?" Yura asked, taking the cake.

Nominally this time, it was to protect Barbara to go to Liyue to hold a concert, but if you think about it in another way, this is not a kind of paid vacation, not to mention that the big businessman Dolly contributed money and effort this time. Mi mercenaries can eat and live for free.

As for the work of guards, just a little adjustment can ensure that everyone has time to go out and hang out, and can see foreign scenery after work, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Chapter 310 The Lively Liyue

"Well, the cake tastes good, Amber, where did you buy it? I will buy some after the shift change." Yula asked after taking a bite of the cake.

"Ah? I... my... I'm... ah! I bought it at Wanmintang! It's just that the pastry chef said that Liyue people don't like this kind of cake, so they sold it to me cheaply. Now I don’t do it anymore,” said Amber, whose brain was running extremely fast.

"Is that so... It's a pity. If it was in Mond, tell me, would Sarah be so angry that she would cry and fight? After all, her pies are not as good as mine." Yula joked Dao, Amber, Sarah, Qin, and Lisa are the few people in Mond who do not discriminate against her, and she knows this in her heart.

"Hahaha... yes..." Amber responded awkwardly. For the first time, she felt so uncomfortable chatting with Yula, and she was afraid that she would casually say something about Ning Ze.

"Well... that guy even gave me some bananas for me to eat on the way. I think she just thinks I can't cook! She actually despises me, this grudge! I will write it down!" After chatting for a while, Yula Start the daily revenge.

"Huh..." Hearing Yula's normal vengeance, Amber, who was a little guilty, immediately felt comfortable. Yula who was desperately holding vengeance and Yula who didn't hold vengeance were what she was most afraid of.

"By the way, have you heard about Ning Ze? My feud with him is irreconcilable. If you have any news about him, you must tell me." Yula asked suddenly. Yue mainly wanted to find grandpa with Amber, and take revenge for the damned behavior by the way.

"Ah? Ning Ze? He... I haven't seen him... I just found Keli, and then met the hall master of the Hall of Rebirth, that's all..." Amber said hastily.

Fortunately, Ning Ze didn't tell Yula about where he lived, and Qin, the only one who knew, was able to keep his mouth shut, otherwise Yula would have killed her and went to the Hall of Rebirth.

"Miss Nilu, I think you are right." During the exchange between the two, Nilu and Barbara finally reached a consensus, holding hands with each other like good sisters.

"Uh... I just think it will look better this way, Miss Barbara, your suggestion is also good!" Nilu scratched her face in embarrassment. They are all dancing geniuses, so they will naturally have their own ideas. So I have been arguing just now, but in essence I want to make this performance more perfect.

So in addition to competing with each other, there is also a sense of sympathy for each other, and I feel that I can learn a lot.

"All in all, please ask for more advice in the coming time." Barbara held Nilu's little hand and said, she could only dance alone in Mond, and now she finally has a good friend who shares the same goals.

"Oh? Why is it already five o'clock? It's broken! Miss Barbara, I still have something to do today, let's talk about it next time!" Nilu said, turning her head and leaving the dance studio.

"Ha~ cough cough cough! Wait for me! Nilu!" Dixia, who was yawning next to her, coughed and hurriedly followed Nilu. Dancing is not suitable for her, but it is rare to come to Liyue this time. There are many cosmetics to buy. ap.

But in order to keep an eye on Nilu, she has to protect her body these few days, so that she can spare enough time for shopping.

"The two of them are really in a hurry..." Yula curled her lips, and then she was about to change shifts with other West Wind knights, while she and Amber walked around Liyue and checked where Ningze lived.

"Oh? Please wait for me!" Barbara hurriedly grabbed Yula and Amber. She knew that there was a place in Liyue called Wanmin Tang, so she wanted to eat with Yula Amber.

"Go to eat? Are you not afraid of being hated if you eat with me as a sinner?" Yula hugged her chest and pretended to be cold. She estimated that this little sister who had no experience in the world would definitely hesitate because of her status as a sinner.

"Sinner? But Miss Yula didn't commit a crime? How could she be a sinner?" Barbara asked with her head tilted. She knew about Lawrence, but during these days with Yula, Barbara could see that Yula was actually He is a very gentle person.

The so-called vengeance is just lip service. She has been vengeanced by Yula dozens of times along the way, and even Amber has been vengeanced a dozen times.

As a result, when encountering Qiuqiu people, Yula would immediately protect her, and after confirming that she was safe, she would rush to clean up the monsters.

It can be said that Barbara was able to come to Liyue so quickly, thanks to Yura.

"Hmph! How dare you look down on me? I've written down this grudge. Hurry up, what is the Manmin Hall?" Yula walked ahead arrogantly, afraid that Barbara would see her blushing. .

Seeing this, Barbara knew that Yura was being shy, and followed the two with small steps.

The two were walking on the main street of Liyue. At this time, many staff members set up some billboards with pictures of Nilu, Barbara and Yunjin on them.

The people in Liyue love to watch the excitement, and they crowd around the billboards to look at them. From time to time, they comment on Barbara's cuteness, Nilu's vigor, Yun Jin's temperament, etc., making Barbara feel embarrassed to eavesdrop. .

"Idol?" Yula looked enviously at the popular Teyvat idol group. She didn't ask for popularity, but at least she wouldn't treat her differently because of her ancestral status as a sinner.

She just wants to live a good life.

"Forget it, idols or something, they don't suit me at all!" Imagining how she would become an idol, Yura immediately rejected the idea.

"Barbara, is that the People's Hall you mentioned?" Amber pointed at the crowded People's Hall, feeling a bit weak, and inside, she found some acquaintances, such as Albert who had just been released from the prison of West Wind Knight.

During this tour, Dolly played to the limit of her means, not only Liyue herself, but also Mond and Sumeru. Various publicity made many people come here specially, even Liyue's The economy grew accordingly.

That's why Dolly has the confidence to talk to Qixing about cooperation, with the intention of establishing the No. [-] idol group in Tivat, fulfilling Alice's regrets, and making a lot of money.

"Mr. Albert is here too!?" Barbara quickly hid behind Yula, for fear of being discovered by Albert, and her trip to Liyue would definitely be very troublesome.

"Alas...these fans are really fanatical enough. I don't know if they are so kind to their parents." Yula complained with her hands on her hips, and then left the Manmin Hall with Barbara. Haixuan ate a meal.

Of course, it was Barbara's treat.

Chapter 311 Gathering

After dinner, Yula and Amber first sent Barbara back to the inn, then found Yula's good friend Yanfei in Liyue, and planned to inquire about Ningze's news.

"Yula! Long time no see." Yan Fei greeted, she was going to Ning Ze's house for dinner, but she was still very happy to see her foreign friends visiting her.

"Yan Fei, long time no see." Yula smiled when she saw Yan Fei, she was going to ask Yan Fei to help her find Ning Ze's place, and then she...

hum hum

First come an ambush, come out when Ning Ze is not paying attention, and then control Ning Ze with a grabbing hand, clamp his head with his legs, and grab his thighs with both hands, it depends on how Ning Ze escapes.

"By the way, Yula, why are you here?" Yan Fei asked, she knew that Yula was a guerrilla knight in Mond, and she belonged to the type with very complicated work. Task it.

"I..." Yula roughly told Yan Fei about her task of protecting Barbara, and then she was going to tell Yan Fei who she was looking for.

"Ah! It's broken, it's broken! Yula, I still have some urgent matters. Can I talk about the details tomorrow? I'll go first." Yanfei saw that the time was almost up, and hurriedly asked Yula to talk about it tomorrow.

"Well, let's talk about it tomorrow." Yula nodded to express her understanding, thinking that Yan Fei still had an appointment with some client.

Seeing Yan Fei leaving, Yula suddenly felt confused, not knowing where to go.

"Amber, where are we going?" Yula looked at Amber and asked.

"Hmm... I heard from Ning... Uncle Li at the lemon juice stand that Liyue must go to eat at Huyan, and go to Feiyunpo for shopping, yes! Uncle Li said that!" Amber was asked suddenly. I almost told Ning Ze, thanks to the fact that I met Uncle Li and Aunt Fang before, both of them were very warm to her, especially Aunt Fang, who even complained to her about how disregarded her daughter was for her family. How good cypress is.

"Then go and have a look at Huyan, huh! Damn Ning Ze, it's been a few days, and he hasn't shown up yet. I'll make a note of this grudge! At that time, I must..." Yula said while hugging her. The gesture of hugging the pillow waved a few times in the air.

"Uh...hahahahaha..." Amber shrank her neck guiltily, that's why she didn't dare to tell Yula about where Ning Ze lived.

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