At this time, the Jade Pavilion on the other side.

"That...Miss Ningguang, it's almost time. I have a dinner appointment with my friends." Dolly said with some dissatisfaction, she should have gone to Ning Ze tonight.

But if Ningguang procrastinates like this, she will definitely not be able to make it to dinner. You must know that she is looking forward to having dinner at Ning Ze's house for the first time.

"That's right, Ning Guang, if it drags on, Ozawa will be in a hurry." Beidou persuaded in a low voice, she came back after a hard time, and was going to stick it on Ning Ze's body like a piece of dog skin plaster, but Ning Guang Don't let her accompany you to discuss business.

"Well, it's almost time, Miss Dolly, let's talk tomorrow." Ning Guang didn't show much emotion, she calculated the time, and it's just right to go back now.

After getting Ning Ze's affirmation, Dolly left Qunyu Pavilion unhurriedly, and then ordered the driver who had been hired by her for a day to take her to Shengtang immediately.

Ningguang and Beidou, who went down one step later, had carriages, so the time to go was much faster than Dolly.

At this time, the Xiangshengtang is already filled with fairy jumping over the wall, golden crab, matsutake stuffed meat, pearl jade white jade soup, sweet flower stuffed chicken, etc., almost filling the entire table.

"Wow..." Wendy swallowed as she looked at the large jar of wine. Although it was low-alcohol rice wine, she still wanted to drink it.

"Wait a minute!" Zhong Li tapped Wendy lightly, and then looked at the end of the kitchen help.

"Jiangjiang~stir-fried squid~Zhong Li, if you don't like it, let me have it~" Gui Jie said while holding a plate of dishes.

"Xiantiaoqiang is ready, is everyone here?" Ning Ze said and brought Xiantiaoqiang to the table. Nilu, Dixia and Doli will come for this meal, so he will try his best To best entertain guests.

"Hello... Excuse me, is this the Pastoral Hall?" Nilu who hurried over at this time asked Hu Tao timidly.

"Oh, yo? You are the... Dolly my brother said?" Hu Tao stroked her chin and looked at her.


"That's Dixia? Oh! I heard people say that mercenaries are tall and dark. How did you ensure that your skin is so good? You will have to ask me for advice later." Hu Tao said again, and she was very familiar with her. Nilu hooked her shoulders.

"I'm Nilu..." Nilu explained embarrassingly. Although she still didn't understand what was going on, she finally arrived at the Pastoral Hall.

" fast?" Dixia said out of breath, she felt that she was very unlucky after coming to Liyue.

Either he swallowed his saliva and choked, or he knocked over a trash can while walking, and then stepped on a banana peel and almost fell on his face. When he was competing with that Zephyr knight named Yula, he was almost accidentally injured because he was not acclimatized. It can be said that he had fully stacked the negative buffs.

"Oh~ then this must be Dishiya, right? Welcome, we are ready to serve dinner, please take your seats quickly." Hu Tao enthusiastically led the second daughter into their seats.

Not long after the two sat down, Ningguang and Beidou returned to the Hall of Rebirth, and then Dolly followed.

"Tianquanxing? Why are you here?" Dolly looked at Ningguang with a dazed expression on her face. She didn't like being with Ningguang the most when talking about business.

Her little tricks in Xumi didn't work at all, she could only pinch her nose to give some benefits to Ningguang, and that feeling made her very uncomfortable.

"This is my home, why can't I come back?" Ning Guang asked calmly, Dolly is very rich, but she is much worse than her.

But Ningguang doesn't mind doing business with Dolly, as long as she doesn't have any bad thoughts about Ning Ze.

"Oh oh oh? That's a coincidence, I'm Ning Ze's younger sister." Dolly patted her chest and said.

"Ouch, I'm also my brother's sister." Hu Tao cheerfully interjected, joking, how could it be possible for you foreign sisters to have a sister who grew up with her and hugged Ning Ze since she was a child.

"Me too." Xiaoyingmei raised her hand and said.

"Me too." Fluffy also raised his little tail.

"Me too." Yaoyao, who came to eat with A Ping, nodded slightly.

" too..." Xiangling who followed Aping saw that everyone was talking, and raised her hand too.

"By the way, I'm Ozawa's older sister~ Sister Dolly." Ning Guang said, slightly raising Erlang's legs, with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Eh..." Dolly sat down in embarrassment, knowing that she couldn't compare with Ningguang in terms of acquaintance time, so she had to ask why Ningguang prevented her from finding Ning Ze.

Chapter 312

After the episode of Dolly, there was a lot more laughter at the dinner table, but Dolly and Ningguang were very embarrassed, especially Ningguang, who was originally calm, was almost slapped into the table by Beidou who laughed convulsively. .

After dinner, Ning Ze took Nilu, Dolly and others to go shopping near Feiyunpo, and patiently introduced the things on the way.

"Ningze Ningze, I heard that Liyue's balm is very good, do you know where to buy it?" Dixiya, who upholds the concept of thrift and family management, kept her mind and tried not to let herself buy those expensive stores. Cosmetics to die for.

"Oh, I'm eating Huyan, why don't I take you to see it tomorrow?" Ning Ze explained, Feiyunpo is very big, and there are many places to visit, if you want to eat Huyan, you have to go tomorrow.

"It's easy to say! I just change shifts tomorrow, so tell me a time and I'll come to you." Di Xiya said, patting Hutao's elusive Danshaya.

"You just come here. I'm very free recently, and I have time anytime." Ning Ze assured with a smile that his work in the General Affairs Department is not a big deal and he doesn't need to do it, and the Seven Stars have nothing to say about it. Fishing openly.

"Huh? Ma'am?" Ning Ze just took the three girls to a commercial street, and happened to meet a lady who was taking a break and shopping.

"Ning Ze?" When the lady saw Ning Ze, her calves were trembling. This man looked harmless to humans and animals, but in fact he could sell her at any time.

Especially the last time I talked about compensation with Ning Ze, she was almost tricked into signing a sell-off contract at a price of 30 billion moras to become Ning Ze's person.

From then on, the lady has a shadow on Ning Ze, she commits ptsd just thinking of Ning Ze, not to mention seeing Ning Ze, immediately thinking of herself as Ning Ze's person...

"Quick! Help me go back to Beiguo Bank!" The lady hurriedly urged the Tibetan lady beside her to take her back, for fear that Ning Ze would come over and force her to sign the contract of sale. I can only be Ning Ze's thing for the rest of my life.

"Uh... Maybe she has something to do?" Ning Ze was a little embarrassed to see the strange eyes of the three women. He and the lady were just nodding acquaintances. Why was he so afraid of him?

Afterwards, Ning Ze took Nilu and the others to stroll around the street for a while, and then sent them back to the inn before leaving.

Walking in the brightly lit Liyue Port, Ning Ze squinted at the starry sky in a daze. It would be great if this kind of leisurely life could last forever.

"Miss, please pay." At this time, the candied haws vendor Ning Ze frequented stopped a white-haired girl with a helpless and tough tone.

"I told you, you can go directly to Beiguo Bank to withdraw money." The girl said with a blank face, looking like a girl with three things.

"Oh, my sister, we only accept cash here, you wear such nice clothes, you don't even have more than a dozen bunches of candied haws from me!" The peddler was about to cry. For business, the girl made a bunch of candied haws a day and asked him to go to Beiguo Bank to withdraw money.

As a result, after he went, the fools almost kicked him out of the bank, saying that he was here to scam money.

"Hmmm..." Ning Ze looked at the girl's cute crooked head, subconsciously thought of Zhong Li and Wendy at home, went up silently to persuade the quarrel, and gave the peddler some Mora before leaving. .

The peddler saw that Mo La had already got it, so he stopped pursuing the girl's affairs, and continued to yell while carrying a pole containing candied haws.

"A person from Yanshen?" The girl looked at Ning Ze in surprise, then turned and walked towards Beiguo Bank, wanting to ask why she didn't give the peddler any money.

After returning home, Zhong Li sat on the sofa and drank tea. Most of the girls lay flat without any image. After all, they were already very tired from work, so they naturally wanted to release themselves in the Hall of Rebirth.

Only Ning Guang, Shen He and others still maintained the status quo, but staring at Ning Ze seemed to write a word: "I want a child!"

"That... isn't it the right time for me to come?" Ning Ze looked at Akhmar who was holding the red rope in his hand, and felt bad. He had already touched the door and was ready to leave at any time.

"No, no, you came at the right time~hehehe~hehehe~" Akhmar and Amon had already held down Ning Ze while talking, especially Akhmar, who spent the whole afternoon persuading Zhong Li, should you try to tie Ning Ze up?

And Zhong Li refused at first, because she is a more passive type, and she is more used to Ning Ze taking the initiative, but under Akhmar's bottomless description, Zhong Li was moved.

Following Zhong Li's heartbeat, the others were also persuaded by Akhmar one by one. Anyway, it's just a small affair between husband and wife, and it's not for Ning Ze.

"Wait! Rongrong! Rongrong, save me!!!" Ning Ze shouted under control, he already knew that Zhong Li acquiesced in this kind of behavior, and now all he can rely on is the obedient and obedient Rongrong.

"Hehehe~ My lovely Ning Ze, Rongrong and Xiaoying are already asleep, no one can save you, so you just follow us obediently~" Akhmar said with an idiot-like laugh, even if only once , even if Ning Ze will press her down on the bed and beat her up tomorrow, she will still be above Ning Ze.

Apep, who hadn't slept yet, quickly covered his eyes, and peeked at Akhmar's dishonesty through his fingers, feeling very dissatisfied in his heart. Obviously Ningze should be responsible for her, but now Akhmar is actually hated I took it away.

"I'm sorry, Ning Ze... I... want to be above you too..." Zhong Li leaned into Ning Ze's ear guiltily, every time Ning Ze was above her, so she also wanted to be above Ning Ze .

The other few Shen He who did not agree had no choice, after all, one or two of her could not take the initiative.

"Forget it, you can do whatever you want..." Ning Ze knew that this was the wish of all the girls, since they were all his wives anyway, so he could do whatever he liked, anyway, he was quite comfortable.

The next morning, Akhmar pitifully admitted his mistake to Ning Ze. Where the rope could control Ning Ze, it was just a little fun between husband and wife.

But as the one who took the lead, Akhmal bore the biggest blowback.

"Do you still dare?" Ning Ze bit Akhmar's ear and asked.

"Don't dare anymore...I really dare not this time..." Akhmar glared fiercely at Zhong Li who was still pretending to be dead. I kept huddling in a corner and pretending to sleep.

Besides her, everyone else seemed to have made an appointment. They pretended to sleep together and left her alone to bear Ning Ze's counterattack. They didn't even respond to Amon being screwed by her, and they didn't say anything and got up to help her.

Chapter 313 Patience

After that, Ning Ze looked at Zhong Li, although it was just a little fun, but Zhong Li's betrayal made Ning Ze very sad, so...

"Slightly...I know...wrong...Ning Ze." This time Zhong Li was still above Ning Ze, but this time she was passive.

"Don't you like to be above me? My dear Di Ji~" Ning Ze said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, could he let it go?nonexistent!

"Hey~" Rao Zhong Li wanted to maintain the last little bit of his dignity as a rock king, but she couldn't bear it at all.

"Hey hey..." Akhmar smiled mockingly. Although she was more embarrassing, it was enough for Zhong Li to be embarrassing too.

Ning Ze, who finally declared complete victory, left the room.

"Ningze!!!" Apepu hugged Ningze pitifully, she understood that she could only rely on Ningze in this family, but Ningze was often snatched away by the hateful Akhmar, she had to It takes effort to keep.

"What's wrong? Apepu?" Ning Ze gently hugged Apepu. This grass dragon has completely become a child. After all, he made her like this, so he can only take care of her.

"What do you want to eat today?" Ning Ze said, holding up Apepu with one hand, and then walked into the kitchen to prepare breakfast, every day when eating.

"Sweet! I want sweet!" Apepu kissed Ning Ze's neck obediently, and gently embraced it with two small hands, very addicted to the feeling of being pampered by Ning Ze.

"Big Brother..." The little Yingmei who just woke up looked at Apepu in a daze. Is that where she is?That's where the big brother used to hold her, right?The big brother should be holding her there, right?

Why would Apep take her place to have breakfast with her big brother?Could it be that she was going to be replaced by Apep?Could it be that big brother doesn't like her?

"Xiaoying, are you awake? Xiaoying? What's wrong with you!?" Ning Ze hurriedly ran to Xiaoyingmei who was holding back her tears, thinking that something was wrong with her.

"It''s okay...big brother..." Xiaoyingmei pouted and said, tears rolled in her big eyes, looking very pitiful.

"Xiaoying..." Ning Ze hurriedly picked up Xiaoyingmei and coaxed her, and asked softly if Xiaoyingmei felt uncomfortable, whether she should let Zhong Li take a look and so on.

"Hmm..." Xiao Yingmei didn't speak, she hugged Ning Ze tightly and was unwilling to let go. She really didn't want to fight, but she didn't want to give up this position and shoulder to anyone else.

Looking at the little Yingmei who was tightly clamping his legs and Apepu with a strange face, Ning Ze could only sit on the sofa with the two little ones. Apep, who has to be taken care of, cannot let go of both.

"Ha~ Morning~ Brother... eh?" Hu Tao looked at the two little ones who were hugging Ning Ze with a dazed expression, and thought they were acting like a baby, so she knew that Feipu was sandwiching them.

"Hmm! Help! Help!" Apep, who wanted to continue acting like a baby, suddenly felt a squeeze, and it hurt so hard.

After sobbing in Ning Ze's arms for a while, Xiaoyingmei finally regained her original mood. Sure enough, the big brother cared about her, and she was too hypocritical.

"I'm sorry big brother... It's Xiaoying who misunderstood big brother... I... I'm going to make breakfast for big brother right now... Please don't be angry." Little Yingmei said that she was about to get up to make breakfast.

"Hey! Xiaoying, you are so good, let me make breakfast for the cutest little Ying in the family today, okay?" Ning Ze said, smacking Xiaoying's face.

"Well... I'm sorry big brother, Xiaoying won't think wildly in the future, but when I grow up, I must marry big brother!" After Xiaoying was slapped, she wanted to cling to Ning Ze's body, Cute and obedient.

"Ning am I not cute?" Seeing Ning Ze's favoritism towards the younger sister, Apepu became anxious. She also wanted to be praised by Ning Ze, and even swore before:

"I, Apepu, is dead! Outside of the dead world, I will not eat anything from Ningze if I am smashed into elemental power by Tianli with the Nail of Cold Sky."

Forget it all.

"Apepu is also very cute~" Ning Ze rubbed Apepu's head.

"Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa care is my brother, am I not cute?" Seeing that the two cubs were acting like a baby, Hu Tao also started acting cute.

"Of course you're cute, you are the cutest baby sister in my universe." Ning Ze tapped Hu Tao's forehead.

"Huh?" Hu Tao nodded her face, the implication was very obvious, and she wanted to slap her.

"Hmph~" After getting what she wanted, Hu Tao hugged Xiaoyingmei, Xiaoyingmei hugged Apepu and posted stickers in the living room, while Ningze went to make breakfast.

"Damn..." Apepu shivered while sitting in the arms of her little sister. In terms of qualifications, she was no match for Hu Tao, and in terms of ability, she was no match for her little sister. If this continues, wouldn't she lose Ningze forever? up?

Although it felt weird, Apep secretly made up his mind that he must find a way to get more favor from Ning Ze this time, and then ride on Akhmar's head to do his best.

Xiaoyingmei didn't think so much, she was still too entangled in the position of her younger sister, she was already growing up soon, she was almost there, when she was going to have a baby with her elder brother, the younger sister's position was handed over to Ah Pep is ready.

"Big brother~" Little Yingmei's palms use elemental force to form Ningze, her grown-up self, and their children. She has endured for too long, and she is only one step away from being with her beloved. Big brother got married.

It's hard to endure this kind of thing, but because the elder brother said it, Xiaoying must endure it, even if she can temporarily return to her adult form now.

"Hurry up... hurry up... my dear Ning Ze, I have always loved you~" Xiaoyingmei suddenly muttered in a daze.

"Eh..." Feeling something was wrong, Apepu shrank her neck. She really wanted to go to Ning Ze, but she didn't dare to move just by smelling the smell of Xiao Yingmei.

"Xiaoying?" The walnut, who had buried her face in Xiaoyingmei's hair, was a little strange.

"What's the matter? Sister Hutao?" The little Yingmei who came back to her senses raised her head and asked.

"It's nothing, should we help brother? He can't do it alone, right?" Hu Tao asked after kissing the little sister.

"Yeah! Let's go help together!" Xiaoyingmei nodded repeatedly, and then carried Apepu to the kitchen to help.

"Brother!!!" Being so frightened by Xiaoyingmei, Apepu almost cried, trembling with Ningze in his arms, he would rather sit and eat with Tianli than be with Xiaoyingmei.

Chapter 314 Yingerche vs Dixia

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