"Ah!?" Amber looked at Yula in a daze, and only then did he realize that he had been tricked by Yula.

"Stupid Ningze!!!" Yula threw a flying kick at Ningze, she searched for several days, Ningze was originally hiding in this Rebirth Hall.

Chapter 317

"Idiot, idiot! Why did you let me look for you for so long! It's too much! I won't do anything to you! Why didn't you come to me? Why?" Yula waved her small fist and lightly tapped Ning Ze's shoulder, aggrieved Tears could not stop streaming down.

"You? Yula? Don't you hate Ning Ze very much?" Now Amber was stunned. He had told himself before that he would castrate Ning Ze, but now he threw himself into his arms and acted like a baby. which kind?

"I'm just talking casually! I've held vengeance so many times, has there ever been a time when I really took revenge!?" Yula retorted confidently, and then gently embraced Ning Ze with both hands.

"In the future... don't be scared away by me... I know I was wrong... I won't scare you again in the future." Yula said weakly.

"Sorry..." Ning Ze hugged Yula lightly. In fact, before the snow mountain incident, Ning Ze and Yula were very good friends. In Mond, a place where Lawrence's surname is discriminated against, Ning Ze would replace Yula every time. Come out and give physics education to those who discriminate against Yura.

At that time, Ning Ze stayed in Mond for more than a month, and most of the materials were collected with the help of Yula and Amber, and the two had fought together several times, repelling a siege by the Qiuqiu people During the siege of Mond, they also drank together in the wind.

In Yula's heart, Ning Ze has long been an important friend, but the snow mountain incident made her feel ashamed and annoyed, she waved a big sword to make Ning Ze responsible, but because she was too nervous, her mouth became : "I'm going to castrate you!"

That's why Ning Ze was so scared that he ran back to Liyue overnight. After that, Yula always wanted to wait for Ning Ze to send a letter of confession. As long as Ning Ze was willing to admit his mistake to her, then she would forgive Ning Ze, but Ning Ze should be held accountable. .

But usually Yula likes to hold grudges the most, and she has to say about this matter hundreds of times a day before she is willing to give up. It is the first time for everyone in the West Wind Knight to see Yula so angry, so they reached a consensus not to talk about it anymore And the matter of Ning Ze, let alone stimulate Yula any more.

So Ning Ze's letter...

"Hey~" Lisa, who was drinking tea in Mond, stuck out her tongue, and then continued to organize the letters sent by Ning Ze. At the beginning, Ning Ze also tried to study his own alchemy and local alchemy. difference.

So I communicated a lot with Lisa and Abedo. Besides, Ning Ze had a good relationship with Qin, Di Luke, Rosalia, and Amber, and occasionally wrote some letters.

It's just that Yula's share is usually seized by her, and then kept in secret to prevent Ning Ze from irritating Yula.

"Alas~ A girl's heart is always unpredictable. I don't know if little Ningze saw Yula and Amber's ulterior motives this time?" Lisa said to herself while playing with the envelope.

"Lisa, what are you doing?" The yawning Qin came to Lisa's room. The two are close friends, so they have always lived together.

"I'm reading the love letter written by Xiao Ningze to you." Lisa joked, shaking the envelope.


"I'm just kidding~" Lisa stuck out her little tongue, very satisfied that Qin was still as easy to deceive as ever.


So up to now, although Yula keeps talking about what to do with Ningze, she is actually panicked to death, and she dare not even use her vacation, she is going to save it up and ask Ningze to explain.

"Really! Why didn't you come to me? Could it be that you really thought I would do something to you?" Yula thumped angrily, dissatisfied that Ning Ze didn't trust her, and held grudges!Take revenge fiercely!To make Ning Ze lie on the bed and be unable to get out!Ning Ze cried and begged her to be gentle!

"Then... Miss Yula, who is beautiful, gentle and magnanimous, can you forgive me for misunderstanding you all this time?" Ning Ze looked at the angry Yula, and couldn't help asking softly.

"Forgive me! But...you don't trust me...I have a grudge! So...so I...I want you...I want you..." Yula tried hard to say the draft she had prepared for a long time , but halfway through the speech, he became dizzy and couldn't keep awake.

"I'm sorry, Amber, for making you worry all the time." Ning Ze carried the fainted Yula to his room, planning to let her rest for a while.

"How...how come...you can reconcile...I am also very happy..." Amber stammered and explained, but there was an indescribable feeling deep in his heart, just like himself It shouldn't be here, it should be under the table.

"Is that so... That's great." Ning Ze said softly, and then took out the information he asked Ningguang to help collect.

"This is the information collected by a friend of mine. It probably records the whereabouts of Mr. An. Although it may not be completely accurate, it is better than the current aimless search." Ning Ze said and handed the information to Amber.

Because more than three months have passed, there is not much information, but it is roughly recorded that Mr. An has appeared in Liyue Port and Qingcezhuang.

It's a pity that Ye Lan is not here now, otherwise, if she is allowed to take action, maybe some new information can be unearthed.

"Thank you..." Amber took the information and hugged it in his arms, as if he was holding something extremely precious. From the corner of his eyes, he looked at Yula who was sleeping soundly, a little envious, but he was quickly taken back.

"All in all, in Liyue, if you have anything to do, please come to me. After all... I have troubled you a lot in Mond." Ning Ze put his hand gently on Amber's shoulder.

Amber, the first character in his previous life other than the traveler, although in terms of strength, Amber is not the strongest and most useful, but as a guide, Amber is definitely the most likable, after all, who can refuse a character? Enthusiastic and cheerful, a little innocent and romantic, and will teach you how to use the girl with the wings of the wind?

In this life, Amber is still his guide in Mond, and helped him find a lot of information. In one operation, Ning Ze even helped Amber block an arrow.

"Thank you..." Amber suppressed his tears and thanked in a low voice, but Ning Ze noticed the strangeness at a glance.


"Ning Ze! I still have something to do! Yula wakes up and let her go back by herself! I'll go first!" Amber said and ran away without looking back, leaving only Ning Ze standing in place with his outstretched hand. .

"This girl..." Ning Ze looked at Yula who was chattering, and then at Amber who had escaped, and planned to have a good talk with her next time, after all, Yula has worked hard for too long.

"Brother~" Hu Tao, who had been watching from the sidelines, wrapped his arms around Ning Ze's waist and stared at him kindly.

"What's the matter? Hu... Aww!!!" Before Ning Ze could finish speaking, Hu Tao twisted her soft rib hard, causing Ning Ze to scream more than Qiu Qiuyao in pain.

"Huh heh heh~" Seeing Ning Ze in such pain, Hu Tao showed a satisfied expression, worthy of her Wuxiang twist after studying with Zhong Li for so long.

Chapter 318 The Gentle Asura Field

"Huh~" Yula rolled over in her sleep, and then touched something soft, which should be the lower abdomen and the vest line.

"Hmm~ this grudge... I've written it down..." Yula thought it was her own pillow, and subconsciously clasped her neck with both hands.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Suddenly, there was a coughing sound from the pillow, which made Yula wake up a little bit, thinking it was Ning Ze lying next to her.

"Stinky Ningze! I've been looking for you for so long, so I shouldn't punish you?" Yula thought that the strength in her hands had not diminished, and her legs clamped tightly around Ningze's waist, ready to let her Ning Ze felt his pain.

"Help! Help! Ning Ze!!!" Ning Ze, who was under control, called Ning Ze with great effort, and the voice was also female.

"Ning Ze?" Yula's hand touched down, it was soft, and it should be as good as her own when pinching, and then she opened her eyes to see...

"Who are you!" Yula quickly let go of the Big Dipper, and then stepped back several steps, clutching her chest for fear of losing herself.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Beidou, who was finally able to breathe, lay on the bed panting heavily. She just wanted to smell Ning Ze more, but the guy named Yula who was lying next to her suddenly choked her throat.

"I'm so fucking Big Dipper!" Big Dipper yelled, rubbing his throat, and when Yula locked his throat, she was in a trance, and even saw the old village chief waving to her from the other side.

"I didn't ask you about the stars, who did I ask you!" Yula grabbed Beidou's collar and roared. Regarding the constellations, she had already heard from that Astologis Mona Megisto Si talked about it many times, and she even kept Mona at home in order for Mona to predict Ningze's movements.

"My name is Beidou!!!!" Beidou said as he grabbed the pillow and slammed it on Yula's head.

"Ah!!!! Ice! Cut off..."

"The one who destroyed the seamount..."

Just when the two were about to hit the superconducting reaction, Ning Ze opened the door and stared at the second daughter who grabbed the pillow for a while.

"I'm sorry to disturb you." Ning Ze said, closing the door, and then turned around to have dinner.

"Ahhh! Ningze, listen to my explanation!"

After this episode, Yula and Beidou can be regarded as getting along with each other, but the two still have a lot to ask for advice on martial arts.

"Ning Ze..." Yula swooped and hugged Ning Ze, then turned around to go behind Ning Ze, and locked her throat to exert force.

"You're carrying me behind your back...with so many girls!!!" Yula said, throwing Ning Ze onto the sofa with a German-style arch bridge fall.

"Alas..." Zhong Li sighed helplessly, then turned around and took Yula to her room. As Ning Ze's wife, and the past, she only hoped that she could be safe now?

"Brother? Didn't you die?" Hu Tao poked Ning Ze with her staff, and Yula still felt sorry for Ning Ze, otherwise she should have smashed it on the flowerpot of the end.

"It's okay, let me lie down." Ning Ze waved his hand. After all, according to Ying'er's definition, his height can be regarded as the level of being divided into corpses and drifting to a distant place, so Yula dared not fight back when he beat him.

After Zhong Li's persuasion, Yula finally forgave Ning Ze, but she just said that Ning Ze wanted to make up for herself and that she would be on call during Li Yue's time.

And treat yourself and Amber better, if there is another situation where you can't find it, Yula will really take revenge.

"Yes! I promise!" Ning Ze knelt down in front of Yula with a cute face. He has used this trick many times, and he has used it on Zhong Li, Ning Guang, Gan Yu, Yan Fei, A Ping and others before. , After all, they are all their own wives, so there is nothing to mind about this kind of thing.

"I...I have to go back, after all, Amber is still waiting for me...you...you remember! Otherwise, I will take revenge!" Finally, Yula, who was satisfied, turned her head and left the hall of death.

"Husband/Dear/Ozawa/Ningze/Brother/Junior Ozawa~" After Yula left, all the girls looked at Ningze, except Xiaoyingmei and Apepu who had been sent back to the room to rest. Finally, Wendy and the others also went back to their own room. All the people present were adults, except for Walnut.

"That... Dear all... What's the matter?" Ning Ze moved his knees awkwardly, as the saying goes, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

With his sins, not being hit by a hatchet is already a very good ending, not to mention that the girls don't mind this matter, kneeling down to their wives, it's not shabby, anyway, he is still above them at night.

"I'm going to rescue Ruo Tuo tomorrow. I hope I can sleep well. I need a massage~ to make~my body~soft~soft~ a little~" Zhong Li smiled lightly and helped Ning Ze up. She was pushed out by everyone. Yes, even if Akhmar is not convinced.

"Okay..." Ning Ze didn't realize the seriousness of this sentence at this time, and was supported by Zhong Li back into the room.

"Everyone wants it~" Zhong Li pointed to Zhong Li behind him and added.

"That's right~" Everyone hugged Ning Ze one after another, some took the initiative and some were coerced, after all, there are already enough people in the Xiangsheng Hall, if there are more, it will be expanded.

"Obey!" Ning Ze returned to the room as if resigned to his fate. Just like that, Ning Ze spent the whole night helping the girls soften their bodies, um... really softening their bodies.

The next morning, Xiao Yingmei looked suspiciously at the satisfied faces of the girls, feeling that she had missed something very important.

"Big brother? What's the matter with you?" Xiao Yingmei gently tugged on Laningze's sleeve, tilting her head in confusion.

"It's nothing, I just stayed up late yesterday, ha~ Xiaoying, I'll make a cup of strong tea later." Ning Ze yawned and said, the massages one by one were too hard.

Fortunately, Ningguang Gan Yuyanfei and the others still had work and couldn't return, otherwise with so many people together, he might not have massaged until dawn.

"Oh...but big brother, don't stay up too often, sleep well tonight." Xiaoyingmei reminded.

"Hmm..." Ning Ze nodded slightly, and then plunged his head into Shen He's thigh.

"You worked hard yesterday, Junior Brother Ozawa." Shen He stroked Ning Ze's head lightly. It was true that Ning Ze suffered a lot last night, but she and Beidou and others went to bed very early. I don't know Zhong Li and Ahma What did you and others do.

"Let me...sleep for a while..." Ning Ze rubbed Shen He's thigh, and then lay down to rest in the lap with the fragrance of pure heart.

"Ning Ze fell asleep?" Zhong Li took the quilt and covered Ning Ze. They just wanted to teach Ning Ze a lesson, but they still felt distressed.

"Hehehe~ Ozawa is so cute~" Beidou squatted aside and lightly poked Ningze's face. Akhmar and Amon had already taken out their silent cameras and started taking pictures frantically.

"You guys..." Zhong Li laughed dumbfoundedly, and then nodded lightly at Ning Ze.

"Temporarily... let Ruo Tuo wait for a while."

"Tsk tsk tsk ~ Wendy gently shook her head aside, very puzzled by their behavior.

"Damn it! If I knew I would have gone too!" After all, the regretful one punched the table and regretted endlessly.

"Hush!" Walnut raised a finger to signal to lower her voice.

"Really, you all love your brother, why do you treat him like this?" Puzzled Apepu shook his head slightly.

Chapter 319 Elimination of Evil Thoughts

At noon, Ning Ze yawned and got up from Shen He's soft thighs, mainly because he was tired from the massage, otherwise he wouldn't have fallen asleep.

"Oh~" Because of the numbness in his thigh, Shen He made a very cute voice, which made Ning Ze feel distressed.

"It's okay, Senior Sister Shen He." Ning Ze gently stroked Shen He's soft thighs. Although he grew up eating herbs and wild fruits in the mountains, Shen He basically developed as he should, and was as soft as he should be.

"It's okay, Junior Brother Ozawa, but I want..." Shen He gestured with open arms. Although the relationship has been confirmed, Shen He is still very keen on Ning Ze's hug, especially Ning Ze's initiative.

Seeing this, Ning Ze gently embraced Shen He's willow waist, buried his face in his snow-white long hair, and greedily sucked Shen He's smell. Because of Shen He's background, Ning Ze has always felt sorry for Shen He, but think about it carefully. , Shen He doesn't care about the past now, he just relies on himself.

Now that Shen He has his own job and friends in Liyue, Ning Ze can rest assured.

"Junior Brother Ozawa..." Shen He buried his face on Ning Ze's shoulder in a dignified manner. For her, Ning Ze is everything in the world. If there is no Ning Ze, she would rather go back to the mountains until Turned into dust.

"You..." Hu Tao gritted his teeth while serving tea to refresh Ning Ze, then hugged Ning Ze's back angrily, and occupied the last shoulder.

After warming up for a while, Ning Ze prepared to go with Zhong Li to catch Ruo Tuo. This time Ning Ze only brought Apepu, and the three of them came to Fulongshu together.

"Tut tsk tsk... What a wonderful dragon, why is there something wrong with his brain." Apepu sighed and shook his head, expressing sympathy for the current situation of his own kind, and then walked into Fulong tree under the leadership of Zhong Li internal.

Fulong tree is not so much a tree as it is Ruo Tuo's tail, but the place that enters the inside is not...cough cough cough!

It was just a gap in Ruotuo's tail. When Zhong Li had a decisive battle with Ruotuo, the helpless Zhong Li threw a huge rock spear and nailed Ruotuo's tail.

When Ruo Tuo was finally sealed, the gap was not fully recovered, so Zhong Li simply used this gap as the entrance to Ruo Tuo's consciousness space.

Hearing Zhong Li's explanation, Ning Ze, who was somewhat resistant at first, was relieved. He thought this place was Ruotuo's butt, but it would have been much better.

After arriving in the inner space, two little girls, one black and one white, were fighting each other. Four chubby little hands were waving and beating each other indiscriminately. They looked cute and distressing, and the corners of Ning Ze's mouth couldn't stop watching. convulsions.

"..." Ning Ze turned his head to look at Zhong Li, with a look of doubt in his eyes. Ning Ze didn't communicate much with Ruo Tuo during the War of the Demon God, and most of the time, Ruo Tuo stayed in the rock giant. Yuan and Ning Ze wandered around Tianheng Mountain City and Guiliji.

"This is Ruotuo's real body...it's just..." Zhong Li hugged his arms guiltily, squeezing Tianyun Pass until it bulged, looking very attractive.

"Alas..." Ning Ze shook his head slightly, then looked at Apepu, wanting to know what she had in mind.

"My... brother, after you give me the elemental power, I will block the evil thoughts for a certain period of time, so that she will not be resurrected again, and the rest will be handed over to Zhong Li." Apepu thought I want to say.

As the plan was almost drawn up, Ning Ze and Zhong Li did not hesitate. The former handed over the elemental power to Apepu without reservation, while the other hand was holding the repaired God Speed ​​Love to prevent himself from draining it dry. The latter held a long gun and killed him the moment his evil thoughts were blocked.

Ruo Tuo and Zhong Li's strength are almost the same, but evil thoughts are not equal to Ruo Tuo, she is just another personality of Ruo Tuo, not to mention that Apepu has isolated her from Ruo Tuo's body, and she has lost the advantage of infinite resurrection .

So in just a few rounds, the evil thoughts that originally tried to resist were pierced by Zhong Li, turned into a little black mist and wrapped in Apepu, forming a round ball, and through the thin diaphragm, the remnant soul of the ancient dragon inside could be seen An angry roar.

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