"Sorry..." Apepu looked at the remnant souls guiltily. These kindred spirits should return to the earth veins instead of lingering on Ruo Tuo's body, and finally consumed the few ancient dragons.

"Morax?" Ruo Tuo, who was observing the whole process, looked at Zhong Li, and after confirming that the evil thoughts that had been interfering with his body disappeared, he ran towards Zhong Li with short legs. ap.

"What are you going to do with these evil thoughts?" Ning Ze knelt down and asked Apepu. After all, this is her kind. According to Apepu, Gu Long has been killed by Tianli to the point that there are not many left.

"Let them return to the earth's veins, that is... go home." Apepu said and left Ruo Tuo's body on his own. Ning Ze glanced at Zhong Li and Ruo Tuo, turned around and left with Apepu.

"Go home, go home, everyone is a child of Tivat..." Apepu muttered some language that Ningze could not understand, and the evil thoughts that were originally full of resentment flew out of the ball and surrounded Apepu Three laps, and then submerged into the ground.

There is no change in the leylines. Gu Long himself is the original aborigine of Tivat, and entering the leylines is almost like going home for them.

"Brother..." After sending away the evil thoughts, Apepu threw herself into Ningze's arms and cried loudly. She had been telling herself not to cry just now, because she was the ancient dragon who was about to become king.

But with the mentality of a child and witnessing the return of the few companions to the earth, no matter how strong Apepu was, he couldn't hold it anymore, and wept helplessly in Ning Ze's arms.

Ning Ze patted Apepu on the back lightly, and then softly comforted Apepu in the way he used to coax Hutao, although the meeting at the beginning was not very harmonious.

But the current Apepu is quite cute, at least Ning Ze likes the current Apepu very much, and is willing to treat her as his younger sister.

The two stayed outside the Fulong tree for an hour. After Ning Ze coaxed Apepu well, Zhong Li also walked out of the Fulong tree.

"Ning Ze, please go to the General Affairs Department, I'm afraid Ruotuo's news will be too loud and affect Liyue Port." Zhong Li said and handed a handwritten letter to Ning Ze.

This kind of thing, as long as a word flows out, it can cause countless people to snap up it, but Zhong Li usually only writes when the General Affairs Department issues important orders.

And the person who usually takes over is Gan Yu. After each task is completed, Gan Yu will take back the handbook, unless she herself is willing to sell it, otherwise it will be sealed in the secret room of the General Affairs Department.

Ning Ze nodded slightly to express his understanding, and then carried Apepu to Liyue Port, just as he also wanted to see if Gan Yu, who was working overtime, had a good rest, and how his sister, who was pale in blood, was doing recently.

Zhong Li was guarding at Fulongshu. As long as Liyue Port was ready, she was ready to let Ruotuo break out.

Chapter 320 Gan Yu's Secret

Ning Ze put Apepu on his shoulder, and then came to Yuehai Pavilion.

"Ning! Ze! Senior! Senior!!!" The sharp-eyed Xiaobai jumped directly in front of Ning Ze, and greeted Ning Ze excitedly, although she thought she was going to be fired several times because of a little misunderstanding.

But now Xiaobai has realized that Ning Ze is actually very talkative, as long as being lazy and not causing Gan Yu to work overtime, he doesn't care what happens in the office.

"Xiaobai, what's the matter?" Ning Ze responded with a light smile, Xiaobai is quite an interesting girl, and her chest is too ordinary, which always reminds Ning Ze of the walnuts at home.

"Is this your daughter? So cute~" Xiaobai said, reaching out to touch Apepu's face, but Apepu slapped it off before touching it.

"Huh!" Apepu proudly raised her head. She is Gu Long, one of the strongest creatures in Tewat, and she is about to stand side by side with Heavenly Law. No one can touch her except Ning Ze and her most feared little sister. Her head, unless she is from Ningze.

"Little sister, do you want some dessert?" Xiaobai rubbed her hands, and then took out a jar of almond cookies. She had seen Xiaoyingmei before, and her heart melted when she saw such a sensible and obedient little guy. Yes, and even touched a little face secretly.

If she hadn't been a lonely single nobleman to this day, she would have wanted to have a daughter who was as cute and obedient as her little sister.

"Hmm...you are only allowed to touch the face!" Apep swallowed, and then put forward his own conditions. After all, only the noble place on the top of the head is not allowed, not the face.

"Okay~ okay~" Xiaobai didn't care, and gently stroked Apepu's chubby little face with one hand. The superb technique made Ning Ze have to wonder if she had practiced.

"I have peanut candies and sesame candies here! Can I touch them?" Little Green couldn't help it, and took out the snacks wrapped in greased paper from his pocket.

"Wait!" The most coquettish Xiaohua pushed away a few colleagues, and then took out a whole bag of snacks from her chest, making the original Danshaya back to Mingguanxia.

"Give me all these, can I touch it first?" Xiaohua asked with a blushing face, her breathing gradually became short, and a glint of light reflected from her glasses.

"Yes...you can, but you can't do other things!" Feeling uncomfortable for a while, Apepu took a few steps back, but thought that he was an ancient dragon, how could he be frightened by mere human beings, so he raised his flat chest and raised his head. Get up your head and prepare to rub Xiaohua.

"Hehehe~hehehe~ so cute~hehehe~" Xiaohua, who was originally taciturn, let out an idiot-like laugh. Her favorite thing in the past was reading Inazuma's light novels.

But after the lock-up order, her spiritual food was cut off, especially in "Brother, a sister like you will fall in love with you!" "These days, I can only rely on eating to relieve it. Now that I see such a cute Apep, she finally can't help but want to do something.

"Eh..." Seeing everyone's enthusiasm for Apepu, Ning Ze naturally gave Apepu to the care of the people, while he walked into Gan Yu's office.

"Who!" Ning Ze just opened the door when he saw Gan Yu holding something with both hands, her face was flushed red, she looked very cute.

"Sister Gan Yu?" Ning Ze closed the door in surprise, then walked to Gan Yu's side to see what she was going to do.

"Xiao... Ozawa...why didn't you knock on the door..." Gan Yu blushed and covered things with Tianyun Pass, for fear that Ning Ze would see what was inside.

"Sister Gan Yu? Is there something you are hiding from me?" Ning Ze narrowed his eyes and approached Tianyun Pass, and exhaled at the sensitive area.

"Hey!!!" Gan Yu jumped up subconsciously and covered Tianyun Pass, and then realized that her secret had been discovered.

""Brother, a sister like you will fall in love with you!"?" Ning Ze casually flipped through a few pages after reading the name on the cover.

"Give it back to me!!!" Gan Yu let out a final cry of unwillingness, and then knew that he and Ning Ze kissed me and my life was coming to an end...

"Oh~ um~ oh~ ouch~ oh~ wow~ my god~ the king of the rock is on top!" Ning Ze let out various exclamations, hearing that Gan Yu had already shrunk under the table, Unfortunately, there was nothing to eat this time.

"Sister Gan Yu, did you write the story between me and you into a novel?" Ning Ze asked, shaking the novel.

"Hmm..." Gan Yu responded with a faint mosquito sound, and buried her face in the Tianyun Pass in despair. She could already imagine Ning Ze's eyes looking at the trash, and ignoring her own words in her life.

"Well... there is no ***, but the writing style is surprisingly good. Why don't you retire and write novels, sister Gan Yu, it's better than Tian Tian 0007." Ning Ze closed the book and said.

Gan Yu wrote the original ending and the new ending in this book. In the original ending, the hero and the heroine separated because of the theory of longevity. The new ending is that the heroine found a medicine that transcends the theory of lifespan, and the two were lucky.

"Oh? Aren't you angry, Ozawa?" Gan Yu raised her head and asked, she thought Ning Ze would be particularly angry, and then ignored her.

"What's there to be angry about? Sister Gan Yu, you are all mine now. It's no big deal to write a novel." Ning Ze has no objection, the stories in it have been greatly changed, and the whole process is pure love and purity , there is no *** at all, what advice can he give?add a bit***?

"Is that so... that's great..." Seeing that Ning Ze wasn't as angry and looked at trash as expected, Gan Yu finally felt relieved, but she was still a little inexplicably disappointed.

"Being used by Ozawa to look at garbage... No, no! I'm not a pervert! Only! No... I don't have expectations..." Gan Yu crazily denied the desire in her heart.

"Sister Gan Yu, you won't be threatened by Yae Shenzi because of this thing?" Ning Ze asked suddenly.

"No... I didn't... I did!" Gan Yu just wanted to deny it, but Ning Ze stared at him and couldn't tell a lie.

"Isn't she threatening with this novel?"


"You don't write novels because of this, do you?"


After learning everything from Gan Yu, Ning Ze silently wrote another account to Shenzi, but because of the awakened memory, Ning Ze was no longer going to give Shenzi popping candy, just spanking hard.

"Yi~" Shenzi, who was hugging Ningze's clothes and pillow, covered her mouth in response. She felt that Ningze was missing herself, and Ningze was the only thing in her mind now, whether it was eating fried tofu or eating Whether it is work or sleep, only Ning Ze is left.

"Really...why don't you come back~Master Ningze~The little fox has grown up~You can eat popping candies or eels~" Shenzi kissed the pillow and said, and then prepared to change his pants and sheets.

Chapter 321

After teasing Gan Yu for a few words, the satisfied Ning Ze gently hugged Wen Xiang Ruanyu, Gan Yu couldn't go home because of work, it was Zhong Li's fault no matter how you look at it, she should be punished properly today , but now it is sister Gan Yu who wants to punish overtime.

"Ozawa... I want to work..." Gan Yu pointed weakly at the complicated and chaotic documents on the desktop. The Tivat Idol Group has a role in driving popularity in Liyue, making the tourism industry during this period of time more effective. Otherwise, Gan Yu would not have asked Bai Chuan for instructions to work overtime. After all, wouldn’t it be nice for her to be the cute little coconut sheep in Ning Ze’s arms?

"Hmm..." Sensing that Ning Ze put herself down on purpose, causing her to collide with the air plug on Ning Ze's pad, Gan Yu immediately shut her mouth and did not speak.

If you say the wrong thing at this time, it will definitely be a long and hard throat opening battle later.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, this is the emperor's handwriting, please read it." Ning Ze handed out Zhong Li's handwriting and said, the matter of Zhong Li and A Ping is relatively confidential.

In the whole family, only Akhmar, Amon and Aping know Zhong Li's true identity, otherwise if Gan Yu knows that the person she often lies on is Yan Wang Di Ji, then it will be the Earl Lulu who exploded with elements. Kea tied to Elemental Burst - Melts at a touch closer.

As for A Ping, after her personality reversal last time, she already wanted to hang herself on the southeast branch of Tianheng Mountain because of what she did, let alone find Ning Ze, and she didn't want Yan Fei, Xiang Ling, Yao Yao and others Knowing this, otherwise she would lose face as a master?

"Emperor's handwriting?" Gan Yu quickly opened it, then scanned it carefully, and immediately started her own work.

But in the middle of writing, Gan Yu felt a little uncomfortable, and could only ask Ning Ze if she could move her position, otherwise there would be a foreign object in the way, and she would not be able to concentrate on doing things like this.

Seeing Gan Yu's cute appearance, Ning Ze gave a few mouthfuls of contentment, and slapped a handful of unicorn horns, ready to go and see Ke Qing and his master.

After all, he is already very unfilial, if he is unfilial to A Ping again, the relationship between the two of them will come to an end, and then they can only be...

"Ah~" Gan Yu who was teased pulled Ning Ze back, opened her mouth weakly and pointed inside, and retracted under the table.

"Gudong..." Ning Ze really wanted to refuse with righteous words, and turned to visit Ke Qing and A Ping, but...

"Sister Keqing, we haven't seen each other for a long time, so it's not too late." Ning Ze first silently apologized to Keqing, and then vowed to the lampstand to pay more attention to Aping.

In the end, Ning Ze stayed in Yuehai Pavilion for an hour to help Gan Yu with his work. After confirming that Gan Yu was fine, he left the office with peace of mind.

"Gudong..." Gan Yu licked her fingers carefully, and after confirming that there was no evidence left, she went to the bathroom beside her to wash her hands. She was not in a hurry to rinse her mouth for the time being. Gan Yu still wanted to taste the taste of Ningze more.

"Are you not working?" Ning Ze frowned slightly as soon as he left the office, and everyone surrounded Apepu, exclaiming from time to time.

Although Gan Yu didn't do anything, he actually helped Gan Yu complete the kpi. Generally speaking, the boss is incompetent, so the subordinates are asked to do things. Why in Yuehai Pavilion, the boss is capable of doing things, and he does the most. Subordinates still fish every day?

"Report to Mr. Ningze! We have completed the task!" Xiaobai held his document and handed it to Ningze for review. She was just a little calm, but her professional ability was still very strong.

When everyone was teasing Apepu, she had already completed tomorrow's KPI, and now she can still tease Apepu.

"We're done too!" Everyone shouted in unison, Yuehai Pavilion is not a big place, because the treatment is the best in Liyue Port, but the work is very complicated and requires a strong ability to adapt and withstand pressure.

Those who can stay here are basically the pillars of Liyue, although they all have unique skills in private, and have some hobbies that are not easy to talk about.

But the business ability can be said to be top-notch, and the hair is getting thinner and thinner. As for important things like blind dates, there is basically no time, but everyone likes children very much, and there is no such requirement. A tease.

"Oh~ I'll trouble you to deal with these." Ning Ze first smiled in relief, and then distributed the documents to everyone one by one.

Ignoring the screams in Yuehai Pavilion, Ning Ze gently picked up Apepu, who had a round belly, and went to Keqing.

My distant sister is the veritable King of Liyue Juan, but because she is too curly, although Ning Ze admires Ke Qing very much, he is somewhat resistant to her attitude towards life.

After all, this is not the first time Fang Caihua has complained to Ning Ze about how hard Keqing works, and joked: "If my family Ah Qing hadn't worked so hard, I would have matched you two into a young couple. Maybe I would hold my granddaughter together." It's up."

Faced with such a destructive joke, Ning Ze could only laugh in embarrassment, knowing that Hu Tao would usually follow him.

At that time, I still wanted to keep Ning Ze's Hu Tao, and every time I looked at Ning Ze deliberately with faint eyes, as if to say: Na Na Na ~ brother will not leave me.

But now Ning Ze has understood, what Hu Tao said is: brother!Please don't go!I will be obedient!It's okay as long as you don't leave.

On the way to Keqing's office, Ning Ze met Fang Caihua and several ladies who were shopping on the way.

"Ozawa~" Fang Caihua immediately went up to greet her, and took Apepu with ease and kissed her. Sure enough, Ning Ze knew her best.

Knowing that she likes children the most, she specially hugged a cute little granddaughter for her to play with, which is much better than Keqing's unfilial daughter.

"Alas..." Apepu was stunned. The only ancient dragon left in Tivat, who was about to break through the dragon king and become the strongest creature in Tivat, was actually kissed by someone other than Ning Ze?

Just when Apepu was about to get angry, Fang Caihua took out a chocolate bar for Apepu, successfully blocking Apepu's anger.

Apepu is not stupid. After seeing Ning Ze's respect, she immediately turned into a well-behaved look. She understood that the people Ning Ze respects are all people who must be wooed. For the future and Ning Ze's happy life, So what if she just endured it?

Ning Ze chatted with Fang Caihua for a few words. Fang Caihua complained that Keqing forgot to go home for soup and missed the family shopping. After saying goodbye to the ladies, he dragged Ning Ze back to drink a whole pot of yam and chicken soup.

In the end, Ning Ze and Apepu, who were full of bellies, approached Keqing.

"Sit!" Ke Qing sat across from Ning Ze with a sullen face, trying her best to maintain the dignity of being Ning Ze's boss, even though Ning Ze hadn't worked for several months...

"Sister~" As the saying goes, a thousand words are not as good as a "sister" kiss. Even though Ke Qing worked hard to get rid of this identity, she couldn't stand Ning Ze's coquettish tone.

The originally tense baby face collapsed immediately, and he covered his face not to let Ning Ze see his embarrassment, but he wanted to continue to maintain the majesty of his boss.

"Sister Keqing who loves me the most~" Ning Ze shouted again, her coquettish tone made Keqing completely unstoppable, she could only stand up and turn her back, and asked her secretary to throw the things that Hu Tao had done these days to Ning Ze. Ze.

"Well... Thirteen Qiuqiu camps were exterminated, and thirteen large pits were left behind, and a mountain was blown down, and then the Shanghao Shipo Mine was discovered. The seaside resort plan has not yet started, the reason is to clean up The hidden reef caused frequent explosions at Yaoguang Beach..." Ning Ze counted down the things Hu Tao committed these days one by one.

Cleaning up the Qiuqiu camp was a righteous act, but the ten-meter pit left behind took a lot of manpower, and the collapsed hill caused a lot of chain reactions, but fortunately, a good stone amber mine was discovered, Many miners can finally start working.

As for the matter of Yaoguangtan, the main reason is that there are huge explosions every day, causing many people to watch. An unlucky guy named Li Ben was blown away by the aftermath, and finally he did a 360-degree backflip in the sky and landed smoothly. to the feet.

But now there are many foreigners who come to Liyue specially to watch Explosion Magic, and even spend money to buy the VIP position set up by Walnut, to enjoy the whole process of Explosion Magic from a safe distance. The General Affairs Department also collected a lot of taxes from it, but Because of the recent Tivat idol group, basically no one watches Explosion Magic anymore.

After reading it, Ning Ze could only come up with one evaluation: merit and demerit balance out, and this is the reason why Ke Qing didn't send Hu Tao to prison.

Chapter 322 Blood is thicker than water

"Don't be a sister! I don't have a brother like you!" Keqing shouted angrily. She is a good brother. Others spend three days drying their nets and fishing for two days, but Ning Ze is better. .

It was okay before, I could still come to the General Affairs Department every few days, I still knew how to clock in for work, and I also knew to call myself Keqing, but now I don’t act, the General Affairs Department doesn’t come, and I don’t punch the card.

Every day, she would lie at home to rest or go on a trip. If Ning Ze hadn't done well at work, she would not be willing to fire her, lest she lose the chance to meet in the future.

"Sister~ I'm here to see you this time~" Ning Ze sat on the chair with an obedient face. Although Ke Qing looked very angry, Ning Ze understood Ke Qing too well. As long as she is good enough and looks pitiful, With Xixi's appearance, there is a high probability that Keqing will forgive him.

"Don't...don't put on such an appearance, it's useless to me!" Ke Qing raised her small head and scolded, she would usually call Ke Qing if she had nothing to do, and if she had something to do, she would be her sister, is she so easy to coax?

wrong!After seeing that Ning Ze was finally willing to come to her, Ke Qing became extremely difficult to coax. Ning Ze just wanted to ask her to forgive her sister?This difficulty is as difficult as making Gan Yu not eat Qingxin in front of her!

"Sister~ I know I'm wrong~" Ning Ze continued to show off his cuteness, and prepared his own big killer, the invincible Liyue's former foreign ministry leader, Yuheng Xing's eternal nemesis, Ning Ze's best aunt, Ke Qing Scariest mom ever.

"Hmph!" Ke Qing snorted arrogantly, silently counting in her heart how many times Bai Chuan called her sister, and this time, she would not forgive Ning Ze if she did not call her sister twenty times.

"I met my aunt before I came here. She asked me why you didn't go home again. I finished all of Auntie's Laohuo soup by myself." Ning Ze said in a coquettish voice.

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